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bighorn sheep — Lucifers Gorge 
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Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
@Astrid kinda bad start srry || Lucifers Gorge, Mid-morning, Partly cloudy, 49 ° F, 10 ° C

The trouble with the storm inside us grew
But I still had so much to give

He was lost. Well, they were lost. That had never been much of an issue but when the ground had more of less split itself he grew anxious. A few turns had them on a trail next to quick paced water. Mathuin took the role of walking on the outside, closer to the water. Ever so often green eyes would flicker to stare at the sure death below. He was positive that if the rocks or rapids didn't kill you first that the cold temperature might.

Sometimes he pressed his lower shoulder against Astrid's flank to both comfort himself and keep her from harm's way. He wasn't surprised that she had gladly tagged along at the start but he was surprised she still hung around even now. "How much further do you think the trail goes?" He spoke up loud enough to be heard over the water. It was then that it hit him that there might be a cave here. With all this stone surely some kind of structure that at least resembled a cave could be here. There was water too! He was skeptical on the whole cattail thing but he was sure some smaller details could be removed from the bigger picture.

Silently his eyes scanned the rocky area. If he could find something that resembled what Astrid was dreaming of...well, he was sure she would at least want to be his friend forever.

Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr
Having such a stalwart traveling companion was certainly a novelty to the young woman. Mathuin was one of the few to stick beside her for so long, and she couldn't think of a wolf she'd rather have at her side as she discovered the sights of the Lore. Astrid's head craned upwards as the canyon walls alongside them climbed higher and higher, channeling the travelers though a cut in the mountain where water raged in a white froth through the center. "It's beautiful," She breathed as they continued through the channel along the waters edge. She was oblivious to Mathuin's gentle herding, simply thinking he just liked the contact. 

She flicked a golden ear at his question, her dark brown eyes skimming ahead as she hummed in thought. "I dunno... You think it goes all the way through the mountains?" She asked in return. She really had no idea how far that could be. How long could mountains stretch on for? "I've never been to the other side before," She said with a small sense of wonder. 

She blinked her big doe eyes, playfully nudging Mathuin's shoulder with a smirk playing at the edges of her lips. "But you have, right Mister Adventurer?" Her tail swished as she walked, her delicate paws balanced over the rocky path.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
She was right. It was beautiful despite its deadly traits. He personally didn't think it to be as pretty as the Falls but they needed some change. It was hard to have an adventure when you became a sitting duck. Even though he held a bit of a grudge against the mountain he did have to wonder if this part would be different. So far it was proving to be unique in its own scary way.

"Well if it doesn't it has to come close." At least he hoped it did. Green eyes showing the slightest hint of concern until she called him something. Not a bad nickname but it still caught him off guard. His lips tugging into a smile as he kindly returned her bump. "Yeah but that was south of here. A bunch of meadows, even a tunnel cave system further west." He fondly remembered his romp with Felix in the caves, Savvy in the field, and Enoki in the snowbanks. "I don't know about these parts though. That's part of the adventure, though. Isn't it Miss Adventurer?" The large yearling nipped at her scruff gently. He may have been Mister Adventurer but Mathuin had gladly told @Astrid that she too could be an adventurer.

He kept them moving forward, eyes looking for some kind of exit despite how much further the rocky trail seemed to stretch. He wondered if more fields would wait for them once they got out of here. Perhaps it would be like the falls just on the other side of the mountain.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr
Astrid's brows lifted in interest and she inhaled sharply as Mathuin mentioned having found a cave system futher south. "That sounds amazing!" She interjected, "I'd love to see something like that." She said excitedly. The dream of finding something amazing and breathtaking spurred her on. The gorge they'd found was a sight in itself, but she longed to see more and more of what this land had to offer. 

"I suppose it is!" She giggled as Mathuin nipped at her ear. Her paws skipped across the stones, newly spurred on as she galavanted ahead of him over the water-slicked bank as if imminent peril was not a mere tails-breadth away. Her fleet-footed dance brought her right to the water's edge, and in a fluid motion her sprightly limbs coiled and extended. Astrid flew through the air, over the churning waves to land on the top of a hefty, jagged boulder that split the rapids in two. She turned around, tail flicking and claws dug into the rough black rock she was balanced on top of. The acrobat looked down towards Mathuin, a grin spread wide across her face.

"Look, Mat! I'm a mountain goat!" She called down to him, quite proud of her accomplishment.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
"If we head that way I can gladly show you." His tail swayed behind him easily. He wondered if he would see Felix again or even meet someone like Felix. Mathuin felt confident that Astrid would have liked the silver boy. They all could have played and explored. Perhaps they could have convinced the gangly yearling to join them on the quest to being adventurers. It was too late for all that though. All Mathuin could do was merely hope to run into his friend again.

Her laughter was always contagious. She was like a ray of sunshine in every way possible. Unlike himself which could be a bit of a rain cloud on some days. He was content to continue some fair teases while the strolled down the path. But it seemed his honey friend had other plans. The large Whitebark could do nothing but stare in horror as she leaped into the arms of danger. A loud whine emitted from his throat as she called back to him. Proclaiming that she was a mountain goat.

"Astrid!" He shifted his weight about in an anxious manner. "Be a safe mountain goat and come back! Pleeeaasseee!" Green eyes watched her carefully to make sure no harm came to the honey girl.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr
Astrid spun in a little pirouette on the top of the boulder, her paws somehow holding her steady along the water-slicked surface. She turned to face Mathuin, squinting against the droplets that sprayed from the wild whitecapped waters just mere feet below her. Her larger companion's worried face staring up at her was not an unfamiliar sight, it seemed the younger boy was always worried about something. But Astrid always came out fine, so she never really saw the need to worry herself. But, her friend looked rather anxious waiting down there, and he certainly wouldn't be joining her on the little 'mountain' she'd found for herself.

"Ooohkaaaay," She relented with a sigh and a sweet smile. She placed her forepaws on the lower reach of the stone, fixing her dark brown eyes on the bank on which Mathuin stood. The same way she got up here, all she had to do was a little hop and she'd be right down beside him. "I'm coming down, you dont have to worry your pretty little head a second more!" She laughed. Astrid waggled her rear end as she prepared to leap, eyes narrowing and the pink tip of her tongue peeking out of her mouth as she concentrated. 

Astrid pushed off, but the rock she stood on was slicker than expected. Her hind paw slipped just before her paws left the ground, her leap thrown off her planned trajectory. She stretched her long limbs out farther ahead of her, trying to compensate and still make it to the other bank. But it wasn't enough, and her paws didn't quite reach. Astrid's eyes widened and she managed to let out a shrill squeak before she fell into the water. The icy current latched onto her, pulled her under and sucked her swiftly down the rapids.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
Her words were a relief and he watched eagerly as she positioned herself for a jump. Mathuin noticed the all too familiar wiggle to her rump, a small smile tugging on his features. She seemed so concentrated for once. The tip of her tongue sitting right outside her ebony lips. It certainly would have been a wild sight to see had he not been familiar with the honey-coated girl.

All he had to do was look away for the briefest second, though. One of his biggest fears coming true as he heard the sound of concern and saw the last color of honey be sucked away by the water. A nervous series of barks escaped him as he made his way down to the edge of the back. Long legs going every which way as his bulky form chased the water. His eyes frantically keeping an eye out for her. If he could get close enough and she could too then he might be able to grab her scruff. Truth be told, Mathuin liked her (in the way you would like your adventure buddy) but he didn't want to go diving in after her. If he could stay on land and just time right that would save both of them.

He barked out loudly. "Try your best to get closer to me, Astrid!" The large male held his head down low, jaws parted just the slightest bit to be able to grab her the moment she was close enough.
(This post was last modified: May 11, 2017, 01:50 AM by Mathuin.)
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr

Astrid's dainty white paws fought against the current that battered her along the bottom of the riverbed. The girl was helpless to the sheer power of the river, and might as well have been a stick bobbing along in the water for as easily as it threw her about. It was hard to tell up from down, and the water roared loudly in her flooded ears and pressed against her throat. She struggled to right herself, finally throwing her head above the waves just as her lungs ached for air. A sputtering cough left her narrow muzzle, brown eyes panicked as she looked around her for some way out of this disaster. 

Sheer grey cliffs rose up high on either side of her, the rock she'd been standing on earlier long gone with how far she had been swept out. Mathuin's dark coat was barely distinguishable from the drab surface of the cliff sides, but his voice barely rising above the churning river drew her attention. She whipped around, spitting and blinking as water splashed into her face and tried to throw her back under again. She kicked fiercly, bony little limbs gradually bringing her closer to shore. "Mat!" She coughed out between breaths, reaching her nose out towards him.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
@Astrid lemme know if this isn't okay

Had it not been for the adrenaline he likely would have crashed a while ago. He had to get Astrid, though. There were multiple reasons why and to be truthful most of them were selfish. He would be alone, bored, cold and perhaps a bit lost without her. Not to mention there were the less selfish reasons like how could he just let his adventure buddy die (let alone die this way)?

His strides were as long as he could make them in order to keep up with the rapids. A surge of relief washed over as her honeyed form broke the surface. She was finally close enough to grasp. His jaws firmly locked down onto whatever part of her he could grab. It seemed to be her scruff but with all this wet fur and water he could hardly tell. With everything in him, he pulled back to free her from the water's grasp. Even if it sent him toppling backward. Mathuin wanted her out. Now. Not to mention he'd likely have to deal with her cold wet form. Hopefully, they could find a way for her to dry off before night because he was in no way being her towel.

It was times like now that he was thankful she was small compared to his lumbering, bulky form. Granted had anyone told him he'd be playing the role of a knight away from home he would have chuckled, would have told them he was out here for adventure and not trouble. Mathuin was starting to learn that perhaps they went hand and hand. Maybe he should have learned that when that darned creature sprayed his face.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr

As Astrid struggled to stay above the waves, white paws flapping fervently at the frothing surface, she tried to keep her eyes pointed towards Mathuin. Which was quite a feat considering how fiercely the river tried to spin her around or push her head beneath the surface, her nostrils filled with ice-water that had to be snorted out whenever she could get a free breath. She didn't seem to be making much progress towards shore, but slowly but surely she drifted closer, and fortunately it was just enough for Mathuin to reach her before the current took her to even direr straits. 

She felt her friend's teeth grasp into the loose skin along the back of her neck, pulling her out of the water much the same way a mother would pick up a cub, if the cub weighed ninety pounds and was currently courting with imminent demise via an aquatic disaster. She was tugged from the water, her paws scrabbling at the rocky shore as she tried to help in her own rescue. As soon as she was able she tried get as much space between herself and the rapids, now that solid earth was beneath her paws.

Quickly the flopped down on the ground, coughing and sputtering the little water that remained in her airways, a thin stream of mucus running down her nose. Once she'd caught her breath, she looked to Mat. "O-o-oh I'm s-s-so s-s-s-sorry M-Mat!" She spoke through chattering teeth, her pointed ears crumbled against her head. "I w-w-wasn't a v-v-very safe m-m-m-mountain g-g-goat."
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts