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Heaven In Hiding — Perilous Void 
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Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

He didn’t expect the girl to keep her word—it was a lot of names for her to remember. Weird names. But he appreciated her kindness and willingness to help. Thank you! He hummed in response, his tail wagging slowly behind him. He was curious about his uncle and the other Selwyn’s, but exploring had its perks. The timid yearling was meeting all sorts of interesting ferals and was getting more comfortable being on his own. But that didn’t stop him from missing his siblings, or wishing they were with him. It felt odd not having them around all the time. But that was part of growing up, wasn’t it?

The corners of his mouth twitched at her comment about his name. Of course she thought his name was interesting. It wasn’t even his real name, he just preferred it over the name his mother had given him. Septimus. What kind of name was that? Both Nicander and Melia had gotten good names, but Seven had been cursed with some pompous name. He ignored her comment for the time being, opting to trail behind her deeper into the cavern. Her question caused his muddy gaze to lift to the ceiling, his forehead furrowing as he studied the dark figure latched to the ceiling. I think it’s a bat, he responded after a moment’s pause, his head falling to the side. Just don’ get too close, or bother them, he warned, his voice low, they carry all sorts of icky stuff.

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Sorry for the horrid post lmao
Thank you!” he exclaimed and she gave a little shrug of her shoulders. What else could one wolf looking for their family do for another? To her it only seemed natural. When he came over it seemed he was able to identify the animals hanging from the ceiling. Bats, he said, and she put the name to memory so that should would know for later. Her auds rose in alarm, however, when he mentioned they carried icky stuff. She, for one, wasn’t a fan of icky stuff and would certainly heed his words. “I guess that explains why they smell so bad,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “Guess it’s a good thing that I didn’t try to hunt it like i’d been planning,” she laughed, moving away from the animal. “Are they very common where you’re from?” she inquired.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

Probably not the best creature to hunt, he mused in response, his voice low as he kept his muddy gaze fixated on the dark creature hanging from the ceiling. They were rather cute, but Seven knew better than to stick his nose where it didn’t belong. His mother had told him stories of wolves going mad after being bitten by one of the flying foxes. He hadn’t even found the wolves he was looking for; getting bit by one of the stinky creatures was very low on his never ending to-do list. Her question caused his gaze to fall back down to her. Kind of? He responded, still keeping his voice low as he spoke. I’ve seen 'em before in ice caves, he added, his nose wrinkling as his gaze returned to the dark ceiling, the sound of soft squeaks causing his ears to twitch. They’re harmless as long as you don’t pester them. He hoped. He didn’t want to be responsible for the girl getting bitten if they bothered one of creatures—or the whole collection of them.

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Seven was keeping his voice low as he spoke and she reminded herself to do the same. The way he spoke about the bats made it definitely seem like they were bad news and she wasn’t too excited to get on the odd end of them. The boy mentioned ice caves, however, and her attention was drawn to that subject. “Wait, like, entire caves made of ice?” That sounded...both horrible and beautiful. This was her first winter and she was finding that she didn’t like the cold. While, yes, snow was beautiful she decided she was more of a spring and summer kind of gal. She liked things to seem alive and warm not cold and dead. She could picture a cave full of the glittery, frozen liquid but it made a shiver go down her spine. Did they have any of those around here?
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

The bats didn’t appear to mind the wolves’ presence, but Seven couldn’t be too careful. If they let their guard down—even for just a second or two!—the bats would likely strike. Their grubby little paws and diseased fangs seeking out warm flesh. And then BAM! they would be infected with all sorts of icky things.

Her questioned caused a wide smile to stretch across his dark lips, his muddy gaze being ripped away from the bats on the ceiling. He nodded. You bet’cha, he responded coolly, his ears twitching fondly at the memory. It had been quite some time since he had last encountered an ice cave… perhaps he just hadn’t gone far enough into the mountains… They’re not as cold as you’d think, he added, his head tipping to the side, and they’re suuuuper pretty. And quiet. Alarmingly so. 

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Adeltra couldn’t help but notice the way he was leering at the bats, obviously concerned about them. She was starting to feel a little itchy, their beady little eyes watching them and their disease looming over their heads. Maybe it was best if they skedaddled instead of sitting and waiting for something to happen. He spoke and she decided to wait to mention it until after he was done, being respectful and all. Her brows rose in surprise when he mentioned that they actually weren’t all that cold and she eyed him suspiciously. The boy seemed to have a pretty hefty coat on his body, maybe what wasn’t cold to him would be freezing to the springtime gal. But she didn’t doubt him when he said it was pretty, she could certainly imagine that. Who knew, maybe she’d find one someday. 

She began to move toward the path she had taken, “Maybe we should head out of here. They’re starting to give me the willys,” the girl said, giving the bats the stink eye. Plus, she needed to get to hunting. It would take her a while to find someone appropriate prey and even longer to finally take it down. She was still an amateur, but learning took practice so she forced herself to be patient. If she was gone much longer Miss. Piety and Cyril might get worried and she couldn’t have that.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.
slight pp, let me know if it's not okay <3

He hadn’t meant to make her nervous of the bats. They were fascinating creatures, like little foxes with wings, but Seven did not trust them one bit. Not when they were filled with icky diseases and could swoop down without notice. So at the girl’s suggestion he gave a quick nod, a wide grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. Leaving the cavern was definitely a good idea—one that the speckled yearling could support one-hundred and ten percent. Without hesitation he padded after her, following the trail that had led the both of them down to the secluded cave. As the cold air of the outside world embraced them Seven turned to her, his brows pinched tight together. Y’need help with anythin’ before I head off? He asked, his voice genuine as the words hit the air between them. As he received information (and help) from others Seven liked to do something for them in return. Good karma, or whatever.

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Seven seemed to agree with her so they began to scale their way out of the crack. It had definitely been a fun discovery and a fun story to tell Cyril and Rom when she got back home but she wasn’t eager to be around the icky vermin again anytime soon. Not now that she knew what they could do.

Her attention turned to him as he asked if she needed help with anything and she hummed in thought. “Maybe a hunt could be good for both of us. I’m trying to bring back something to the wolves helping me and we could get something for you to eat, how about that!” she suggested with a grin. Hunting with a partner was definitely probably better than hunting alone. She began to head off in a direction she thought best, happy to keep her company for a little while longer.

[Image: sW4OLm.png]