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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He smiled at what she said and the shake if her head. “Well finding your scent near my borders took me by surprise and then all I was concerned about was finding you.” He admitted a little sheepishly. “Besides it's a little too soon to be asking all the big questions I want to know the answers to.”

“I would hope so,” considering he was in charge of a whole pack and needed to have more than that to make sure they made it. “I have plenty going on inside my head all of the time he admitted. More worries than I would like to admit and plenty of questions mostly about you. Just one big thought though that has been on my mind a few times in the past.” He hadn't mentioned that to anyone and it hadn't popped into his mind in a while.

A frown appeared on his maw when she stepped away from him. That wouldn't do at all so he took another step forward his tail raising over his back, a challenge for her to try that again.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

She smirked. What was that supposed to mean? If the questions were so big and dire certainly he'd be dying to toss them out into the air at any chance. She wouldn't press the matters though. He was a grown man who could ask what he wanted whenever he wanted.

Her tail gave a few stiff waves. His words were vague enough to leave her guessing but not so much as to make her think it was a lost cause. The big thought, She said with a challenging step backward. what is it? Birtie felt no harm in asking. If he hadn't wanted her to mention it he shouldn't have brought it up. What would be the harm in asking? She did not think her chances of another run in with him were very high and it wasn't like she had anyone to go around spilling secrets to.

Maybe I'll let you ask some questions once I find out what you're hiding.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

He didn't want to pressure her into answering any of the questions about her if she wasn't ready. Seeing as this was only their second time meeting he thought that it might be too soon to be sharing such things but he hoped he'd get the chance to one day.

He had admitted that he wasn't all looks, or at least he didn't think that he was. After all he'd kept the cove from falling and even increased their numbers with wolves who seemed to want to stick around. That was more than he could ask. She honed in on the big thought that he had and all the while she was asking about it she was taking another step back. If she wanted to play that game they could. He stepped forward again..this time a bigger step that invaded her space.

“I have considered moving the pack off the mountain. Too much has happened here and sometimes I think it affects the pack. I can't right now though.” That said he reached out and nipped at her ear closing her jaws just before they reached it, a playful gesture on his part.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

His nip on her ear caught the large female off guard. She took another brisk step back, her tail raising higher. Why can't you? You're a leader aren't you? It wasn't her business really but she had the curiosity to ask. If he was willing to share with a loner than she had no problem asking.

She moved swiftly forward to counter his earlier move. Her jaws parted to seek his neck. It would be a harmless move, she wouldn't even apply enough pressure to truly leave a mark. Whether she landed a hit or not, the large female would hop back again to hopefully be out of his reach.

I'd be careful, Mr. Tallis. Birtie jokingly warned. Granted she had no problem with being a bit aggressive in her motions if that was where things went. There was no harm in a spar.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

When he nipped at her ear she countered by taking another step back which was followed by her asking why he couldn't move the pack. “I am an alpha but I don't think my co-lead would agree with it and her son is missing right now. His father is out looking for him and I don't want to move the pack before he's come home,” Kajiika explained. He didn't want Chan to come back and the pack be gone. He feared the chances of them ever finding him would decrease drastically.

She surprised him by coming forward and clamping her jaws in the fur of his neck. She didn't hurt him but it was enough for him to see what she wanted. He smiled to let her know that he was up to it. It had been a long time since he'd done anything like this and if he were honest he missed it.

He chuckled at her warning, “I think I can handle anything you can throw at me Bri,” he retorted as he moved forward to go for her legs and trip her up.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

A soft frown tugged at the corner of her ebony lips. Seemed like quite the ordeal to get caught up in. Part of her regretted asking. Birtie was not exactly the best at handle emotional situations with others but stay silent seemed rather rude. My condolences to the mother. She settled for instead. The large female had never had a child and couldn't understand the feelings that came with it. Either way, the ordeal still sounded ill.

Birtie tried to move her legs out of the way but found herself stumbling backward. No fair. She grumbled with a smirk. She had not gone for the limbs. She tried to regain her footing before moving forward again. The large loner would aim for his shoulder in an attempt to knock him off balance too.

She was very much an eye for an eye kind of creature.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika had shared with Bir his thoughts on moving the pack. It was something that he hadn't even brought up to Moonshadow because he was sure she wouldn't agree. Therefore it was something that they wouldn't do because she would have to agree. He smiled when the woman spoke offering her condolences, “Thank you and I am sure that she will appreciate it.” That was if he even told Moonshadow about this meeting, perhaps he wanted to keep Bir to himself.

A smirk crossed Kajika's dark features as she declared that what he had done was no fair. He had managed to knock her off balance causing her to stumble backwards. “You have to be ready for anything,” he told her just before she started moving toward him again. This time it seemed she was aiming for his shoulder and he let her have this one. He felt the impact before stumbling a little to the side. “Caught me off guard with that one,” he said with a chuckle as he regained his footing.

This time she wouldn't be so lucky as he went for her scruff to try and pull her off his feet. His grasp wouldn't be enough to cause her harm but just enough pressure to give him a little leverage.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

She was glad that her words seemed to suffice for the male. It wasn't like she had ever had to be supportive of such a situation. Was it normal for packs outside of her homelands? Birtie sure hoped not.

I am but that doesn't make something fair. A smirk tugged up one corner of her lip. Birtie had never let her guard down but that didn't make surprise attacks or playing dirty fair. Granted it seemed they were mutual striking here. She just had a hard time accepting someone doing better than herself.

The large female felt his teeth on her scruff and she let out a low growl - something more lighthearted than actual aggression. If she was going to go down she was going to bring him down with her. Their size was close enough she wondered how well it would work but she didn't have much of an option.

Birtie swung up one of her forelegs, seeking to throw it over his shoulder and bring him down with her if he refused to release her scruff.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

In his opinion it wasn't her place to have sympathy or worry about the troubles of his pack. It was kind of her to listen and offer some words of condolences and that was much more than he was asking for.

He noticed the smirk on her lips as she spoke, “Who ever said we were playing fairly? Hmm,” he asked with a raise if his brow. He usually always played fairly in spars and this time was no different. He wasn't going to point that out to her though and instead he much preferred to play along with her.

The grip he gained on her scruff received him a low growl that was more of a playful nature than any sort of anger. It didn't push him to let go of her. Even when she sung her foreleg up and over his shoulder he still didn't let go. He was determined to bring her down even if that meant going with her.

So he continued on with his plan, pulling her until he hoped he was eventually successful.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

Her tail whipped above her back like a banner at his words. If they weren't playing fair then certainly he wouldn't mind if she amped things up a bit.

Granted there wasn't much she would do with his teeth on the back of her neck. She had her head low, though. Close to his legs. Birtie knew one swift move would likely make her lose her balance with already having one front leg on his shoulder. She snipped at his leg only enough to give a pinching feeling. With that, she felt herself falling towards the ground. Birtie could only hope she had managed to get him to fall - hell, she'd even settle for a stumble - too.

You've got some good moves. It was a bit of a poor compliment but she wasn't used to complimenting the wolves she wrestled with.

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