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Apocalypse Please — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

For a moment, Reyes thought the argument was over. His mate wasn’t back talking (not even silently), and seemed to be regarding the rabbit with some level of interest. The wolf was just about to pat himself on the back when Askan lurched forward, clamoring out of the den with his tail between his legs. Heaving himself onto his feet, the southerner whirled around, ears plastered against his skull as the younger male heaved and gagged. Nothing came up, so – the rabbit was probably fine, but why…? Dios mio, he really wished they had a healer. He had no clue what the fuck he was doing.

He was about to ask Askan when the man finally spoke up – and with a suggestion no less. Reyes’ limp tail gave an encouraged wag, and he offered a small bob of his head. “Yeah. ‘course.” Shit, he’d even chew the damn rabbit up and regurgitate it like he would for a small pup if that’s what the beta needed. He placed a paw on the rodent’s corpse, carefully tearing off small strips and leaving them in a meticulous pile for his partner to pick at. This way, they’d even be able to keep most of the pelt.

His tail continued to wiggle as he finished his work, glancing up at the younger wolf with hopeful eyes. “Better?” he asked, ignoring the fact that he probably looked like an eager try hard. If that was what it took, so be it. His damnable pride would survive this one time.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

So this was what it had come to? The two of them tip toeing around each other, trying desperately to appease one another? Doing whatever they could to try and get a smile, to make things better? This isn't what it used to be, there was more to them than this and yet Askan couldn't see a way out. No matter how hard he tried. The prospect of spending the rest of his days with Reyes was one that used to make him smile, it filled him with a sense of relief and dare he say it, hope. But now? Through no fault of his own-Reyes was blameless after all- the future seemed bleak.

Where was Askan supposed to summon the strength to fight with such a dark outlook? Maybe giving in would be the for the best, for the both of them. At least then Reyes could move on. And yet, the thought of it sent a shiver down the Selwyn's spine. He was too selfish to let go, he'd sooner cling onto him with everything he had. Which wasn't all that much at the moment but...

Reyes was so hopeful. The way he was wagging his tail was so utterly endearing Askan couldn't help but just fall for Reyes all over again. Which meant he was fucked, doubly fucked.

Stepping forward, Askan inspected the little pile with a hesitant sniff. Surely this would be okay, just a little?

"Mmm." It certainly it looked more appetising.

Biting the proverbial bullet, Askan caved and picked up a little slab of meat. The taste was heavenly and as soon as the coppery tinge hit his tongue he was scoffing the rabbit down like a man starved. Which he supposed he was. He couldn't quite remember the last time he'd had a proper meal, but judging from his scraggly form it had been quite a while. At least this would keep the hunger pains at bay, one less ache that he had to deal with.

All of this wasn't to say that he felt better, or at least in the way that Reyes no doubt wanted but it was something. Something had to be better than nothing.

With a now full stomach, Askan nosed the last bit of meat towards his mate with a hopeful whine. It just wouldn't be fair if he ate it all without at least saving Reyes a little. He didn't ask or even say anything, but the look in his eyes was obvious enough. For me.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

He ate. Finally, he ate. Reyes watched as the younger wolf finally took an interest in the meal. It wasn’t just forcing the rabbit down for the sake of peace, either – he actually looked like he wanted to eat the fresh kill. Wasn’t that a change he welcomed with open arms? The gamma allowed himself a soft sigh of relief, his tail waving behind him slowly as he settled back down, reclining lazily while Askan had his meal. It wasn’t until the other male pulled up his head and nudged the remains of the carcass towards him that he shifted.

Not willing to actually get back to his feet, the southerner wiggled across the ground, nosing the pieces a few times before helping himself. “Thanks,” he rumbled between mouthfuls, his tail wagging a bit more vigorously. It didn’t take the wolf very long to polish of what remained, smacking his lips in satisfaction before glancing back up at Askan. His tail gave another lazy swish and he woofed, invited his mate closer for a cuddle in the sunshine. “C’mere, you,” he huffed, ears pricked forward. “Sun’s good for ya. Or somethin’ like that. Maybe we can go for a run later.”


[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]