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ways to be w-i-c-k-e-d — Lucifers Gorge 
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Played by Namara who has 4 posts.

Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation

The wicked woman slipped through the gorge, keeping her head down and watching her step as she crept around the decrepit land. Her fur bristled as she took note of the particular features – her mother had taught her a lot of things, one was how to survey the land, taking note of tracks that might lead to predators, and those that led to prey… between that and the stars, Mal was never lost. She might not know what lands she was headed to, but she always knew how to find her way back. She was in a gorge, and she wanted out – that was what she happened to be looking for at the moment.

She was traipsing along the long-forgotten remains of a rabbit that had fled the gorge just hours before, hoping it would be the tracks to lead her away from the land. If she could get to a higher ground, she might be able to get a better perspective of where her wandering paws had led her. She still hadn’t decided what the best approach for this new land was – she never really formulated an approach until she actually showed up. She had found herself a meal, a carcass, just before she continued her journey into the gorge to begin with which had been good enough for her and fit the diet she’d become accustomed to, so she could focus on her goals. She’d follow Polaris, or perhaps track her way across the dipper once she could actually see the dipper, fog surrounding the lands around her. She felt blind without the familiar glimmer in the night sky, even if she was trained to never lose sight of what she sought.

Played by becuffin who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
And it's something quite peculiar

Eurus had followed the scent trail Naira had left to the south-west, but had to divert further south as one of the wolves from her pack came towards the golden girl, following the dead wolf's trail in the other direction. Going off the tawny one's scent and all the other subtle similarities, she deduced that this was probably another aunt the girl had yet to put a name to. It was quite exhausting keeping up with the ones she had known of, but her parents had always warned her there would be more.

With a storm rolling in from the east, she had taken shelter within yet another mountain pass, this one a gorge, less than ideal really, but she had found a cave to tuck herself away in and slept the day away in a way she hadn't for weeks. In fact, if it hadn't been for the scuff of paws across the rocky ground outside she may have even slept through until morning.

But she was clever enough to know she never woke up from a sleep like this unless there was a reason to. Quietly she stood, stalking her way towards the crack in the wall that marked the entrance to her temporary den. It was densely foggy outside and all she could make out of the stranger who had passed was a vaguely dark shadow moving back the way she had come. A smirk crossed her features as she made herself known on this almost starless night with a voice still hoarse from sleep.


Played by Namara who has 4 posts.

Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation

Mal couldn’t help but be on high alert constantly. After all, her mother had raised her to never let her guard down, to never show mercy to another soul. She heard the voice and instantly she turned with a snarl on her face, though no active noise breached her throat, keeping it contained as she assessed the situation. She narrowed her eyes at the creature in front of her. Another wolf that had been hiding out in the rocks, her tail lashed from side to side. “Must think you’re pretty clever, with such a dull entrance as that.” she snapped back, lacking amusement as her features relaxed.

The girl in front of her was no threat to her… of that, Mal was certain. Perhaps might put up some of a fight, but in the end would fail. “What’s a kid like you doing in a place like this, hmmn? Get lost? Trying to find your way back to mommy and daddy?” It was her turn to taunt, to tease and to get under the skin of the wolf in front of her. What better way than to harass a yearling and treat her like nothing more than a little pup. Was she old enough to be out on her own? Well, she was older than she’d been when her mother first sent her on her way, but that didn’t really mean anything to the tawny femme fatale.

Played by becuffin who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Something shimmering and white

Far from cautious, the girl stretched rather languidly, not anticipating a fight, at least not yet. The smile was quickly plastered on her face, though just like before it didn't quite reach her eyes, the other woman's barbs sliding off her fur like water rolling off a duck's back. "Oh I expect my brothers to come looking for me before my parents. I've been visiting granny, pushed her off a cliff." Her tone was entirely conversational for someone who so rarely spoke. She might as well have been talking about this blasted fog, or the rain before that caused it to rise so thickly, and while she may not have actually pushed Naira it was entirely possible that she had premeditated her demise, or the demise of anyone foolish enough to stumble across her. She never had really been much of a one to descriminate.

It had been a common theme throughout her life and had played a large part in her little family's banishment from the pack of her birth. Bad things happened around Eurus. Children drowned, yearlings were trampled, skilled climbers fell. She had no tricks planned for tonight so her company was perfectly safe, for now, but that didn't mean she couldn't take the opportunity to glean a little information, if this wolf had any. "Been here long, or are you new to town?" Like me? They'd have to drag her kicking and screaming back to the hell she had left behind.

Played by Namara who has 4 posts.

Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation

Amusement hinted at the edges of her features, rolling her eyes at the girl’s comment. “She probably deserved it… most old wolves do. Completely useless individuals.” Just for not being able to move around, not being able to be useful to the youth, made them deserve death, a punishment for living a life too long, for letting their bones start to grow brittle. Yes, without her Diablo she was quite the charming young lady with perfect thoughts. She’d prove to him that she didn’t need him, or anyone. Perhaps it was that teaching that caused her mother to kick her out – before she realized her mother was old, and deserved that same fate.

She didn’t say it often, but she happened to appreciate the style the femme in front of her carried, though she’d never admit it out loud, or recognize it anywhere else than the dark recesses of her mind. She didn’t like her style – Mal didn’t really like anything. “Been here long enough to know this place is boring as fuck.” She answered vaguely, not really answering in one direction or another – she saw no reason for the other loner to do any good by her with the information. The tawny woman in front of her let out a soft snort. “Let me guess, you’re down here looking for the body.” It was more rhetorical – of course she wasn’t. If she’d pushed her grandmother off a cliff, she’d know exactly where the body had landed.

It was her very polite, very ladylike way of asking if she was just sightseeing or if she actually had a purpose in the gorge.

Played by becuffin who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leads you here despite your destination

She couldn't find fault with the other wolfs sentiment although she didn't share it entirely. The old wolf had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ultimately, Eurus didn't discriminate. The ultimate law was the fine line between life and death and who was she to interfere when someone's time was up? She even managed an agreeable bark of laughter to the assertation of this particular stretch of land being boring as fuck, a nod of her head offered as an afterthought because indeed, it was.

"Oh no, she's back in the pass north of here, I was heading south west to tell her pack when the weather took a turn." Her words were truthful enough, and besides, at this rate, the message would be delivered before she could get there. What were a few more days in the scheme of things, except where it gave her siblings a chance to catch up? "It's in my own best interests to take the scenic route anyway, only bad news flies fast," and while she was certain there would be those that might take the news to heart there was more fun to be had before then, she was almost certain of it. "Eurus," she finally introduced herself easily, she wasn't fond of lying and saw no reason to withhold the information. It was only a name, after all.

(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2017, 06:36 AM by Eurus.)
Played by Namara who has 4 posts.

Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation

“Kill your grandmother and tell her pack? Rather bold of you… risk getting skinned, especially since you’re just one wolf going against a full pack.” Maleficent countered with logic, the pain that the pack might feel to lose one of their own to Eurus herself. She offered her name, and Mal held her tongue. She wasn’t the type to let information slip so easily – there was power in a name. It could topple civilizations if a name was whispered in the wrong place. “Angelle.” She offered in return with a soft smirk. She always did – her mother had always said she was clever as the devil, but twice as pretty.

“I don’t suppose I have to worry about you trying to push me off a cliff too, do I?” As if she’d trust anything that came out of the other wolf’s mouth to begin with. For all Mal knew, Eurus wasn’t even the girl’s real name, just as Angelle wasn’t really Mal’s name. She’d have to take some time, divert her tracks for a moment or two until she felt that she was out of range enough that the Blackwood woman could climb to the top of the mountain and get a lay of the land, or at least, high enough that she might be able to see what landscape lied below even the gorge. She didn’t intend on settling on the mountain, especially once winter came.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by becuffin who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
under the milky way tonight

Her cheshire grin grew as the other woman answered her, "I never said I was going to tell them that I did it." Besides, she had work to do yet regarding the girl that followed the old wolf up the mountain and any other loose ends that might be hanging around. She stretched her neck, bones popping into place as she suddenly began to feel too big for her skin again. It was no good playing with this one, she was just as sharp as Eurus herself, and she knew better than to run with scissors.

She had no reason not to trust the name the other wolf gave her and tucked it away somewhere in the dark recesses of her mind, she wasn't sure she would need it again, but just in case. The latter question was met with a smirk and even a slightly frantic giggle, "Not so long as you watch where you put your feet." Her eyes had narrowed in a tease meant to put the other woman slightly on edge, though she doubted it would work on this one. "Things are quiet enough around here without losing the only decent conversationalist for miles." She muttered more to herself than to Angelle, little reassurance surely, but she had no intentions of ruining this one, yet.

(This post was last modified: Sep 16, 2017, 06:15 AM by Eurus.)