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Looking to the Future — Lost Lake 
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
OOC: Sorry I'm a little rusty.

He had decided that he had spent too much time thinking and trying to figure out what he wanted to do. It wasn't like he could learn about his father or try and figure out what he was like when he was away from the wolves that his Father had lived with. The thing that he had been able to figure out was that he didn't need to focus on his Father on his own Solas could learn about the wolves that he had lived with and seemed to care for. So with that line of thought, Solas had left the den that he had made for himself and began to trek back to Fallen Tree Cove. It took the better part of a week to return but that mattered little to Solas he had come to a decision and he wasn't going to turn back this time as he had the few times before.

Solas found the sight of the Mountain almost comforting as he traveled along the rocky path he had chosen, his paws slipping on the wet rocks. The clouds overhead were dark and looming, threating to spill more rain below even as the scent of it hung in the air. Deciding he wanted to reach the borders before he got rained on and became a soggy mess Solas picked up the pace digging his claws in where he could so that he wouldn't stumble and end up breaking something. From there he soon found himself staring and the lake and then the edge of Fallen Tree Cove's land.

Simple standing there Solas took in the scent of pine needles and wet ground. He had decided to come here to join and now that he was here after a week of travel he was hesitating. He found himself stalling but he couldn't figure out why and it bothered him. Maybe it was because he had never truly been part of a pack? Whatever the case was he was getting annoyed at himself for putting off the call that would bring the leaders to him. Were @Vespertio and @Namid still leading the pack? He shrugged guessing he would soon find out. So forcing his head up he let out a call for one or both of leaders he sought.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

The Lore was, per usual, being soaked in random bouts of rainfall. So often was this occurrence that the Lake was beginning to swell again, which worried the queen some especially with the life of little Chan in their borders. He was an adorable, energetic little tyke and she knew from experience how curious pups could be. Moonshadow was a wonderful, watchful mother and Tagg an equally protective father. In fact, at times it almost seemed like the little lad had two fathers. The other parental figure taking part by Kajika. Of course the rest of the pack looked after his well, leading him back to the birthing den Moonshadow had chosen when he strayed too far or taking turns watching over him.

She was taking a lap of the lake, trying to gauge just how much it was rising, when a familiar voice rang into the air. Her pale auds swung forward, mismatched gaze widening a bit. It seemed that their young friend had returned to them. A smile stretched across her features, then the queen was off. She wasn’t quite at a sprint, but her pace was certainly more than a light jog. She was excited and hopeful that Solas had made the decision to enter their borders as one of them. She could only imagine how Vespertio would feel about it. The stormy male came in her sights and she offered a bark of greeting, tail wagging happily as it arched naturally slightly above her back. “I am very happy to see you again, Solas,” she remarked, coming to a stop a few feet away from the man to allow him his space.

To be fearful of the night
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
He could feel a slight edge of nervousness rising in him as he waited. This was his first time trying to join a pack and even though he knew that he already had a bit of an advantage with this particular pack it felt...odd. Pack-life seemed like something that others normally had not him. He had once watched as a wolf he didn't know tried to get accepted into a pack and they had taken him in. It wasn't until a week later that Solas had seen him again as a loner trying to beg for a quick bite of a rabbit that his mother had caught. So to Solas pack-life hadn't seemed all that great or important. Now here he was waiting for one of the leaders to make an appearance.

It wasn't long before Solas heard the sound of paws on the ground, and he felt his shoulders tighten a bit. A bark of greeting was given as Namid came into sight, her tail waving happily. She seemed rather happy to see him and he couldn't help but wonder if she had thought that he had left and had chosen to simply not return. He couldn't deny that the thought had been present and that he had actually considered it but it had been getting lonely with no one to talk so that along with other reasons had made him decide to return.

"@Namid." Solas greeted back with a brief nod of his head and a grin, her happy expression contagious. "If the offer still stands I would like to join you." He told her getting straight to the point because there wasn't any reason to daddle around the main reason he had called her to the edge of the land she helped rule over. At that point, he couldn't help but wonder if he should have brought something as a way to prove that he wasn't useless. But could something as simple as say a rabbit sway someone's choice?
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
She was happy to see he seemed content as well, her eyes wandering over the man's form. He seemed skinny, but of course he'd been skinny the last time she'd seen him. The life of a loner was not easy on the body of a wolf, but with time in their ranks he would be sure to become the swarthy male his father had been. Just the thought of it made her even more happy. At least she could do right by someone.

He got right to the point in asking for admittance to their ranks, another personality trait it seemed he may have inherited from their late Second. It was a trait she admired because it showed strength and sureness, something they could never be lacking. "Of course, you are always more than welcome here," she said. The pale queen moved forward and brushed her shoulder against his, offering a friendly bump to his cheek for good measure as she stepped back. "I trust you found everything you needed to in yourself and others while you were away?"
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
He had thought that maybe after he had gone that she might hesitate to bring him into the pack. That maybe they had changed their mind about him even if he was the son of one of their old friends. It seemed he had been wrong in that aspect because she seemed to barely think about his request before coming to the decision to let him join. The quick response put him at ease and he relaxed a bit as she came forward to brush against him, marking him with the scent of his new home and family. She gave him a friendly bump that he accepted with a flicker of a smile and a wag of his tail.

I did but I guess we'll see how well I did after I have been here for a while. Solas responded back tipping his head to the side as he thought. I haven't been in a pack before so is there anything that I need to know before I start learning my way around the territory? He only asked because he wanted to see if there were any specific rules in place that he needed to know about otherwise he felt he could learn things as he went. But if there were say some place he shouldn't go he wanted to know right away. He also wanted to meet the others in the pack beside @Namid and Vespertio. Once that was done he would feel more comfortable with everything and settle in better.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]