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Anxiety — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
For @Askan <3 Set a few days before the pups are introduced to the pack.


Drestig and Jessie couldn’t have been luckier. Their three newborns grew day by day, exceeding the mother’s expectations and testing her limits to how much space was provided within the birthing den. She knew that it was only a matter of time before they would be moved into the communal den to be with the rest of their pack mates. At least, those who decided to spend their time there. It was no mystery to the Tainn who did and did not sleep with the pack. If she could have her way and be comfortable, she would sleep alone, with some nights allowing her mate by her side. But she knew it would not look good towards the pack. There were those who were not particularly comfortable with her and she was certain that sleeping away from them would only further the synapse.

With the knowledge that her children would soon be free to roam the expanse of their territory, and possibly beyond, came a crushing anxiety. The leading lady would not admit such a thing to Drestig, not wanting to worry him. She did not want what happened to Percy happen to the newest Avalons and Jessie would be foolish if she thought that she would be able to keep an eye on them at all times. She had it difficult enough keeping track of Percy the year prior. Luckily, they had a pack to back them this year. With a sigh, emerald eyes scanned the forms of her slumbering children, one of them snoring loudly in their sleep. A small smile curved on her lips as she stood to exit the den. Squinting her eyes against the harsh sunlight, she yawned and stretched, a satisfying pop resonating through the area as her spine lengthened. Hopefully, they’ll sleep for awhile longer.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn

It sure was bright out today. Reyes might like the sunshine and the warmth that came with it, but the same couldn't quite be said for the Selwyn. It served it's uses, without it the rye grass would have remained short and stubbly and if it rained all the time surely they'd all drown. But really, wasn't this a bit too much? Or at least that was what Askan thought, as he couldn't say he was a big fan of this time of year.

Warm or not, Askan had a job to do. The borders weren't going to patrol themselves and seeing how much of a slacker he had been recently, the least he could do was work extra hard to make up for it. And so he did, he circled the field not once, nor twice but three times! By the time that he was done, his legs were starting to ache a little, so he slowed from a gallop to an amble.

It was by sheer chance that he happened by Jessie's den, just in time to see her clamber on out and bow down into a well deserved stretch.

Approaching her, but giving keeping a respectable distance between himself and the den, he swished his tail a couple of times in greeting. See, he could be nice, sometimes. When the mood took him.

"Didn't mean to intrude. Just finished a patrol, all's clear..."He turned and squinted at the den, hoping to see a little nose, maybe a paw. But he saw nothing. So he turned back to the Rye Queen."How are you and the kids doing, need anything?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

His scent greeted her before the sound of his footfalls did. The woman turned towards the approaching guardian, nodding towards him in response. Her tail waved behind her casually, dipping her head in thanks when he spoke. “Good. I’m glad that the borders are secure.” Jessie did not want any surprises, especially with her three young children. She was thankful to have Askan around to keep their lands safe, despite what happened.

The Rye Queen was an observant woman and did not miss the curious look cast towards where her children were napping. A half-smile curved on the edges of her lip. Ever courteous, at least towards her, the man asked whether or not they needed anything. “No. I think we’re fine. How are you doing though?” Her eyes slide between the birthing den and Askan, indecision within her heart. He had been with them since she gave birth to Percy and never once had Jessie needed to question his loyalty. Perhaps his actions but never his devotion to Wild Rye Fields.

She swallowed, her voice steady when she spoke, “You’re welcome to take a peek in, if you’d like. Be quiet though, they are resting.” The boy had also been there for her second birth, maintaining his post outside of the den had he been needed. Jessie doubted she would ever admit it to him but she so appreciated his commitment to them. It was heartwarming to know that someone else took an oath and stuck to it. This feels so much different than Oak Tree Bend.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan would rather die than allow their land to be overrun by their enemies. It wasn't as though they had many-if any- these days but the point still stood. He had a job and he'd give it his all, even if it was just to make up for all the slacking he'd been doing. He half expected Jessie to scold him over that, that he'd get some sort of reprimand. And he deserved it, really. Weeks without doing anything productive, he had simply hid away in his and Reyes' den and  spent the whole time wishing for death. He was better, he had to act like it, but that wasn't to say those thoughts didn't trickle in from time to time. He just had to hold his head high and march on.

It was all he had left to do.

"I'm doing better, making up for all the time I spent slacking."

At her suggestion, Askan couldn't help but prop his ears up, with obvious interest. He'd been respectful and had given the little ones the space they deserved, but now their mother-the very wolf who would no doubt put herself in harms way to defend them- was allowing him close, to have a quick look. A frown tugged at his lips as he took a cautious step forward.

"Only if you don't mind."

Slowly, so that he didn't wake them with his thudding footfalls, Askan crept towards the den and poked in his head to have a peek. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, but then he saw them, the wriggling little bodies, all with dark fur. They were cute but not as small as he had imagined, that said they had to be a few weeks old by then. Two, maybe three? The sleepy snuffles and snores were more than enough to put a smile on his face, but by the time he pulled his head out he'd reaffirmed his expression.

"Is it harder now, than before? Having three pups I mean."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The mother understood what position Askan was in. When she was younger and living in Swift River, she had suffered wounds, both physical and mental, and spent time isolated to recuperate. The only words of wisdom she could have given to the Guardian was not to push himself but she kept her jaws shut. Jessie knew that Askan was a hard worker and doubted that her words would have had much of an effect on the younger man.

It seemed she had hit a right note in suggesting he look in on her children, his interest obvious in the tilt of his ears. A small twitched on her lips before it was gone. The Rye Queen watched him carefully as he stuck his head into the den, no doubt observing the lives she brought into the world and Drestig helped create. The woman’s heart beat nervously in her chest and then calmed once Askan resumed his position outside of the den, his aired question striking a nerve.

Dark lips pursed and her eyes shot towards the opening of the birthing den before looking back towards Askan. She was hesitant with her answer, “It is not harder to love them because I do, with every part of my being, but…I do worry for them and their safety.” She paused for a moment, emerald eyes looking towards Askan’s yellow orbs. “And I don’t mean that as an insult to your abilities in any way but after encountering so much loss –“, she broke off and her body jolted away before stilling. The woman cleared her throat, blinking away any sadness she felt in her bones before continuing, “I just want them to live long happy lives but I worry that it’s not possible in the world we live in. So, I suppose in a way, yes, it is harder, because I worry for four now instead of one.”

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

"Mmm." Askan wasn't offended, or at least he tried not to be.

Wasn't worrying something all Mother's did? He remembered how much his own Mother used to fuss, how she'd follow him and his sisters about as though they were tethered together. As they grew up she learned-or rather forced herself- to give them more space, but even Askan could tell that it had been hard for her. They were the first and last litter she had and it had been...rough on her to say the least.

He knew it wasn't the same, every wolf was different but from what he could tell, Jessie was stuck in a similar position. Wanting to let her children grow without being overshadowed, but worrying about the endless possibilities that could befall them if she turned away for one moment.

"Not sure if it'll be much comfort but...I'll do my best for as long as I can." He shrugged. Like she said, in a world like this it was impossible to know how long his promise would hold true but...He was a wolf of his word, that much he was certain."Pup sitting wasn't so bad last time, surely another two won't be so bad." He laughed a little, knowing full well he was blowing air out of his proverbial arse.

Percy had been a pain in his arse, so hopefully this litter were a little more subdued? Bah, who was he kidding? They were Drestig's kids as well as Jessie's. If at least one of them didn't have his cheeky, pesky streak then they would be very lucky indeed.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Even though she was anxious about her children being out of the birthing den, Jessie knew she would force herself to stay away from them – or at least, not as close. The mother had done it with Percy and that was where her concerns lay hidden. Had she done something wrong? In Oak Tree Bend, the bond of family had been so strong, in the beginning, that everything just seemed to fall into place. Jessie desperately hoped that was what would happen in the Rye. Emerald eyes refocused back on Askan when he spoke, her gaze softening a nod given in his direction in acknowledgment and thanks.

The soft tone that their meeting had taken on became brighter and Jessie couldn’t help the soft, light laughter that came from her lips. “You think so?” she jabbed back lightly. Though certainly her children were going to get along with Askan. The man certainly was a grouch, at least towards her, but… “You are close to Phoenix.” It wasn’t a question, “I’m sure this litter won’t be too much trouble.” Though even as she said it, a grin spread over her features – and it certainly wasn’t a kind one. After all, these children were partly Drestig’s, and his pain-in-the-assery extended far in to his adult years.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

"Oh yeah, for sure."He beamed, bold as ever.

He was bluffing of course, his Mother's first and only litter had consisted of him and all three of his sisters. As a pup it had all seemed so easy, she made it look effortless. But now that he was older and wiser...yeah, he knew it wasn't so.

"There's more of us now anyway, the more eyes the better, right?"

At the very least Askan would wrangle Reyes into helping. Whether he liked it or not, he was gonna be a grumpy uncle as well. A funny thought really, one that made him smile.  The idea of Reyes swarmed by pups- whether they were his own was irrelevant- was pretty damn cute in the Selwyn's opinion.

"I know a lot of stuff went...awry with Phoenix, but she turned out good I think. Got your independent streak and Drestig's... She's stubborn like him too." He cleared his throat."The point I'm trying to make here is that, these little ones are in good paws. Trouble or not."

They might have lost a few members-or rather more accurately moochers- over the months, but the truly loyal had stayed. Those who remained were the ones he trusted, the ones he knew would pull their weight and look after the little ones if need be. There was Adelayde, they didn't always get along of course and Askan had said some...harsh things to her. But he still trusted her. Then of course there was Reyes, who he trusted with everything he had. The newcomers hadn't yet proved themselves, but it would all be revealed in due time, he was sure.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Maybe one more post from you with a fade?

He was not too bad. For the first time, Jessie could see the potential within the man that Drestig called his Second. A small smile curved onto the petite woman’s lips, emerald eyes glittering in the sunlight. The Tainn hummed softly in agreement to his question. This year would be much better than the last with pack lands established and more members to back them. Drestig and Jessie had been lucky the year before, especially in finding Askan to follow them in such a fragile time. Not only did they not have a guaranteed future at the time, but the Monadnock pack had also settled down. Talk about blind faith.

Still, Askan was not all ice as Jessie liked to believe. Eyebrows arched upwards at his words, smile tugging further upon her lips. He certainly had one thing right. Her lover was definitely stubborn. Yet, it did not make Jessie love him any less. In fact, it was probably one of the things she loved the most about him. She had never met another who had met her own determined streak with such strength. Their Guardian certainly had his way with words. Compliments were not exactly his thing. None the less, it was the effort that counted and the monochrome woman dipped her head in acknowledgment, glad that someone – aside from Drestig – had confidence in her abilities.

A cry from the den caused the mother to lurch from her sitting position, chest rising in small panic before calm took over her. Jessie recognized the child’s call as nothing more than one of hunger. Emerald eyes returned to the larger form of Askan, an apologetic smile twitched at the corners of her lips. “You should get some rest. Thank you for coming to check in on us.” The alpha’s tail wagged behind her before she ducked back into the birthing den to provide nourishment to her pups.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]