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Awake — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
@Drestig :)Can this be forward dated to the 13th?

This was it, wasn't it? The time had finally come. Taking in a deep breath of cool, spring air, Ro closed any remaining distance between herself and the boarders of Wild Rye Fields. The setting was perfect! Golden rye stretched across the landscape for almost as far as they eye could see, glimmering in the morning sun whilst the occasional, very pleasantly cool breeze bristled through the yearling's muddied fur. The overall aura was, just as well, absolutely perfect. What wasn't perfect, however, was the child's damn nerves! Goodness, it felt like someone was skewering away at her stomach from the inside! "S-S-So this is really it, Rosalind Andromeda." she croaked. "Y-Your uncle Drestig's probably somewhere in that f-field. Completely oblivious to the fact that he has a n-nerve-racked 'niece' just standin' out here waiting to ruin his day.." Gah, no time for a pity party! Just call for him already!

Tilting her head upward-north, Rosalind Andromeda, daughter of Darrah Tainn, let out a shaken call for her long lost family member. 'F-Frick!' the yearling snorted in thought. 'W-what if I'm not ready? I dunno what I'm even s'posed to say to him yet! Frick!!' Waiting, shaking, and on the verge of tears, the young fae squinted for any sign of the man's approach.

(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2017, 09:58 AM by Rosalind.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Short one for you <3 But I wanted to get it up tonight since I won't be able to for the next week.


Another howl at the border, it had been a while hadn't it? Not counting the visit from the Monadnock wolves. But this was definitely not a diplomatic call, the young voice rang with anxiety, the obvious sign of a loner looking to join. And as it happened, Drestig was close by, in the midst of a patrol along the very border were this newcomer was now waiting.

It took him only a few minutes to reach her, the dark figure standing out clearly against the white backdrop. The leader nodded his head, tail swishing casually around his hips, not wanting to push his rank on this, clearly anxious young girl. She was a curious thing, about his height but with those awkward, lanky legs that marked most yearlings; And yet she was uncommonly round at the flanks. Drestig smiled at her, striking up the usual, jovial tone as he greeted: "Welcome to Wild Rye Fields, I'm Drestig Avalon, male lead. How can I help you dear?" There was only gentle friendliness in the word, attempting to put the kid at ease; I won't bite. Certainly the youngster would have no reason to fear him; I'm just a big ol' teddy bear!

Word count: 201

Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
Thanks :)!

The fae knew exactly who was approaching her before he even got the chance to speak, Darrah had went over the descriptions of each wolf about a half a dozen times before the pair shared their final goodbye. However, whether it be nerves or perhaps politeness, Ro allowed him to introduce himself first before overwhelming him with everything he'd missed since last seeing her father. "D-Drestig.." She placed a nervous smile on her maw whilst trying, and inevitably failing, to steady her trembling legs. "I've been looking for you.."

The yearling allowed herself a brief moment to prepare before continuing on, basking in the fact that it was really him. "O-Oh.. I-I'm Ro, er, Rosalind Andromeda.. U-Uh, my dad said I should look for you, erm.. You see, my mom kicked me out.. Uhm, Darrah Tainn..." Was any of that even comprehensible? Probably not, considering her anxiety was seemingly working overtime to ensure she screw this up as much as possible. "D-Darrah, he's my dad, n-not my mom, heh, her name is Messier.. Uhm, y-you're my uncle.. I think.. Oh! A-Askan told me how to get here, I was really lost.."

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Sorry for the hold up, Drestig muse has been sucky :/


Jeez the girl looked like she was about to faint, every single hair on her body seeming to twitch with anxiety. She looked at him with circle round, turquoise eyes, an almost reverent expression on her face that send a small chill down the leader's spine. Her voice stumbled so much, it was hard to even understand, but what she did managed to say caused his own eyes to bulge; Looking for ME?! He looked her over carefully once more, and then again, trying to figure out if they had ever met, if he had ever even seen this girl before. There was this smallest thing, itching in the back of his mind, but he couldn't put a paw on it, and then he had to turn all his focus on understanding what she was stuttering.

It was all a big mess: 'mom kicked me out', 'dad said I should look for you'. Dad? Who was he dad? And then 'Darrah Tainn'. It was like someone had struck a giant bell between his ears, ringing incessantly in his head; Darrah?! How could it be? But that was it, the likeness he couldn't pinpoint; Darrah's daughter! That's what she was saying, along with a whole lot of other things that he hadn't the presence to hold on to at the moment. This was Darrah's child, a grand-niece of sorts; And she's come looking for me? When the girl finally paused her stream of words, to breathe presumably, Drestig quickly spoke up, voice a little too loud and breathless; "You're Darrah's daughter? How… Where is he? Is he okay? He must've had you…" She was a yearling, no doubt about it, same age as his own daughter; Darrah's girl..! It seemed implausible, and yet he didn't doubt it; "Why have you come… For me?" Surely there where others who deserved to know more, the Tainn's, the boys blood relatives. Yet here she was; Why did Darrah send her here?

Word count: 201

"speech" thoughts

Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
You're good, don't worry :)

Yup, definitely her uncle Drestig after all! Rosalind couldn't help but flash a wide smile as the man began to pour out questions concerning her father. "Y-Yeah! M' Darrah's daughter!" She giggled, happy that the male was able to make some sense out of her exhausting ramblings. It definitely eased her nerves a bit. "Uhh, he's staying over at Apparition Swamp now.. It's, er, not really anywhere close to here.." She sighed, still unable to describe the exact location of her former home. It was frustrating, to say the least. "He's alright! I mean.. As alright as anyone in that pack could be at least.. Hmm. Let's put it this way; he's the most sane." She rolled her eyes. "He... He'd be fine if he didn't take those stupid hallucinogenics." The fae grumbled under her breath.

"Uhm, Well you see.." Rosalind didn't exactly anticipate this question. Was it weird for a kid to want to meet their 'uncle'? No, not really. But perhaps it was a little strange that she sought him out over actual blood relatives. "You just sounded the most.. Normal.. I-I don't know if I should be saying this, but I think m' dad saw you as more of a father than Triell at times.. A-and.. I need a place to stay.. So I t-thought..."

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

His mind was going a thousand miles a minute, tumbling all over the place. He'd honestly never expected to see or even hear from Darrah again. He had abandoned the Bend after all, while the boy was out hunting for his missing sister; Did he ever make it back? If he had, surely he would've been appalled to learn of his uncle's desertion. And yet, here was his daughter, having apparently grown up hearing about Drestig, and good enough things to make her seek him out; But why? But he bit back any more questions, forcing his thoughts to settle as he focused on the new stream of words falling from the girls maw.

Her rambling style of talking was hard to follow, and at first it seemed to only bring more questions and no answers. But Drestig held his tongue and kept his ears perked, eyes slightly narrowed as he sifted through the stream of information to pick out the highlights. Though what he surmised was troubling, to say the least; What has he gotten himself into..? At the moment he had to focus on Rosalind though, and her last words were enough to set his head spinning anew. He was left speechless, something that otherwise rarely happened to the charismatic man, but all words seemed to have escaped him. All he could do was stare at her.

He couldn't help but think of his own daughter, out there fending for herself too. Wherever she ended up, he'd hope someone would take her in as well. Really it was a no brainer, and when he finally regained control of his tongue, the first words he spoke were a heartfelt: "Of course! You're welcome here for as long as you need." He smiled warmly at the girl, waving his tail lightly; "I'd love to hear more about your father and what's happened to him." And though the smile and friendly tone remained, there was worry hidden beneath the surface of his words.

Word count: 332

"speech" thoughts

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn

She could stay? What a relief! Rosalind had definitely calmed down a bit from the state she was in only moments prior, but that didn't stop her from coming up with a million and one reasons why he'd tell her to go find somewhere else to live in her head. "T-Thank you so much!!" She couldn't help it, but her tail suddenly began to wag at almost an embarrassing pace. She was overjoyed, and perhaps even a bit overzealous. Things couldn't of possibly went better.

More about Darrah? "Oh, that's right! Y-You've probably been out of the loop for quite s-some time now, yeah?" She frowned, perplexed with thoughts of where to begin. "Well.. Okay so.. F-from my understanding.. Dad met mom while he was out looking for our missing Aunt, and er... M-Made... M-Me and my brothers... " Gross. She didn't want to think about that. What an intro. "B-but he didn't stick around or anything. In fact, I mean, He told me not to tell my mom but.. I guess I could have other siblings somewhere else, too?" Some over-sharing the man had done in one of his mushroom stupors. "Then he went h-home.. And you were gone.. And he was sad, but also happy. H-He knew you were only doing what was best for y-you, he wanted me to tell you that." And with that bit of knowledge shared she could check Drestig off of her to-do list. "S-So he decided that he deserved to be happy too, and came back to live with us! E-Er, And with that I guess I should share a little bit about my pack, huh?" The fae sighed, really hoping that the man didn't take too much from the catastrophe that was her former home. "Along with a couple of God's and other various beings of power, Apparition Swamp takes m-mushrooms t-to see ghosts, and talk to g-ghosts, l-like.. For Divination, or s-something.. It's... Dumb.. I've never done it.. Everyone else t-though... Dad too.. S-So, that's what he's been up to.. H-Hey, do I by chance have a deceased uncle Hotei?"

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
I told myself I was just going to read this and then I saw the last post and couldn't resist. <3

Things were looking up for them. Jessie was overjoyed to have returned home, being in the embrace of her mate and family. Now that she returned, the Tainn could not quite remember why she had felt so compelled to leave in the first place. With spring in full swing, the pepper-and-salt colored woman did her best to relieve the familiar heat she felt during the season. She made sure to stay clear of everyone, not wanting them to feel her wrath, especially the newer members she had yet to encounter. It just was not a good time.

The petite woman had taken the time to go out on a hunt, desperate to leave the territory for a little while. She was returning, a rabbit clamped firmly within her jaws, when a call from the borders, specifically for Drestig, sounded. The voice was unfamiliar to her and the Rye Queen quickly decided she would join him. After I put this in the caches. She moved through the territory, emerald eyes sweeping the area to see if anyone else was nearby. It did not take long for her to drop of her carcass to the caches. A sigh left her lips and the small woman rolled her shoulders before setting an easy pace for the borders. The Tainn was in no rush, she was sure Drestig had a handle on the situation.

As Jessie neared the borders, she could hear a female and her mate's voice become clearer. Before the woman started speaking again, Jessie siddled up to Drestig's side, lifting her banner to match his as her emerald eyes took in the girl. She was dark, ringing a familiar chord within the woman but her eyes were unfamiliar and so she remained silent. Jessie kept her face impassive as the girl spoke. Who is her father? Perhaps it would have been better if she had not interferred with this meeting, she had taken too long. However, the pack that this girl spoke of was intriguing and different from everything the Tainn had encountered in her life. She remained where she was. Things took a turn for the worst, for her, when the woman in front of them mentioned Hotei.

A sharp intake of breath was emitted from Jessie's mouth, her eyes clouding with sadness. Hotei. Swallowing, her voice wavered when she responded, "Hotei is gone, yes." The pepper-and-salt colored female felt the familiar shiver of pain run through her body. Jessie swallowed the lump in her throat, continuing on, "I'm Jessie." She excluded her chosen full name, not wanting her to assume anything. If she was related to Hotei then it meant she was a Tainn and one that must have been awfully close to the Bend family to be naming off her first love. The Rye Queen remained planted in place, not daring to utter another word.

(This post was last modified: May 30, 2017, 06:15 AM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Blaaah sorry for my computer death stalling this so much :c I think we can wrap up with one more post from each thought?


He couldn’t help but smile brightly at her reaction, waving his own tail in a mirror, if a little more restrained, of hers. Her elation surprised him, coming here naming Darrah as her father, did she really expect to be let down? Again he was left to wonder what kind of pack she had come from, and what exactly her dad had told her about uncle Drestig; All in due time..! Just then, the sound of soft pawfalls in the snow drew his ears backwards, one brow twitching in surprise, though he didn’t turn his head. He would recognize those steps anywhere, and as Jessie drew up beside him, he only glanced down, smiling softly. Her scent took him by surprise though, making him breathe in sharply as his eyes narrowed and tail stilled for a moment. Spring had snuck up on them, and with his mate just recently returned home; Well, I should have known it was coming! The king shook his head lightly, smiling to himself. He’d have plenty of opportunity to explore this development, but this was neither the time, nor the place.

Instead he turned his eyes back on Rosalind, perking his ears once more as she started talking. Despite clear relief from his acceptance, she still had a chaotic, stuttering speech, making her story a bit hard to follow. But he caught the gist, nodding at the explanation of how she had come to be, giving a soft sigh and faint smile at the loving message, and furrowing his brow as she elaborated on her birth pack. Once again, he worried for his ‘nephew’; What have you gotten yourself into kid? But all else was pushed aside as the girl breathed herself into her last question. Drestig jolted slightly at the name, immediately glancing sideways, where he felt his partner stiffen. The catch in her voice as she answered send a dull ache through his heart, and he leaned towards her, brushing his shoulder against hers in support. When she paused to compose herself, her explained: “But he was your great-uncle, yes. Related by blood, unlike me.” He shot the girl a pale smile, but his main focus was still on Jessie, watching with love and concern, until he was sure she had a handle on the situation.

Only then did he move to make introductions, following the queen’s own line with an elaborating: “Jessie is my mate, and female leader of Wild Rye Fields.” He would leave it up to her to decide if she wanted to divulge any more about her relationship with Hotei, figuring she left out her last name for a reason. Instead his attention turned to their new recruit, a warmer smile lining his silvered muzzle; “This is Rosalind, our newest member.” He confirmed his earlier words before his partner, then turned his eyes back to her; “She’s Darrah’s daughter.” Jessie hadn’t had quite the same relationship with the boy and his sister as their uncle, but she’d helped raise them just as much, and cared for both them and their parents. So he didn’t think she would challenge his acceptance of the girl, but he let the introduction hang in the air for a moment anyway, just to be sure.

Word count: 541

"speech" thoughts
