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freaking out the neighborhood — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
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Saros Andromeda-Tainn
"Little Crow and Big Buzzard." He mused softly with a certain gleam in his eyes. "You must have some sort of theme with names." It wasn't said in a malicious or even teasing name. Saros was more or less just pointing it out. There was a connection with sizes and weird birds it seemed. He didn't mind, though. And Little Crow seemed fitting. The way she stood shorter than himself and had come swooping in on him back up on the ridge.

He settled down on his rear while she did her little water thing. Saros figured she was looking for something but he had no idea what. Of course, he'd never been a fan of fishing so that thought hadn't crossed his mind just yet. It was her words that really grabbed his attention back, though. The way she talked like she was brewing something up. Not right now, not yet. It sounded so suspicious and it ignited some sort of flame in the young male's chest. Something eager and hungry flashed in his bright eyes for a moment before simmering down. Saros - the male to always put the cart before the horse.

"I don't." He mused softly, mimicking her tones. "That name sounds like it could fit in the area, though. Lotta trees and maybe a cave somewhere if one was to look." His white-stared head turned around to examine the foggy area. They likely wouldn't find much in these conditions. "Need help?" It was a broad question that could likely be interpreted in two ways - help with her water activity or help to find these strange named wolves and place.
(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2017, 06:33 PM by Saros.)
Saros is currently going under the alias Big Buzzard or Buzzard - thanks to a name given by Namir
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

“Nah. Jes’ what you remind me of. Ain’t like a coyote or a cactus or anythin’ else out there.” And that’s what you named wolves after. After their parents (or someone their parents knew, if they were kinda dumb, like her ma, or didn’t have appropriate father figure for a name) or after something around. Like her. Her tail lashed until she remembered she was trying to catch fish, and then she stopped again, licking her lips as she stared downwards. She wanted to look at Buzzard, but with her luck, the fish would chose then to move close, and startle off if she tried to turn back.

Not that they were moving much right now anyways.

Her ears flicked, and Little Crow chanced a look back at the older wolf before golden eyes dropped back to the water below. “Mm, maybe. ‘m lookin’ for my Mama – ran off, the fuckin’ bitch – but she wanted back t’this pack, see? So I wanna know what’s soo good about this pack an’ these wolves. Kahgeekha, this guy, she liked him an awful lot.” She snorted softly, body tensing as one of the little shiners started to venture closer. Too small. “Left me for him without a word. And I ain’t about that life.”

[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Saros Andromeda-Tainn
Well, he wasn't going to argue with that kind of logic. He wasn't sure what a cactus was but he certainly didn't seem like a coyote. Yet he'd take it as a partial compliment when she said he wasn't like anything else out there. If only to fuel his ego some.

Saros listened with ease to her small tale. Quite the family turmoil and part of him felt better that all his family did was eat shrooms and talk to made up beings. "Sounds like this Kahgeekha guy is trying to ruin some lives." The large Tainn spoke with a raised brow. What an ass. Maybe he was related to that fat pack wolf in the woods. He had to hold back a laugh at the very thought of that situation. "I trust you can take care of yourself," He motioned gently at her as she stood there in the water, a soft smirk lacing his features. "but if you need some extra muscle I can lend a paw or four. What happened ain't right and I don't have anything else to do." And maybe, just maybe, he was itching to do some damage. This whole little task would give him something to do as well. He was practically dying out here without some kind of purpose.

He rolled his shoulders as he watched Little Crow, wondering just how long that damn girl was gonna wait in the water for some slippery fish to come by. Maybe she was even more birdlike than he had originally thought.
Saros is currently going under the alias Big Buzzard or Buzzard - thanks to a name given by Namir
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

“I ain’t gotta clue what he’s tryin’ t’do, but he sure messed my Ma up.” Where they proper mates? Just friends that her mother was making moon eyes at? Maybe he the alpha and she woulda been a whole lot better off if the woman had just stayed there – but would she even be the same wolf, if there was a different guy who’d donated half himself? Little Crow didn’t like a lot of things, but herself? She wasn’t so bad. She didn’t mind at all who she was.

Her ear flicked sideways as Buzzard offered himself up to her cause – shit, she was just hoping for some information, anything more than a little wispy nimbus cloud of knowledge just out of reach – but muscle didn’t sound that bad, frankly. She was small, and fast, and she was mean, but she had no idea what these strangers were like. What the pack was like, and she might need more than just her little ol’ self if push came to shove.

“Reckon I’d like that real fine, Big Buzzard. Now, whaddya want in exchange? I know these things ain’t free. Never are.” Her Mama might have left, but she didn’t raise no idiot. Namir might have said something else just then, mouth slightly agape, but a big flash caught her eye, and the little wolf streamed into the water without a second thought.

[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Saros Andromeda-Tainn
Big Buzzard softly shook his head. Damn shame it was that Little Crow's mother decided to run off for some male. That wasn't exactly all of his business, though. Sure he would likely hear about it if he joined her cause but that didn't mean he was joining her cause because he exactly cared about the whole situation. He doubted if he rambled off about his shroom-y family that Little Crow would start some grand cause to rid the belief of ghosts. The whole situation still sat sourer with him so he kept it hidden.

He was joining to have some sort of purpose. Along with other things like safety in numbers, easier hunting, and a few other odds and ends. It seemed he got her attention too by offering himself up for her. And it seemed she knew how these sort of things worked out. Having his muscle wasn't free of charge even if he had offered in the first place (and would likely enjoy the whole ordeal).

Before he could speak she seemed to dive after something. He rolled his shoulders and waited for a few moments to give her time to deal with whatever she may have caught. "Willing to have a little trust in each other, Little Crow?" White-stared features smooth and relaxed. "We'll work out a payment of sorts as we go. Depending on how this whole thing works out will depend on how much I ask for in return. But I'm a fair man, ain't about to scam you."
Saros is currently going under the alias Big Buzzard or Buzzard - thanks to a name given by Namir
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

In she went, like a little bolt of lightning. The first bite caught the fish’s fin; Abbadon had only taught her how to fish at all a few mere weeks ago, after all. But she was a quick study, and just plain old quick, period. Her first strike was enough to wound, and after a few blind snaps, she found the floundering fish and surged back upwards, water streaming over her neck and shoulders as she stood, tossing the limp creature back to shore. It gave a few feeble flops, but if Buzzard couldn’t finish off the bass like that, he didn’t deserve to eat it at all.

“Trust, huh?”

No. Fuck no.

But if she said that, he’d probably high tell it out of there, for hurt feelings or some misplaced sense of the way things should be. Trust was the sort of thing that got a wolf killed. Trust was the sort of thing that got a wolf abandoned by the only family member she had at all.

“Mmm, don’t think so, Buzzard. Ain’t gotta be specific terms, but I ain’t goin’ in blind. Mama didn’t raise no damn idiot.” She offered him a side eye, not moving as she waited for the fish to regain their confidence and venture closer again. “I ain’t givin’ you no damn pups come spring. I ain’t a walkin’ pup sack.”

[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Saros Andromeda-Tainn
He did his end as a fish was thrown onto the shore. He hated the damn slimy things but he wasn't any wuss. Quickly he clamped down onto its partial neck (the whole thing looked like one giant neck to him but he went where a neck likely should be) and held it firmly until it was done for. Once that was taken care of he quickly set it back down on the ground. Eyeing the damned thing as it stared lifelessly back at him with those big glassy eyes. Gross.

The fish was the last of his concerns with Little Crow spoke. She thought? Oh. Oh. Oh hell no. As he stood there his body lurched forward and he let out a gagging sound.

"No. Gods above and ghosts below no." His face crinkled with disgust. Perhaps he was being a bit dramatic but the whole idea was disgusting and unappealing. He did not want romance and he didn't even want the things that could happen between none romantics. "I don't want some gross furballs that just latch onto teats and cry all day. Shit, Little Crow." He shook his head and looked away from her and the dead fish. Was he coming off as that kind of guy? He didn't want her as repayment. Not to say she wasn't good looking but making a family was the last thing on his mind.

Once he could find it in himself to look back in her direction he did so with a more mellowed out appearance. Perhaps finally done with his little outburst of her idea of what he might have been looking for. "I'm just looking for something more casual as a payment. Maybe just help here and there with meals or some knowledge."
Saros is currently going under the alias Big Buzzard or Buzzard - thanks to a name given by Namir
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

“Tcht.” Namir clicked her tongue against her teeth, offering the other yearling a gratuitous roll of her eyes. She wasn’t offering, there was no reason for him to get all dramatic and shit. She was one of those nasty little furballs that latched onto teats and cried all day – this was the deal her father struck with her mother. This was the sort of thing her dam had warned her about. She’d seen other men with those hungry looks; Buzzard, though, he was kind of a weird one, wasn’t he? They all wanted that. To start their pack, until they could find real love, or something equally as stupid. Pointless.

Her tail lashed. “Stop actin’ like I jes’ asked fer yer paw in mateship fer ferever an’ ever, y’big dork. Jes’ layin’ down the hard limits. I ain’t gonna end up like my Mama.”

No way, no how.

The rest of what Big Buzzard had to say, though, that was fine. That sounded like something she could do. “Well, that I can do, mister. I ain’t called Lil’ Crow ‘cos I look like a bird. Y’know what crows do?” She shifted forward, body hunkering low, as she eyed another large looking bass. C’mere fishy.

[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Saros Andromeda-Tainn
"And I ain't ending up like my dad." Stuck with four kids and eating shrooms for a kick. What a way to be living. Yet he kept shoving those feelings aside and focused on something else like - Little Crow calling him a dork and explaining she was just laying down limits. He could respect that a hundred percent. Buzzard hadn't really thought of any limits himself, though. Granted his end of the deal was already cut out. He was helping find this Kahgreek or whatever and Fallen Tree Cave. Simple enough he supposed.

He gave a genuine snort of laughter at her words. She sure didn't look like a crow or a bird. She might have been small but she didn't fly and wasn't ebony like a crow. "What do they do?" The Tainn asked with a hidden smirk. He had come across the birds before but Little Crow was a ball to talk to so far (besides that whole kid incident...) and maybe she'd explain this whole Little Crow situation better than he could think about it.

Carefully, he picked up the fish on the earth by its tail before settling down into a laying position. He wasn't sure this was for him but considering their deal and how she was still fishing he figured she wouldn't mind too much.
Saros is currently going under the alias Big Buzzard or Buzzard - thanks to a name given by Namir