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Not all it's cracked up to be — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Aegir wasn't sure whether he should tell Gent his Da's name. That didn't seem to be the sort of information he should just hand out but then again, they already knew each other so where was the harm in it? Aegir pressed his lips into a thin line as he mulled it over. His Da would probably come, he was usually on the Little Dragon's trail. But the same could be said for his Ma too, she was always about, following him like a shadow, and just as quiet too.

"Kjell Sørenson. N' probably. He's about."He said again, with a shrug of his shoulders.

Little did he know that his mother was nearby. Usually that would be a good thing, for he loved his Ma with all his heart But when he'd been mouthing off to a stranger the last thing he wanted was for his mother to overhear him.

Without hesitation his Ma hurried over and-OWW! What was that for? His Ma was usually so gentle and kind, what had gotten into her? Aegir shot his Ma a scathing look, one as hot as a blazing fire. He had done nothing wrong, what was her problem? Why was she leaping to this guys defence when clearly he was nothing special, unworthy of his Da's praise and esteem.

With a huff, he pulled away from his Ma's side and instead stood his ground, head held high. He wouldn't bow, even if she tried to make him. A dragon bowed to no one, not Gent not anyone! The fact that his Ma even tried to make him just made him all the more angry, and poofy-like a prickly porcupine- as his tail stood stiff and rigid like a flag pole.

This was stupid, he was stupid and in the moment he thought his Ma was too.

"This is Ma."He grumbled, making the introductions ever so reluctantly."Can't speak."

(This post was last modified: Oct 18, 2017, 05:44 PM by Aegir.)
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

The rudeness of the boy irritated the pale leader but he was not Emrys’ child but had he been it would have been a very bad day for him. The healer didn't see much of a future for the boy especially as a loner, most wolves wouldn't tolerate his rudeness so he ignored it for the time being and settled on the boy's father. The question of was he around and what did he want entering the pale leaders mind.

He waited to hear the man's name and to find out if he was about and as it turned out he did know the man. Emrys was also glad to hear that he would probably be along, he didn't particularly want to waste anymore time on such a child. “I know of him,” he stated remembering that the man in question had sought refuge within White Fir Notch the previous year. He had a pup with him but obviously not the one before him now. “I would like to speak with him as well.” He wouldn't mind seeing how the duo was doing.

A woman appeared and came up to the pup and with the following interaction he assumed the female was the boy's mother. The pale leader watched with a raised brow and amused expression. He was glad the pup had gotten what he deserved and that his mother didn't seem to be one to allow such behavior. The woman didn't say anything but her actions showed she did know her manners. As for how the child had treated his mother, Emrys would have said something to the boy but he would not tell her how to deal with her own child just as he would not want to be told how to deal with his. Though he felt like something was to be said for what transpired between the two and how the boy behaved. His gaze fell on the child once more as he spoke confirming his suspicions and informing him she couldn't speak. “It's a pleasure to meet you,” he stated giving the woman a nod, “Your son has just been speaking of his father and that he wants to speak to me,” he explained. “I do hope that all is well with you and Kjell?”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

When @Aegir pulled himself away, Pip smothered the hurt she felt. She'd never seen the pup quite so recalcitrant before and to know he would even do so and show a lack of unity in front of a stranger hurt all the more. He'd always been a good boy, so she couldn't comprehend his current reluctance to be so. Rather than make a scene and continue with trying - and obviously failing miserably - to chastise her son, the mute instead opted to ignore him completely for the time being. If poor behavior wasn't acknowledged, it would dissipate over time... She hoped. Either way, the damage was done and the young mother felt a rift in their relationship forged from her hurt feelings. She'd have to think on it later.

Aegir's ineloquent introduction and poor behavior left her feeling off centered and Pip found herself wishing she'd not bothered to come at all. She was ill equipped to handle such things and she hoped @Kjell would come along sooner rather than later so she could sneak off to lick her hurt feelings in private.

Distracted as she was with her thoughts, Pip gave a belated nod in response to the Alpha's question and tried for another smile that didn't reach her normally expressive eyes. Trusting the male's body language and that he wasn't about to lunge unexpectedly, Pip chanced a look behind her as if to search the woods for any sign of her mate or even @Kyrios, for he would be welcome to take point in this situation as well. She never did handle social situations well. Unable to help herself, she did take a quick glance at her son before looking away just as quickly.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Okay, maybe Aegir felt bad. Just a little.

It wasn't his intention to make her glum, nor was he trying to make it seem as though she was a bad Ma-because she wasn't! It was just...A dragon was a dragon and Ma or no, he had a fire in his heart. So those who got too close were bound to get burnt. Aegir was still her good boy, but as to whether he was that in general was up for debate. Time would tell.

Aegir caught the glance in his direction and nodded, he would be her voice. They would not always see eye to eye- that was obvious- but in the end Aegir would still try and do his best to help his Ma. Even if it meant being a 'translator' for the not so impressive Gent. Which wasn't to say that he had branded him as a bad, like that weirdo who had attacked his Ma in Cedarwood. Compared to that beast this white wolf was tolerable, maybe even nice!

But Aegir wasn't thinking of such things, he didn't see the world from a level perspective. He was too bold for his boots, thought he understood the world when it was pretty damn obvious to anyone else that he didn't. Not yet anyways

"Mmm, he's good. Brought us up here to talk. Dunno what about, didn't tell me. How'd ya meet him?"Still, he was curious as ever.

In fact, he wondered that maybe there was more to Gent than what met his eyes. Maybe he'd saved his Da, or something equally as dramatic. Maybe their history could explain why his Da respected him so.

"My Da ain't no pack wolf but he tole' me about yers. Good things." Or so he'd said. Aegir was still reluctant to believe him.

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
So sorry for the wait.

The tension between mother and son was hard not to notice. Being that it wasn't his business and he wouldn't tell the mother what she seemed to already know the pale leader kept his mouth shut. Whatever was happening between them was between them just as it would be if the same situation was happening with one of his children.

Though he kept his feeling about it to himself it was somewhat of an irritation that this was happening on his border. It was clear from the encounter with the boy before his mother had showed up that he was difficult. Still he didn't make any assumptions as to what was going on in their family.

He saw the nod the woman gave in response to his questions, “That's good to hear.” Then it seemed the boy would be doing the talking at this point which earned a raise of the healers brow. “I suppose I will have to find out when he comes. He spent some time in the notch last year after my alpha at the time brought him back. He was with another pup at the time.”

The alpha remember when Kjell had come to the notch in need of treatment. They hadn't stayed long but they had gotten the care they needed.

The boy spoke again about his father and the things he'd said about the pack. “I’m glad to hear that we left a good impression in your father. Despite not being a pack wolf he and the pup were good guests of the notch during their recovery.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip exhaled softly. At least he'd moved on from being completely rude to being somewhat tolerable. His conversation with Emrys perked her interest. With the Alpha's answer, the mute came to a sudden realization. He stayed with them? For his recovery? That meant...when he lost his eye...and his brother...and found Bennett? Pip had yet to meet the girl, but had heard good things. Her pup's rudeness was all the worse with that knowledge in mind. This wolf and his pack had saved Kjell's life! Had given him shelter and medicine when he needed it most!

The little she-wolf wagged her tail wildly, her face all of a sudden animated and bright. She stepped forward enough to give the wolf a grateful touch of noses before stepping back. Naturally, her eyes fell to Aegir to encourage him to do the same. Remembering herself, her tail stopped wagging and she turned away.

No, he would not understand. Aegir had only been a bump in her belly at the time. Giving her attention back to Emrys, she wagged her tail again, wishing she could tell him just how much she appreciated the care he gave her mate when he needed help the most.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]