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you're getting me through the night — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Random Event! Lorcan, the aurora borealis has colored the snow red and green. 
Located -73.92247, -65.39063. All Welcome!

Lorcan had distanced himself from the main den, where the pack tended to mingle and rest during the late hours, and had slipped away into the trees which enclosed the territory. In the shadows, hidden beneath the draping branches of the willows, the lean male loped his way westward in search of a quiet clearing. Earlier that evening he had noticed the faint flashes of green, red and purple in the sky and, recognising it to be skyfire, had planned to enjoy the rare display of colour later on his own.

The event conjured a number of memories for the healer, and as he caught a glimpse of the lights dancing upon the snow up ahead, his mind began to journey back to his time at the monadnock. Charcoal lips pulled into a soft smile as he snaked his way out from beneath the cover of the trees and stepped out into a clear area of untouched snow, his golden eyes finally able to look up at the interrupted view of the night sky.

The agouti male recalled the moment when he had first witnessed the skyfire and how magical he had found it. The colours had almost appeared in the shape of a wolf. Saradathia had told him how the skyfire was believed to be a good omen, with its presence promising the return warmer weather, and with it, Spring. Lorcan grit his teeth together ominously at the thought, and shuffled on his paws before shifting down into a sit.

Gazing back up at the sky, Lorcan tried to focus back on the colours which flickered against the black sky, but another memory soon caused an ache inside his chest as he thought back to Piety. Their late night talks, star-gazing atop the plateau, were something that the male missed. He had felt a closeness, and an understanding, then which he was unsure if would ever feel with anybody else. Even she had said that he had amazed her, right before she had admitted to mating with Wraith. Lorcan huffed into the cold night air as he fought back the bitter taste in his mouth, before his heart suddenly sank in light of her recent loss.

Lorcan shook his head sharply and thumped his tail against the snow in a show of frustration and guilt, before he melted down slowly to lay in the snow with a defeated sigh. Perhaps some company right now wouldn't have been so bad after all...

(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2018, 11:28 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
To say that Ravenna was on edge about the more recent events within the Lore was an understatement. While the Ridge itself was prevailing, each member doing their part to keep the pack strong (besides her unwell uncle) and protected, it was the packs around her which troubled her. A rather horrible feeling, given the fact that both of those packs were ran by her siblings. It shouldn't have been like this. But alas, not all Archers were trustworthy wolves. Not all were respectful and smart like the stories she had heard in Torbine. Just stories, apparently. That, or the bloodline had gone more south since then with its collection of bad eggs. Either way, it put Ravenna is bad spirits in the subject of 'family'. Her brother's pack thought her own had stolen away their child and Morganna's children seemed determined to do as they pleased even if it meant hurting their own family. Either the pups were at unruly as @Morganna and @Renier said or they and Torbine had not taught them the proper lessons on how to treat other packs and family.

The thoughts had Ravenna's head spinning, a grumble from her lips as she walked. It was a rather heavy pace, as usually. Her movements less delicate and fluid as those leggy women. Her thick hips swayed with the rhythm of her trek, a walk mimicking her mother's. She walked mindlessly in these thoughts, right out of the borders of her home and into the open forestry of the unclaimed parts of Drooping Willows. She smelt many wolves out here, both pack, both stranger and of course the hoard of her family members who dominated the South.

She pauses then, lifting her head to the dark sky, to the lights which danced overhead and for the first time in weeks it seemed, she smiled. Was this a good sign from the gods, that everything would turn out alright? Though Ravenna couldn't understand what was going through the minds of the other Archers, Ravenna knew she couldn't teach them all right from wrong. Couldn't expect to control everyone. Let @Greer handle the outcome of his mistakes, let @Morganna and her cousin deal with the consequences of what her children did. Willow Ridge would take care of itself. Willow Ridge had endured far worse before.

Moving on forward through the sparse forestry, Ravenna caught another scent, this one far more fresh then the others - current, and it was Lorcan. Already since he had healed from his injuries and malnourishment Lorcan had done good for this pack. He had gone north as promised for more 'tree rot', had taken foot at the borders, and had made progress with getting to know his new pack it seemed. Ravenna was glad she had taken the stranger into her home and when she came into the clearing to see him lying there, she smiled yet once more. "I hope you don't mind some company?" She spoke, her voice lowered to try and not disturb too much of the silence around them.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2018, 12:51 AM by Ravenna.)

Played by Trix who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blitz Mizuno

The dark of night was a time Blitz was both accustomed to and comfortable in. When a bout of insomnia crept up on him, as it often did in his earlier days in the Lore, he would set out for a long walk to ease his nerves. His reason for being wide awake at this hour was quite different. He wanted to enjoy the comforts of his new home, indulging in the simple pleasure of a midnight stroll. Yet he was not a wolf who did what they wished without some further purpose.

He knew tensions were high between the Ridge and the surrounding packs. Notably, those who comprised of Aurora Heights and some youngsters also bearing the Archer name, closer to home. He had not had a run in with the likes of them yet, but give their proximity in the region, he was bound to run into someone from the new pack sooner or later. As one of the newer wolves in Willow Ridge, he did not yet know the finer details surrounding the circumstances which brought the two packs together. Nor was he educated enough in the family history of the Archers to go diving his nose too deep. But the bottom line was that he had sworn his loyalty to @Ravenna and @Sven, as well as the pack. Nothing would shake that.

With ample reasons such as those to be extra alert, he contributed his share by doing thorough border patrols. Once at noon, when the sun was at it's highest in the winter sky. And then again at night. He was happy to take the midnight shift, sparing those who were tired from their rounds during the day any need to worry. While they rested, he worked. His jet black pelt was a perfect canvas in the night, practically melting him into the shadows, giving him the edge of stealth. Come spring, he may all be but invisible given his green eyes which so closely matched that of young foliage.

Tonight was no exception to the routine he had set himself in, but something was different. Up above, the sky was painted in a dazzling display of red and green, the mystic display of light shifting back and forth in an ethereal shimmer. Below him, the crisp snow was blanketed in those colors, leaving room for his silhouette to stretch across it's surface. Acidic eyes flicked up to regard the display, lips pursing slightly. It was nothing new. He had seen this spectacle plenty of times before back home. Supposedly it meant good fortune and he could only hope that was true. Turning to resume his silent patrol, the two distant figures of Ravenna and the scared agouti male caught his eye. The crunch of his paws through the snow told of his slow approach into the clearing. "Would three be a crowd?" He interjected shortly after the silver female spoke, his voice tinged with cheeky good humor.

(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2018, 09:47 PM by Blitz.)
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva

A low voice suddenly tore his mind away from thoughts of the past, causing his golden eyes to blink suddenly before he turned his head to greet Ravenna. The frown that had creased his brow softened and the corners of his charcoal lips lifted as he went to offer the silver female a polite smile. “Not at all, please…” He responded quietly, giving a welcoming thump of his tail, as he gestured with a paw towards the untouched snow beside him.

Even if Lorcan had minded the company, it would have been rude to turn her down. However, on this occasion, he genuinely appreciated the woman’s sudden arrival. Laying in the snow, Lorcan strained his head upwards to watch Ravenna as she approached, his golden eyes scanning her expression curiously. It seemed she was not the only one to stumble upon though, for a heartbeat later the sound of more paws crunching through the snow caught his attention.

Turning his gaze away from Ravenna, his eyes sought out the dark figure which approached them through the surrounding trees. Russet ears once again perked up at the voice, though this one Lorcan did not immediately recognise. It took him a moment, but eventually he realised the voice belonged to the newest male recruit. “I’m sure we could make space for one more.” He jested in response, offering the green eyed male a playful smile and slow wave of his tail.

Waiting quietly for a moment, Lorcan allowed time for his two companions to settle before he spoke again. “Have either of you ever seen skyfire before?” The agouti male asked, his golden gaze alight with childish enthusiasm as it returned to the colourful lights which danced across the night sky.

(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2018, 09:29 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall

Lorcan would say that her presence was welcome, a gesture which she did not know if it was out of politeness or he was truly sincere. Ether way, Ravenna's silver eyes followed the sound of his thumping tail in suggestion for him to come settle down next to her. There was something nice about being in this little clearing which had yet been disturbed since the new snowfall and she moved forward in order to take a place at his side. She only got a few steps when the sound of another's crunching footsteps caused her to pause in her movements. Her head lifted, as did Lorcan's, to meet the figure of Blitz. She could not help her lightened expression. Though the dark male may have been the newest member, he was by no means a stranger to Ravenna given the fact that they had both met while she was still a pup and he a rowdy teen.

Ravenna was silent, awaiting Lorcan's answer of approval and hoped that this would prove an opportunity for the two males to get to know one another a little better and for she, as well, to spend time with her pack mates and two non-family members for a change. It seemed every wolf who carried the name 'Archer' spurred trouble for her other then those few within her ranks. What would have her mother thought about these things? And more importantly, what would she have done about it?

"Come," She spoke as she shifted her footing and leaned down, taking place close at Lorcan's side. "Sit next to me." She suggested for Blitz, thumping the ground next to her with her silvery tail in the same manner which Lorcan had to her only moments prior. After a few moments of relaxing silence, looking up to the night sky dancing with light, Lorcan questioned the other two. Ravenna shook her head but for the time did not turn her gaze away from the heavens. "I have not... Although I pray to the Gods it is sign of good to come." She had seen beautiful full moons, stars shooting across the sky and large rolling clouds looming as far as the eye could see although never had she seen this before. With how beautiful it was, it could not possibly mean anything harmful was on its way. "I think the pack has had enough of the dramatics as of late." A small chuckle escapes then a sheepish look as she glanced between the two men at her sides.

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2018, 11:45 PM by Ravenna.)