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you've got one time to figure it out — Kingsfall 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

Would this conversation be important to the strange wolf, could she provide the answers he sought? Oksana didn't know but she supposed it would be nice to help someone who needed it. It wasn't something she'd ever done before but she had been helped before. Reid had helped her to get to the water. She decided it would be nice to help the man to find the wolves he was looking for if she could.

If it turned out that she was able to help she might have to tell her mum even if she got in trouble for leaving Hearthwood. Inna had been a little lenient lately, she supposed that was because of Lorcan.

It was sad for him that he couldn't find his siblings and she expressed her hope that he would find them. She wasn't sure what else to say on the matter but she nodded when he said he hoped too. That all seemed to be put to the side as his excitement that she was from Hearthwood became clear. It was a wolf from her pack that he was looking for, “I suppose it's your lucky day then.” She knew all the wolves in her pack, well except for the new guy she had yet to meet. Then he spoke the name of the wolf he was looking for, “Your uncle? He’s mine too,” she stated, “Well I'm not exactly sure how it works but I call him uncle Lach. What do you want with him?”

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

This really was his lucky day. He couldn’t believe, after all of this searching, that he had finally stumbled upon the lands of Hearthwood. The lands his uncle led! His mother would have been so happy to hear about Lachesis’ position in the pack, for she had feared that the Arctic had fled the lands of Lore. Oh boy, had his mother ever been wrong!

However, the girl’s next set of words earned a confused expression from the yearling. Lachesis was her uncle too? Did that mean his uncle Pyrrhus was here? It was the only family Seven could think of, as both his mother and uncle Sarpedon had remained in the reserve. Unless… unless there was other family he didn’t know about! He had really hit the jackpot here! His brother and sister were going to be so jealous that he had found the mysterious uncle Lachesis before they had.

I want to meet him, the boy blurted, ignoring her previous statements. His sister is my mom and she’s told me all about him. So we came here looking for him. He gave a sharp nod to confirm his words. He was growing tired of the chit chat and wanted to get to meeting his infamous uncle. But, he knew he had to be patient. The wolf standing before him was one of his subordinates, which meant Seven had to play nice.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

As it turned out the wolf the strange man was looking for was her uncle Lach. So many questions filled the pups head after learning that. He had traveled a far distance but he knew the alpha of Hearthwood for instance. She didn't understand that since she had never see him leave for very long, not long enough to go as far as it sounded the man had traveled from.

Then there was the perplexing thing of Lachesis being his uncle. She hadn't ever heard the pale healer talk about other family that he might have. She thought the only family he had was the one in Hearthwood river. This was all so confusing for her but she had made the man happy by telling him she knew the wolf he was looking for. She could he happy about that and she thought that her mother would be proud of her for doing what she could to help someone.

Her ear flicked as he blurted out that he wanted to meet Lachesis. “I can take you to meet him but I will have to know your name first.” She couldn't very well show up to the border with someone and not know their name. “I didn't know that uncle Lach had a sister. I expect he will be surprised to meet you.” It was pretty obvious that Lachesis probably didn't know about the man in front of her. “What did she tell you about him?” She was curious to know more about her uncle Lach, how could she not be?

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

His lips curled into a soft frown. A name was probably a good thing to offer, especially if he wanted the girl to take him to Lachesis. Or, perhaps, he could find his own way to the borders that separated the forest from Hearthwood and call for the leader himself. Without the ebony girl tagging along. Seven, he introduced with a quick bow of his head, his previous lopsided smile returning. He kept his surname to himself for now, for he was sure his uncle would know some of the local Selwyn’s. The darker wolf he had encountered had mentioned that this Askan fellow was pretty close to the forest where his uncle lived, so it was possible that Lachesis was familiar with the Selwyn.

I didn’t know that uncle Lach had a sister. A sister and two brothers, actually, he hummed in response as he rolled on the balls of his feet, his tail swaying slowly behind him. It’s been a long time since he’s seen my sister, so he doesn’t even know I exist. There was no point in keeping secrets, not when he was so close to finally meeting his uncle. That he knows all sorts of things about plants. And he’s got these brilliant green eyes, just like hers! He nodded, recalling the information his mother had shared with him. OH! And that he has a stutter.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

She may be young but Oksana wasn't going to show up at the border with this stranger without knowing his name. She hoped he would provide it to her so that she could help him to find Lachesis. Her hopes were answered when he finally did speak his name. "That's an interesting name,” she commented having never heard a name like that before. Though she supposed she couldn't much talk, “I'm Oksana,” she said introducing herself. Now that that was out of the way she was curious what his mother had told him about her uncle Lach.

There was a realization that there was so much she didn't know about her uncle Lach when the man told her he had a sister. “His family is much bigger than I ever thought,” she said thoughtfully. “That's really sad that he doesn't know about you. I'm sure you will like him once you meet him, he is very kind.” After all he was always nice when she broke the rules. A wide smile crossed the pups features, “Uncle Lach is a healer here and the best there is,” she said proudly, “He knows a lot about a lot of stuff." Her brows furrowed when he said the pale leader had a stutter, “What's that?” She asked since she'd never heard the term.

(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2017, 05:18 AM by Oksana.)
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

She was not the first wolf to comment on his name and she wouldn’t be the last. Clearly she did not know her uncle Lach’s real name, otherwise she wouldn’t think his was so interesting. He shrugged in response, not wanting to talk about his name anymore. It wasn’t even his real name—that was way worse.

A bright smile was still taped to his dark features as she spoke, commenting on Lachesis’ big family. However, his expression twisted at her following comment. Well, yeah, he started, his previous smile dipping into a tight frown, he doesn’t live up north anymore, so how’s he supposed to know I’m alive? He thought that was pretty obvious… wasn’t it? These feral wolves were sure weird.

A stutter? His head flopped to the side. And he thought he was sheltered. It’s when you fumble over your words, like… he paused, his frown deepening, like the words are stickin’ together. Seven gave another shrug, his tail swaying absently behind him. The yearling was growing impatient. He knew that Oksana was trying to get to know him, to make sure he was actually one of Lachesis’ relatives, but he had travelled a long way. He was ready to check on item of his to-do list.

(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2017, 04:25 AM by Seven.)

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

She thought on his name a moment longer after giving her own. It left her wondering what his meant and hers for that matter. Why their parents would name them what they had. Maybe one day she would ask her mum what her name meant and why she had chosen that name for her. Oksama didn't really think now was the time for it though after what had happened.

It really was sad that Lachesis hadn't already met the man who was seeking him. She thought that they should know their family. With her father's departure she was starting to wonder just how important family actually was. She shrugged at his question, she was just a pup after all, “Dunno but it's all about to change.” She hoped she was right that Lachesis would be glad to meet him but even more she hoped she didn't get in trouble.

She listened as he explained a stutter trying to hear it or picture it in her head but she couldn't. She wasn't sure she'd ever heard her uncle Lach have trouble talking. Maybe she found wake him about it later. “I'm not sure he still has that then,” she commented. Finally deciding that he had told her enough she was prepared to take him to the border. “Hearthwood isn't far from here. We can go and I can call for him,” she told as she turned toward home, “You coming?”

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.
fading with this post and i'll start a new one in HR :B

Huh. So he didn’t stutter anymore? It didn’t matter—he was still going to meet the elusive Lachesis! After months of travel and battling the elements (and avoiding ferals) Seven was finally going to meet one of the wolves he and his siblings had been searching for! It was a bittersweet celebration, however, for he wished his brother and sister could be present for the meeting. But they would come soon enough. Perhaps they had ended up on the west side of the mountains, the complete opposite direction they should have been going in. He had to remain positive—just like he’d told the agouti cub on the mountain. His siblings would come.

You coming? Her voice jolted him away from his thoughts, earning a feverish nod from the peppered yearling. Yes, yes! He chirped, stepping after her, lead the way!

Fade, thread complete.