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Runaway — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
@Roose :) Forward-dated to 4/12 if that's okay~

She was close! She was so close! And now there was proof of it, all thanks to Askan! The yearling couldn't help but to occasionally let out a small 'yip', perhaps a bounce or two, she was just so overjoyed! "Ha! Have I ever been this happy before? Why am I even so happy?" She giggled, bumbling about like a lunatic. Drestig was practically right around the corner! Soon she'd have a home! Right?

'Agh, Wait. Don't get too excited yet Ro. He could still turn ya down, y' know.' And it'd probably be easy, too. Especially considering the fact that man hadn't even seen her father in months! Was it super implausible to believe that perhaps strong bonds could be broken with time? 'But from the stories it sure sounded like he was a decent guy.. Jeez, what am I supposed to believe here?!' And almost within the blink of an eye, her broken nerves had complete control again. 'This is why other wolves don't like to talk to you, y'know.. 'Cuz you're always changing moods so fast, and, and getting so upset..' Letting out a heavy sigh, the muddied Andromeda decided it'd be in her best interest to sit down for a little while and just.. Rest.

(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2017, 09:59 AM by Rosalind.)
Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor

OOC! Sorry, didn't see your message until today for some reason.


Word Count: 343  

It had been an eventful few days.  Since deciding to officially become a member of Whitestone Monadnock, Roose had shared a private meal with his queen, had a productive conversation with both his leaders, attended a pack meeting and set his goal to earn his alphas’ trust, and been on a trip to visit their neighbors with Wraith.

All in all, very good.

The elder man was now out just beyond the borders, hoping to find something to munch on.  He’d given the previous day’s catch to Piety – never a wrong decision, giving an expecting mother food – and now he was hungry. This time he would eat before returning to avoid the obligation to share.  He did not begrudge his leader her right to eat first; she was eating for more than just herself, after all. But Roose had the right to eat as well, and he was going to do just that.

If he could find anything, that is. Before he could locate anything, however, he heard a voice drifting on the wind.  It sounded like someone talking.

With a sigh of resignation, Roose turned and began scanning the surrounding tundra for the source of the voice. He saw a dark shape in the distance.  He could easily turn and head back into the territory, but what sort of man would he be if he just let a loner wander so near their territory without at least gathering some information from them?

He picked up his pace, trotting towards the stranger and uttering a short bark to announce his presence as he approached.  The scent informed him this was a girl, still very young.  He slowed as he finally reached her, giving her enough space for her to feel safe. “Greetings.  I am Roosemooth, advisor to Whitestone Monadnock.  May I inquire your name and business in these parts?” Formal, perhaps, but polite.  Enough that she would hopefully not feel too threatened by his presence, but respect his status as a pack wolf.  With any luck, this would prove to be an informative meeting.

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
Sorry for the wait!! I got lost in the world of video games and egg-shaped chocolates! D;

Having been so lost in thought, Rosalind once again found herself startled by some stranger. She flung her body toward the direction of the figure in question, wide-eyed as usual, and allowed a small shriek to exit her maw. Perhaps it was about time to start paying more attention to her surroundings. The wolf was older, male, and bared a rather peppered coat of fur. He seemed alright enough at first glance, at least having the courtesy to give the fae her space. However she was still rather anxious, and hadn't the slightest clue what a Monadnock was.

"I-I'm uh, I'm really sorry, uhmm.." The young Tainn fumbled over her words as she so often did, shooting the male an apologetic glance as she tried to really concentrate on what it was that she should be responding with. "I'm uh, Rosalind.. R-Ro, if it's easier.." A frown formed upon her lips. Just how frequently was she planning on wandering near pack territory? "I-I'm looking for my uncle, his name is Drestig.. Would you happen to know him? O-or maybe a Triell? I'm really sorry, Is the White Moon-duck-rock nearby? I guess I didn't realize how close I was to another pack.."

Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor

OOC! You're good! I'm on leave right now anyway :)


Word Count: 307  

It would seem he managed to startle this girl after all.  The advisor sighed.  Young people these days… they just never learned how to pay attention to their surroundings.  Still, he kept a friendly smile on his face and listened as she stuttered her response. His ears pricked at the mention of their ally’s leader.

“Actually, I do.  I have just returned from a meeting with Drestig.” He told her.  “And you are not yet within pack borders, so don’t be afraid.” As long as she didn’t threaten his pack, or appear to be causing any trouble, the advisor would have no issues with the young girl.  So this was the niece of Wild Rye Fields’ monarch? How interesting.  

“Might I ask where you come from?” She couldn’t be from nearby if she didn’t know where her uncle lived, and it made Roose wonder just how big their neighbor’s family was.  If it was as extensive as Rosalind’s appearance suggested – even if it was one sibling who lived in another pack – it was a good thing they were allies.  Being enemies with someone who had such close ties with another pack could be useful.  Since this girl existed, it meant her parents were likely alphas as well.  This meant the ‘Triell’ family was noble. Which in turn meant many wolves at their back.

Perhaps their neighbors, which he had been unsure of, could be useful someday after all.  Logging this information away, the dark wolf turned his muzzle towards the Rye Fields.  “His pack’s territory is over that way.  It shouldn’t take you too long to reach it.” He told her. “I can take you, if you’d like.  I’m sure @Wraith and @Piety wouldn’t mind.” After all, escorting the king’s niece would be sure to increase their new ally’s faith in their pack, and doing favors for them wouldn’t hurt their standing.

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
Omg I will never make you wait this long again what is my problem omg Im so sorry D:

Ro's face lit up as the stranger explained that he did, in fact, know who she was referring to, and even more so when he was able to point her in a general direction. "I-I'm from Apparition Swamp, U-uhhh.." She tried to think of a good way to explain the location of her former home, but without even necessarily knowing how she ended up where she was now, well, the thought process seemed pretty impossible. "I-It's not anywhere near here.. B-But m' Dad lives there, sir! And he's always told me that Drestig was like a father to 'em!" She smiled, momentarily allowing her nerves to settle. If Drestig was really the man Darrah claimed him to be, well, she'd definitely have no problem feeling right at home with him.

"N-No offense sir, really, but this is probably going to be a really awkward first meeting.." the fae frowned. As much as she absolutely adored the thought of having an escort for the rest of her mission, she wasn't even sure if her anxiety was going to allow a rest of the mission. Sure, now it was easy to picture smooth sailing, but nothing would be set in stone until the official arrival at her uncles boarders. "I-I should probably do it alone... B-But I'll mention you!! A-and uhm, Who are Wraith and Pea-tea? Do they live with Drestig?"

Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor

OOC! Now it's my turn to appologize >.<


Word Count: 374  

This girl certainly was… odd.  She kept stuttering, despite Roose’s attempts to help set her at ease.  Was it possible she had a speech defect? He didn’t dare mention it; to do so would be incredibly rude. Instead he simply smiled and nodded as she stammered to explain where she came from.

“I myself and from the north. I traveled a long way to get to my last pack, and even longer to get to where I am now. I have seen enough of the world to know a long hard journey deserves a peaceful ending.” He said, hoping to further alleviate her anxiety. When she mentioned going alone, his tail swished.  Should he insist upon joining her? Would it be irresponsible for him to allow such a young woman to go traipsing across the tundra on her own? This time of year could be particularly dangerous.  But would it be rude to force his company upon her? Doing so would suggest he did not think her capable of finding her way from the Monadnock to the Rye Fields, and it was such a simple path.

He finally nodded. “I understand.” He did; awkward meetings were things he was very familiar with. He specialized in turning such a situation into something he could use. Her question about Piety and Wraith, however, earned a rare chuff of laughter. “No,” he shook his head, a smile still gracing his maw. “Piety and Wraith are the alphas of Whitestone Monanock; my leaders. It was with Wraith that I recently visited your uncle.” He glanced over his shoulder at the barren land he’d decided to call his home. “If you would like to rest for the night, I’m sure if you asked politely they would let you stay, so you can be well-rested for the last leg of your journey tomorrow.”

That was another big difference between the new patriarchs and the old.  Craw – and Morganna, he assumed – would never have allowed a stranger to stay even one night in their land without paying some sort of price beyond them, if at all. Wraith and his queen wanted to cultivate positive feelings with their neighbors, and would likely not mind having Drestig’s niece for one night. He hoped.

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
No worries xD

Rosalind let a light smile graze her maw, the strangers words came off as rather wise and reassuring. 'Peaceful ending', huh? Was that really what was in store for her? The fae could only hope it were that easy. After all, the only things she knew about Drestig were the things Darrah decided to share with her, and how credible was he /really after constantly falling victim to substance abuse? Though the man in front of her now hadn't bad-mouthed him thus far, and he seemed pretty alright. "I'm glad everything worked out for you, s-sir.." her tail began to wag lightly in the breeze.

Ah, so the pair weren't necessarily associated with her uncle, but with the moon-duck-rock. Though at the very least they were allies, or at least as far as she could tell. "W-Well, that actually..." Didn't sound like such a bad idea? Honestly speaking, Ro was exhausted. She'd never traveled so far in her whole life. Neither had she ever been alone for so long. Staying the night with others of her kind would probably do her mentality some good. Though in the long run, was that something she'd be able to muster up the courage to actually go through with? "Th-They're close by, right? M-Maybe...."

Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor

OOC! @Wraith @Piety


Word Count:  229

Roose rarely smiled much unless he was trying to manipulate someone.  Here, he was trying to be polite and set the girl at ease, and he’d found young wolves often liked others who smiled.  It made them more agreeable, if that was anything to believe in. But here he felt it was well-deserved. Even if she didn’t stay with them, she could carry news of their helpfulness to her uncle in the neighboring pack.  The advisor didn’t trust the Rye wolves, but he wasn’t a war-monger like the Morelli man had been. He wanted peace.

He also wanted to earn the trust of his alphas, and what better way to do that than to show that he only had the pack’s best interest at heart? They’d agreed to help their neighbors. Wouldn’t sheltering the king’s niece and helping her reach him be considered help?

“Not far at all.  The border is a few paced that way, and the den is on that rock over there.” He gestured to the Monadnock protruding from the ground a short distance away. “It looks windy but there are some boulders up top that provide good shelter.” He promised. “I can call for my leaders to meet us at the border.” He offered.  As good as his intentions were, it would not be wise to take a stranger into the territory without permission first.

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn

Though she still wasn't one-hundred percent sure she'd be mentally ready enough to handle company so soon without any real thought, Roosemooth seemed pretty happy with the offer at hand, and definitely ready to give it a shot. It made sense, if the fae stopped to really add things up. If Drestig was an ally to the mono-flock, and she were a direct tie, well.. almost, to said ally.. Housing her would look really good on their part.. Probably.. You know, assuming her uncle didn't despise her upon arrival. "You sure it's okay though.. Like... L-Like really okay..?" The yearling murmured. Alpha's of an unknown pack, sure had a scary ring to it..

"You know what? Never mind. I-I know you're sure, and I'm down.. L-Let's do this.." She smiled nervously. The plan offered her some practice with talking to pack leaders. Drestig was a pack leader. She could really use the opportunity, whether or not her nerves agreed. It was time to take thing more seriously, she couldn't keep tying herself down. Life was supposed to get better from here on out after all. One night wouldn't kill her, and she could finally meet her beloved family member first thing in the morning.