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Uninvited Guests — Secret Falls 
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Played by Hex who has 49 posts.
Isaura Chilam
OOC: Let me know if you want something changed.

The two of them had headed north in hopes to see the waterfalls that they had been told about. They could have headed straight there if they had known a more specific direction but a vague nod was all that they had been given and a few words to point them in the direction that they wanted to go. There were other things that they had to take care of before they continued their search. Food being the most prominent of them. Isaura had suggested that they go in search of something larger than what they normally hunted and that something turned out to be a deer. With winter coming they would need to be able to work together to hunt.

Isaura raced after the doe that they had chosen. She was a bit older and would tire more quickly than one of the younger ones but she was still proving that she had some of speed left in her limbs. The plan had been that she would chase the doe toward Ruari and he would try to get a grip on her. The plan had failed as the older doe was wiser to wolf hunting tactics and had slipped from their grasp. She had chased after in hopes of turning the doe around and forcing her back to @Ruari or at least hold her long enough to for him to reach them. First she had to get in front of her.

Her paws dug into the ground as she raced after the doe throwing up clumps of dirt and snow. She was close so close her nose only three feet from the older doe's left back leg. She tried to snap her jaws in order to turn her but all she received was the whistle of a hoof as it lashed out towards her. Swiftly ducking her head she growled and tried to push further alongside and snap her jaws once more at the doe's side. The action was stopped before it began as a new scent filled her nose.

A pack.

No no no. Isaura planted her legs in front of her and skidded halting stop sending dirt flying, the hunt forgotten. Wide-eyed she turned and gave a panicked sharp bark of warning to Ruari to stop. He needed to stop because this was a pack's territory and she had just raced right over there border and was a good number of feet inside it. Ears plastered to her skull as her eyes darted around her. Was any of the pack wolves here? Could she get out before they showed up? There shouldn't have been a pack here Cotton had only mentioned a few and this one hadn't been on the list. She licked her lips nervously as she tried to scramble back but only succeeded in tripping herself in the process.
[Image: isaurasig_by_becuffin-dc2lwnp.png]
[Image: isuara_gif_by_silversnake54-dbtdiej.gif]
Played by Kai who has 56 posts.
Ruari Dufaigh
This is perfect, thank you for setting it up. :) Any SE wolves are welcome to join.

When the falls had been mentioned his treasure had showed interest in visiting them. Ruari thought it would be a good place to stay for a few days while they worked out what to do next. He was still dealing with his brothers death so taking the break from traveling while he sorted through his thoughts would do then good. He supported Isaura’s suggestion to catch something bigger for their meal, it would last them a couple days especially with the temperature so cold. He felt they had a solid plan and a small sense of relief that they wouldn't have to worry while at the falls.

Using the vague instructions they had received the pair traveled north in the direction of the falls. Once they reached them they set to work to bring down the pretty they had agreed upon, a deer. The one they had chosen was a doe that they both would take down, he had no doubt they would work well together. His injuries from the fight with his brother had healed enough he could take part in the hunt, more specifically a chase of he need to. The plan was that Isa would bring the doe toward him and he would initiate the take down, they failed. The deer seemed to be more aware of what was going in and turned just in time to slip out of the shadow's grasp.

Not wanting to lose the deer he ran after it but stayed some distance away waiting for the moment that his treasure could turn her back. He didn't want to crowd the doe so much she turned again and they lost her. He watched ahead as his pale companion worked her paws in her efforts to turn the doe. The shadow picked up his pace to come up in the other side to aide Isa in the take down as it became clear that their query wasn't going to be turned. He was a wolf's length behind when Isaura snapped at the deer's hind leg and was nearly hit in the head when their pretty kicked out at the pale female causing a low growl to rumble in his throat.

Everything went terribly wrong moments later as the scent of a pack filled his nares. Isa had crossed the border first and traveled much too far into the territory. The shadow worried for her safety and fearing that the members of the pack would soon be on them. Before he reached her he saw her scrambling before she tripped. A moment later though and he was at her side nudging her cheek. “Come on Isa we have to go,” he told her a note of urgency in his tone. He was not looking forward to a confrontation and not sure that he was ready if that was what it came to. He was ready to protect her if he needed to. “We can find another deer. I don't want anything happening to you,” he said as he brushed her cheek again and trying to help her so they could get out before they were noticed.
(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2017, 08:11 AM by Ruari.)
[Image: mUX0ZMY.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Couldn't resist.
Guard dem 1/3

Askan was procrastinating. He knew he had to leave for Oak Tree Bend sooner rather than later, before the snow got too deep and made travelling far more draining than it had any right to be. But in all honesty, he didn't really want to go. Diplomacy wasn't his forte by any stretch and this was his home, what sort of man would want to leave that and his mate behind in exchange for a couple of days ploughing through snow? Not Askan, that's for sure.

As much as he was dreading it he knew it had to be done. Just not now...he'd go tomorrow or maybe the day after that.

Maybe, just this once, it was a good thing. As only a few minutes after he'd made his mind up his ears twitched at the sound of a ruckus.If it hadn't been so close he wouldn't have cared but there was no mistaking it, those voices didn't belong to any of the Edge wolves. And worse yet, they were beyond the borders, inside his home.

They had only just settled here and yet it seemed as though the world was determined to throw careless loners their way. Fine, he'd deal with them as he always had, glare first and ask questions later.

Weaving through the forest, he found the pair with ease.  The girl was struggling to get to her feet, and with her white coat she almost blended into the snow. Whilst the male was dark, hovering over her like he was her ward, or something equally as sappy.Askan rolled his eyes, and with a thunderous growl he made his presence known.

His ears flitted to to his skull as his tail stood high and bristly, just the sight of them made his hackles stand on end. There was nothing worse than trespassers and thieves, though often they tended to go hand in hand.

"You better have a good fucking reason as to why you're here."

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2018, 04:24 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn
throws sachiel in here

Plant Boy felt as though he and his partner in crime had handled the last intruder very well. They were the perfect tag team—never too far from each other’s side and ensuring no undesirables tried crossing the Edge borders. With his impeccable photographic memory the boy would ensure the wolves they shooed away didn’t try speaking with either Askan or Reyes. If they weren’t good enough for the Dynamic Duo, they definitely weren’t good enough for the two leaders.

When he wasn’t trailing after Pumpkin Eyes, or vice versa, the boy spent most of his time alone, exploring the falls and the neighbouring territories to make sure he was properly acquainted with them. He was mentally mapping out the land, using landmarks and colours to memorize the different areas. He wasn’t sure which role he wanted to pursue once he was of age, but he liked having his options open. Which meant providing for the pack and making sure Askan and Reyes didn’t think he was useless. He also did not want to disappoint his tangerine-eyed friend, who had vouched for him numerous times.

The Shallows felt like home—a feeling he had not been familiar with while living beneath the orange trees in the south. He felt like he belonged, like he had purpose. That his packmates cared about his wellbeing and wanted him to do well. They trusted him—him! a stranger!

And he trusted them. Like they were family.

Because that’s what they were. His family.

Which was why his ears perked up at the sound of voices. Stranger voices. The top of his muzzle immediately wrinkled, the fur on the back of his neck bristling as he sped through the trees, his oversized pas clumsily thudding against the forest floor. Askan had beaten him to the black and white duo, which didn’t surprise the boy. The new leader was fiercely protective of his lands and did not take kindly to strangers. And neither did Sachiel.

Best to answer quickly, he commented as he sidled up beside the ebony leader, tossing the trespassers his best Askan glare. Idiots! How had they not noticed the scent markings? Deer or no deer, the loners should have known better. Even Sachiel, a cub of only seven months, knew when to steer clear of borders where he was not welcome.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Hex who has 49 posts.
Isaura Chilam

She could hear her shadow behind her as he went across the border as well despite her warning. The snowbird knew that she was shaking as she struggled to rise. They needed to leave now before someone came and fast because most packs did not respond well to loners in their territory. Her shadow was there then nudging her as he told her that they needed to go. His tone told her that he knew that they were in danger as well. Panting Isaura didn't respond but instead focused on untangling her legs and standing.

It seemed that she had barely gotten to her paws when a loud angry growl filled the air. Isaura's posture immediately dropped into a submissive stance as her eyes glanced toward the direction of the noise before dropping down to the other's paws as he demanded to know why they were there. She had seen enough of him to know who they were dealing with. A leader of the territory. Her heart fluttered against her chest as she tried to slow her breathing. This was the worst wolf to find them but apparently not the only one. Another wolf approached and prodded them to be quick about answering. Isaura didn't look up despite how young the other wolf sounded.

Age meant nothing when it came to dominant wolves.

We are new to the area and didn't know that there was a pack here. Isaura responded meekly not daring to look up. The deer we were chasing raced across your borders and that's when we first realized that this land was claimed. The snowbird stopped speaking at that point because that was all the leader had asked for. A reason for there presence and she had given him one. The only other thing she could do was apologize but that wouldn't change the fact that they were already in this pack's territory. Quivering from tension, nerves, and adrenaline she wondered exactly what sort of pack they were dealing with.

[Image: isaurasig_by_becuffin-dc2lwnp.png]
[Image: isuara_gif_by_silversnake54-dbtdiej.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Kai who has 56 posts.
Ruari Dufaigh
What had started as a chance to get themselves something to eat that would last a few days had turned into a dangerous situation for he and his treasure. He'd watched helpless as she barreled across the border after the deer before scrambling to get her footing. The shadow charged over the border to help her, he wouldn't leave her alone to face any pack wolves by herself. He spoke words that he was sure she was aware of but it made him feel less anxious about the situation to voice them.

They hadn't moved quickly enough, an angry growl reached them signalling they were too late in getting out and away. His yellow gaze went to Isaura who's posture turned submissive and Ruari lowered his head solely to keep things from going south. It was the best way to keep Isa safe for the moment. That however didn't stop his hackles from bristling slightly. The dark wolf clearly an alpha appeared demanding to know the reason they were there.

Another wolf, a pup appeared and Ruari couldn't help but smirk internally at the child's efforts to mimic the alpha. He’d like to meet up with him alone and show him what his behavior would get him. Isaura spoke explaining the situation. “We meant no harm and we're trying to leave, it was an honest mistake,” he added hoping it would get them out of the pack's territory without incident. He stepped closer to his treasure brushing his muzzle along hers to calm her. All he wanted was to keep his treasure safe and would do what it took, he hoped these wolves would be understanding and allow them to leave without incident. If not...
[Image: mUX0ZMY.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Guard dem 2/3

The Edge Lord had to bite back a satisfied smirk when Sachiel arrived on the scene, backing up Askan's words with some of his own. The white lady seemed to have the right idea, and was making a show of being all apologetic, but her friend? Not so much. 

He was inclined to believe that she didn't know that there was a pack here, they'd only just set things up after all, but the rest of her excuse was more than a little flimsy.Were their noses broken? It wasn't as if the borders were sparsely marked, he knew for a fact that they weren't. So hunting or not, that excuse didn't fly, nor did Askan intend to pardon them so easily.

Forgiveness wasn't given, as @Remington knew well, it had to be earned.

"Watch. Your. Tone."Askan rumbled, shooting the dark one a scathing look. They were in his home, the least they could do was show some damn respect. Askan wasn't above scruffing the damn punk if he had to, him and his stupid smug yellow eyes. Tccht. "Let me educate you then, this is Shallow's Edge." He said, gesturing to the land surrounding them with a brash flick of his tail."And it is ours. The woods surrounding it are not yours to hunt in either, do you understand?

Whilst they technically didn't belong to him that didn't stop Askan from thinking as such. There were plenty of places to hunt, there was no need to step on the his pack's toes. Unless they were hankering for a fight, then by all means they could try...and fail.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2018, 04:25 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

At least one of the trespassers had common sense. The pale girl was quick to offer her submission, her lithe figure shrinking at the presence of the Edge Lord and Plant Boy, apologies flinging off her tongue desperately in an attempt to smooth things over. Good. However, her counterpart’s hackles bristled and Sachiel did not miss the defiant look in his golden pools. He snorted in amusement at the ebony male’s words, his mismatched gaze rolling as he turned to look at his leader, who was quick to respond. The newly established pack had worked hard to keep the scent markers fresh, ensuring that strangers like this pair did not cross over them. Do your noses not work? He hissed in response, his gaze returning to the trespassers as his own hackles rose, frustration causing his claws to dig into the snow-dusted ground.

Sachiel understood that the life of a loner was hard, for he and Diego had spent weeks on their own, searching for food. But that did not warrant trespassing on pack territory. He and the dark Archer made sure to mind the borders of nearby packs, steering clear of the surrounding territories so they were not accused of trespassing. Not like these two.

Askan spoke confidently, his words dripping with malice as he spoke to the pair. The agouti boy would make sure the loners did not tread on Edge territory—even the surrounding forest. Once this little meeting was over he would seek out Pumpkin Eyes, describing their appearances to her so that she was aware of who to look out for.

If we catch you hunting in these woods you won’t be met with the same pleasantries, he added, his tail flicking behind him. He hoped he wasn’t overstepping his position in the pack—he just wanted to make sure the trespassers understood what they had done was wrong, and that the Edge wolves wouldn’t be so lax if it happened a second time.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Hex who has 49 posts.
Isaura Chilam

As her posture turned submissive she didn't dare to lift gaze after the brief glance she had taken. Not to the young-sounding wolf who sounded like a pup or to her shadow to see what he was doing in this sort of situation. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that he had lowered his head but otherwise his posture seemed to stay the same. The snowbird hoped that he knew what he was doing. He spoke then saying that they meant no harm and that it was an honest mistake. Which it had been now if only the wolves before them would believe it. Her shadow brushed her muzzle against hers and she wanted to lean in a take comfort from him but she couldn't. If things turned sour they would need to move and being too close might hinder them. However, she did relax as her shaking slowed and her heart stopped feeling like it was going to beat out of her chest.

The leader snapped at Ruari telling him to watch his tone and Isaura lowered herself further in response even though it hadn't been directed at her. The snowbird's gut tightened as she that her shadow wouldn't snap back. It seemed like they didn't believe them about the hunt as the younger wolf asked if their noses worked. She wanted to say something about how she couldn't stop fast enough because her nose was faster at reacting than her legs, especially when she was running straight out. She wanted to explain the situation but she held her tongue. The snowbird had been in somewhat similar situations like this one when her brother had blamed her for things and trying to speak up had never helped her so she remained quiet.

The leader went on to 'educate' them that the pack that they had crossed into was Shallows Edge and it belonged to them. The snowbird could make that out quite clear now, but it was too late to fix their mistake. However, she blinked when he told them that the area surrounding them was their's as well and that they weren't allowed to hunt there either. How could they expect that? The woods around their terrrotory weren't claimed by them so they didn't have say, but apparently, they thought they did as the younger wolf added that they wouldn't be as pleasant if they were caught. Threats?

Isaura shivered but this time out of controlled frustration. How could these wolves think that they could command the loners in neutral territory? Were they patrolling the whole forest then to keep other loners from hunting here? Or since they had accidentally crossed into their borders they thought they could place restrictions on them alone? She wanted to snap and say something in return but the only thing that crossed her lips was a quiet. I understand. She waited hoping that her shadow would agree and they could leave without a fight but she had a feeling that he would have some words for the two wolves before them.

[Image: isaurasig_by_becuffin-dc2lwnp.png]
[Image: isuara_gif_by_silversnake54-dbtdiej.gif]