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an addict with a pen — Edge Stone Pool 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Definitely not the worst,” Reyes agreed. He hadn’t been demoted to Lowest, nor had he been given unthinkable tasks. Watching the children definitely wasn’t easy, but Lachesis was right. If he was being left with the future of Wild Rye Fields, then he couldn’t be too far down in her opinion. Someone untrustworthy wouldn’t be left…right. He had to hold onto that, even if things were still…awkward with his mate, and he wasn’t quite sure how to approach Jessie after the verbal lashing they’d gotten.

The dark wolf got to his feet, reaching over to bump the ghostly alpha again. “Imagine Jessie would like that. The River wolves are important to her.” He couldn’t say for certain, but hearing it from the alpha himself was probably as reassuring as it could it. Reyes gave a hopeful little wiggle of his tail. “And so is Risaela,” he added on, in response to Lach’s question. “Told ‘em that Risaela was allowed to stay as long as she needed. The other pups seem to like her well enough. Think maybe the change of scenery is good? She’s okay. Good kid.”

The wolf paused, tipping his head to one side. Man, his jaw almost hurt at this point. He’d done all the talking. “You, uh-- I know I just did a shitton of rambling. You need t’ talk about anything…?”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He offered the scarred male an encouraging smile as he spoke—perhaps his words had made an impact. Jessie obviously still cared for the outspoken scout, otherwise she would not have trusted him with her children. Perhaps their relationship was similar to Lachesis’ and Aytigin’s, where he constantly wanted to rip off the large wolf’s head but still valued his friendship and loyalty. The thought nearly earned a laugh from the older ghost but he remained composed, his chartreuse gaze fixated on his companion as he bumped him once more. “Wild Rye is important to us, too,” he replied quickly, his tail swaying gently behind him. He meant it. Even if it had been Reyes’ fat mouth that had started the altercation between the packs. The river wolves should have reacted more diplomatically and not allow their emotions to get in the way. Lachesis knew it was hard—it was Inna’s mother that had just died—so her reaction was not unreasonable. But it certainly could have been handled better.

“As long as she isn’t being a burden to your pack I don’t mind her staying longer. She saw something no pup should ever see—I hope the change of scenery helps her.” Before she comes home. He knew the little Tainn would return to the river. It was where her family was. Although she was an independent little shit Risaela still valued her family; she would not abandon them. She just needed time to grieve.

He could not stop the grin from spreading across his pale maw at the scarred male’s question, his shoulders rolling into a dismissive shrug. “Not really,” he murmured in response, his head tipping to the side. “Everyone around me keeps dying or leaving, but that’s pretty normal I guess, huh?” Lachesis was not very good at jokes. Or making friends.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Mmm. Think Jessie plans on seein’ her back home once she’s ready. If she ain’t, I will.” Maybe Askan would come, too. Checking on Alek used to be a good excuse to go to Hearthwood River, but that didn’t fly anymore. Maybe this would stand. Or were he and Lachesis enough of friends now? He’d ask later.

The offer was a valid one, even if the ghost didn’t seem to think so – or seem to think any of his troubles were worth sharing. Such a dad joke. If it could even be considered that. Reyes only snorted, narrowing his eyes slightly at the older male. “That ain’t funny.” Maybe he just wasn’t in the mood for such morbid, self-deprecating humor. He used to find it much more amusing. Or perhaps because it was Askan’s favorite form of self- flaglation. Either way, it wasn’t funny at all.

“Y’ain’t killing wolves. ‘er drivin’ ‘em away. Shit happens. Unless that was a very veiled admission to murder, but he was pretty sure Lachesis wasn’t the murdering sort. He’d run three days to help Askan, a wolf from another pack, because they were friends. If he was a murderer, he was a very confused one, at any rate. “Shit happens, then ya die. That’s it. It ain’t you. So just – keep the wolves who stay, and fuck the rest.”

Even if that meant Aleksei. He’d left – but there were consequences to every choice.

“As for the dead, well. My condolences. But I think that’s life, right?”

Always one or the other.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“Thank you,” he added with a dip of his head, his troubled features softening. He knew that Jessie (and Reyes) would not keep the little Tainn from Hearthwood for long. The cub did not know how to grieve or process what had happened; he did not expect her to return just yet. There was also no point in the Fields pack keeping her from them, for they knew Risaela resided behind their borders and they were only a few days travel from them. It would be foolish for Wild Rye to refuse to return her, even if she protested.

He did not expect a laugh, or even an amused response, from the scarred male. Jokes had never been Lachesis’ forté, for he had always been more serious (and a little sarcastic). But humour had never been something he excelled in. Shit happens. A brow arched at the comment, his chartreuse gaze fixated on the silver-eyed scout. Wolves died every day—it was the unfortunate part of life. Death was inevitable and did not discriminate on age.

There was also nothing preventing wolves from leaving Hearthwood if they no longer wanted to reside at the river’s edge. It was frustrating to deal with short-term subordinates, but like death, it was a part of life. “I suppose you’re right,” he added with a lop-sided grin, his forehead smoothing. As much as he wanted to wallow in self-pity there was no point. Not when a pack of wolves (including his children) relied on him.

“So, you gonna talk to Askan?” He asked, quickly changing the subject and focusing on the ebony male once more. He was curious about their relationship truthfully, for the wolves seemed to be polar opposites. Whatever issues the two were going with Lachesis wanted to see the pair overcome them, for he like both wolves and did not want to pick a side.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Yeah, I’m gonna talk to Askan.” It wasn’t like he expected backtalk – which was a weird thought to considering, given he was speaking with an alpha right now – but he hadn’t actually thought Lachesis would take the (rather morbid) advice at face value. Withholding a sigh, he just nodded. There was no need to get all weird and shitty right now, especially when he (seemingly) just convinced the older wolf not to do the same. This wasn’t going to get resolved if he didn’t talk. And if he didn’t talk, then he was probably being some sort of coward now, wasn’t he.

“I should be getting back, anyways. Pup-sitting duty, and all that. Can’t leave my stand in babysitter alone too long.”

Reyes offered the ghost a wry smile, assuming the white wolf knew well what it was to be surrounded by puppies for too long…especially ones that weren’t your own. And the break was nice, but that was the honest truth. He was still on Jessie’s shit list, after all, and making it worse by looking like a lazy sod was not very high on his own list of priorities. “Hey, when you talk to her, put in a good word for me, would ya?”

Was he joking?

Reyes cracked a smile and a small woof, and with that, the dark male turned back in the direction from which he had come.


(This post was last modified: Aug 26, 2017, 09:34 PM by Reyes.)
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]