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There is Hope — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Jenni who has 6 posts.
Kaine Pena
Don't live in the past, you've already been there.
Kaine Pena

Kaine had lost his anger in this place. Something had seemed different here and it had a calming effect on him watching the way the flowers bloomed where he had set himself up for awhile. 

It had been weeks since he had wandered off in search of others and he really needed the company. He was starting to talk to himself and that didn't bode well specifically since he was also answering his own questions. Kaine was starting to loose some of his weight and that didn't bode well for the large male either. Having no pack to help him hunt and take down larger prey left him at odds should another spring a trap on him. He didn't like his odds of surviving a winter alone. It wasn't going to end well if he couldn't at least find another wolf to partner with for the cold months ahead.

With his thought on other wolves he left the red flower field and headed east. He came upon a beautifully lush meadow and crouched in the tall grasses watching some large deer move along with their herds. He so wanted to catch one, even one of the younger fawn that he saw trailing, though most were not small enough to be considered easy prey. With a huff he stood in the grasses and made his way across the open meadow. 

The larger prey made his presence with the wind blowing and scattered off a ways looking to see if he was alone or not. Satisfied that he wasn't hunting a few went back to grazing but all remained on alert as he moved along through, looking for a scent of another wolf. 

Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
It felt like forever since the last time Enoki had earned herself time away from the growing and ever demanding needs of her children; with Ravenna and Nicolo's help, of course, to treat herself with some personal time. Let alone time to brush off the dust from her rusty hunting skills and take a trip down to the meadow to scout out the local herds that had returned with their offspring now capable of keeping up easier than they would have back in the spring months. 

Smoldering amber irises watched the collection of deer closely as her mismatched frame melted into the blades of grass that swayed around her in the wake of the gentle breeze that blew through, ebony ears twitching as they suddenly became spooked by something. Dark lids narrowed and surveyed the surrounding landscape for signs of what could have spooked them so, finding nothing out of the ordinary until a black figure was spotted against the green background. Clearly studying the herds much like herself. 

Tilting her head curiously, any thoughts of hunting were quickly dismissed as a desire to seek out this new stranger overpowered them. The piebald matriarch couldn't recall the last time a new face graced these parts and with their numbers gradually continuing to thin out it couldn't hurt to extend an invitation. Rising onto all fours she gave herself a quick shake to make herself presentable and slowly padded toward the stranger, another blow of the breeze bringing forth information on this individual. Male, loner most likely by the powerful scent of earth and vegetation upon the air where a pack wolf would be doused in the scents of his packmates. Hopefully, this could bode well for the Ridge matriarch. 
Played by Jenni who has 6 posts.
Kaine Pena
Don't live in the past, you've already been there.
Kaine Pena

It didn't take long before his different shaded orbs caught sight of another wolf. He was quite ecstatic at seeing another wolf, though he should no outward appearance of this joy. Even in his eyes, he was studying the wolf, is nostrils catching the scent from her. Pack wolf. He could smell the scent of others. It seemed to be a scent he had caught once before. Was it possible that this wolf was one from the boarder he had sat on so long ago?

And her coat took him by surprise. It was remarkably beautiful. He takes another smell from the slight breeze and walks a bit closer to. Female, pups? He thought he could smell the milk she would of produced. So an alpha possibly as well. Unless of course she was a beta. Either boded well for him if he was to be accepted, she seemed to be of course one that held herself with some sort of authority.

As he stepped closer to her, a short smile pulled across his mug. Good day, dear lady. He said with a bit of a smirk on his face. He wasn't threatened by her so he sat down on his hunches and just looked her over. My oh my, if mother were here now to see this beauty. Father would most certainly throw mother away for her. He had a slight chuckle to his thoughts for a moment. To bad father wasn't anywhere near these parts, he thought to himself.

She would make some beautiful pups. Her stature wasn't quite as large as his, no she was much smaller but the scars across her snout meant she knew how to stand her ground and walk away from it. Well it seemed to him that she could most defiantly hold her own. Maybe she was Alpha after all. He wouldn't know until they spoke though.

Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
It wasn't long before her presence was noticed by the lone male; honestly how hard was it to miss a wolf that had such a striking pattern upon her pelt, and motion on her part came to a halt not out of fear or uncertainty but to allow the dark wolf to control how close they would come to one another. To any rogue wolf, the presence of an alpha or even that of a pack wolf could be quite threatening when all they had was themselves to defend against a band of wolves better off in both strength and diet. Thus, Enoki waited patiently as she watched him approach to prevent spooking off a potential recruit. 

Once a more conversational distance settled between them it was the stranger that offered the first words of greeting accompanied by the twist of a smirk upon his lips that the magpie matriarch returned with a gentle smile of her own, ivory dipped tail swaying in a friendly nature at her rump while he took a comfortable seated position which Enoki took as a good sign. Obviously, he wasn't intimidated by her authoritative position. "Hello there. I don't think I've seen you around these parts before. Passing through?" She began, voice soft and casual.

Now that he was close up it gave her the perfect opportunity to size him up, gauge where his potential strengths may lie and what that could mean for the Ridge if she happened to be so lucky as to bring him back home as an honorary new member. From here, she could tell that he had a few inches more to his height and size which led to the possibility of him providing some muscle to the testosterone limited ranks. A positive. He also had a pair of mismatched eyes that Enoki found to be quite intriguing. One holding a shade of blue while the other glistened green in the sunlight and clearly he held an aura of confidence. What an interesting fellow so far.
Played by Jenni who has 6 posts.
Kaine Pena
Don't live in the past, you've already been there.
Kaine Pena

Kaine watched her body language, gauged her attitude, and even saw her tail wag. Positives for Kaine as he took mental notes of the she-wolf in front of him. Kaine wasn't the type of wolf to show fear to another regardless of one's position though he was a respectful of different ranks throughout a pack. Without the pack, one didn't survive, each wolf had their job and their jobs were paramount in the success of the pack itself. His was always security or hunting and he held those jobs with pride. He learned a long time ago that if a wolf couldn't hold their own in a pack, they were shunned from the family unit. He himself having shunned a few under the authority of his father. His father ran a tight pack and expected nothing less then success on every job given.

Sitting there his tail didn't wag, there was no excitement about meeting another wolf other than his eyes and the smirk on his maw. When she spoke though it sounded like birds. A beautiful sound to wake to in the morning. A slight inward chuckle to himself. He needed to get his thoughts away from that for the moment. She wasn't another lone wolf looking to start a pack, she happened to come from one. I have smelt your pack up away's some. Never met one of you though. He commented. As for passing through? Sure if that is what you wish. I have only been here since the spring, traveled from the south, though came from some place much further away. Was he telling her to much about his history? He pondered that thought for a moment as he watched her facial expressions.

He looked off to the distance and noticed the deer moving off even further now that there were two wolves. Need a pack to survive the winter that is coming. Further north means a longer winter then I am use to. He didn't say more to it then that. If they allowed him, then great, if not he would move on. No sense in sticking to a place that didn't need another mouth to feed.

Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Ebony ears twitched with each subtle change on the male's vocal range as he answered the question the magpie matriarch had posed, a dark brow quirking ever so slightly at the mention of having been in these parts since Spring, although she had yet to catch a whiff of him up until now. He must have kept his distance than in that case and internally she shrugged it off. It probably was for the best considering both herself and Ravenna would have been experiencing the wrath of their heat cycles which easily drew males from miles in all directions with attempts at tasting the forbidden fruit. 

When his gaze wandered toward the herd that had begun to move away now that there was more wolves present Enoki allowed her own to follow suit, smoldering amber gaze narrowing slightly to study the fleeing animals before snorting slightly to dismiss the idea of hunting completely now. Despite the low numbers their caches managed to keep themselves stocked well enough considering they had fewer mouths to feed in comparison to a pack that soared in numbers. It was one benefit to being on the smaller side, but if the Archer wanted to make her dream of restoring Willow Ridge to its former glory a reality she would need to replenish their ranks. What better place than to start with offering a position to this fellow? 

Now that her attention was free of distractions her gaze returned to the dark male before her, taking in his words about needing a pack to survive the upcoming winter. Perfect. "Well, if you're looking to join a pack and avoid a long winter why don't you come give Willow Ridge a chance? All we ask is that you do your fair share. Laziness will not be tolerated." Everyone had to earn where they were within the pack. Nobody received free handouts and this Enoki learned from the great Elettra herself.
Played by Jenni who has 6 posts.
Kaine Pena
Don't live in the past, you've already been there.
Kaine Pena

Kaine watched the amber eyes of the she-wolf for several moments as she took in the scene of the herd moving off. When she pointed her maw back towards him, he blinked and tilted his head for a slight moment. Did he come off as lazy? Surely not, he survived this last winter alone, one can not afford to survive alone if they are lazy. How many mouths to feed? He asked her. He wanted to know what he was getting into it. Was a small pack or a large?If it was large enough why would she be out here hunting when she obviously had pups some where. Unless the pups were out and about some where close watching?

He put his nose into the wind and took a few sniffs of the air around them. His eyes scanning as well. It didn't seem that she had come with anyone in tow. She was adrift from her own territory hunting alone. Did they even have hunters in her pack? If they didn't have hunters, it would explain why the female was out here with pups back home to tend for. Did she have a mate or was it a rouge that got to her? Her mate should be the one out hunting so she can at least be inside the territory should any of the young ones need her right?

Are there hunters in your pack? He wanted to ask if she had a mate, but figured that would be rude if he wanted to join. So he kept his maw shut for that particular question. Maybe he would stay for a bit, maybe the winter. He wasn't quite sure yet. Maybe they would let him visit for a time and he could wander off again. He really preferred to have his own pack at some point in his life and he was in the prime of his life, but he was also use to be second as well. So time would tell where he would go. At least there was hope for his future. I think it would a fine idea to come into the pack and see where I would fit. I am not one for laziness either. I rather despise lazy wolves, hanging off the tails of other wolves.

Now to see what her response was. If he was welcomed in, he would take a look at the numbers, the way they work and see what he could do, he was about to waste time but it was always worth the shot to him to at least take the offer and see what could become of it for now at least.

(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2017, 11:06 PM by Kaine.)
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
To any other leader, the first question he posed may have taken them by surprise or even bristled some fur prodding for such need to know information, but Enoki had learned to take things that normally would surprise someone in stride. Their numbers were low, too low for her liking and if the wrong person came to know this vital information it could either hinder or aid the crumbling pack. Never would the Archer reveal the exact numbers her ranks, but neither would she entirely lie to this possible recruit. "We're a smaller pack in comparison to some so not many mouths to feed." Small, but manageable. 

The next question he asked she answered first with a small shake of her head. "I'm the most skilled at hunting for I was working toward becoming the pack hunter before I stepped up as the leader, but there are no official hunters in the pack now. We all do our fair share of all the tasks a pack needs to survive and it works. If becoming a hunter is something that interests you, though, perhaps I can help guide you toward reaching that goal." It would be nice to have someone in the pack strive for something specific and help take some of the weight of providing food for the pack off the shoulders of others.

It seemed this encounter was going smooth and there was no holding back to smile that tugged at the corner of Enoki's lips when he came to a decision, agreeing to come back with her and test the waters to see where exactly he would fit best. Going on to agree with the magpie woman that he too despised laziness and wolves that harbored such traits. If that was the case then there would be no reason why he wouldn't come to fit in nicely with them. "I'm glad to hear that. I think you'd make a good fit with us."

And then it dawned on her that throughout this entire conversation she had yet to properly introduce herself to this man, a light blush of embarrassment warming the skin beneath her swarthy cheeks that was easily hidden. "Forgive me for not introducing myself at the beginning. I'm Enoki by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you and welcome you into our home."