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All the Things — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski
@Odysseia Backdated to 9/18 Afternoon, cloudy and some wind with the threat of rain. Let me know if anything needs changed.

She’d been caught the last time she had tried to sneak off which she had hoped for but this time she didn't want to be caught. This time she was hoping to get much farther than she had ever been before. Oksana had been extra careful when she had slipped away from her mother that morning. It hadn't been difficult as Inna still wasn't herself but the pup didn't feel so scared for her mother anymore. This trip the smudge wanted to take was for herself because so much had been on her mind lately.

As much as she tried to avoid it the things that had happened in her short life were a lot to process. She thought if she had avoided it that eventually everything would work itself out. That was not the case.  She missed her grandmother, had she still been around maybe she could have helped Inna. There were so many times she wanted to visit her only to remember she wasn't going to be in her den. Her mother's strange behavior took its toll as well but the thing that she was trying to avoid most was that Lorc was her father…

Oksana had made it across the border and was sprinting through the forest of Kingsfall.  She'd never explored there before but that didn't much matter when she was trying to get away from Hearthwood, where everything happened. Her too large paws carried her as best they could until she reached something she'd never seen before. It was water more than she had ever seen in her life. The smudge slowed her pace and approached the water slowly, after all that running she really did need a drink.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Wolfsi who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odysseia Immorta
Odysseia Immorta
Get out your guns, battle's begun.
Are you a saint or a sinner?

Hope this is fine @Oksana

Ody moved slowly through the lowlands, it taken her a few days to almost cross it,she knew she walked too far. She knew she passed the great rock which she sought to wist. But she felt she needed to prepare better, to allow her head to cool off after last night angry outburst at a poor rabbit she caught. She got pissed thinking that her dad was likely enjoying a large feast with the bitch he chased after leaving his family and gone to bed on an empty stomach. Since she riped her dinner to tiny pieces in her wrath. She knew that this, anger was something she has to fix. After all, some of the black woman's friends might still be left back at the great rock. Not that it mattered, she already decided she did not wanna ask to rejoin the pack. She did not wanna be traped on yet another lone rock, especially not one whom that bitch had built.

Ody walked in her own thoughts through the air change as she slowly left the lowlands and came close to a great vast lake. She looked at it in surprise, she never seen so much water in one place and the islands only made it apper bigger. Oh, she wondered how it be to swim to one of them. To hide on her own tiny remote island, then again she did not wanna be alone. She walked along the shoreline, her eyes looking out over the water. Would there be fish in it? Could she actually catch a fish? she smiled to herself eyes returning to the shoreline and she came to halt.

Not to fare from her another creature was moving towards the water, the creature was small and dark and without a doubt a puppy. Ody watched the tiny thing for a few moments before she walked closer a light bark left her lips so that the tiny thing would know she was there and hopefully not run off. She only ever seen her brother, and she had not been weary old then. After the massacre, she been alone with only adults. A smile appeared on her pale face as she once again stopped this time within hearing range "Hello there!" she called out still smiling "Are your pack nearby?" she asked wondering if she perhaps was close to a border, she was pretty certain she hadn't passed any. "You like the lake?" she asked wondering why a pup would be out here all alone.

March note! It should be noted that Ody's spring scent/heat scent is quite a bit weaker then that of the average female due to her weak fertility.
[Image: ody_sig_by_becuffin-dbod0gl.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It's good

Oksana understood that her uncle Lach was Lavender and Lilliana’s father but to her it had always been her and her mum. That Lorc was a friend that looked after her and helped Inna. Then they had told her that he was her father and he'd been there the whole time. She knew what her mother had said about why they hadn't told her sooner but the pup thought she had the right to know who her father was. All this time she'd thought Lorc was one thing and bow he was something completely different. It was a lot for the pup and she still didn't even know what was the reason they had kept it to themselves.

Running through the forest that lead her to the water that was now before her was freeing in a way. She had to worry more about where she was going than what was in her head but now that she had stopped it all came back. The smudge knew she needed to work through it all, she needed to figure out what it all meant for her. With her mother having all but disappeared Oksana had been forced to grow a little faster, to make her own decisions. Now she needed to somehow get through all the changes.

Her focus had been in the water so she didn't hear the approach of anyone but the bark started her. She jumped a little before turning her little head to look at the figure that was approaching her. Oksana's ears flattened against her head and her tail curled under her. This was the first time she'd met an adult outside of Hearthwood, she was a little scared. Then the woman spoke and she seemed friendly which helped put Oksana a little at ease. “Hi,” she replied cautiously. The woman then asked about the pack, “They aren't far from here.” At least she thought that was the truth but she couldn't be too sure about it. Her gaze went back to the lake when asked about it, “I haven't been before,” she said looking back at the woman, “But I think I do like it. It's so big.”

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Wolfsi who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odysseia Immorta
Odysseia Immorta
Get out your guns, battle's begun.
Are you a saint or a sinner?

A bit short sorry....

Ody felt her ears pull back just slightly as she relaxed she startled the pup, though soon rose back up as the pup answered her questions om what more at ease. However, a worried Winkel appeared on her forehead as the girl told her that her pack was not far, hopefully, they would not take offense to her binge close or binge near their puppy. But good was she the sweetest thing ever!

Though soon the smile returned as the pup reviled this was her first time at the grand lake, and that she seemed to like it. "Yeah, it really is big!" Ody laughed as she walked closer to the waters edge taking but a few steps closer towards the girl as well while still binge at a "safe" distance so that the pup would not flee. "I wonder what the islands are like, but I don't think I can go there. I'm not that good at swimming, I can swim a little bit, but to get out there it takes a really talented swimmer" she said turning her face to the little girl. "you see I used to live on a large lonely rock, in the middle of a grand plain so I'm a much better runner the swimmer." she said with a smile "What about you? You live some were special?" she asked wondering if the girl would actually tell her anything of her pack, she knew some were weary careful with giving information to strangers.

March note! It should be noted that Ody's spring scent/heat scent is quite a bit weaker then that of the average female due to her weak fertility.
[Image: ody_sig_by_becuffin-dbod0gl.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
No Worries!

If she had met the woman back in Hearthwood he would have felt much more confident about it but away from her pack, Oksana was a little nervous. Her mother had told her the dangers but as the woman spoke it put Oksana a little more at ease. She seemed friendly but the smudge remained cautious just in case, the last thing her mother needed was for something to happen to her. She answered the questions that were posed to her politely as she'd been taught and gave the best answer she could about the lake since she really wasn't sure with it being so new to her.

The main thing that Oksana had noticed was it's size. The lake was much bigger than she was used to and the woman agreed with her. The pup noticed the steps she took closer but she remained where she was taking a couple steps toward the water until her paws we're right at the edge as the stranger spoke of the islands. The pup looked out and saw them for the first time. “One day I will,” she stated, “When I'm big like you.” One day she would swim out to the islands but she knew she would never make it at her size now. “I'm not very good at either right now. Your old home doesn't sound like a fun place to grow up,” she said lifting one of her paws and scowling. They were the reason she just knew it. She put her paw back down and looked at the woman thinking about the question that had been asked. “It's special to me cause my family is there. We have lotsa big trees though and a river that has raybows,” she replied her tail wagging as she thought about Hearthwood and the day with the rainbows.

(This post was last modified: Sep 23, 2017, 02:19 PM by Oksana.)
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Wolfsi who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odysseia Immorta
Odysseia Immorta
Get out your guns, battle's begun.
Are you a saint or a sinner?

OOC here!

Ody smiled as the girl declared that she would one day reach the islands, one day when she was big like herself. "I'm sure you will, promise me something then. When you do reach them howl as loudly as you can. So I know a brave little wolf reached the islands?" she asked a smile still on her lips. And as she commented on Ody's own home the girl laughed "Oh no it was a good home, we lived high up so we could see all of the land. It was were I was born along with my brother" she smiled though her smile fainted slightly as a sadness grew in her heart. The home she lost the moment her grandfather set his crazy plan at work.

Though she forced her attention back at the girl and pushed the sadness away. She wanted to be here now and talk with this little girl. "Family" she mumbled slightly as the girl explained why her home was special. Oh yes Family had once been special to the pale woman as well. Back when she lived in her fairytale of finding her dad and living haply ever after with him as alpha and her mother at his side. Of curse it would never come true, her father was gone. and she had a feeling that so was most of the others.

She smiled at the girl "Yeah family is special, really special. One must never forget that, never forget to love and care for it" she watched the girl as she spoke "You see a family is like a pretty flower, and for the flower to stay healthy and pretty it must be cared for and kept safe" she watched the girl, wondering what had made her own family flower slowly whiter away. Oh how she hoped that at least one of her rag tag family members was left at the Monadnock. Who knew maybe she could once again make a family home some were, in the future. One she never abandoned like her father had done.

Then she realized something, and a giggle escaped her lips. "I'm sorry, I never got to introduce myself." she laughed lightly before smiling at the girl once again "I'm Odysseia Immorta a lone wolf, But you can call me Ody evert one ells used to" she bowed her head just a bit as she introduced herself before retuning her orang gaze to the pup "How about you?"  

March note! It should be noted that Ody's spring scent/heat scent is quite a bit weaker then that of the average female due to her weak fertility.
[Image: ody_sig_by_becuffin-dbod0gl.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

The smudge looked out across the lake once more at the islands, they seemed so big and so far away to her tiny perspective of things. She wondered what her mother or father would think about her new found goal. When the woman spoke again Oksana turned her head to look at her. A promise? The pup smiled with her tail wagging, “I promise,” she said with a little nod. It was an easy promise to keep but she did wonder if the woman would be nearby when she was finally able to hear her howl. “I haven't been up high. Was the land pretty that you could see?” Maybe one day she could go somewhere up high too. Oksana was quickly seeing there was so much to do when she was bigger. “Sana doesn't have a brother.” Idly she wondered what it might be like to have siblings but it was just her and her mum and now Lorc, her father.

She spoke of yet family but it wasn't just her mum and her father but her uncle Lach and the other wolves in Hearthwood. The words her mother had once spoken to her coming to mind, the same ones she'd spoken to Ferdie. Oksana's ears fell at the mumbled word, “Do you have a family?” She asked worried that the woman might not. She seemed sad at the mention of it and the smudge didn't want her new friend to be sad. The pup believed everyone should have a family because she had a family. She had also learned that families weren't just made up of wolves related to each other because of what her mother had said.

The woman spoke again of how special family was and how it needed to be taken care of. This struck the pup because of her own situation with Inna. Oksana listened intently to the woman's words, they reminded her so much of something her mother might say in regards to family. “I’ll remember,” she stated in regards to the woman's words. “My mum talks about family too. She says important to stay loyal to them but she is different.” The child looked at her paws as she pushed a rock with one of them. Her mother might be doing a little better or it seemed that way Oksana still had some worried that it wouldn't last.

She looked back at the woman as she apologized for not Introducing herself. “I'm glad I met you Ody,” she said her tail wagging behind her. “My name is Oksana Baranski but they mostly call me Sana at home. You can call me that too if you want.” She preferred Sana over her full name because it usually meant she wasn't in trouble.

(This post was last modified: Sep 24, 2017, 01:37 PM by Oksana.)
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Wolfsi who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odysseia Immorta
Odysseia Immorta
Get out your guns, battle's begun.
Are you a saint or a sinner?

OOC here!

Ody smiled as the young girl promised to howl once she reached the islands, even if she herself was no way near to hear it someone was bound to hear the little girl call out her victory. He tail waged lightly behind her as the girl asked questions about her home "Yes, though I have to admit I don't remember much from up there, something bad happened there when I was really young and me and my family moved to live in the plains around it." she replied with a sad smile, though the young girl said she had no brother. "I see, I haven't seen my brother in a really long time," she replied sadness to her tone even though she tried to hide it. "But, it's fine I know he is happy where he is now." she replied allowing a smile to spread on her lips, yes it had always been an assumption of hers that the dead traveled to live among the starts. For where else would the dead go the somewhere so lovely and bright?

Ody's ears peaked as the girl asked if she had any family and she smiled. "Yes I do, a large but wired one." she laughed slightly at the thought of her ragtag family, of which she was related to no one. "Though I don't know where they are anymore, some have traveled far away others might still be here in this land. I'm going to see if can find them where they lived before I left" She told the girl with a smile, yes she was heading to the Whitestone pack to see if anyone was left, and she could only hope that at least one had staid, one she could say sorry to before she moved on down into the lowlands. The pale woman smiled as the girl agreed with her on family though with a slightly lifted brow on her words of her mother. "I see, she is right loyalty is important, but so is many other things" honestly Ody wasn't certain she say loyalty was the most important, she perhaps say trust and care were more so.

"Oh well then, I am weary pleased to meet you Sana." she smiled at the pup "Tell me Sana what you do for fun?" Ody watched the girl with a soft smile and wagging tail, wondering how she takes the indirect invitation. She was bored and it been so long since she had a chance to play and fool around. Life as a lone wolf was harder than she ever known now that she was without the gang.

March note! It should be noted that Ody's spring scent/heat scent is quite a bit weaker then that of the average female due to her weak fertility.
[Image: ody_sig_by_becuffin-dbod0gl.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Oksana didn't know when she would ever be able to make it to the islands, they seemed so far away. She would do it though one day, her mind was made up and when she did she would keep her promise. Even though she didn't know what had happened to the woman the smudge felt like she could relate. Something bad had happened in her pack too. “Do you know why they moved?” She asked letting her gaze drop to look at the stones around her feet, “Something bad happened in my pack too.” She couldn't help but think of all the bad stuff that had happened in her short life in that moment. There were other puppies in Hearthwood but none of them were her siblings, she didn't know what it was like to have one. Still she thought it was sad that the woman hadn't seen her brother in a long time. “How can you be sure he is happy?” Oksana asked because she didn't understand if they hadn't spoken.

The pups tail swished slowly as she was happy to hear the woman had a family but she quickly found out that they had been separated. “Why leave?” She asked, “I hope you find them.” Oksana couldn't imagine leaving her family or what her life would be like without her mother and Lorc. It was going to take some getting used to him being her father, she was slowly coming to that realization. As she thought more about Lorc being her father she thought maybe her uncle Lach could help, he was a father after all. The woman stated that Inna was right but there were other things that were important too. She considered this for a moment before asking, “What kind of things?”

The smudge had learned the woman's name was Ody and she had told her name. Oksana also took note they both had shorter versions of their names they went by. The next question was an easy one, “I explore and play,” she told, “I've been practicing my hunting too. Mum says it's important that I get good at it.”

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you