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The Wandering Soul — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Ranico who has 60 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kuwindwa Mapinago
Patchy Rain
73ºF (23ºC)

The morning had started early for Kuwindwa... earlier than most wolves bothered to rise in the Vale. The younger members preferred to sleep in oftentimes, while Wind's own sleep patterns had scarcely improved in the months since she'd joined their ranks. The warrior and would-be guardian, however... she was lucky to sleep more than a few hours on a good night, and this morning had found her restless and sleep-deprived. She set out in the whee hours—the night still dark—to patrol her usual routes, then sought to do some hunting. Nothing new, nothing changed... just a metaphorical itch that pushed her further and further out from her pack's land. It had turned into a hunting expedition again at one point in the afternoon, but after that failed the woman wandered east in a fashion not so unlike how she had moved months before, when she was still a lone wolf.

Her mind wandered along with her paws. Maybe she was just... tired. Maybe, somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought being part of a pack again would change everything—make her better again—but it just... didn't. She still felt like an empty husk, soul torn to shreds. She had purpose, but something was lacking and she couldn't quite place what was missing. The circles needed to end, but Kuwindwa was still lost.

Maybe it was fear that kept Kuwindwa firmly grounded to the areas around her new home—lingering paranoia—but today, though unintentionally, her wandering had brought her much farther out than she usually did, beyond the Copse, and into the Fen. Mud squished unpleasantly between her toes; everything here seemed soggy, oozing with wetness in a most unpleasant way. She vaguely recalled the area from her journey months ago... she ended up lost in Umbra Copse, entrenched in mist and snow. This area had been a little more frozen back then. Now it was humid and the sky was threatening to open up overhead. The grey clouds swelled and rolled, ready to downpour, often without warning. In fact, Wind was certain she felt a few droplets land on her dark nose, prompting a quick shake of her head and a soft snort when she managed to plough her nose right into a wet bush rather than dispel the water. It was later in the day and there was no way she would be back in Quaking Vale before night fall. Groaning softly, Kuwindwa considered her position.

The soft chirruping of crickets, the croak of the occasional frog accented the darkening fen's choking atmosphere—the dampness seemed to muffle their sounds and clung to Kuwindwa's pelt. Looking over her shoulder, Kuwindwa knew she should turn back. Without their defender, would the Vale be safe? But she was growing weary, and she wondered how she had managed to move so much over the past year without feeling this level of exhaustion... maybe she should find some place dryer and rest for the night? It was just one night... she could return post-haste with first light.
(This post was last modified: Jun 01, 2017, 03:23 AM by Kuwindwa.)
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
pls don't mind anti-social greer <3 @Kuwindwa

Rain had started to fall haphazardly from the dark sky overhead but he did not mind. He had left or the east just before the moon took its position, seeking either food or wolves to join the Aurora pack; he was not sure yet. The shadow was not a very social wolf—in fact, he detested encountering strangers and attempting to hold conversations with them. He preferred to be on his own or in the company of his small family. Even with his new position at the helm of the mountain pack, Greer found it difficult to break old habits. His scarlet mate had done well in collecting wolves to join their group of misfits, but now it was his turn. Even if it went against his character.

The thought caused a grimace to appear on his dark features but he dismissed it with a sharp flick of his tail. His mercury gaze narrowed softly as he studied the peculiar scenery around him, his hackles raised.

Oddly enough, the sickly thin pines left him feeling vulnerable as opposed to the rocky plateau he called home.

Engaging in patrols without his wife at his side made the Archer-Lyall uncomfortable, but it had to be done. She was the talker, not him. He was the moral support… and to look intimidating. Words did not come as easy to him as they did to Kyna. That, and he just did not enjoy speaking. Especially to strangers.

What a peculiar predicament he had gotten himself in. The selective mute, son of the regal Elettra, who had shied away from the spotlight for three years had been thrust into the very thing he had desperately avoided. Attention; committment. It was all new to him. The strawberry blond he did not mind, for the thought of her sidling up next to another wolf made his guts churn and his head throb, but leadership? He was not cut out for it.

Greer did not know if that would ever change.

The scent of another collided with his damp nose, causing his brows to furrow further. He did not seek out the stranger, but he did not change his course either. She smelt of pack—the same scent hat accompanied the pale male he had encountered on the mountain. Neighbours.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ranico who has 60 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kuwindwa Mapinago
Heheheh! Oh, it shall make things interesting!

The rain was beginning to do more than just spit—it would be a proper downpour before long. Kuwindwa needed to make a decision quickly. These scraggly pines were hardly good for shelter, and this sodden place didn't seem like it would be dry even on a good day. It was a long way to proper shelter in any direction as far as Kuwindwa knew. Home was far to the east, and she wasn't certain how much longer she'd be mucking through these woods if she continue west. Her paws felt disgusting, her pelt was beginning to drip (though she gave herself a good shake in an effort to remove some of the water) and all-in-all, she couldn't see a good answer to her dilemma. So she did what she been doing all along and walked forward, doing her best to remain the stoical warrior she usually was even though her head was beginning to hang and the slope of her shoulders was lower than usual.

Even the crickets were quieting, leaving nothing but the patter of rain for company. Kuwindwa felt small and lonely.

Perhaps because of this dreary, water-logged state, or maybe it was a combination of the rain, mud, and overwhelming scent of dank pine that she almost missed it at first. When she first caught the scent she paused only briefly: wolf. When she saw him, a shadow amid shadows, inkier than the night that would soon be falling in earnest, she froze. His trajectory sent him directly at the silver warrior. There was no way he would not have seen her, or at least scented her. She waited, offering no greeting.

Wind did not feel imposing. Usually she could count on wolves being put off by her large frame alone. Instead she was weary and her head was still hanging. She was in unfamiliar territory near an unfamiliar wolf. Her skin was crawling... if not for the rain sticking her fur down, her hackles might've raised. Kuwindwa's head remained cautiously low, her paws planted firmly beneath her. Her gaze begged a silent question: Who are you?
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

A grimace cut into his dark lips as the rain drops began to increase in both size and quantity. At least he had some of the skeleton pines to protect him, whereas the heights offered little protection in undesirable weather. The shadow, however, had gotten used to braving the elements. Life on the tundra had prepared him for his move to the mountains, for there was no foliage to duck beneath when the skies decided to open up. Not unless he headed south, to the forest that separated the expanse from the rest of Lore. It had taken some time to adjust to the drastic change in surroundings, but he managed (with a frown pressed to his maw).

Water began to drip down his legs as he moved through the trees, his brows furrowed in annoyance as he struggled to catch of something other than wolf. It appeared, however, that the Archer-Lyall was having no such luck, for the only thing he was able to track was the older female from the neighbouring pack.

His grimace deepened.

The silver female was within view but, as per usual, the shadow kept his tongue locked tight behind his pearly fangs. Greer was not one to speak first—or at all, if he had his way—especially when encountering a pack wolf. Loners were a different story, as they could be useful to the small Aurora pack. But pack wolves had already chosen where they decided to den—he could not persuade them with his broken speech. A single brow rose in curiosity as his silver eyes fell onto her pale, soggy frame. He offered no words; instead, he gave a sharp wag of his tail, to let her know that he was aware of her presence. If she wanted to converse Greer would unwillingly comply, but for now the silence was far more appealing. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ranico who has 60 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kuwindwa Mapinago
Kuwindwa did not receive an answer. Not verbally, at least. An inquiring brow lifted on the man's dark face and his tail gave a sharp wag. It wasn't as if body language was something foreign to any wolf, but many opted for a verbal response in these lands. The lack of immediate aggression kept Kuwindwa rooted, but her gut was still twisting uneasily. His face was sharp, unpleasant, like he didn't smile much. Kuwindwa wondered if that was how hers must look...

A deeper breath allowed her to analyze his scent a little better now that he was nearer. He smelled like... other wolves. A pack. A family. How far had she strayed? She knew there were neighboring packs but she'd yet to encounter any wolf from them before this point. It was months ago when other packs had been mentioned to her, north of Quaking Vale. She was too far east for this to be a wolf from Oak Tree Bend. Her head lifted, curiosity getting the better of her as she took a few cautious steps forward.

"Hello," she ventured, her voice only just above the falling rain. His movements hadn't necessarily suggested patience. Perhaps he was busy? "Pardon me, but would you be able to direct me to shelter, sir?" She tried to be polite, but it was harder for her to remember her manners as rain fell onto her ears—ears that splayed awkwardly in an effort to keep water out. She wanted to ask point-blank who he was, but that would be rude... and he had steely eyes. She didn't want to fight. She just wanted shelter from the rain, and a little rest. All the same, she was too proud to say she'd messed up coming this far, that she'd let her mind wander and her feet with it, and that she wondered sometimes if she should even return to the Vale, except she remembered the faces of young wolves and peculiar blue eyes like @Castel. How did she end up settled next to such a miserable place?

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

He hoped that after his brief, non-verbal greeting that he could continue on his way and attempt to escape the rain. Conversation was not on the agenda today. No—he was seeking a warm meal for his wife. It seemed, however, that the universe had other plans. The pale female spoke, her voice hushed as she attempted to speak over the heavy rainfall. His movement ceased as he turned to look at her, a sharp line forming between his brows. He remained silent, his ears pinned forward to catch a second string of words fall off her tongue and fill the air between them. Shelter. The shadow was not sure if he needed shelter himself, but he was not opposed to helping her. They were already aware of each other’s presence—if she was part of the neighbouring pack he did not want to leave a sour taste in her mouth by walking away without a word.

Unfortunately his duties as leader got in the way of his desire to be a recluse.

Nodding he motioned for the pale female to follow him with a flick of his maw. He was sure he had passed some abandoned dens in the fen before, he just needed to remember where. His lips twitched at the thought but they did not fall. Instead, he waited for the female to make her way toward him before he set off once more. He diverted from his original path, blinking water out of his eyes as he glanced over at the older wolf, curiosity bubbling inside his chest. It did not spill from his mouth, for the shadow was exceptionally good at keeping his thoughts to himself.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ranico who has 60 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kuwindwa Mapinago
He intended to move on after acknowledging her. If Kuwindwa felt guilty for the interruption at all, it was washed away with the rain, sinking in the mud with her paws. It was clear from the expression on his face he was displeased; this was an inconvenience he'd rather not deal with. Still, he listened to her request, and again silently answered with a nod—a nod that seemed as sharp as the displeasure on his features.

He was... too quiet. There was something off about him. Could he not speak? Or did he choose not to? She sought the dark wolf's aid expecting verbal directions, not to be lead somewhere by the shadow-wolf. Worry coiled tightly in the warrior's gut and she kept her head low. He smelled like a pack, did not speak, and now she was about to follow him unquestioningly into the fen? It felt wrong. Did she really want to find shelter so badly she would do something like that? She didn't like the weather, but she had dealt with worse through the winter without one complaint. Was she becoming so weak-willed she could not make her way back, even through the rain? The downpour intensified abruptly, the drops becoming thicker and splashing harder, enough to sting when they hit her nose. Yes. Yes she was, she decided and started to pad toward the man, her paws squelching with every step.

She never drew too close to the man, preferring to keep her eyes squinted and head lowered against the downpour. "My name is Kuwindwa, by the way. I'm from Quaking Vale." Maybe in turn he would provide her with more information. Something—anything—to quell some of the worry building in her mind. Kuwindwa gathered the dark man knew more about the fen than she did... still, what packs were nearby?
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

Greer could tell the pale stranger was wary. Why wouldn’t she be? Any sound wolf would be cautious around someone as sullen and silent as he was; a shadow who thrived on non-verbal communication. However, despite the worry that clouded her eyes and wafted off her pale body in waves, she complied. With hesitation, of course. His shoulders drooped to show that he meant no harm and was simply fulfilling her request. He knew that she would have rather been given directions, but the female already looked lost enough—he did not want to lead her too far from her pack. His haunch quivered as he released excess water from his pelt, his features smooth as he set forth through the trees with the silver wolf trailing at his side.

She spoke once more, an introduction falling from her tongue as she answered his silent question. Quaking Vale. It was a name he had heard before—a name that belonged to their eastern neighbours. His ears twitched in recognition although his tongue did not stir yet. Kuwindwa. The name echoed in his skull as he stored it away for future reference. Typically he did not remember names, for he did not deem them important, but this wolf was a neighbour. It may come in handy in the future. “Greer.” His voice was soft yet raspy from lack of use, the single word tip-toeing off the edge of his tongue. He did not speak as gruff as others anticipated and he imagined his voice would be much smoother, almost silky, if he had used it more. “Aurora Heights,” he added as he motioned to the mountain beyond them, a single brow cocked as he studied the pale Vale wolf.

His brows narrowed before he spoke a third time, a sheepish grin working its way onto his dark lips. “Safe,” he started, referring to himself, for he could tell that the girl was still anxious. “Greer find dry.” And then he would leave to return to his business.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ranico who has 60 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kuwindwa Mapinago
I was so distracted writing this post. xD Sorry if it reads funny! Also! @Greer is... adorable. Yup. He's an adorable badass.

Kuwindwa was not so busy puzzling out which pack he might belong to—and whether she'd even heard of it yet—to miss the way his shoulders relaxed. He was trying to put her at ease perhaps, to let her know he was no threat to her. It was... something, at least. Still, he was not quick to speak, and that was an unusual trait in the woman's experience. She did not always press for conversation, but she had never remained so silent as this inky man was now. It was unsettling—especially in her present circumstance—but it was the stern face coupled with the silence that made the stranger so much more disconcerting. Still, he was leading her to shelter—supposedly—and she might have to reconsider any judgments as to his true nature.


Her ears perked, barely catching the unexpected word—name—over the rush of rain. Mildly surprised (she'd half expected him to maintain the gnawing silence), she couldn't bring herself to do more than blink at the man before he uttered another phrase, one she also gathered to be a name. His name, his pack. As she'd given her name, her pack.

Aurora Heights.

She squinted through the rain where the man motioned. Against the darkening grey horizon loomed a dark pinnacle that, presently, didn't seem to match its ethereal name. The height, however... it towered over the fen, glowering down on the miserable forest at its feet. Can't blame it. This place is miserable. Her gaze fell to meet the shadow wolf's—Greer's—but she could only blink the water from her eyes. So he speaks.

As Greer continued to speak Kuwindwa noted his sentences were short, truncated. It was like speaking to a pup, except there was very clearly intelligence in his cool eyes. He wasn't stupid, but if his speech were impaired... no wonder he would choose silence. The very slightest of grateful smiles passed over Kuwindwa's face. He may not have been the friendliest on first impressions, but she appreciated his attempt to ease her worry, now verbally in addition to his body language. "Thank you, Greer." It wasn't a magical switch; the tension didn't just disappear from Kuwindwa... but her thanks was sincere.