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when i wake up from a dreamer's sleep — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
tags for @Lilya @Lilliana @Lavender but anyone welcome

Like most nights, the darkness called to him, luring him away from the confinements of Lilya’s den before the sun broke the horizon. He liked being able to catch the first rays of sunlight before the rest of Lore woke up. The ghost did not get much solitude anymore—these early mornings put his anxious mind to rest. Some days he would venture south and watch the sun chase away the moon beside the body of water he affectionately dubbed as Lake Worry. Today, however, he settled for the river’s edge. His hindquarters were folded against the grass,  chartreuse gaze fixated on the golden orb in the sky. Birds chirped around him, welcoming the return of the sun with an elaborate chorus. The air was crisp and inviting, drops of dew clinging to his alabaster fur. He relished in the solitude for a moment before unfolding himself from the ground. Dismissing himself from the river, XIX returned to the den-site, his tail swaying gently behind him.

Once he reached the clearing that housed both Lilya’s den and his infirmary Lachesis collapsed against the ground, his long legs stretched out across the dirt as he rolled to his side. He did not know if the sparrow or their little birds were awake just yet, for it was still early. For now he could forgo his patrols, as the father decided he deserved the morning off. He could resume his duties later once he got in some quality time with his children and the mother of his children. The river pack had swelled in size before the birth of their three litters, so Lachesis did not have to fret about jobs being done. The recent additions had already proven their worth to the pale healer; he did not worry much about them. Aside from Aytigin, maybe. Unfortunately the dark male had a mouth on him that could not be contained—unless by force.

He remained where he was, peridots focused on the entrance of Lilya’s den, ears craned forward to listen for movement. 

(This post was last modified: Jun 07, 2017, 05:11 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by becuffin who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lilliana Stark
When her father had first risen the girl laid still and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. She didn't want to get in trouble for being up when she should have been asleep, but she did wonder where he went when he left them like this. Slowly she watched as the dark entrance became brighter, inching closer to the dens exit to watch the sky change, blues, purples, pinks and finally the golden hue that signaled the rising of the sun. He'd be back soon, she supposed, and as if on cue her dad approached the den.

She thought to scoot back, resume her pretend sleep to ease some of her parents worrying. But he didn't come as far as the den where her mother and sister still seemingly slept soundly. Instead he sprawled out in the clearing where they so often played. It would probably make @Lavender cross if she were to charge out into the open without a word of warning, but surely if their father was there that would make it all ok? Besides, the way he was just laying there presented too good of an opportunity to be passed up.

The girl charged forward, making it obvious she had just been waiting for an adult to present her a chance to escape the confines of the den. She would climb on her fathers back, needle like teeth aiming to grab hold of a pale ear or cheek, fearsome squeak growl rumbling in her chest as she attacked with a giggle. Lav never let her play rough but surely dada wouldn't mind.
[Image: 6iP3aAV.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lavender @Lilya u 2 are still welcome to jump in wheneva, if you want :B

As the morning light cascaded around him Lachesis felt his eyelids growing heavy once more, his limbs twitching as sleep tempted to reclaim him. He blinked slowly, his gaze still trained on the den as he swallowed a yawn before it could stretch his jaws apart. Birds chirped in the distance, signalling that the sun had reached its summit. One ear was still angled at the den entrance, focused on the steady breathing of his family, as the other collapsed against his skull. He did hear a stirring from inside but the ghost thought nothing of it for it was still early; he did not expect his children or Lilya to wake so early.  

Just as his eyes began to droop shut a flash of tawny fur propelled forward, colliding with his pale body and rousing him from his drowsy state. His lips curled in amusement but he did not move. Instead XIX allowed the little Stark to clamber onto his back, her needle-like teeth connecting with the soft tissue of his ear. The healer fell silent, his eyes falling shut as he tried to remain as still as possible. Being chewed on was a normal part of fatherhood; there was no reason for him to protest her antics. It was better she roughhoused him and not her sister, for he did not mind the pressure of her sharp teeth against his skin. Lavender was fragile, like her sister, and would oppose this kind of play... for now.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys

Lilya had been resting peacefully… somewhat peacefully anyway… when her youngest daughter started to stir, the mother’s eyes lazily dragging open with a yawn as she watched the girl, detecting the scent of her mate and baby daddy Lachesis outside with a soft smile, and a soft chuff in greeting that she wasn’t entirely sure that he could hear. It was still early, but she didn’t mind, giving Lavender a soft nudge to wake the girl up so she could stand and make her way outside for a couple moments in the sun. Lilliana was the type to rush forward, amusement hinting at her features as she noted the tawny girl’s play.

They were quite the family, weren’t they..? She’d come to realize some time during the pregnancy that Lavender, Lilliana, and Laddeus were going to link her to Lachesis and the River forever… and that was good. At least, she was pretty sure that was good..? She still had no clear understanding of where they actually stood feelings-wise, but she had two daughters to look after, and that took priority… for both of them. The blue-eyed sparrow slowly rose, stretching out her legs real quick before she made her way out of the den, trying to beckon Lavender with a soft call, and a smile to match. They should all see the sunrise together…

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark
Over time Lavender had begun to accept the Outside as a requirement, though she still much preferred their warm den. It was best of all when the four of them were there together - that was when she could snuggle directly between her mother and father (and Lil, who always seemed to be everywhere she was) and become completely at peace. Lachesis' disappearances in the early morning were among her least favorite things, but she could make do so long as Lilya and Lil were still there.

She was beginning to wake when Lilliana took off into the outside world, making quite the peep about something that Lavender decided she wasn't ready for. She tried to fall back asleep, but Lil's rowdiness appeared to have roused their mother as well. At Lilya's gentle touch Lavender returned an indignant squeak, but she was already resigned to her fate. Family cuddle time was over. Eventually she was the only one left in the den. Heaving a dramatic huff she rolled on to her pale belly, lifting herself on to stocky puppy legs and striding toward the exit. At the mouth of the den she lifted her chin high and blinked against the early light to observe what was in store for today.

The scene before her was pleasantly surprising - just her father sprawled across the clearing, Lilliana wrecking havoc, and Lilya waiting on her. She certainly didn't have a problem with this as long as it was her family and not all those other weirdos. A peaceful pip escaped her as she careened for her mother, her short tail wagging to and fro and causing her hips to sway. She swung around the inside of Lilya's right foreleg to stand directly underneath her mama, trying to emulate what the regal she-wolf might do now.
Played by becuffin who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lilliana Stark
She could tell he was awake, but he allowed her to perch on his broad back and worry his pale ears. Her squeaks gave way to indignant growls, it wasn't any fun if he just laid there and took it! Her attention turned to the thick fur over his neck and shoulders, stubby legs struggling to maintain her balance on the unfamiliar terrain, far from the solid and flat of the earth that she was used to.

It was only her mother emerging from the den that distracted her from her continued attack, thinly furred tail waving over her back as she let a small victorious bark loose, Look what I caught mumma! But she was just as quickly distracted from her wordless bragging as her sister emerged and placed herself between their mother's legs.

It was unfortunate that Lavender and Lilliana were so at odds with each other because the tawny sister didn't understand the pale one's timidness. She bought her paws close together, wobbling as she lost her balance on her father's inhale but leaping forth fearlessly none the less. Her pale chin brushed the dirt as her front paws weren't quite yet prepared to catch all her weight when leaping, but she didn't let the stumble hold her up, barrelling excitedly towards her sister and not much minding if she caught her mother's legs up in her excited tackle. The sun was up and they were outside! They should play!
[Image: 6iP3aAV.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

His lips curled in amusement as the bundle of tawny fur clambered over his back and attempted to steady herself, probably preparing her next attack. XIX remained where he was, for he did not want to send her tumbling to the ground, but begun to plot his defence. His thoughts, however, were disturbed as he spotted Lilya at the entrance of her den. Instantly his chartreuse gaze sought out her agouti frame, a soft smile appearing on his dark lips as he greeted her with a slow wag of his tail. There was just one more missing…

A pale blob appeared between the sparrow’s legs as though it had been summoned by Lachesis’ thoughts. The ghost marvelled at their differences. Lilliana was fearless; flinging herself into action without a second thought. Lavender, however, was more calculative; she thought before acting and did not have time for her sister’s roughhousing. The latter seemed to take after both parents, whereas Lachesis was unsure of where Lilliana got her boldness from. His brother, Pyrrhus, perhaps or maybe a wolf on Lilya’s side, but she certainly did not get it from the two worry-warts she had for parents.

Just as he was about to greet both the sparrow and the little dove XIX felt the falcon on his back lunge forward. He could not stop the sigh from rolling off his tongue as he watched Lilliana barrel forward, most likely aiming for her timid sister in an attempt to knock her over.

@Lilya @Lavender @Lilliana
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
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