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Played by Cadence who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roland Whitebark
Anyone welcome, but shout out to @Kajika and @Moonshadow. Roland is clearly injured and weak.

He'd been lucky the cave systems had thawed water, or else he would be dead now, rotting in the dark and likely never found. Why was he constantly chased by ill luck? Maybe he was cursed, or maybe this was the punishment earned for abandoning his mother. The thought of it all being beyond his power fueled his bottomless reserve of anger, and it was that oil-slick flame that kept him going, back into the sunlight and through the drifts, against the wind and back to the sky. With a broken hind leg, scrapes and scratches just healing and deep, wheezing breaths he all but dragged himself back the borders of Fallen Tree Cove. They had nurtured him back to health once before, and now he was banking on them being willing to do it all again. If they weren't? No, they had to. It had taken all his strength to make it back to them. This would not be where his life ended.

Throwing his head back, he let out a howl, raspy and weak in timber. He called for the alphas, for the pack, for anyone that would help him slink back into the warm, familiar den and coddle him as his mother used to.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The dark man hadn't been able to get his recent encounter out of his mind as he went about his duties for the cove. After that however his worries had returned. Those of the pack making it through the winter and it's members that we're missing from it. His friend Moonshadow and how she was holding up with her son and husband still gone from the pack. He was starting to wonder how Vespertio had shouldered it all and still stayed sane. It was even more understandable to the Tallis man why his former alpha had stepped down.

Another member had been on his mind, the young boy Roland who had disappeared from the cove. Kajika had been sure he'd been a sure thing but now he'd grown to wonder if he had been wrong yet again. Then the call of the boy echoed through the trees. Kajika's tail wagging as he turned from his checking of the caches to meet the boy at the border. When he found him he thought he looked worse off then the first time he'd found him. “What happened to you Roland?” He asked clearly concerned.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

With each passing day the onyx matriarch grew more and more restless. Her child was still missing, her husband still gone searching for him, Roland's disappearance, and the new scent that lingered on her best friends coat. Oh ya she had noticed but she wasnt going to pry, if he wanted to tell her then he would. @Tulip' s company helped keep her mind off things but it was slowly becoming less effective. The sound of the call made her chest tighten as the hope it was Chan filled her. Her hopes were crushed when the familiar voice was not that of her son. Her motherly instincts still flared for the voice was Roland's. He sounded weak and the dark mother needed to get to him. Looking to her dark shadow she motioned for her to follow. Racing to the border Moonshadow saw the mangled pale form of the pup. Kajika had also came upon the scene asking the child what happened. Not being able to help herself she rushed to his side and began to assess the damage. Times like this she really hoped that Namid or Neha were still here. "oh hun, what did ya do?" she said as her silver dusted ears flattened. While he may not be biologically hers Moon would still try to protect him and care for him as if he was. Thats just who she was.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Cadence who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roland Whitebark
It was the two who he was most familiar with that greeted him, quick to come to his side. Concern marred both of their features, and if that didn't make his black little heart swell. His tail picked up to give a few wags, but the motion was surprisingly exhausted and he quickly gave up, opting to whine out his pleasure instead. They weren't angry, didn't look suspicious or doubtful. All the more he felt certain they would take him back, that he was now safe again.

They both questioned what had happened to him, and he wasn't really sure how to word it. It was horribly embarrassing, really, even if it wasn't much his fault; a mixture of inexperience and snowblindness were to blame, but man did Roland hate being reminded that he was just a pup and as much a danger to himself as anything else in the world.

Leaning into Moonshadow and attempting to snuggle into her warmth, his voice was much meeker than it had ever been as he finally answered them.

"I-I was w-walking and suddenly the ground was just... gone. I-I fell into this big cave with water and I almost d-drowned and I had to find my way out and-and get back here and I'm so hungry and cold and I-I ca-can't bend my leg..."

That was the worst part. What if it never worked again, and he had to gimp his way through life?
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

There was some relief that passed over the dark man when he found Roland at their borders. He was glad to see the pup home and alive. He would be safe now but the question remained what had happened to him. The condition the pup was in wasn't expected and certainly much worse than when Kajika had first found him.

Moonshadow arrived shortly after he did with Tulip trailing her as always. He was grateful to the yearling for the distraction she gave to his oynx friend whether Tulip knew it or not. His co-lead showed great concern for the pup and immediately went to mothering him.

Roland explained what had happened to him and where he'd been all this time. He also complained about his leg being stiff and he was unable to bend it. The dark man stepped forward. “We're glad that your back. We've been worried about you,” he said as he bent down to check Roland's leg, “And that you were able to get out of that cave alive,” he added as he gave the boy a comforting lick in his crown.

Kajika turned to Moonshadow, “I think he's going to need a healer.” Unfortunately Kajika didn't know of any and he wondered if Moonshadow might know of one. “We've got to get him to the infirmary den so he can rest up and get some food in is belly." Turning back to Roland, "Don't worry, your going to be alright," he assured.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Silver orbs scanned over the boy. His coat was dirty and disheveled, he had definitely lost wait but what was most concerning was his rear leg. It stuck out awkwardly from his body and Roland was clearly keeping weight off it. Something was wrong very wrong. Worry hand fear filled her for she had next to no medical knowledge outside of what had been given to heal her by @Namid and @Neha. Now more than ever did the dark woman wish they were still with them.

The grey child leaned into Moon before beginning to explain what happened. She reached her head over him and gently pulled him close. Silver dusted ears fell flat against her skull as he spoke of falling into a cave and almost drowning. Her thoughts went immediately to Chan. Mercury orbs found amber ones as a quiet whine fell from her. They were filled with fear and worry, she needed to know her baby was safe more than ever.

Moon gave Roland a lick to his cheek as Kajika said they were glad to see him and that they had been worried. She watched as her best friend looked over the pups leg. Her heart fell as the man said that he'd need a healer. She didnt know of any outside of the Vuesians. "Do ya know of any? Or nearby packs that may have one?" She asked remembering his scouting trip from the year before. She nodded in confirmation that indeed he needed to get to the infirmary. Question was how to get him there. Being almost a year old he was much too big to carry...with ones mouth at least.

Moving awwy from the boy Moonshadow laid on the ground with her paws underneath her. Looking back to Roland she gave a reassuring smile. "Do ya think you could crawl up onto my back hun?" She asked while also giving Kajika a glance as if to say help him if he needs it. If he could lay on her back with his paws on either side of hershe might just be able to carry him that way to the infirmary. It was a long shot but she didnt really know of anoyher way.

Word Count: 378
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Cadence who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roland Whitebark
Though he knew Kajika intended to help, Roland couldn't help but flinch as he saw the man's muzzle drawing a bit too close to his injured leg. Really, while his muscles intended to pull the limb up and away completely, but due to its relative immobility all that occurred was a slight, twitching jerk. He couldn't help the whine that accompanied this as he heard there words.

"Y-you mean you guys can't help me?"

There was a note of panic in his tone; if they were clueless about this, then that made it all the more likely that it would never get better and he'd be crippled permanently. Begrudgingly, he found himself missing the Hollow; it had seemed like every wolf there was a medic of some type. Gone as they were, he couldn't even ask that his new alphas send for one of the forest dwellers. Shakily, he moved to follow Moonshadow's request, but his worried eyes remained on Kajika, waiting for the older man to tell assure him that everything would be fine regardless.

It was awkward, and took a moment, but soon enough he was nestled atop Moonshadow's spine. His forelimbs hugged her neck the best they could, and his miserable head rested against her shoulder blades.

He should have stayed with @Oula.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

As he drew close to the pup Kajika could see the small jerk the boy gave in response to his proximity. The dark man only sniffed at the leg which he found no strange smells though he couldn't help but think it looked a little swollen. He also took the boys complaint of being unable to move it into consideration. He worried the leg might be broken. “I know Veho is in Grizzly Hollow but that is a few days away. We can send to the heights and see if they have someone to help. We will know in a couple of hours,” he said answering Moonshadow's question.

His amber gaze turned to the boy when he spoke hearing the note of panic held in Roland's tone. “Don't worry Roland, we will do everything that we can. For now we are going to get you back to the infirmary den and give you something for the pain. It's best that you remain as still as you can and don't use the leg of you can help it.” Kajika worried that his leg was broken and if it was then the best thing for it was to keep the boy as quiet as possible.

“We need a healer to tell us the extent of the injury,” he explained to Roland, “But for now you need to give it time to heal.” Moonshadow had suggested the hot get on her back so that she could carry him into the territory. While Roland tried to get himself settled before Moonshadow started walking Kajika stayed close and offered his help when he thought the pup might need it. He stayed close by to keep the boy balanced Moonshadow's back. “Don’t worry Roland we will make sure your well taken care of.”

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
(The tag didn't work, so late join...my bad)

Tulip followed after the alpha, coming to the scene of an injured pup. A huge commotion took place and Tulip staid back, sitting afar to watch the scene unfold. Her mind traveling back to the days of Grievous making the pups gather poisonous plants to use against the enemy. They weren't all poisonous though. Some where to help. It wasn't Grevious's favorite thing, he deeply believed in letting the weak die, but the King said even the toughest warriors could be injured. That meant it was their duty to help them whether the white grump agreed or not. After sitting quietly for a long time she piped up, "S-s-soll-solu--um-sollum's seal fix leg. Help broken. Sol-seal help maybe. Ooots, not plant. Ooots only."
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

She was glad to hear that he knew of one, this Veho in Grizzly Hallow, where ever that was. "Good we need to find one soon"  her attention then turned to the injured pup. "Hun itll be alright, youll be fine" she spoke gently to try to reassure him. She laid upon the ground and watched as he made his way to her. With the help of her co-lead the pup made his way onto her back when he was securely on her she stood slowly. Mercury orbs looked to her shadow as Tuilp spoke. She spoke of a plant that would help Rolands broken leg. "Do ya know where to find this plant Tulip? She asked the yearling hoping that she knew where it grew. Or at least what kind of region it grew in.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]