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the sun will rise & we will try again — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn
hi come meet sachiel he is enjoying the sun | late morning
@Sahalie @Neha @Kino @Niles @Castel @Draven @Kuwindwa @Lauraceae

His eyes squinted against the harsh morning light as his brows pinched together, a small frown creasing his soft features. It had only been a day since his eyes had opened and the darkness disappeared. The voices he had grown accustom to now had faces—blurry faces. Mama was warm in colour, just like her voice. Her blurry face reminded him of the sun, just without the bright annoying part. No, mama was wonderful. She could never be annoying. It was like having his own personal ball of sunshine following him around, even though he was doing the following.

The bright light in the sky, although soothing, brought discomfort to the cub. He wanted to examine it, memorize every detail of the glowing orb, but the longer he stared at it the more it made his sensitive eyes ache. Why?! He snorted, his displeasure obvious as the frown deepened against his dark lips. Hmph.

The ball of fluff collapsed against the ground, his chubby legs stretching across the warm surface in order to soak in as much heat as possible. For a moment the vale was quiet—the only exception being the soft hum of unknown creatures in the distance. His body was still sluggish from sleep otherwise the little Leigh would have wandered further from the dens. For now he did not mind soaking up the warmth from the sky. Adventure could wait… right now he needed to gather as much solar energy as possible before moving from his current position. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven hardly left the outside of the den for very long. He couldn't remember being that young and even if he had there would have been no father outside waiting, at least not a blood one. But, he remembered how Vespertio had acted the year prior when Fallen Tree Cove had had their litter and so the Leigh was doing his best to mimic the actions. He had been disappointed that his instincts had not kicked in and he had not naturally known what to do. What he did know though was that he loved Sachiel with every fiber of his being, even if he was fumbling through the first few weeks of fatherhood.

So he sat outside the den 90% of the day, sleeping outside of the den as well and only leaving for short hours at a time to hunt and bring back game for Neha. The others dropped by frequently as well to feed her and Draven was beginning to settle into their routine when suddenly Sachiel started appearing at the entrance of the den. He never went very far, less than a foot away from the opening but every time it happened the father felt anxious about every single possible scenario that could go wrong.

Which was why when he returned with a fat squirrel in his jaws to see the pudgy of his son's body spread out upon the earth his heart rate doubled. At first he could only assume something horrible had happened to cause him to be staying so still and alone and limp in the dirt like that. But as he got closer Draven's green eyes spotted the tiny rise and fall of Sachiel's chest and the father breathed a sigh of relief himself. Dropping the black rodent beside the small child he gently nudged the boy with his snout.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

Sachiel was not sure what to this bright world, for he had grown accustom to a life of darkness. It was a lot to adjust to—a never-ending array of colours and shapes—and it was exhausting. His paws twitched as sleep threatened to pull him under once more, even though it was energy he was seeking from the sun. He thought about pulling himself from the forest floor and meandering through the striped trees but Sachiel did not want to stray too far from the den. Causing his parents to worry was low on his to-do list for the day.

He remained still as the dark shape of his father approached, a strange scent accompanying the ebony male. The boy responded to Draven’s nudge with a bright smile, an excited squeak escaping him as he rolled over to greet the dark male. His denim blues fell to the dark ball of fur placed at his side, his brows scrunching up as curiosity consumed him. Without warning he lunged forward, flinging his pudgy body on top of the strange creature. The rodent rolled with him and Sachiel dug his needle-like teeth into its dark fur, his tail wagging frantically behind him. It tasted weird—not as good as his mother’s milk, that was for sure! How did grown ups eat this kind of stuff?!! He released the rodent with a grimace, his nose wrinkled as he glanced up at his father, confused as to why he had brought something so foul tasting home.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

Motherhood, as Neha was finding out, was exhausting! But she wouldn't trade it for the world. Not that Sachiel had come into her and Draven's lives. Fate may be smiling upon her after all. She was lucky in the sense that he was their only child, making the task of being a first time mother, just a little easier. He was healthy, well fed, compliant and showered in love. Really, who could have asked for a more perfect child? The Vuesain mother showered her son in affection every day, taking to grooming his brown coat meticulously. During the first weeks, like Draven, she had been unsure of what to do. But rather than fret over it, she eventually let go. And the rest...that came naturally. She was an attentive, gentle mother. Much like her own, Namid. She kept a careful eye on Sach when he began exploring outside the den, calling him back with a soft woof when he strayed just a little further than she would have liked.

Having learned that he was obedient in answering her calls, she had grown relaxed enough to let him explore for more extended periods of time these days. Today was a fitting example as he sun bathed himself out in the open, not far from the earthy entrance to the den. Neha was tucked just inside, only her head visible atop the soil, soft brown eyes drooped lazily, but nonetheless, watchful. Draven's vigil she appreciated, as well as when he returned with anything she may need. Her appetite was back to normal, and while she would have liked to gone for a hunt or two herself, she was happier here at home base looking after their child. 

Her ears lifted slightly and she picked her head up as Draven returned for the day, pausing to stand over the lounging form of his son, nosing him gently. A lazy smile spread over her maw, at seeing the new father dote on him with such tenderness and care. She laughed lightly, delighted by seeing the growing pup come alive at the sight of prey, pouncing on it with such enthusiasm. But that curiosity of his was replaced with disgust, prompting her to rise to her feet. This was Sach's first time seeing prey like this, and she instinctively knew he didn't comprehend what it was and what he was supposed to do with it. "Maybe he just needs some encouragement..." She mused aloud, not entirely sure if he was ready for such raw meat yet. With a delicate nudge of her nose to her sons ear, she clipped open the skin of the rodent with her teeth. A trickle of blood seeped forth when the moist, pink meat was exposed. "There...try again. Maybe that'll taste better. Watch me....see?" She encouraged by taking a bit of the innards of the rodent herself.  

Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
Sorry this literally took a billion years, @Sachiel

Draven felt a weird stirring at the sight of Neha smiling at his approach. It wasn’t disappointment or sadness it was just, exhaustion. Everytime he saw her looking at him like that, so affectionately his thoughts betrayed him and turned to the fight with Sahalie. Couldn’t he just love her the way that he had prompted the leader to do to his brother? It had all seemed so simple then, if you cared about them and didn’t want to hurt them you could just choose to be in love.

Things didn’t seem so simple now.

His mind was also akin to wandering to the girl he had met in the woods, Treyah. Just a yearling yet Draven felt so much intrigue about her. He was ashamed to even think about it, he was committed to Neha and the family that they had created. He smiled back at the mother, but the expression didn’t meet his eyes and he knew it. He turned away quickly to look back at Sachiel wrestling with the squirrel before spitting it out in disgust. Neha took over and opened it up for the pup and Draven just fell back quietly, the silent guardian in this situation. He was happy to let the young woman take the lead when it came to raising the pup, he wanted them to have the same relationship he had had with his mother. You know, minus the untimely death part.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

The boy poked and prodded at the lump of fur, hues of brown and grey melting into each other. His grimace was still cut deep across his pale maw, brows pinched tight as he tried to decipher why his parents thought eating this hunk of flesh was a good idea. Brushing his stomach along the ground, the boy folded his legs beneath him, his nose hovering inches above the still warm body as he investigated further. His denim gaze flitted over to his mother, a quizzical expression falling onto his pale features. Did she want to eat this? His frown deepened.

She uttered some words, directing them first at the ebony male before she turned to him—and the squirrel. Without hesitation she leaned forward, biting at the creature; exposing pink to the warm, summer air and the curious, timid boy. He shrunk back, stunned by the foreign colour that oozed from the rodent. It was bright; vibrant. It almost felt as though it was yelling at him; angry. But it captured his curiosity, lulling the boy closer as he shuffled toward the squirrel. His mother took a bite of the pink flesh, causing the boy’s features to contort. Gross! How could she eat it?! It didn't even look appealing—not in the slightest! And what if she got ill from it?!

(This post was last modified: Sep 11, 2017, 05:37 AM by Sachiel.)
ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
One more post from everybody and we can archive this ancient old thing @Neha @Sachiel

Draven had hoped that Neha opening the squirrel and taking a bite out of it would prompt Sachiel to drop the sour expression from his face. At first it seemed like this would be the case as he moved closer. Then it got much worse, his expression doubled and he shrank away from the carcass, fear and disgust contorting his tiny features. He had been happy to hang back and watch the interaction between the mother and child at first but felt a stirring of protective instinct in his belly.

Hesitantly he stood, nudging the squirrel away from where the pup had shrunk back from it. Looking up towards the woman beside them he shrugged slightly, "Maybe he's still too young?" But then what did Draven really know about raising pups? Usually wolves have some experience as yearlings helping to raise their younger siblings but that had never been the case for the Leigh. He had no younger siblings and had avoided the Cove litter at all costs. Now that Dachiel was here and exploring the world he was sure that he was somehow going to mess him up. It was inevitable with his track record.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
Last post here.


Warm brown eyes flicked up to meet the mismatched gaze of her son, to see that he was indeed, watching what she was doing. Even as Sachiel expressed disgust as she opened up the small carcass, exposing the pink flesh and organs inside, her features didn't change. Some pups took to the smell and sight of raw meat instantly, while others, were slower to warm up. As he recoiled back in disgust, with no interest whatsoever in the tantalizing meal, she gave in to defeat.

As Draven suggested, it may very well be that their son was simply not yet ready for his first taste of meat. "True. It still could be a bit early for him yet. But I at least wanted to introduce him to it." She said with a sheepish shrug of her shoulders. Did either of them know what they were doing? They were first time parents, and they had to learn by trial and error. But Neha was somewhat on the right track, by taking a shot at introducing her son to fresh meat. Her timing could be off, that's all. With an encouraging smile to her golden hued son, she left the carcass at his paws to investigate, if he desired. But she wasn't going to force him if he wasn't ready. "We gave it a shot...I'm sure in time he'll come to appreciate the taste." She said with an optimistic glance to Draven. There would be other times when they could try again, when Sachiel was older. Moving to sit by Draven's side, Neha was content spending the rest of the day just being with her small family, watching their son in all of his delightful childish youth.Fade   

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2017, 05:15 AM by Neha.)
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

Eventually he knew he would have to get accustom to eating something so grotesque. Life couldn’t all about mother’s milk and soft, squishy food. Eventually he would have to incorporate real meat into his diet… but today was not that day. Instead, the little agouti boy wanted to play with the dead squirrel as opposed to gorging on it’s still-warm body. He ignored the words passing between his parents as he dove toward the squirrel, tumbling over the small creature’s body as he somersaulted forward. He flashed a bright smile at his parents, noticing their closeness, and thumped his tail along the ground. He liked when they all spent time together—even if it did not happen often. He returned his attention back to the squirrel as he prodded it with a forepaw, his little rump wriggling behind him as he prepared his next attack… Fade for Sachiel.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others