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I tried helping you and this is how you repay me? — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

@Nyssa set right after http://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=14814

He couldn't breath. Water still blocked his airways as he ran for his life. His lungs tried to push the painful liquid out as they simultaneously tried to pull in precious oxygen. His head was pounding with pain as his creamy limbs carried his as fast as they could. It had happened so fast. One second he was teaching the woman how to fish then the next there was a searing pain on his scruff and his face was forced in the water. The shock of it caused him to inhale the water. He fought against her hold and was finally free. Usually he'd hold his ground and fight. But instinct said to run, to get as far away as possible. So thats what he did.

He ran until he stumbled on a tree root. He tumbled down and hit the ground hard. His heart pounded in his chest as he gasped for air. His golden eyes were filled with water from the pain on his neck and the burning in his chest. For one born by the sea Tyne never thought that his end would be by water. Water was life for the sea wolf, and now it threatened to snuff him out. He coughed violently in a desperate attempt to clear his lungs. The fluid poured out from both his stomach and lungs. Continuing to cough the large male kept all his senses on high alert. The sound of another running towards him caused him to turn. Upon seeing the dark form of the devil woman a snarl tore from Tynes cream colored muzzle. This time he would be ready. Golden eyes glared at her from a lowered head. He held a defensive stance as she approached. "What the fuck was that for?" he spat at her. He couldn't wrap his brain around why she would attack him when all he was trying to do was help.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Trix who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyssa Valsix
The actual fight takes place here. Grae and I have opted not to use rolls.

Oh this was proving far too easy! The fool had completely fallen for her trap, and now he tucked his tail and ran, like a coward. How typical. She thought with a sneer, as she pursued the male that in her eyes, had wronged her. Just because he was on the run and that she had drawn at least a little bit of blood, did not mean he would escape the warriors wrath that easily.

The coppery taste in her mouth was just a tantalizing hint of the victory that she knew would soon be hers. It fueled her, pushed her forward relentlessly. Supple muscles beneath raven pelted fur ripple with ease, adrenaline surging through her system as the demoness tore through the woods after Tyne. Such a nice, well mannered wolf really didn't deserve such cruelty. He had only tried to help, after first laying a firm claim to what was his. Too bad Nyssa didn't see it that way. That she was prejudice in her beliefs. To her and her birth clan, males were useless, good only for spawning. They had no rights, they were not her equals and certainly not her superiors. 

The trail of intermixed blood and fresh water was a telltale sign that caught her eyes, easily leading her to his location. When his agouti form came into view, her own black one like a blot of ink amongst the browns and greens of the forest, her approach was not that of a madwoman barreling towards him. Instead she slunk forwards with evenly paced, carefully measured steps, distinctly predatory in manner. Head lowered with her shoulders, ears pricked, she let out an amused, mocking laugh. "For what you are... Your kind think so highly of yourselves." Quite the puzzling answer to such a simple question, but Nyssa was content to leave him guessing. She would be entertained seeing how long it took his male brain to figure it out.

His guarded stance complete with the lowering of his head had not escaped her. Part of her almost casual but all too dangerous approach was in hopes that she'd take him by surprise again. When she came within line of his flank, her body parallel to his, that was when she made her move. Again, there was no warning. No crinkling of the muzzle, no warning growl or sudden tensing of the muscles. Just a sudden, sharp turn head on towards him. Dark legs whisked her forward swiftly, shoulders rolled forth as she attempted to body slam him with her own weight. She wanted this male belly up in the dirt below her, right where he belonged. 
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey


The inky woman moved forward in what seemed like a casual manner which shocked him. He expected her to be barreling towards him in an aggressive manner but she wasnt. Her body language added to his confusion on why the hell she would attack him. When he asked she gave a mock laugh, "For what you are... Your kind think so highly of yourselves." His charcoal dusted ears flew forwards and his eyes narrowed with confusion. What he was? His kind? What the hell did she mean? A Kersey? A sea wolf? A hallow wolf? Tyne wouldn't have ever guessed that it was because he was male. Such prejudice was unheard of by the tawny man. He wouldn't be able to figure it out for she was moving once more. Golden eyes glared at her from beneath partially closed lids.

He watched her move along his flank. He kept his body grounded and only turned his head. He figured she would attack again so he tried to lure her with keeping his body parallel with hers.  Soon enough she lunged at him aiming to knock him down with her weight. Had this been a spar he would have laughed at her. He had at least 20-30 pounds on the woman. Did she really think she could knock him over that easily? With her move predictable the agouti man quickly side stepped her. Unlike her Tyne let out a snarl as he whipped his head around with his jaws parted intent on making purchase. He was rewarded when the soft flesh of her scruff met his sharp incisors. Once he made contact he clamped down as hard as he could. The tangy taste of blood reached his coral tongue warranting a deep growl. He pushed against her in hopes to knock her over just as she had tried to with him.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Trix who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyssa Valsix
Her first attack had failed, earning her only a hard thud against his frame, which didn't budge. She snorted to herself. Of course he was larger than her and easily outweighed her. But Nyssa was too proud to admit her error. Dusting it under the rug, she chalked it up as a means of testing him, seeing if he could be taken by surprise.

Too little too late was she to leap out reach of vengeful jaws, whilst attempting to catch her breath. The clamp of a strong muzzle and teeth piercing through her skin elicited a savage, air cracking snarl. Instinctively she thrashed violently, trying to free herself, using her weight to resist against his own as much as she could. Eyes narrowing in self realization, the dark warrior quickly changed her method. Firmly, she braced her legs, paws digging into the earth. She may have been caught in Tyne's own grip by the back of her scruff, but she still had options.

With her head and neck forced to crane down towards the earth, there were a few possible ways in which she could land a blow, and hopefully get this male off her. Pearly white teeth caged together in a menacing snarl, she pivoted her body to line up with his, side by side, albeit with a great deal of pain from the twist of her skin in his jaws. Using her forced position to her advantage, she aimed a strike at the soft, tender flesh where his foreleg and body joined. Teeth finding purchase, she held on tight and twisted for maximum damage while fresh blood streaked down her muzzle.
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

@Nyssa I am so sorry about the wait! DX

His attempt to knock her over fail for the dark woman was moving too much for him to lean in properly. That mattered little to the sea wolf since he had a good grip on her scruff. Anger fueled him as he clamped down as hard as he could. Had he not been so furious Tyne might have laughed at her futile attempts to shake herself free. More snarls filled the air coming from the fighting pair. Doing his best the tawny man kept his hold as Nyssa struggled beneath him. He thought she would give up soon for she had no more moves.

The Kersey man was sorely mistaken. She indeed have an out and he soon realized what it was. The soft flesh of where his leg met his body was pierced by her sharp teeth. The pain was so unexpected he released his grip on her scruff and let out a snarl of pain. Tyne moved his large body away from hers as her whipped his head around. A once clean cream colored muzzle was stained red with blood. Golden eyes pin pointed where the assailant's hold was. Moving like a striking snake the large sea would aimed for her muzzle. Hitting his mark he clamped down in hopes of getting her away from him.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

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