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I got that tunnelvision — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Hunting post 1/3

Askan wasn't too surprised. This would be a new experience for him then, a chance to experience hunting as it was supposed to be. Doing it alone was fine, he supposed, but wolves were in their element when they worked as a team. It was what they were born to do.

"Just follow my lead and do as you're told and we'll be fine."He'd done this plenty of times, he had enough experience for the both of them. Or so he liked to think.

They moved on in silence for a while, continuing on east till Askan believed he'd found the right spot. Pressing his nose to the ground, he tilted his ears this way and that as he listened out for the muffled sound of hooves against snow. He heard nothing but the lingering scent told him they were somewhere nearby, they just had to track them down.

"Your nose works just fine, why don't you lead this part? Find them."He said, wondering what the loner would think of the challenge. There was no malice in his words, he wasn't doubting the guys sense of smell after all. But if they were doing this together he figured he should split the workload. Askan had got them this far, he could do the rest till the deer were in sight.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Hunting post 1/3

Nevrakis nodded at the other male's words. He was content with Askan taking charge, and the assurance that things would go well made him feel slightly less anxious. This would be his first time going on an actual hunt, and he would be lying his ass off if he said he was not even a tiny bit nervous. Unsure of what to say, especially as he was not good with the whole small talk thing, he stayed silent, and it seemed the other male had no wish to speak either, and so they both walked on in silence.

When Askan stopped and promptly stuck his face into the snowy ground, the yearling stared curiously, head cocked to the side. This was not something he had expected the other male to do, but after a few moments of observing Nevrakis realized he was listening for any indication of the mule deer herd nearby. Just as the yearling was about to ask if Askan had heard anything, the other male lifted his head and proposed that he try and sniff them out. By himself. "Uhm." Nevrakis was taken aback, having thought Askan would be taking charge, but at the same time he could not refuse the chance to improve his hunting skills.

"Okay, sure," the yearling agreed. He angled his face upwards, inhaling deeply, brows furrowed in concentration. He could smell the fresh and clean scent of snow... the bark from the trees... and a faint aroma of deer in the distance. "They're this way." With a quick glance at Askan, Nevrakis set off in the direction the scent was originating from, slowly making his way between the trees, and constantly checking the air to make sure he was not going off course. The scent grew stronger until he finally saw movement up ahead and, coming to a halt, the yearling looked at Askan expectantly, waiting for him to say something.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Hunting post 2/3

Trailing after the loner, Askan wondered just how well this would go. Askan could have as much as experience as he liked, that didn't guarantee that this would go well. For all he knew Nev could screw it up, one misstep and the deer would vanish off into the trees. He wasn't the fastest of wolves so if they ran off like that the Selwyn suspected they'd be gone for good. He enjoyed the chase as much as anyone else, he just preferred it when the odds were a little more even, when he had more wolves by his side. 

Sure enough, Nev proved his nose was of some use. Askan sniffed the air and nodded, good. They were close, the hoof tracks in the snow cemented that fact. If he squinted hard enough he could see their browny forms between the trees, nibbling at the few bits of greenery that remained.

What was the best way to approach this? Askan pursed his lips in thought as he sunk down onto his haunches, his tail wrapping around his paws.

"How about this, you make a ruckus, drive them towards me and I take down whatever you lead to me?" He'd let Nev choose what he thought was the best target. Askan was sure he could handle a deer, especially if it didn't see him coming.

Getting back to his feet, he bowed down into a stretch to limber himself up. A good hunt was exactly what he needed after beating @Lorcan to a pulp, a nice little treat for doing God's work. Ugh, he was starting to sound like his Father.

"See these trees?"Askan gestured with a flick of his tail. "I'll be here, remember that. Approach for the east and push them this way, get as close as you can. Spook them, get them running, you hear?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
I am a terrible human being for making you wait so long! :c Hunting post 2/3

It was nerve-wracking being so close to the deer, close enough to spook them if he moved too quickly or spoke too loud. One wrong action and there would be no meal to be eaten that day. It was a lot of pressure, actually. Nevrakis was glad when the other male finally spoke, laying out the plan of action they would take. He would go around the herd and spook one of them to where Askan was, who would then surprise attack it and bring it down. The plan seemed solid; the yearling felt that Askan knew what he was doing, and so trusted his judgement on the matter.

"Got it," Nevrakis said quietly, eyeing the trees the other male motioned towards to make sure he knew where to herd the dear at. He quickly and quietly slunk his way around the herd, glad that there was not much wind which could reveal his presence to the deer. once he finally made it to the east side he crouched next to the base of a tree, scrutinising the herd for the weakest member. If it was spring he would have gone for a fawn, but by now they had grown large enough to no longer be the easiest kill. Wheat yellow eyes darted from one deer to the next until they finally fell upon a doe who looked as if she was limping. He watched her as she idly talked a couple paces, lips raising up slightly in a grin when he was proven to be correct.

The yearling glanced at the trees where Askan was lying in wait, trying to make contact, or at least notify the other male to get ready. After a few moments with bated breath, Nevrakis, while keeping his eyes on the lame doe, sprung forward silently and lunged. His jaws snapped at the doe's ankles, but he did not intend to grab, and he let out a loud snarl to frighten her into running. The doe swiftly sprung away, and he had to hastily run after her to make sure he did not lose sight of her as the rest of the herd scattered around him. The yearling did his best to keep pace with the doe, darting to the sides if she looked as if she was about to turn to force her towards Askan. He breathed heavily, heart pounding and legs burning as he ran, feeling an exhilarating feeling he had never felt before course throughout his body. This was what hunting was truly about.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Hunting post 3/3
same tbh

Askan sunk down into the snow and waited, his breathing calm and collected. In and out, slow and steady so that the puffs of fog didn't give away his presence. Being so dark he didn't blend in well with the snow at all, he stuck out like a sore nose. But pressed up against a tree trunk he no doubt looked like a fallen trunk, or a log. Harmless, inconsequential. That assumption would be the deer's downfall, or at least it would be if Nev played his cards right.

The Edge Lord waited. And waited some more.

He wasn't the most patient of men, what was taking the kid so long? Askan scoffed under his breath as he risked a quick peek over at the herd. He stretched out his neck to see and-there he was, taking them in, looking at their potential prey one by one. He was thorough huh? Better than rushing in blind or picking one out in random, but shit laying down with his belly to the snow was a sure way to get cold.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, perhaps he should have-oh there he was. And he looked ready, as ready as he'd ever be anyway. Meeting his gaze, Askan nodded.

And then the chase was on, Askan shuffled, readying himself as the pair charged ever closer. Their footfalls rang loud in his ears and he tensed, muscled coiled and ready. Just a little closer, a little more.

And then he sprung into action. Leaping to his feet, Askan collided with the deer with all he had, his jaws clamping down on the long expanse of it's throat as they both tumbled to the ground. She might've had a limp but she still had plenty of life left in her, she wouldn't go down without a struggle. Good thing Askan was such a brawler, or it could go sideways real quickly.

Still she struggled and still Askan held on, unrelenting as he felt the fight slowly drain from her. Even if he were to let her go she wouldn't make it far. The snow (and Askan's snout) was stained red, she'd bleed out before long, probably wouldn't even make it that far either. This was a kindness, holding onto her like this, making it quicker, making her passing easier. Or so he liked to think.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
I am so sorry for the wait there is no forgiving me this time Hunting post 3/3

Wheat yellow eyes darted back and froth from the doe to the trees where Askan lay in wait as the yearling did his best to herd her in the correct direction. He was just fast enough to keep pace, now and then snapping his jaws close to her ankles, but at the same time making sure he did not get a hoof to the face. Just as Nevrakis felt himself begin to tire, his breath escaping in heavy huffs of white clouds, Askan appeared from his hiding spot. He watched as the other male clamped his jaws down on the doe's throat, effectively halting her forward momentum and bringing her down to her knees.

Only pausing for a second, the yearling pounced forward and grabbed a mouthful of her closest hindquarter within his reach, his own body firmly pressing down upon the back half of her body. Though he was not the largest of wolves, he was sure his weight would be enough to keep the doe on the ground so that Askan could finish her off without too much struggle. Nevrakis felt her struggling begin to weaken the longer the two wolves held on, until eventually the doe lay still beneath him. He slowly opened his jaws and lifted his head up, eyes glancing over at Askan, a wide grin on his bloodied lips. That was the most exhilarating thing he had ever done in his life.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Fade with your next post? also a shortie from me, whoops

It was done. With the help of Nev the beast was slain and they could feed. As tempting as it was to claim it all has his own he did not. A deal was a deal and Nev had played his part well. Pulling away, Askan shook off his coat and licked the blood from his lips.  The taste made his stomach tighten in anticipation, but he waited, Nev clearly needed the meal more than him. He would wait and allow him to have the first bite, to eat his fill so Askan could take the rest to the Shallows.

Sitting back on his haunches, Askan flicked his tail, gesturing for Nev to start digging in. The sooner he filled his stomach the better.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling

When Askan backed off from the doe, the yearling took that as his cue to dig in, and he did so eagerly. He could not remember the last time he ate until he was full, and he was immensely glad that the other male had offered him the chance to do so. When he was done, Nevrakis stepped back, running his tongue along his lips to clean away the majority of the excess blood. No doubt there was still plenty there, but when he happened upon some form of water he would wash the rest of it away. "Thank you for allowing me to eat," he said with a grin, tail whipping happily behind him. "I won't forget the kindness you have given me today, but I'm sure you want to get the rest of the doe back to your pack so I'll take my leave now."

With a soft bark in farewell, Nevrakis turned his body around and began padding away, somewhere southward. He had no idea where he was going, just that he would continue to move forward and not stick around in one place for too long. There was so much to discover out in the world and he did not want to miss out on any of it.
