When he was young, he had always been fascinated his mother had grown up on a shore, and had left in all behind for this. Now after experiencing it first hand he understood the appeal it had been. How hard it was to set away from it. If there was one thing he missed it in his travels it was the ocean. It had been one of the higher things to like about Torbine. It was easy to sit at the shore, and just listen to the waves. Take a light nap, or go off to find a new discovery. Endless entertainment for the children. All that summer heat making swimming was a daily occurrence.
At least here there was one place that was its own little ocean. The lagoon. It greeted him like a familiar friend, still untainted. Just as he had left it. He supposed this meant a lot more to him than the ocean ever would. He captured its scent in his lungs, watching the sun beginning to ease on down where it would soon start to paint the sky and water.