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Be ashamed to die now. — Secret Falls 
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Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamarlowered his head onto his paws as he listened to the elder’s words, his silver gaze shot open,  when he realized he was getting a small story. Ears perking and his tail thumping excitedly against the snow, the bi colored wolf listened eagerly, even though it had been a very brief tale. “I like that, it does seem fitting.”, he said, nodding in agreement before coughing and quickly adding “I-i mean, i don’t think your poor s- gah! Garmir.” There it went again, the wolf’s well mannered habits causing him to bite his tongue, at least he didn’t call the arthy male a squirrel again.

“Daes works sir.” He said without really thinking much about it that time, a tad distracted by Garmir’s next line. It fascinated the young wolf, the ideas of something guiding them. “I don’t know, but my mom always talked about howling high on the mountain peaks, maybe that’s where some wolves went? thinking it over, the idea did seem a bit odd, and it confused Daes. The young wolf didn’t really enjoy being confused, he liked having answers for stuff. “Maybe we crossed paths to help one another?” he offered in response.
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
[Image: cwt.png]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

Garmir let out sigh as he was called 'sir' again, but he had no energy to care about it enough right now. He shifted on the ground and made himself little more comfortable, before lifting his head up and looking at the youngster once he made the suggestion they could help each other. His eyes roamed around Dae's legs and then face and the older wolf huffed before looking down to the ground between them. "And... why would you help me exactly.. Daes? If I were all honest with you - and I should be - as it seems we are on our way towards making some form of.. pact. In your position I would likely not help you. Knowing that, you still wish to do it?"

It was not entirely unusual for Garmir to be this outright honest even with strangers and he himself considered even white lies just the same as normal lie, only sweeter. If this young wolf wanted to help him, or recieve his help in turn, it would only happen through pact - and in that regard Garmir was like a devil, following deals made to a point, regardless of conditions. He stared at the youngster while he waited for response, wanting to see if he answered sincerely.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
“A...a pact siiiiimplicfies things?” The young wolf, his tongue rolling off that familiar noun all too quickly before he caught himself and tried to change it at the last second. A nervous and forced smile formed on Daes’s muzzle as he tried to pretend that he was familiar with what a pact was and hadn’t said something to try and cover up his verbal blunder.

Daes glanced toward the ground as he thought it over, it seemed that a pact sounded similar to a promise, giving his word as his mother had always put it. The youth took that kind of thing seriously, having been instilled within him from a young age to always, always keep your word and never to break it. Doing so was something horrible and even grievous of an action. “What...exactly is a pact?” he eventually asked, not wanting to assume anything or get himself in over his head this time. {b} “I-if it’s what I think ti is, then I’m not...too sure how we could help each other sirrrrr-rack” he coughed when he caught himself that time.
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
[Image: cwt.png]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

Garmir himself was having second thoughts about forming possible pact with this youngster. He seemed.. bit strange. However he could not afford to be so picky with his choices in his current state. "A pact. It is... agreement of sort, but more binding. Very strong promise if you will." -He begin explaining, finding it somewhat hilarious Dae had no idea what pact meant.

He lifted himself up onto his fore legs again and murmured. "Say. You help me now, get me back up to my strenght. You watch my back, I watch your's, we work together through this winter and come spring, go our separate ways. The pact ends. Simple as that." -He proposed the terms, his voice serious and gaze matching his tune.

If the pup had any second guesses now was time to hesitate. The earthen male wasn't going to push him towards any direction when it came to deciding, but he did observe keenly what answer he might get.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daes listened quietly and intently to the older wolf’s explanation of what a pact was. A small grin formed on his muzzle when he realized that he had at least been close, something he found to proud of. The idea was appealing for sure but...Daes hesitated, he wasn't sure just how useful he’d be to the older wolf, barely able to catch much for himself at the moment and still trying to figure out the secrets to hunting on the light snow covered surfaces without his pawsteps echoing all around him.

“I..I don’t know.” He said, his ears drooped slightly, he really, really wanted to help Garmir out, but would he really be of use? And not just a hindrance on the earthen toned male. The thoughts gnawed at his head like gnats. “I’m not sure if I’d be able to help you though.” the yong wolf isn't one to just throw his word around either, if Daes agreed to it, well he'd rather die then go back on it, which was apart of the problem, he wasn't sure just how much longer Garmir might survive, though he'd never give voice to those thoughts.
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
[Image: cwt.png]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: ;_; Some feels coming)

Perhaps pact was little too much, too binding commitment for two of them considering they had only met minutes ago. Still, Garmir felt strangely disappointed as he saw Daesamar hesitate and for brief moment he had to study his own emotions to even understand why was he feeling so. Did he want the youngster to be with him? That was.. unusual, so strikingly so that he was taken aback by very notion of it. He had no oblications to care for him or even feel attached to him, but tiny part of him did.. part of him that had been gaining more voice in past days as his demise was lingering ever closer.

Daesamar might have been careful not to mention very real chance of Garmir dying, but the earthen male was not. He was not afraid to die. What he feared most had already happened and in a way he was living in strange form of very real nigthmare. He had failed and by his own decisions he had created a scenario where he would die slowly as an failure, unable to redeem himself. As he thought of that, Garmir suddenly understood why he felt anything at all towards Daesamar. He was that tiny ember of hope or change entering Garmir's story, chance for him to still turn this story around and do something meaningful. His next words reflected these thoughts.

"I might not survive this winter. If you think it is cold now, or that snow is proving troublesome, wait till we reach the peak. You haven't seen winter yet, have you? You are not even a yearling, are you?" Garmir shifted on his position as he watched Daesamar, hoping that his next words have impact on him. They might save his life. "If there is one thing I can still do right before Im gone.. is perhaps make sure you make it. Im no use in hunting in my current state, but I can pass what I know to you and hope you learn quick. You should find pack if you are able, highest chances to survive the winter is in group. Do you understand?"

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2017, 09:59 PM by Garmir.)
[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!