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4O'Clock — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Maeby who has 41 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cannon Tainn
Re:A double rainbow stretches through the sky.
the battle gun
Cannon Tainn

What the heck was that?!

Cannon had barely had the chance to fully wake up from his nap before something so horrendous had the nerve to appear right before his very eyes way up high in the sky! He'd only stepped out for a fresh breath of air, too! "W-Ana!!" The tubby pup screeched, knowing his tinier look-alike would want a peek at something like this. And heck, he was loud enough for everyone to hear, if their interest happened to pique due to his tone, they could come see too. Though if they thought he was responsible for this mess, well, he'd simply blame Lana. "W-Wana!! Wha di' yew doooo?!" There. For good measure.

Though as unpleasant as the sight was, it was also strangely charming. 'Aesthetic' if you will. "Huh" The plump pup exclaimed, waiting impatiently for someone to come enjoy the show with him. Or at the very least make some sense out of whatever it was. "Wed, Oray, Wewwow, Bwoo, Gwee, Burpee." He mumbled, those were the colors that appeared in the obscure structure. But what did they mean? Could the world perhaps be ending? No, Cannon couldn't grasp that concept well enough. Strange clouds?

(This post was last modified: Jun 14, 2017, 06:45 AM by Cannon.)
[Image: N3fkDi5.png]
Played by Pinn who has 44 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lana Tainn

Lana had been so exhausted from her hard morning of chewing rocks, and digging holes that even Cannon's very warm body was not missed as she slept. In fact, she probably would have laid there sleeping for a good while if it hadn't been for his horrible voice seeping in through the entrance of the den. One slowly-reddening eye cracked open, and then the other as she gauged the situation. She hadn't even had the time to wrap her head around the fact that she was awake when it came again.

"Nuffin." She called back, positive that she had behaved herself all morning. She tried to think back, but nothing stuck out as bad. Lana stood with a huff, curious to see what her brother was blaming on her this time. He was in the middle of naming colors when she found him outside of the den, his eyes glued on something in the sky. Following his gaze, she was met with something.. very curious indeed. "Wooooah." It was huge, stretching as far as she could see on either side of the horizon. How could they not have noticed this structure before? No, Lana was pretty sure that wasn't there earlier. "Das pwettyyy. Whur'd ya get it?"

Played by Maeby who has 41 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cannon Tainn

Where'd he get? Hell if he knew. As far as Cannon was concerned, this little ordeal was not one of his own, just something he happened to be unlucky enough to stumble across. "Ih no' mine!" The pudgy pup exclaimed. "Don' tell mom.." He added, deciding right then that maybe the girl would attempt to turn against him and try to throw all the blame onto him.. As if that wasn't just what he himself was trying to do mere moments ago. "Soo-kah did it prolly.." Probably not, actually. But if it ever boiled down to it, someone needed to take the fall.

"Wha is it do ya think? It got burpee in it! Two Burpee's!" Purple was his favorite color, so if this thing was really a sign of impending doom, well, at least there was purple involved. "Is burdies? Cwowds? No.. No Burdies.. No Cwowds.." Answering his own questions, Cannon waited for his kin to throw in her own thoughts and idea's on the matter. At least they didn't appear to be moving. They just kind of.. Sat there.. What was their purpose? The lack of knowledge was actually eating the poor Tainn up inside.

[Image: N3fkDi5.png]
Played by Pinn who has 44 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lana Tainn

Lana might have believed her brother had he not added the spiel about not telling mom. Might being they key word, of course. In fact, she wouldn't have even noticed anything was amiss if he hadn't so desperately defended himself. Nearly topaz eyes narrowed, taking in his pudgy figure. So this was some sort of stunt then, eh? He even had the audacity to push the blame onto Suka. The dark cub had no doubt in her ever-growing mind that the smallest Tainn had some paw in this mess, but he wouldn't have been able to achieve this alone. "Whu you do?!" More importantly, how was she to fix this before anyone got the chance to see It? It was impossible to hide. The thing spanned across the entire sky.

"Burpee? No! No burdie!" Birds didn't do that, and crows weren't purple, or red, or blue. Gods how was she going to clean up this mess, and how was she going to put him in his place for all of this? She'd have to rip off an ear or something, because this was much grander than anything he'd ever attempted in the past.

Without another thought, Lana ran towards it. As soon as she reached it, she would be able to figure out how to pull it down.

(This post was last modified: Aug 14, 2017, 08:57 AM by Lana.)
Played by Maeby who has 41 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cannon Tainn

What the heck was Lana talking about? Not only did she have the audacity to once again try and credit him for the strange allurement even after he stated it probably belonged to their brother, but she then went on some random tangent about birds! "Wuh?" the Tainn paused, glancing at his kin with a rather puzzled expression. "Wana, no burbs. Burpee." Dang. Was she really that dumb? "N' I didn do, I say that awready." stupid girl.

But it was strange, and someone was to blame. Perhaps one of the adults? Maybe this was some sort of surprise? If that were the case then dang they sure were sitting here being pretty rude about it. "is for me cuz is my  'urfday." Cannon proudly exclaimed, not quite knowing exactly what a birthday was but he heard it from somewhere at it sounded nice so, well, yeah. This was obviously some sort of gift for the big man's special day. "Da' made it for me." Probably. Maybe. "You get one on yer 'urfday but ain't with no burpee's." because if she couldn't tell the difference between the color purple and some birds, well, then she didn't deserve the color purple at all.

(This post was last modified: Aug 14, 2017, 09:13 AM by Cannon.)
[Image: N3fkDi5.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Pinn who has 44 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lana Tainn

Lana's dark brows knitted together as another wave of confusion set in. Somehow Cannon always found a way to do this to her. What in the world was he saying? Burpee, not Burbie? Lana flew through the list of known words in her head, trying to form some sort of something out of that word. Burp. She knew that one, but an ie sound didn't come at the end of it, and nothing even rhymed with burpee. Gods, she had really lucked out in the genius brother department, hadn't she? "Can wha's Burpee?"

No! There wasn't time for this madness! There were more important things to for them to tend to. Things that did not require picking at her brother's brain - or lack thereof. What a mess. Bounding forward, Lana left her brother to his own pondering about 'urfdays' and whether or not their father really made him something this large for it. "Shut up! Hewp me!" There would be plenty of time for all of that later. Right now they would have to focus on ripping down the colorful display.

There was, however, one unmistakable problem. It was running away. The closer she got, the farther it seemed. That was fine though. She'd just have to speed up.

Played by Maeby who has 41 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cannon Tainn

Did Lana actually honest to goodness just ask him what purple was? The pup let out a large and heavy sigh, disappointed with the lack of knowledge his kin possessed. "Wana. Yew know burpee." He sternly stated, trying to give her a few seconds to think things over. "Wed, Owange, Wewwow, Burpee??" Obviously. Though instead of coming to her senses like the Tainn had hoped, she instead rudely insisted that he shut up and 'Help' her?? Oop, and then sprinted away. Okay then. "Wana!!" The boy snarled, chasing after his sister.

"Wana help wi' wha'??" What were her intentions? And why did she appear a tad distraught? Could it be she didn't like the present their father maybe, probably made for him on today his special day? Was she jealous? "Wana you will get one on your 'urfday!!! Leave mine alone!!" He grunted, huffing and puffing as his chubby frame did it's best to keep up. This was his, or so he concluded, she didn't intend on taking it away did she?

[Image: N3fkDi5.png]