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In Hushed Whispers — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
I just love this song, okay. Tagging @Kjell @Pip @Kyrios , just so you can track what lil dragon is up to.
All welcome!  
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

It was another one of those days where it seemed as though the rain was never going to stop. When they'd lived with those other wolves it had never really been a problem, there had been loads of places to take shelter. But ever since their adventure had begun such hidey holes were few and far between.

Aegir didn't mind the rain too much, a little bit of water never hurt. In fact, his Ma had taught him water was a good thing. Yummy things could be found in the water. But when it fell from the sky with such force, well could the Little Dragon be blamed for seeking a respite from the rain?

His Ma and Da-and Kyri- were around here somewhere, but he was in no rush to run back to them just yet. He loved his parents and Kyri was okay, but he was an independent lil lad.Like his Da, really. With each passing day he grew more and more like him.

There was no shelter to be had in the meadow he'd been frolicking and chasing birds in for the last few hours, so Aegir headed into the nearby tangle of trees and bushes. Pushing his way through the greenery, the Little Dragon's nose twitched as an earthy, damp smell ticked his nostrils. What was that? It smelled new, unlike anything he had smelled before. So with that in mind, off he galloped.

It didn't take the sharp nosed pup long to find the source of the interesting smell. Hidden in the depths of the forest was a....Aegir didn't know the word for it. It was big and tall and brown, like a den but far bigger. Carved into the earth like a great, big gaping maw.

The rain was still falling hard, pelting him and soaking him to the bone, so rather than delay the pup hurried on inside, his little paws leaving tracks in the sandy dirt as he went.

Shaking himself off with a flap flap flap, Aegir was startled as the sound seemed to resonate all around him. Like another wolf had just shaken themselves off as well. His gaze darted this way and that, but it was clear he was alone. So what the hell was that sound? Frowning, Aegir pressed his nose to the ground and sniffed. No one had been here for a long long time.

" 'Lo?" He called, expecting some sort of response.

But all he got was ' 'Lo 'lo 'lo' ' , like someone was taking the mick out of him!

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

If any were to know all the secrets that lay buried in Pip's mind of her past, she wondered if they would blame her for the way she was inclined to hover over her son and linger in the background of his explorations. Her own parents had been...not love-less, but certainly not affectionate. She refused to allow her son to feel unwanted in any way, especially considering he was the only one of his litter to survive. The little mute was getting better at sneaking around. She didn't want to stifle Aegir's growth. She knew how important it was for him to explore and learn about the world around him. She couldn't teach him much, after all, with no voice to explain the things she knew. But as long as she could help it, there would be no other incident like the one that had torn her ear. Never again would she feel that fear of knowing her son could have been killed before she reached him.

Pip kept a respectful distance away to let the pup have some freedom. Without the pack to protect them now, she was more prone to startling and her eyes constantly scanned around her to watch for danger in a way she didn't have to back in Cedarwood. Thus far, she'd spotted no sign of danger.

She perked and wagged her tail when she noticed her son had found a cave. Smart lad! Pleased, the mute finally stepped out from her hiding place to join the boy at the entrance. She, too, had grown weary of the rain. It made her fur itch madly and the forest felt thick with humidity to a stifling degree. Pip chirped to alert Aegir of her presence and stepped closer to lick at his face in warm greeting. His echoed voice was a curious thing to her and she tilted her head to listen as he had. Experimentally, she let out a chirp and was rewarded when the lilting sound was chorused back to her. Looking at the pup - goodness, he was already getting so tall in just a few months! - she shared a grin and cocked her head as if to ask if they should explore it together?

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Aegir would recognise that chirp anywhere. It was his Ma! And rather than be annoyed that she had been following him, he merely turned to her with a big, sappy grin. He liked his space, yes, but he liked his Ma better. Even at this age, when he was starting to get all the more independent. Rather than kick up a fuss, like another wolf his age might, he gladly accepted her kisses and gave a bucket load of his own in return, till his tongue was tired.

Today was good. It might be raining and all warm, but his Ma was here. What more could the Little Dragon want?

At this point he was to used to the little squeaks and chirps his Ma made. They were as familiar to him as the rumble of his Da's voice, the wind in the trees and the pitter patter of rain. He'd never heard her chirps repeat like this before though, like there were several copies of his Ma make the sound one after the other.

That was impossible of course, there would only ever be just one Ma. Perfection like her was impossible to recreate. But then..what was making that noise? His Ma didn't seem alarmed nor concerned, if anything it was like it was a game. A quaint little thing that was an amusement best. Trusting his Ma's judgement, Aegir watched his Ma with his bright eyes and quickly surmised what she was trying to say, or rather ask.

Slapping the ground with his front paws, Aegier bent down into a play bow. Yes! He wanted to explore, it was obvious as much as his tail wiggled behind him at a mile a minute. Springing off into a gallop, Aegir glanced over his shoulder to see if his Ma was following. How far did this weird hole in the ground go? Was it shallow like their old den? Or did it delve into the depths of the earth like some sort of massive mouth?

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

The young mother accepted her growing pup's kisses with pleasure, relieved to know that just because he was getting older didn't mean he wanted to grow away from her. Until that moment, Pip hadn't quite realized the depth of her attachment issues to her little one. And for that matter, how much longer could she even claim to have a little one? He'd be grown soon!

But for now, she'd embrace every moment that he wanted to play with her with the abandon of a child.

When Aegir slapped his paws against the ground in a forceful play bow, Pip jolted, her posture stiffening, but tail waving high in reciprocated play. The lift of her tail was a rarity itself for the submissive female often kept it in a neutral position when relaxed or tucked when nervous. But around her son, she had no reason to feel submissive or shameful. She was the parent and had to show some form of leadership if she was going to guide her son as a parent should. It was a change for her and one she had not quite yet gotten used to, but away from the pack, she was better able to explore the new subset of behaviors she was trying to learn.

Once the pup took off, Pip sprang after him, her breath huffing out in her silent laughter when she saw him pause to make sure she was following. He need not worry! She would be right on his heels!

Still in play, Pip even reached over to nip at the boy's hocks to encourage him deeper. As far as her nose could tell, the place was abandoned and safe enough to explore.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Time with his Ma was always well spent. But time exploring with his Ma was something else entirely!

The Ma he knew and loved was always bold and adventurous, he'd been too young to notice and/or recognise her submissive when she had showed it on occasion. But whenever they'd been together such displays were few and far between. Now that they lived out in the wilds on their own terms, she didn't have to answer to anyone, there was no pecking system and so she could be whoever she wanted to be. And it was great! Aegir loved every moment of it.

The nip at his heels was more than enough to drive him on and he barked in response. Yes! They would explore the bowls of this cave together!

Eventually, Aegir slowed to a trot and then a walk, so he could take in the scenery around him. This place wasn't like their den in the thicket at all. Weird pointy stones hung from the ceiling and even though they were sheltered from the rain he could still hear the odd drip of water. What was this place? And why was there a musty smell of wolves hanging about in the air? Who would want to live here, where it was so dark and maybe a little spooky.

Turning to his Ma, Aegir offered her a big goofy smile, with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

Despite the fact hat his Ma couldn't respond in turn, the Little Dragon spoke to her on occasion. His Da did the same, so why shouldn't he? He merely had to pick his words carefully, that was all.

"D'ya think someone lived here Ma? Smells...Funny." He wrinkled his nose. Then he gasped as something dawned on him. "A dragon!"

He squinted in focus, turned to face the depths of the cave and roared as loud as his little lungs would allow, just like a dragon would. And to his delight, the sound echoed off the wall and bounced back to his ears, like a beast hiding in the dark was responding to his call.

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip's heart raced, elated to be able to join her son in such a grand adventure. How many pups would prefer the absence of their mother to discover new things on their own and come home to regale their tales instead? Blitz had been like that. Niq'x, too. They'd go off on their adventures and excitedly prattle about them to mama and papa. Pip's adventures always went untold. But now she actually got to share in the wonder with @Aegir by her side. Now she could be there when the boy told Kjell and Kyrios and listen to all the ways he could build it up or break it down for them.

The mute mother followed her son, keeping pace despite the little nervous tic that worried he may trip over his paws or uneven ground and hurt himself. Lucky for him, she couldn't voice those concerns. No doubt he would not care to hear it - he was a strong, independent dragon, after all!

When the pup slowed, she came up alongside him and stayed close enough that their fur ends brushed together. She, too, took in their surroundings with fresh eyes. It was almost odd to not hear the roar of the sea for it reminded her of the sea caves she would explore as a pup. But Aegir filled it with noise readily enough.

His question earned a patient smile and graceful lift of her shoulders. She imagined someone must have - if not a wolf, then perhaps a bear. It was the sturdiest of dens! No rain or storm could collapse a den of stone as it could those dug in the ground as her own birthing den had been. Aegir's suggestion and resulting roar had her shaking with silent laughter. Such a fascinating imagination Kjell had gifted their child with. It was in moment's like this that happened each day that strengthened the knowledge that she'd chosen well. Her mate was the best suited to her and he proved it each day in their son's actions.

The mute nudged the boy in encouragement - how loud could he go?!

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

If they were to ever settle down one day, Aegir hoped it would be in a place like this. Not necessarily a cave, for he knew his Ma liked to be able to see the sky and be near water.But somewhere safe and spacious, that would shelter them from the cold and the rain. He couldn't help but wonder who had lived here before. This place was so cool, he'd never seen anything like it. So did they leave? Had they found a better home? Somewhere even more exciting? Like a...

Aegir scowled as his mind drew a blank.

Had they been forced to leave their home because of sadness as well? Had they left in search of a new start?

Aegir quickly decided he didn't want to think about that anymore. Roaring like a big dragon was a whole lot more fun than thinking about bad stuff, so with his Ma's encouragement, he pulled in a deep breath and yelled as loud as his lungs could manage.

"Rawwwwwwr!" He bellowed, the sound bouncing off the walls like a hidden beast was responding to his challenge.

If only it were so. As far as he knew, aside from himself and his Da there were no other dragons in this land. They were two of a kind.

He knew his Ma couldn't make such a noise, with her being so quiet and all, but he wondered how loud she could chirp. If there was a competition between the two of them, he'd no doubt win. But he was out here having fun with his Ma, so there was no point in making things difficult when they didn't have to be. It was his job to make sure his Ma was happy, and he'd be damned if he made her sad because he wanted to win a silly game.

"Huh. You eva seen a dragon Ma?"

He knew his Ma could never talk, or tell tales of what she had seen, so it made sense for him to ask specific questions. He would learn from her in ways other wolves would not. For she was his Ma and he knew her best. Or so he liked to think.

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Despite a lifetime of having grown used to it, Pip mourned her inability to speak now more than ever. She'd even give her life if it meant she could raise a raucous and roar alongside her son in play. Or tell him stories as his father did. Expound on them. Or tell him, in words, how very much she loved him and his father. If she could only say it just once...

But such thoughts were useless and ugly and selfish, for they spoke of only her wants and not the needs of her family. They needed her around, not just a memory of a single phrase or story. So instead, she smiled at Aegir as he listened to his own roar echoing back at him. Smiled at the way his head tilted just so to catch the sound. At the way his little body vibrated at the imaginary challenge. She could just picture him rising right up to one, too. Brave, like his father. Foolish and reckless like him as well, she thought with fondness.

At his question, the mute didn't have to think for long. But a memory came, strong as the day it happened.

Yes, she had seen a dragon. That day, the dragon had fought off a green-eyed demon with hell in his heart and hatred in his gaze. And though the dragon was mighty, she'd feared for him anyway, for even a single nick of his scales was too much for her to bear and Kjell had bore more than just a scratch despite the way he liked to remember it. So she'd barreled into the demon's side and sent him into a pit where he belonged. She'd thought him dead, but just like a demon, he'd risen again to hound her steps while her dragon was away.

Another tale that would go untold.

In answer, Pip simply lowered her muzzle and touched it gently to Aegir's chest. He, too, was a dragon.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Aegir didn't mind that his Ma couldn't talk.

Sometimes he got a little frustrated, that their means of communication was so limited but fortunately his Ma was so expressive and her face was like an open book. With just a glance Aegir could look into his Ma's eyes and see how she felt, what was on her mind. Were they shiny and wide? Then she was as happy as could be, floating on cloud nine,But on the flip side, if her eyes were dull and her gaze downcast then she was anything but.

These days she seemed happy and Aegir liked to think he played a big part in that, that it was a talent of his and his alone. But then again his Da made her smile a lot too and so did Kyri, from time to time. So perhaps they had gained some of his magical powers by being in his proximity, or something equally as outlandish as that.

When his Ma pressed her nose to his chest he couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion. What was she trying to say? Being the smart lad that he was it only took him a moment or so to remember what he'd been talking about. Dragons. Ma was saying she had met a dragon, that he was one!

As fast as a flash of lightning, his tail began to wag as he held himself as tall as he could manage. Yes, he was a dragon! The mightiest of them all...aside from his Da. He wasn't quite as big or strong as he was but one day he would be, or so he hoped.

"Yeah! Da too! We're gonna rule the world one day Ma, jus' you see!"

A boy could dream.

Enough talk, they had more exploring to do.

"C'mon Ma, leggo, wan see how far it goes."He told her, stomping his paws for dramatic emphasis. 

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip adored watching the way Aegir's mind worked. As expressive as he found her, she thought the same of him. Of course, that likely came from birthing someone and watching them grow. The pup's moods were as easy to sense as her own and she could see the cogs turning in his eyes. The eureka moment came and she was already beaming before the signals could be sent to his tail to wag. Such a wickedly smart boy he was. In all honesty, she had little to do with it. The intelligence was all his own - he paid attention! - and she couldn't be prouder.

Yes, yes, your da, too, she thought. And perhaps Kyrios as well. No longer the knight she'd met him as, but a fledgling dragon under the guidance of the patriarch. And what a merry band they were. Each day began and night ended with them all together as a family. A singular unit.

Pip had no doubt they'd rule the world one day - they already ruled hers.

At his insistence they continue on, Pip inclined her head and trotted deeper into the cave. How much farther did these caverns go? The mute paused, her eyes caught by a glint of light in the darkness. As she drew closer, the light faded. Pip frowned and took a step back. There it was again. Determined to discover the source, she bounded forward quickly so as not to lose sight of it only to find the light gone again. Her nose squirmed as she tried to scent out something different, but there was nothing to smell but the dankness of the cave.

The mute's muzzle was almost brushing it when she saw the light again. A refraction of light off an odd stone. Curious, she scooped it up gently in her mouth and carried it closer to the cave's entrance where the light was better and dropped it to get a better look. Pip let her lip curl subtly only once to warn Aegir from stealing it away before she could observe it first. He could have it once she was done.

It looked like fractured ocean waves had been blasted into the stone's smooth surface. Brilliant blue was streaking alongside copper and deep navy. It tasted like a simple rock, but the way it sent light dancing was too beautiful for words. Excited with the find, the little mute's tail wagged quickly before she nudged it towards Aegir for his inspection. Wasn't it pretty?!

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]