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Rainbows and Lollipops — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
A continuation of the Joing thread after @Rosalin was accepted.

Zev watched the alpha go; Leaving his prize marked as a pack member, his eyes going from plain and respectful to hard and cold as soon as the alpha could no longer see his expression. He bared one canine in disgust, he soon would have no need to bow to a pretender. Soon to him, might mean years yet, but he knew it was not his whole life that he would need to bow to others, they’d bow to him eventually.

Other wolves now out of ear shot, he rumbled deep in his throat then turned his cold hard eyes on her, and gritted his teeth below his lips he took three long breaths just staring at her, unable to understand his feelings or why they were mixed. He could not put a paw on the description of the feelings Hate, anger, Jealously, love? these feeling were all close in nature and harder to discern when he only knew disdain for life itself.

His prize, She did as she was bid and did it as flawlessly as him, but something told him, her submission to the alpha was not an act of necessity but of actual submission.  She may not have known Serach personally but she knew that Zev was placing her before an alpha and as such knew that, that was the lowly alpha and that was all Zev had cared about and why he had spoke for her.

His voice was measured and clipped short You may need to submit to the alpha in order to remain in this pack, but you may NEVER bow so low to another wolf besides me again. He glared toward the direction the other wolf had gone then turned his glare back to her Show submission to others because you must, Do not grovel. He snapped his teeth, it was all he could do not to leap upon her and grab her by the throat and pin her to the ground; but that would not serve his purpose here and now.  
Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
I love the thread name lol XD

It seemed that the alpha was pleased with Zev and her own words since she was soon accepted. Her russet dusted tail untucked from her belly but remained by her hocks. Her ears perked up as emerald eyes watched him leave. It wasn't until a low grumble reached her audits. She turned to see her master glaring at her. Confusion washed over her, clear in her features. The blonde yearling instantly shrunk back down. What did I do? 

She could have never guessed that doing what she had been raised to do was what had made him so mad. Despite being raised to respect those in authority Rosie was also raised that she would rule one day. She was a princess afterall. 

His voice was clipped and short, anger was clear in his tone whether he meant to have it there. Her eyes and ears fell. He told her that she was never allowed to bow so low to any other but him. Something in her bubbled. She was a princess, a future queen. In all actualality she wasnt supposed bow to anyone. 

She flinched when he snapped his teeth at her but something about what he said. It pissed her off. Now it was her turn to glare at him with hard eyes. "I am a princess" she nearly hissed "I do not grovel." Her true self was showing through again now that he hit a button. She would do as he said simply because he had saved her life. That wouldn't change her prideful nature. Rosalin Victoria Kingsley was better than everyone and they were meant to serve her, not the other way around. 
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
The brutes teeth snapped shut with a resounding clack, his eyes stared into hers then alit with a new fire, laughter, true laughter bubbled from deep within him. Oh it felt good to laugh. Finally, he understood the why, and this gift was just that much more precious, and now he knew he desperately need to get her to his den for another dose of Ayahuasca vine.

Yes! He hissed in return, but is was more of an affirmation of her statement then anything else, He never lost eye contact with her even when he had laughed aloud. The brute stepped forward toward her and gently nipped her ear, only when his head was above hers did his eye contact break You are right, Bascha, he whispered, then turned his gaze to the heart of the packlands speaking in a calm rhythmic tone to help settle her These alpha’s, in these lands are pretenders, they are not who they think they are, they are not worthy of the title they hold, The gods know this and though us they will purge these lands….. His voice tapered off

Come his voice was quiet and commanding but not overly dominate, he would not set her off again, his hold on her was not as strong as he had thought. He moved into the pack lands that she was now allowed to traverse without fear of attack. He started slowly listening for her to follow, and if she did he'd pick up the pace to a light jog but if she did not follow he would have drag her kicking and screaming to his den, he doubted any of the pack members here would stop him either, but if someone did try to intervene he’d have to silence them, permanently.
Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
Her gaze was hard as she glared at the dark man. She would not stand for being insulted, no matter who they were. A silent growth rumbled deep within the yearling as Zev laughed. How dare he. A single word fell from his maw, yes. Rosie didn't know if he meant it as confirmation or not but she'd take it. She watched him move towards her, never breaking eye contact. They only broke eye contact when Zev reached up and nibbled her ear.

The gentle nibble allowed her to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Maybe he hadn't meant to insult her integrity. She'd give him the benefit if the doubt. His previous yes was soon backed up by him stating that she was right. Her russet dusted tail flicked smugly behind her. Of course she was right, she was always right. His next words quipped her interest. 

The alphas of this pack were fakers and not who they thought they were. A wicked smile formed on her creamy maw. The gods know this and through us they will purge these lands. She was a princess and mean to rule. Maybe instead of her birth pack she was destined to rule this one. Either way she was fine with it. 

He moved away from her and beckoned her to follow. She turned and followed her master with no objection. She had no reason to disobey, yes he had insulted her and made her mad but her purpose was still to serve the gods through him. So that she would do. She walked next to his flank keeping her head level with his hip. She knew better than to show dominance over him, so that she never would.
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Alright, Spirit of Wildwood I'll bite :D

Zev’s ear twitched and caught the sound of her keeping pace with him, and supressed a smile, but his tail waved once or twice betraying his emotional state. He had no idea his little gift was still thinking to small, He had meant all of the Wildwoods all of their known world, and possibly beyond. Perhaps one day he’d let her now his plans, for now….

The brute froze mid step and bared his teeth in a vicious wicked grin. Deer were close by he could see them though the trees it was an entire family and with Rosalin by his side, They may be able to bring down an adult, and if not then the baby would do. Zev wanted to offer the heart to the gods at sun rise.

Zev reached back touched her muzzle with his own and then whipped his head in the direction of the deer, inclining his muzzle silently in their direction.

He scented the air; the wind was blowing in his face, the deer would not smell him yet, The large male whom had never missed a meal and made time for more besides crouched low and did so, so slowly and quietly he did not alert the deer,

His voice was low and hushed only she would be able to hear since she was close to him get behind them, drive them to me, once I grab it, help me and forget the others Zev eyed the buck but he was not going to be picky the one that got to close was the one he’d grab, he did not like to waste energy.
(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2017, 03:27 PM by Zev. Edit Reason: closing tags )
Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
The idea of being queen swirled within the young girls mind, teasing her with the possibility of power. Oh how sweet it sounded, never did she think Zev meant meant the whole world too. Her master suddenly stopped drawing her attention back to reality. Emerald eyes searched intently for what had been spotted. Her master turned his head towards her own before whipping around towards the deer. Rosie's russet dusted tail wagged at the thought of food. Sure owl was okay but she much prefered deer. 

Her coal nose flared testing the air, picking up that they were up wind and had the advantage. An excited smile formed upon her inky lips as the yearling lowered herself with the dark man. She gave a single nose in understanding before moving away from him. Drive them towards him and help with which ever he choose to take down. That was perfect, the lean princess was built for speed and stamina rather than strength. 

Creamy paws moved quickly and silently, giving the deer a wide berth. Making her way to the other side of the prey she scanned the small family. She searched for the best position to startle them. Finding her mark Rosalin prepared for the scare. This was perfect to allow her to release her previous frustration that still simmered deep within.

Letting out an almost deafening snarl the blonde teen revealed her hiding spot. She leapt right between the buck and doe hoping to give Zev a better choice. The deer were easily startled and ran right towards the dark male. Rosie kept snacking and barking nipping at their heels. She weaved behind the trio making sure all three went the way she wanted to. 
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
The brute watched her move with uncanny grace, but by her gait he could tell she was still upset, this did not bother him though as long as she served him, and by moving away it showed she was willing, he'd spike her meal with the vine maybe even partake in it himself.

It was not long before the deer startled and he hunkered down hiding his form, the bits of twigs and leaves stuck to his pelt made his camouflage that much easier, not the the scared deer were going to take appreciation anyway.

He was not built for speed but he did have strength and stamina and a lack of concern for his own wellbeing, which was rather against nature. He waited until the deer was stepping upon his before he jumped up and silently snapped his teeth for the jugular his target deer reared and snapped it's front legs forward but it was to late. The brute caught the deer by the middle off it's throat, not his intended target he'd not be able to crush a wind pipe from the meaty part of its neck but his large teeth meant for rending and tearing did their work easily enough.

The rests of it's family fled past not daring to stop, not even the buck who's job it was to defend his family stopped. The fat Doe tried to keep running to keep up with it's family but it was in vane, though the deer did manage to get a few steps and drag Zev it's burden was to much and it stumbled calling out to it's mate since Zev did not have it's wind pipe. The deers cries went unanswered though and rather then let go all Zev did was throw his whole body back and forth dragging the deer down him and the fight was on, The deer tried to stab him with her sharp hooves but last her front hooves were not as strong as her back hooves and though he'd probably bruise and a lesser wolf whom cared about not being ripped up would have let go, Zev was singled minded in his attack and he held fast even as he was being pummelled.

He continued to thrash, blood poured freely but his attack was not going to crush the life from the deer he'd need help for that. It was now that he finally uttered a sound, he growled frustrated at the lack of cooperation this deer had for giving him it's life. Thrashing his body hard he brought the deer to the ground with him atop of it, his jaw still locked upon the first meaty flesh he had grabbed moments ago, it as a slash a hoof across his cheek removed hair and some small amount of his flesh, even so he held fast. Zev knew soon his little bascha would be near to rend the life from the fiery beast and he'd protect her from the flailing hooves as best he could, not even a deer was allowed to spill her blood without his permission.

Little did Rosalin know though she 'may' have lost her freedom, she had gained and jealous and fearsome body guard
Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
Emerald eyes had a vicious fire burning within as the princess watched their prey flee. Glee filled her as she snapped her jaws at the heels. The blonde girl raced behind them, doing her best to herd all three towards Zev so that he would have whichever he wanted. Only her snarls and barks echoed through the trees until finally she had driven them close enough to her master. 

He sprung up from the ground right underneath the doe. His jaws clamped down onto the meaty part of it neck. The buck and fawn split and ran in opposite directions from where the female had been caught. Rosie watched them run, using everything she had to resist chasing the fawn down for an extra meal. She succeeded and refocused her attention and aggression onto the doe. She watched as the large male thrashed around to bring the beast down. It kicked and nicked him in the faces causing it to begin to bleed. 

Something deep within the girl snapped. Another ferocious snarl fell from her inky lips. How dare it hurt him! She ran at the struggling duo looking for an opening to end the deer's life. It didnt take long for the opportunity to present itself. The blonde teen leapt and found her mark. Her slender maw hit its target almost perfectly. Clamping down on the doe's windpipe she growled and shook her head violently, easily ending its life. She would continue to growl and shake her head sending blood flying everywhere until she was satisfied or pulled off.
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Roslin may not know why he had chosen this one in the heat of the moment, but he knew, for she fought not only for herself but the fawn within, having been the last the join this deer family and the last to be bred, her babe was but days from life, days maybe hours from taking it's first breath of air.

Roselin took the doe but not the babe, the life crushed from the mother did not yet kill the babe, the babe lived within it’s mother womb.

Once the struggle of the large doe stopped Zev let go, nipped his bascha’s ear, perhaps even affectionately, and sprang to the belly of the doe.

He grabbed and tore into the belly, baring the babe to the earth rather then dropping it to the ground via the birth canal. The thing bleated to it’s long dead mother, he picked it up behind the neck like a mother would it’s pup. and carried it to Rosalin allowing it to bond to her rather then to a deer.

We eat of this flesh and in the first rays to light we offer this ones blood to the gods, they need know we are still loyal, He furtively licked the fawns head still covered in amniotic fluid then nudged it closer to Rosalin securing the bond.

He casually walked back over to the after-birth and ate that, this was usually reserved for mothers, and mothers alone, in order to partake of the nutrients to feed back to the babe via milk,

This doe had milk being hours from birth but not enough to sustain a babe for more then 24 hours. The after birth was delicious Zev made a mental note to find more of it, it was better then fillet mingion. His back was to roslin as he ate the most nutritious part of this Doe leaving Rosalin to chose wetter she wanted this liver or heart or another organ, or if she would she offer those to Zev,

The brute decided to leave the femme to her own devices and let her pretend to be alpha like or give him the organs he felt he should deserve,

however if she tried to take the heart he’d discipline her aggressively, that organ was for the gods not even he had ever tasted heart…