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Just like the battle of Troy there's nothing subtle here — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
RE:A meteor shower overtakes the sky!
Come meet Mari!  Tagging @Reyes for snooping purposes.

It had been months but Marisol still missed her sister. She sucked it up of course, you wouldn't hear her bitching or crying about it anytime soon but that didn't mean that she had forgotten about her dear baby sister. She'd never called her that, if anything she had been really damn annoying, like a torn in her side. But wasn't it sort of bad to shit talk- shit think (?)- about the dead?

Her Mamma was long gone and rotting in the ground as well, but Marisol knew that if given the chance the Reyes matriarch would have given her ear a long, hard tug for all the crap she'd done. It's not like she didn't deserve it, hell on some days she couldn't help but blame herself for the bullshit that had gone down. Maybe if she'd tried harder, been smarter Mariposa would still be here, bitching about how she was hungry or bored, or whatever.

But she wasn't and thinking about it made Marisol feel like absolute crap. So that was the end of that.

Marisol wasn't sure whether she was safe here, or whether that was even possible considering all the shit she'd seen and done. But whether she liked it or not she had to rest, or she'd be one cranky fuck. Just like viejo, wherever her grumpy brother was she hoped he was doing good. Better than she was at least.

With a huff, Marison looked down at her dirty red paws. Digging out a den was a whole lot more trouble than she thought it'd be but fuck it, she was tired and there was no way she'd be sleeping under the stars, shooting ones or not. What did Mamma use to say about them? Something about wishes and good fortune?


Bless her Mamma's soul-or whatever- but if she really believed in that crap then she was as dumb as a bunch of rocks.
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger
He had deserted the North in hopes of finding new open lands. So far he hadn't had much luck with the place. There were more trees down south. Lots and lots of them actually. Sometimes he'd awkwardly work his way over a fallen tree or try and find a way to just walk around it. There were also those trees that were skinny and generally lumped together in a tight formation. He hated those but lucky for him the land seemed to thin out of trees as the night swallowed him up.

Reginald was getting anxious the darker it got. He wasn't one to travel at night for somewhat obvious reasons. A low soft whine left his throat but he doubted anyone was around to hear it. He had no clue what the sky was doing up above and that others might be watching it. Nor did he had a proper breeze to pick up on the female in the distance. He really was blindly shooting for the hope that he could find a place soon. With the proper lack of light, his thick fur and extra weight he felt like he'd be alright without a fully functional den for the night.

"Ahhh, ummm." His voice was soft but filled with confusion as he fumbled about the red sands. He really didn't wanna sleep in such a grainy place but Reginald doubted he would make it much further safely tonight.
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!
Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mari had never been the sort to need a man to have her back, woman power and all that, but shit they were good for at least something.All this digging was hard work and she'd been running for so long, didn't she deserve a break? A little bit of luck for once? Ah, probably not. She'd get her due some day or another, her comeuppance that'd make her think-for the hundredth time- she should have just listened to her Mamma for once.

Whatever, the past was in the past, no use crying over spilled honey, or however the saying went.

The ground was dry and dusty, and with each shoveling kick she wondered if this was enough, whether she'd be able squeeze into this Gods forsaken tiny hole. Not yet, unless she wanted to sleep with her own toes poking her eyes out. She kept kicking and scraping, not realising that a white wolf-who might as well have been blind as a bat- walked right into cloud of dust she was amassing behind her.

She wouldn't have noticed him if he hadn't started coughing and spluttering and oh man, did it take her by surprise.

Wheeling on him, Mari's first instinct was to-of course- start insulting him. Of which she did, in a rather colourful manner too.

"Nose si estas ciego o sos idiota! Can't you see I'm digging here? You like getting a faceful of dirt,gilipollas?" She asked, staring at him with obvious annoyance.

He was white, well he had been. A portion of his chest was stained dirt red and his face hadn't fared much better. From what she could tell, with it being dark and all, he hadn't gotten any in his eyes but it had been a close call. He had gotten real close to being nearly blinded, or whatever.

She huffed, for as quick as she was to anger it often simmered out within a few moments or too. Especially if it wasn't such a big deal.

"You got a name, red?"
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger
It seemed both of them would be in for a surprise tonight.

As the red sands flung back towards him he had a rather frightful coughing fit. Through his coughing, he heard the strange shadow speaking some mumble jumble before it spoke a more familiar language. He finished off his coughing and raised a paw to wipe at his sandy face. He was just full of poor ideas, wasn't he? He had now added more sand to his face and gave a good hard shake to do his best to rid himself of the pesky particles.

"I couldn't sees." He said as a good-natured laugh followed after. Despite the obvious cons to his poor vision (such as events like this), it was still amusing to the boy whenever someone mentioned something about vision, seeing, and so on. It wasn't their fault they didn't know he had a weak set of eyes. They were just a stranger after all.

His short, rounded ears perked at her next question. "Yous can call me Regi." His tail gave a few soft sways behind his stocky form. Although Red would have been a rad nickname, right? Sounded like something he would have been called back in the Canyon. Maybe an alias for when he was sniffing about new lands. Heck. He should have just told her that Red was his name. "Who ares you?" He asked as silver eyes stood at the dark shadow before him.
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marisol could be mean, but when she noticed his weird way of speaking she didn't even think to take the piss. She's lost count of the times some rando had tried to mock her for speaking her Mumma's language. Smug bastardos. Always thought they were so clever, so original, like no one else had even thought of that. Little did they know she'd heard it a thousand times before and would no doubt hear it a thousand times again.

Red-or rather Regi-here got a free pass. She'd go easy on him for now.

She'd never been the sort to hand out her name willy nilly but considering she'd just kicked dirt at him, she figured it wouldn't hurt. It wasn't like she'd thought of a cool alias, yet. She was getting there.

"Call me Mari."

Marisol was so formal, and it reminded her of when she was in trouble. When either her Mamma or Gabi realised she'd done a bad and there was hell to pay. She cringed at the thought, she weren't a pup anymore but shit, she still got the shivers at the thought.

She weren't no fan of strangers but maybe this meeting was a blessing in disguise. Aside from the fact that she was north, she knew next to nothing about these lands, or what they were called. Maybe Regi here could be useful. Then again, maybe not. Pursing her lips, Mari plopped herself down on her haunches and with a flick of her snout, gestured for Regi to do the same. Look how civil she was being, such a good lady. Heh.

"I'm new to these parts, know anything of interest? Good places to get food? Or you just a wanderer, like me? Let the wind be your guide, an' all that."
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Becca who has 23 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Reginald Goliger

Such a quaint little name for someone who had just given him a heaping of sand to the face. Before his brain could find something nice to say about her name he was being gestured to sit down. Like an obedient child, he plopped his rear onto the sandy ground below him and listened to what the dark female had to say. Hopefully this time he would be able to understand everything she was saying. Reginald wondered if his ears had been full of sand the first time she had started talking. It all had sounded so jumbled and strange but who was he to judge?

"Up norths from heres there's a forest. Little bits west of the forest there's a lake and lottsa fields." He shared the information with ease. Despite giving him a faceful of sand she hadn't done anything that warranted him to not share what he knew of this place. She didn't carry the stench of others on her pelt so the least he could do for a presumed fellow loner was give a few tips. "But I wanders." He explained with a gentle shrug. For the time being, he didn't have anywhere to go or anywhere to bunker down for good.

He lifted a hind leg to scratch at his face and rid himself of some of the leftover sand. Reginald would hate to get it in his mouth. All that awful fine grinding.
Heads up - this wolf is near-sighted!
Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
screams into the abyss where did my muse go?
Mari wasn't sure what information he would have for her, but she supposed something was better than nothing. She'd come to these lands knowing jack-shit about them, if anything she'd sort of stumbled them by accident. But now that she was here, she figured she would stay a while, gather her bearings and figure out what the hell she was gonna do next.

Would she keep running north, as was the initial plan? Or was this enough? It sure felt as though she'd travelled a whole long way, her legs wobbled at the thought, surely this was enough. Surely the past couldn't follow her here. And yet, this place-as distant as it was- didn't feel right. Like it was home.

Not that she'd ever had a real home, with a loner as a Mamma and all but...Whatever, she weren't in the mood to mope. Especially not when she had company. As goofy and as blind as he was.

"Sounds boring."She replied, a slight smile tugging at her lips."But...I guess it's better than the alternative. Like endless snow and ice, or something like that."

Yeah, it was true she wanted to flee north, but she never intended to go that far. That sounded like hell on earth, hell frozen over for her. But if push came to shove, if the past just wouldn't let go of her then she'd go there if she had to. She'd bite the bullet and freeze her tail off if she had to. As small as she was, she was not going down without a fight. Without showing the world what was what.

"Any agro sorts I should avoid? Packs, or what not?"

As mouthy as she was, she had no intentions of stirring up too much trouble. She was here to hide, to rest up and sort out her shit. Not to stir the shit even more.
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!