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walk the moon — Kettle Pot Pond 
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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
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Cyril Kael-Santoro

If he continued to narrow his eyes Cyril was positive that they would mould together and become one super eye. She was annoyingly persistent. It seemed that his answer of no was not good enough, as the girl wanted to know why he did not want to be friends. He snorted loudly, showing his displeasure, as his eyes rolled once more. An ear fell to the side, the other still standing high atop his crown, as he studied the silver-eyed cub. He did not want to answer her but Cyril knew that she would not leave him alone unless he gave her an answer.

Even though she probably wasn’t going to accept it.

“Have ‘nuf f’iends,” he retorted quickly, the words spitting off his tongue venomously as his scowl returned. Although his friends were much older than he was they were still his friends—did he really need new ones? Maybe, but not now. Not until he was bigger; stronger. Then he would look to make friends. Possibly.

Would this girl be one of them? He did not know. He doubted it, but perhaps she would grow to be less annoying.

Turning his shoulder to her, the boy padded closer to the water’s edge, allowing his forepaws to dip into the rushing water. There were a few water basins on the monadnock, but nothing like this. Cyril wished he could pack up the stream with him and bring it to the rock. His frown deepened as he slapped the surface with one of his paws, sending a splatter of water in the direction opposite of him.

Played by Van who has 241 posts.
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Risaela ???
It was apparent that this one was going to be a tough nut to crack, but Ris was nothing if not persistent. Regardless of if he had enough friends or not, she completely intended on being his friend. Maybe she needed to approach it in a different way, though, because the direct approach was obviously not working well on the black-furred boy.

He scowled and informed her - very seriously - that he had enough friends for his liking. Which Ris couldn't possibly understand, but she supposed that there were some wolves in Hearthwood like that. Laike popped into her mind - though he had been fun with the fireflies, she thought that he was probably not enjoying himself as much as she was. But the child couldn't rasp the concept of not wanting more friends.

Oh well. Maybe there were just some things that she wasn't supposed to understand.

The shadow turned his shoulder to her and padded over to the bank of the water so that he could put his paws in it. As a part of Hearthwood, Risaela was used to having water pretty much all around her. Maybe not everyone had so many rivers and stuff - there weren't that many in the fields, so far as she could tell.

She pranced after him, tail waving as she approached. The silver-tawny child did not get into the stream, however - she had plenty of that back home. "Y-you l-l-li-ike wa-wa'er?" she asked, tilting her head to the side with a soft smile in his direction.
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

The girl, unfortunately, did not get the hint. She remained, captivated by the ebony Kael, and determined to make friends. His frown continued to deepened and Cyril began to worry that it would soon fall from his maw and get carried away by the bubbling brook. He ignored her for a moment, his yellowed gaze fixated on the moving water as he plotted an appropriate mean response to her question. He did not mind water. There was not a lot of it on the monadnock, so when he stumbled across it Cyril enjoyed dipping his paws in and embracing the cool liquid. He knew it was not always safe, so he treaded carefully around the liquid, always observing with both eyes or keeping a respectful distance.

After a lengthy pause the boy shrugged, his brows narrowed mischievously as his toes wriggled beneath the surface. Without a second thought the boy swiped a single forepaw along the surface of the pool, hoping to send a surge of water in Risaela’s direction. She had kept her distance from the water, so either she was accustom to it or scared of it. Either way, Cyril did not care. He just hoped the water he had sent flying in her direction met it’s mark.

Because he was a good boy and he was just sharing the water with her.

Played by Van who has 241 posts.
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Risaela ???
She did not get a verbal response to her question. Instead, the dark puppy swiped a paw at the water in a classic move to send a (proverbial) tidal wave at the other child. Splash fights weren't super uncommon at Hearthwood - with such an abundance of water around, it would just be silly to not take advantage of it. Risaela certainly didn't mind getting splashed here or there, as - per the norm with her - she only thought that he was playing.

Because how could there be any malice in a splash fight?

The light-furred girl giggled when the water splashed over her face and shoulders. It was cool, and felt nice against the muggy summer air. And she could have just swiped her paw into the water and splashed him back with her superior splashing abilities, but where was the fun in that?

Ris took a step back, tensed her shoulders in preparation, and raced out at a full-on sprint to leap into the water just in front of the yellow-eyed pup, fully intending to douse him in return. After all, he had just started a war - even if it was a play one.
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Of course she would enjoy being plummeted by water. His frown returned with a vengeance, stretched angrily across his dark features as he watched her giggle at the water cascading over her. Perhaps she was doing this to get a rise out of him—to make him lash out at her so she could go cry to her parents and say that a Whitestone wolf was being mean to her. Blah, blah, blah. He rolled his eyes, unable to stop himself. He did not want to start beef between the packs, especially over some annoying little cub. But playing nice was not one of Cyril’s specialties. He had been without a playmate his own age until now and did not know how to act. It was much easier hanging out with adults and exploring the monadnock (and beyond) with them.

What he was not expecting was the silver-eyed girl to rush at the water directly in front of him. Taking a step back a second too late the boy had been served a dish of revenge and he did not like it one bit. A growl escaped his little throat, stumbling off his tongue as he narrowed his brows darkly. He snorted loudly, water dripping from his flared nostrils as he lunged forward at the tawny girl, hoping to connect his shoulder with hers to knock her back into the water.

His parents would be so disappointed in him. 

Played by Van who has 241 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Risaela ???
Her splash attack had been successful, and her little tail wagged proudly as she watched the black pup succumb to a taste of his own medicine. Because, obviously, splash fights were simply supposed to be fun, and nobody got hurt and everybody enjoyed themselves. It really didn't occur to the young child that anyone would ever not have fun in a splash fight. But, apparently, she was wrong, because in the next instant, the inky child slammed into her and knocked her into the water.

Ris didn't like being completely submerged in the water like that. Despite the fact that she adored playing in the shallows and getting her fur soaking wet, there was something displeasing about the sensation of her entire head going underneath the surface. It took her just a moment to regain her footing and pop back up - she could still stand with her head and back over the water, but laying down, she'd been completely covered.

Silver eyes narrowed and her lips pursed. Like the mean worm she'd met a few weeks ago, it seemed that this puppy needed to be taught a lesson. Her body tensed before she wriggled her rump and propelled herself out of the water, paws outstretched to take the black puppy down with her. "Mean!" she scolded, but didn't intend on physically injuring the boy.
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

A wide, triumphant grin stretched across his dark maw as he met his mark and sent Risaela tumbling into the water, his inky plume waving high above his back. His yellow gaze remained fixated on the spot where he had submerged the girl as he impatiently waited for her to resurface. Although he was not fond of the girl and had wanted to drench her in the cool liquid, he did not want to drown her. Even if rescuing her was beneath him, he would do it. Killing her (even if it had been by accident) was not a good way to keep packs neutral. His parents would definitely be mad at him if he turned into a murderer!!

Again the tawny girl had launched an unexpected attack on him and he scolded himself for being so stupid. He attempted to scramble away from her once more but was unsuccessful, for his over-sized paws were extremely uncoordinated. The silver-eyed girl had managed to successfully pin the ebony Kael, much to his frustration, and shouted mean! in his face. “Nuh uh!!” Cyril retorted with a frown as he attempted to push his hindlegs into her soft stomach, his brows narrowed darkly. She had splashed him back, so she was being just as mean as he was! 

Played by Van who has 241 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Risaela ???
The sneak attack had caught him off-guard, and the smaller pup was able to pin him. Which would make sense, as Risaela was used to play scuffles and mock fights with the four other Hearthwood pups. Cyril didn't have anyone else his size to play fight with - or, a little smaller, if one considered Ris' stature. Even she would admit that she was a small pup, though she was still larger than Oksana, and possibly Lavender and Lilliana, as well. It wouldn't stay that way for long.

'Nuh uh!' he disagreed to her scolding, and then pummeled her stomach with his hind legs. She let out a furious puppy growl when he managed to get her off of him, her silver-tawny fur bristling on end and sticking together in clumps from the water. "Y-yes huh!" she argued, albeit with a slight stutter, and stomped her forepaws on the ground indignantly. Because he was being mean! So mean! And she'd tried to be super nice!

She shook her head, sending droplets of water every which way, before bouncing forward again, looking to fasten her teeth on his tail. (She knew from personal experience that grabbing the ears hurt too much.)
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Maybe he was being a little mean. The smudge stuck his tongue out at the girl and continued to pummel her stomach until she finally released him, a high-pitched growl erupting from her throat. Finally he had managed to make her angry. Jumping to his paws the boy took several steps away from her, his tail arched high over his back. He was determined to remain triumphant—his parents didn’t raise no wuss! With a raised brow he spat back at her, his words laced with venom: Yer bein’ mean!” That would surely get her riled up once more. His paws neatly vibrated with excitement at the thought.

He flinched at the water being sent his way but this time he was more observant, his yellowed gaze hardened as he watched her body language shift. She lunged at him once more, tiny teeth seeking to meet dark fur, but Cyril would not allow it to happen. He shuffled out of the way just in time, his tail lashing angrily behind him. The smudge liked his tail very much and did not want to explain why half of it was missing when he returned to the monadnock. “No bite!!!!” He growled in response, his upper lip lifting to reveal a row of needle-like canines.

Played by Van who has 241 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Risaela ???
His tail was whisked out of her way and she tumbled, head-over-tail on the grass below. She landed on her rump, gracelessly, and sent him a pointed glare, silver eyes shadowed a bit by downturned brows. But really, she couldn't stay mad for too very long. Her tiny body didn't have much room for all that rage. Now she was more or less put-out, and indignant, and disappointed.

"I-I wa-want-ed be f-iends," she argued against her apparent meanness, getting back to her paws once again. She didn't like the wrestling thing - not when it was serious. "No-nooo b-bi-te," she agreed, tail drooping slightly.

The child cleared her throat, silver eyes glancing down at her paws before looking back up to meet his yellow ones. "I s-sa-sorry," she apologized, a tiny sheepish smile stretching over her lips. Her ears angled forward before swiveling back to the sides of her skull as she lowered her head, tilting it to the side just a bit. "F-forgibe?" That was a pretty big word, and she had messed it up a little, but mostly she was right and she was proud. Even if she had switched the v for a b.