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wipe the tears with your doubts — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Askan fiNALLY BROTIME! Lach is pretty close to wrf, near the eastern border
Sunny | 16 ° F, -9 ° C

His visit to the borders of Wild Rye was long overdue. Winter had refused to leave, only growing stronger as the days passed, and Lachesis worried that he would never be able to collect the herbs he needed. With three mothers to worry about this spring his anxiety was at an all-time high, and Lachesis was running low on herbs to calm him down as well. The alabaster healer could only handle so much stress until he finally cracked. He couldn’t risk losing his marbles, or pebbles—whatever—when puppies would arrive in a few weeks… The thought made him groan as he maneuvered through the snow-dusted tundra, his long legs carrying him quickly over the frozen terrain.

The sun had greeted him this morning and not wanting to waste the good weather, Lachesis headed west. He had only ventured close to the Rye borders once before, and that was with a Whitestone wolf at his side. Fortunately the pair had not been seen together, for he knew that relations between the monadnock and the fields were not good. With the sudden change in leadership Lachesis was unsure what to think of their alliance with the northern pack. He respected both Wraith and Piety but after the his blue-eyed sparrow had been attacked by one of their members, he was not sure if he could trust them. They had been both surprised and infuriated by the attack, as well, but the Stark was unsure of Craw had ordered the attack before his absence. It did seem rather coincidental that the silver spider and the dark Archer had fled the lowlands prior to Lilya getting attacked.

He dismissed the thoughts as the fields came into view, stalks of rye threatening to poke through the layers of snow that blanketed the lowlands. As his pace slowed the Alpha threw his nose to the sky and called for the charcoal wolf he had not seen in nearly two months. The ghost welcomed the warmth of the sun on his back, but he did not know if the sudden bout of sunshine was going to be enough to find herbs hidden beneath the snow. It was worth a shot.

He dared not venture too close to the Wild Rye borders, for he was unsure of whether Askan was lurking around. There was a chance he could be greeted by another and he did not want to step on toes. Lachesis was trying to establish, and maintain, a relationship with their southern neighbours. Infringing upon their borders would not go over well.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn
best bro time <3

Askan doubted that the sun was here to stay, but it was a pleasant sight nonetheless. At the very least it would put a smile on @Reyes' face and make him just a little less cranky. Not that he didn't find it charming, in its own way, but if Reyes bitched about the cold one more time Askan was gunna...Not do anything drastic about it-probably- but he might just send him a grumpy look. Or twenty, it depended really. It wasn't really a problem, in fact no matter how hard Askan thought about it he couldn't really think of anything that was difficult between Reyes and himself, as well as pack affairs.

Since the change in leadership the Whitestone wolves seemingly had little interest in lording over the north, and from what he could tell none of the other local packs were harbouring any hatred toward himself and his fellow Rye wolves. He was hesitant to say it ,lest he jinx it, but was this peace?Had things finally settled down, had the puzzle pieces slotted into their rightful places? If that was the case, then Askan decided that he rather liked this peace milarky. It was nice, simple and best of all felt right, as though all of his hard work had paid off and come to fruition.

Gods above, he was beginning to sound like the Old man now, wasn't he? Peace this and order that, had Askan really gotten so mature? The Guardian scoffed and shook his head. Nope. He might have aged a year a few days ago, but damn it he was still the same man he'd been before. He was just...Doing better, that was all. He wasn't all storm clouds and squinted eyes.

Coming to a stop some feet away from the fields gateway (the narrow valley between the hills) Askan bowed down and drank from the creek. He'd just about finished his rounds and as always everything seemed clear, so he figured now would be a good time to drop down to the communal den to see how his fellow packmates were doing. But before he'd even turned to leave, an echoing howl called out, the sort that immediately caught the Guardians attention.

Hm, perhaps things were not as clear as he'd thought.

With a curious frown, Askan followed the creek as it passed through the valley and out of their lands. Some distance away, almost camouflaged by the melting snow, was a familiar face. One of their neighbours and to Askan's relief it was the alpha he actually liked. Lachesis of Hearthwood river.

Barking in greeting, Askan waited till he was close enough before he spoke. His posture was relaxed enough, as the River King was no threat to the field, but as befitting of his new, hard earned position he held his head high and spoke with confidence. "Lachesis, hey. What brings you to my neck of the woods?" 

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

It had been quite some time since the ghost had someone to collect herbs with. First it had been Karpos, his sort of nephew and the closest thing Lachesis had to a brother. After the Slayer child left the lands of Lore to forge his own future Maksim’s daughter had become his apprentice, eager and willing to please. She had been a fast leaner and seemed to devour the information that Lachesis fed her. However, the one-eyed dragon had tainted her mind with strange fables and Karina quickly lost interest in the medical field. At least, by his methods. She had grown intrigued by Kjors’ words, allowing herself to be consumed by his stories before she abandoned her family. His daughter, Atropos, had taken the Baranski’s place once her baby blues adjusted to the outside world and she no longer tripped over her paws. If it had not been for her brother chasing after his former apprentice the little Stark would have still been helping him, but she had assured XIX that she would return with  Kyrios. As the months passed after her departure the ghost was beginning she would return anytime soon. Perhaps she, too, had been poisoned by the same stories that had possessed Karina and his son.

While he had both Emrys and Lorcán to assist him now, although the former was much further than the latter, he would not objet to another set of eyes. Teaming up with the espresso-coloured Rye wolf was not only beneficial to their alliance, but also for Lachesis’ mental state. Despite being the leader of Hearthwood he was still a recluse, keeping to himself and busying himself with his duties. The blue-eyed sparrow was always an ideal distraction, but in her current state he could not steal her away from the depths of the Kingswood whenever he pleased.

The ghost was not kept waiting long—the dark shape of Askan streaked toward him, a blemish against the snow. His tail wagged slowly behind him, a soft smile rolling onto his dark lips as the Guardian approached. What brings you to my neck of the woods? “I know the weather might not be ideal,” he started with a grunt as he motioned to the snow with his nose, brows narrowing, “but I thought we might try to collect some of that sweet grass I was telling you about. I don’t know about Wild Rye, but Hearthwood’s got three litters to tend to this spring.” 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn

He could say that again, but at least some sun was better than more snow. Even if it was a little bittersweet, a snippet of what was yet to come. But with the birthing season fast approaching he could see why Lachesis wanted to search for this plant sooner rather than later, after all it was better to be prepared lest things took a turn for the worst. As he was the King of the River wolves Askan naturally assumed that he would be having a litter of his own this spring with his mate. So of course he would have yet another incentive to ensure that all went well, as the lives of his mate and their unborn offspring were on the line.

But then Lachesis mentioned in passing that there pack would be having three litters and Askan couldn't help the aghast expression that flickered across his face, as though he was a little old lady who'd just heard something scandalous.

He didn't mean to be rude-that said it wasn't as if he ever tried, it just came naturally to him- but wow that must have taken a lot of hanky-pankying. The Selwyn knew what that entailed of course, as he'd had the misfortune of walking in on Savion getting acquainted with a pretty lady a few springs ago. And even if he hadn't learnt it then, well um it wasn't as though he or @Reyes hadn't fooled around a little. It wasn't the same and he knew it but it was nice and -Askan coughed and shook his head as he pulled his head out of the proverbial gutter, lest his face get all red.

"We've just got the one this season. Drestig and Jessie's." And that was as it should be, in his opinion. But rather than lecture he kept that thought to himself, Lachesis likely already had enough on his plate so the last thing he needed was Askan getting all judgy."Sounds like you're gonna have your paws full, rather you than me." His lip quirked up in an amused smirk. It was quite a serious matter though and like the good neighbour he (thought) he was, he figured he out to help out as much as he could.

From what Alek said, Askan knew that Inna was having a litter, so then... Hm, he supposed it didn't matter in the end. At least not to Askan, so rather than waste more time on figuring who'd done what he turned his attention back to the matter at hand, or rather paw.

"If it's to be found it'll be around here for sure, there's all sorts of grasses growing in the valley. It would be easier without all the snow though." He peered over his shoulder and squinted, as though that would do any good.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
healer post (looking for herbs) 1/3

The expression the dark wolf wore earned a chuckle from the lanky ghost, his chartreuse eyes crinkling in amusement. If it had been his choice the river would only be having one litter to tend to this year—maybe two. Unfortunately all three litters had been unplanned, even his own. It was not his place to ask who fathered the children of the Baranski’s and as long as they did not interfere with the river wolves, Lachesis did not care. These pups, regardless of how they were brought into the Lore, were still the future of Hearthwood. He would do whatever was necessary to preserve their futures.

“Tell me about it,” the ghost responded as he rolled his eyes, a soft smile rolling onto his dark lips. He was pleased to hear that the Rye wolves were expecting a litter of their own; it appeared all the packs in the north would be flourishing this spring. “I’d much rather be in your position, I think,” he offered with a sharp wink, his tail swaying gently behind him. What happened between him and the blue-eyed sparrow had been unexpected but he was not upset, or angry, with their unplanned situation. Nervous, definitely, and maybe even a little excited. But he certainly did not regret it.

A grimace rolled onto his pale features at Askan’s mention of snow, his tail flicking in irritation. Even the Arctic had grown weary of the cold temperatures. “Doesn’t hurt to look,” he suggested with a shrug, his peridots focused on the dark wolf before him. “It’s more common around creeks, which means less snow… hopefully. He flashed the charcoal wolf a dinkum smile, hoping that Askan would join him on his hunt for the herb. The ghost knew he was capable of finding it on his own, but he wouldn’t mind the company.

(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2017, 04:18 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Note to self: Leave it a lil vague on ayti front, as thread ain't done yet.


Askan didnt want to pry too much, but he couldn't help but wonder how such a peaceful pack and managed to kick up such drama. Aside from being caught between the two Lowland packs,they had done a good job of sticking to the side lines. From what he could tell, the River King had a fondness for Craw-for whatever reason, Askan just couldn't understand- but now that he was out of the picture that fact had become irrelevant. Pack relations were improving with each passing day and the Rye Guardian couldn't be any happier. His efforts were finally paying off, playing nice wasn't as hard anymore. It was enjoyable actually, Askan would go as far to say that maybe he'd made a new friend. Or at the very least someone he could talk to.

He couldn't help but snigger a little at Lachesis' honesty. For such a serious looking man he did have a sharp sense of humour, not too slapstick but witty. More than enough to shoo away Askan's usual 'so serious' expression.

"Well, if any pack can raise three litters it'll be yours. That said, there can never be too many River wolves? From what I can tell you're all pretty good. A bit serious but...'Then a certain wold in particular came into mind and he scowled."Well you're mostly good. Can't say I'm fond of all you, no offence. That Ayti-whatever is a right piece of work." And that was putting it lightly. Time hadn't lessened Askans sour feelings towards @Aytigin .

Not that he even mattered, after all, out of sight out of mind. They had grass to find, and damn it if he'd let the River King leave disappointed.

"Come on in then," Askan turned and with a flick of his snout motioned for Lachesis to follow him in direction from which he'd just come from."There's  a creek that runs through the field. I'm sure Drestig won't mind you dropping in if you leave a little for Jessie." He was the Guardian now, so surely it'd be fine as long as the River King wasn't left to his own devices.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
healer post (looking for herbs) 2/3

The ghost was beginning to regret his previous negative feelings about the Rye wolves. It seemed the silver spider on the rock had influenced his thoughts on the newcomers, although he had also been wary of their presence prior to Craw’s opinions. However, he know was concerned about his friendship with the former leader of Whitestone. Had the spider been using Lachesis to gain numbers in case they needed to chase Wild Rye from the north? His lips tightened into a thin line at the thought. Maksim had always done well in ensuring the river wolves remained neutral and XIX wanted to do the same. Conflict did not interest him; neither did war.

Craw’s absence concerned him. It had been one of his wolves that attacked Lilya—had he ordered the attack before his departure? Wraith was equally as furious as Lachesis had been; therefore, the ghost knew that the ebony male had nothing to do with the unexpected violence. If the silver spider returned XIX was not sure if he wanted to restore the relationship they had forged, for he no longer knew if he could trust the former Whitestone king.

A soft smile cracked his lips as the espresso-coloured wolf spoke. “We’re sure gonna try,” he chuckled in response, his ears twitching as Askan went on to say that almost all of the river wolves were good. He was not surprised to hear Aytigin’s name rolling off the younger male’s tongue, but he was certainly annoyed to hear that the newest river wolf was already bothering the neighbours. Especially with neighbours that Lachesis was trying to create an alliance with. He gave a loud snort in frustration, his brows pinched together. “I apologize for whatever it was that he did,” he responded once he digested Askan’s honesty, his toes curling into the snow: “He certainly is something.” He did not try to remove the venom from his words; testing pack relations did not sit well with the pale healer. The Baranski women had been trusting in giving the large wolf a chance to prove himself in Hearthwood whereas Lorcán and the ghost were a little more cautious, unsure of whether the chatty wolf could be of use to them.

Casting his thoughts to the side Lachesis followed Askan in the direction he had gestured to, his tail swaying gently behind him. “Of course,” he chirped, his features softening. “Do you have any healers in Wild Rye?” He asked, his curiosity spiking as he glanced at the chocolate wolf out of the corner of his eye. He had not encountered too many of Askan’s packmates; if they had a healer he would like to get to know the wolf (and potentially strengthen the packs’ relationship even more).

(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2017, 04:18 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn

Askan hadn't brought up Aytigin because he expected-or even wanted- an apology. He simply thought that the River King should know what his subordinates were getting up to. And despite his loathing towards the serial flirt, Askan had no intentions of allowing him to cloud his perception of the neighbouring pack. One bad apple didn't ruin the whole batch, he was an outlier and so sooner rather than later he'd have to learn to play nice and keep his lecherous thoughts to himself. Lest he angered the wrong person.

But Askan, he was willing to let it go. Aside from that gross slimy feeling, which took days to rub off, it didn't really bother him long term. He was over it, or at least as much as he could be. After all, Askan did have a penchant for holding grudges.

"Don't worry about it too much,  you'll go grey before your time if you do."As annoying as he was, Askan didn't want that not-so-little-shit to ruin the mood. Sure, he was here to collect grass but damn it, maybe he wanted to enjoy a little bit of banter as well. It wasn't as if he knew that many wolves who were willing to do so with him, so he had to take advantage of whatever chance he got."But seriously, you don't have to apologise. It's not your fault he's a self-absorbed ass."

It did make him feel better that Lachesis loathed him just as much, maybe more than he did. Made him feel as though he wasn't just being difficult, like others always assumed he was.

With that sour topic aside, Askan was more than willing to lead the River King through the narrow valley of the gateway and into the open, if not sheltered, expanse of the Rye Field. He had to admit he was more than a little disappointed that the grass hadn't yet had a chance to grow and transform into a sea of gold, but there was little he could do but yell at the sky. And as tempting as that was, he did have better things to do with his time.

As they trotted alongside the creek, their eyes peeled for the special, sweet smelling grass, Askan shook his head at Lachesis' question. By now they probably should have found themselves a healer, but with all the drama and chaos that had happened in the past few months they hadn't really gotten around to it. Askan knew that the wolves of the Notch had a healer, so if push came to shove they could ask for their assistance. But wasn't it better to be independent? To deal with their own issues, rather than relying on their neighbours to help them out? At the very least it would make the Rye wolves seem weak, incompetent- which, of course was untrue. They just...Were taking things at their own pace, that was all.

"Not yet. I'm the only one with an official title at the moment but we've been lucky so far. No one's gotten hurt all that bad and we haven't had anyone be sick yet. Touch wood." He paused for a moment and frantically looked around for something to touch, be it a stick, a log, whatever.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Thinking about the newest addition to Hearthwood encountering the golden-eyed wolf both amused and frustrated the Arctic. His brows narrowed at the thought, his lips dropping into a thin, hard line. He knew that Aytigin could be incredibly overbearing, for the chatty wolf did not seem to understand boundaries. Nor did he possess a filter. Lachesis did not doubt that the Rye wolf had put Aytigin in his place, but he was still annoyed that a bad interaction had occurred between the two. The ghost was trying to mend the relationship between the two packs, for Kisla had done most of the work with Wild Rye thus far, and now the big-mouthed self-proclaimed casanova was already creating problems.

The ebony male’s next set of words earned a snort of amusement from the Stark, his eyes rolling. “Why do you think my fur is so white?” A crooked smile collapsed onto his dark lips, a single brow arched. “Worrying is what I do best.” His maw canted to the side as Askan spoke once more, dismissing his previous apology. Self-absorbed ass. He snickered. “That’s the nicest way to describe him.” He did not necessarily dislike Aytigin, but he wasn’t exactly fond of him either. The massive wolf was a hard-worker and was trying to prove his worth to both Lachesis and the rest of Hearthwood—so, for that, XIX commended him. Aytigin did not allow any sour feelings toward him drag him down and he was eager to please, even if he talked too much.

He mirrored the espresso-coloured wolf’s pace as he followed him through the Rye territory, his chartreuse eyes drinking in the new surroundings. The snow was an eye sore, for he wished to see the brilliant colours of the fields during their prime, but he did not mind. All the more reason to return once winter finally released its hold on the Lore. As they padded parallel to the creek Lachesis averted his gaze away from the darker wolf, searching for little white flowers among the grass that sprouted through the snow. His ears twitched as the guardian spoke. “I used to be Hearthwood’s healer before I took over leadership and we just acquired another. If Wild Rye needs anything we’d be happy to help,” he responded nonchalantly, his eyes still searching for the coveted sweet grass. “The sweet grass will help with afterbirth care, but I can bring by some other herbs?” Kisla would appreciate the gesture, for she wanted to forge an alliance with their western neighbours. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you