Heck, she was hungry. She was so hungry. The attempt up at the river pack had been a failure – though quite frankly, it seemed to have strengthened the bond between her and her working partner – but all the same, that didn’t fill their bellies. It wasn’t like they were starving, because there were plenty of chipmunks and squirrels racing around trying to store energy before they start their torpor. But it wasn’t like they were full, either, and Little Crow was starting to get tired of the constant buzz of hunger somewhere between her ribcage.
And she had to get to Fallen Tree Cove. Which was further south, still. But what kind of impression would it make if she showed up and was nothing but skin and bones? She wanted answers! And a little starving girl was hardly in a place to demand anything, much less the answers for everything done to her and her Mama.
The dusty wolf crouched down into the ferns, blending in relatively well – her tail laid flat against the ground and she held her breath, bright eyes tracing the form of a marmot as it bumbled along. God, it was so much bigger than a squirrel. That could feed her for days.