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ice bath — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
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Birtie Parlow-Tallis
@Kajika. Set a day after this thread || Early Morning, Mostly Sunny, -11°F (-24°C)

The newest wolf of the Cove did not dive into socializing. She spent the night by herself as far away from every as she could while still being in the borders. There was a fallen tree that had served as a barrier against the night winds. Granted she still had awoken with a dusting of snow. She would have likely stayed asleep had the morning light not have broken through the clouds to shine on her. It was obnoxious, really. The large female had curled up tighter and squeezed her eyes shut. Although after a few minutes it became obvious she was not going to be falling back asleep soon.

Disgruntled and displeased she pulled away from the indented spot of snow. Her pace was slow, sluggish and ungraceful as she trudged along the borders. It had only been day one and she was feeling like she had gotten the short end of a deal she had made herself.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

A fresh blanket of snow lay over the cove when Kajika rose from his den the morning after he'd met Bir. They were going to have to talk about this name of hers now that he'd accepted her into the cove. At least now he could keep an eye on her through the rest of the winter. Stretching and going for his morning drink he decided that it was time they talked about those specifics.

He'd had to break through the ice of the lake but once he had and gotten a drink he went in search of his newest member. The dark man soon found her trudging along the borders seeming to be in the middle of a patrol. A smile crossed his face, but he did wonder if his Co lead had discovered the cream female yet since she hadn't come for him already that morning. “Good morning Bir, How was your first night in the cove?”

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

She halted her movements, head turning to look at the familiar form. At first, all she gave was a huff. It was alright. Hope you weren't expecting me to join the rest of the pack last night. Her tones were a bit rough around the edges having not yet cleared the tiredness from her voice.

It almost shocked the female how chipper he seemed to be in the early morning. Granted she supposed he did have a pack to run and he couldn't be sleeping in until late. Perhaps it was best she had not gotten herself into that position back at the Coast. Birtie very much enjoyed running on her own schedule without having to fret over others.

Her tail gave a soft flick to motion for him to follow her if he wished. She still had to walk off this tiredness.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

It pleased the aloha to find his newest subordinate on the border already working on her duties. It seemed a good start to their deal but he did hope that it would become more than just a deal and that she would become part of the pack. “I’m glad to hear it was alright. I don't mind at all,” he told when she spoke about joining the rest of the pack, “I do hope that one day you will feel comfortable enough to join them.” He could hardly be upset with her for that when he didn't even sleep in the same den with the others. He leaned in close as if telling her a secret, “I don't sleep with the others either.”

With the flick of her tail he took the invitation to join her on her rounds. He needed to make his own anyway. Perhaps he might join him in some of his other duties that day but first things were first. They had terms to their deal to discuss and he wanted to get it out of the way. It was early and he didn't like discussing business so early but he didn't want this weighing on his mind.

“What are your plans for today?” He asked her as he walked beside her. The business could wait a few more minutes.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

Why not? Birtie couldn't stop herself from asking. It is your pack after all. It would only seem natural for him to stick close to them. She was still an outside, though. One night here was not enough to warrant her moving into everybody's personal space. The large female didn't even see it as a possibility in the long run. She had always craved her own space.

Her head gave a soft shake. I didn't have any plans. I haven't been awake long enough to make any. Birtie's first plan had been to shake the grogginess and sleep from her slouched form. She hadn't even accomplished that yet.

Grungy yellow eyes looked over at the leader with curiosity. What's a usual day look like for you? Certainly he was set into a routine. She knew most pack wolves were.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

It was an expected question after all why hadn't he moved back I to the communal den yet after he'd finally come to terms with everything. “Last year I moved out of the den into my own because I was going through some stuff, I was still second then so it wasn't a big deal and my Alpha’s were understanding. I guess I started liking having my own den and haven't moved back.” He hadn't even given it much thought either.

She admitted that she didn't have any plans for the day just yet and he smiled. “It does take a little while to wake up in the morning on the mountain.” Anyway for the others but he'd been doing the same thing so long that it didn't take him much time at all.

He chuckled, “It's pretty boring actually. I get up go to the lake then do a patrol and hunt a little before checking the caches. More patrols and checking in with my subordinates. Before my godson went missing I would spend some time with him and now I spend it looking for him.” It was pretty boring when it put it like that.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

Her head nodded along softly as she processed all of his words. She did not question it, though. It was not her place to go around poking her nose into business that didn't even involve her. Especially since it wasn't even anything recent. Last year was a long time ago.

It took her a while to wake up anywhere. Birtie would have thought that perhaps the crisp mountain air would have helped awaken her mind faster. Perhaps it was a foul mood creeping up on her instead of tiredness. She had been awfully social the past few days. For a creature who often kept to themselves, it was an exhausting task to be all smiles. Even in the presence of wolves she didn't mind.

Sounds rather usual. She commented easily. Except for the godson part. Birtie was not familiar with the concept of missing child. All of her siblings (and her) had been rather well behaved and content to mind the borders. She supposed that not all parents could be so lucky.

You know, Her voice was thoughtful, musing ideas. I told you I'd do a job while I'm here. What jobs need doing? Did the leader require a certain role to be fulfilled? The large female was not set on having any specific role.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

He was glad that she didn't question him about what he'd been going through the previous year. It wasn't something he was particularly eager to rehash, at least not to her yet. He was better now and that was really all that mattered. He cared for his pack and did his best to keep things running as smoothly as possible.

If asked the dark man wouldn't deny that he too had his morning where he would much rather stay in his den. When he was a subordinate that had been allowed but now that he was alpha he didn't have such a luxury. He liked to be out and about the territory in case his subordinates needed anything. It was important for him to be approachable at all times.

“Yes, it does get old sometimes so I find ways to combat it like my visit to the springs. In winter it's nice to go there for a few hours.” She had also mentioned his godson, “Its not the first time he has disappeared. This time however his mother allowed him to do some scouting for herds and he hasn't come back.” Kajika wondered if Tagg had found anything that could be if some use in finding Chan.

He was brought from that thought when Bir spoke of doing a job for the pack. “Well part of our deal was scouting and I just happen to need a scout,” he stated, “But I would like to go further into what you said yesterday.” He was curious how exactly she meant to go about it.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

The springs had indeed been nice. Perhaps she ought to take another trip and find time to truly explore the strangeness of the place. That was if she could handle the sulfur musk again. She had smelled it long before she had found the spring's edge.

Might not mean much coming from a practical stranger but I'm sure the boy is fine. The first time tracking solo can be rather exciting. Her tail swayed lazily behind her. She did not know the whole situation but if the boy was following prey there could be at least hope that he would not starve wherever he had gone off to.

Her head tilted with curiosity as she glanced over at him. Alright. She replied with a sharp nod before she returned her gaze back to their path. What's on your mind about it? He had brought it up first so the floor was all his.

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