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my bed's on fire — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

With the seasons changing the alpha was well aware of what it meant, he'd been through two breeding season’s in the cove. This year was different because he and Moonshadow both had rights to breed meaning if he chose to there could be a possibility of two litters. The meeting which Birtie spoke of had been to ensure the subordinates didn't breed out of turn and that whatever litters the cove had were given their best chance of survival. He did not want a repeat of the previous year, all of Moonshadow's pups if she had them would survive. “Well then you know what it was about,” he stated calmly.

It seemed he didn't have to go into further detail nor figure out a way to broach the topic. She seemed to put the clues together to figure out what he was talking about. Of course now that they were on the subject he wasn't sure how to proceed. This was going very differently than last time and part of him was thankful for that until she spoke again.

She seemed to assume he had someone else in mind he shook his head. “No, you aren't standing in the way of someone,” he assured, “I wouldn't have allowed things to go this far between us if you were.” He fell into a thoughtful silence for a moment before finally speaking, “I was curious about your thoughts in the meeting actually.”

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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
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Birtie Parlow-Tallis

This far.

How far exactly was this far? She wondered occasionally for brief moments what the others might think of her seeming to always be on Kajika's trail or wearing his scent heavily. Yet she always waved away the thoughts, telling herself she didn't care what others thought. She had come here to work for Kajika and she had every intention of staying close in case she was needed. Although it seemed things might have moved past that.

I hadn't really given much thought. Wasn't really my place to. You made things pretty clear and I have no intentions of going behind your back. It wouldn't be worth it anyway. Giving in to the season and being throw aside? Seemed like the last thing she wanted to do. What are you going to do? A brow raised slightly as she put her nose into business it likely shouldn't have been in. As far as she knew Moonshadow was a taken wolf but what of the others?

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

For awhile now the desire to become a father had been strong in the alpha. He'd been happy being named Chan’s godfather and he'd treated the boy like he was his own but he wasn't. The previous year he'd had the chance, was given permission but it wasn't meant to be. Now that his chance had come rightfully he didn't want to pass it up. After Des he hadn't thought there was much chance but he felt that maybe he had been wrong.

It was comforting to know that she wouldn't go behind his back this spring. “I did make myself clear,” he agreed, “But what if you didn't have to follow that rule?” He asked not expecting an answer just merely putting it out there. She wanted to know what he was going to do. A good question that he had given some thought to when he had decided to hold the meeting in the first place. “I think I should leave that up to you,” he stated, “If given the opportunity would you want to have your own puppies?” They hadn't known each other long he was aware of that but he had grown quite fond of her. He already knew what he wanted but it was up to her because she had the biggest responsibility if she were to become a mother. “You are the only one I would want to be the mother of my children,” he said softly against her ear.

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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
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Birtie Parlow-Tallis

The idea of not following the rule seemed strange. Birtie was by no means the most lawful wolf around but she set standards for herself to live up to. She knew she was not above a rule, especially one considering breeding.

The large female had once dreamed of ruling the Gull Coast. She had figured that in such a position only then would she find herself suited for children. She had dreams of her own sons running around, for she had seen how happy sons had made their mother and proud their father. Yet she had never dreamt of finding herself in foreign lands, swept away by a practical stranger and having his children.

That wasn't to say she was fully against it.

There was just one important question above all. And if Moonshadow - or even others - feel threatened by this? What do I do then? Birtie never had the intentions of stepping on others' toes. Especially over breeding rights.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

Kajika would admit that he had messed up the previous year so this year he wanted things to be different. Especially now with Birtie, he wasn't exactly sure where they were but he felt that what was going on between them was more than just a deal. Had it not been he wouldn't even had considered asking her.

Now that he had presented the question to her he waited anxiously for her response. He already knew that whatever she decided he would respect. He remained quiet as he let her think it over especially since she said she hadn't given it a lot of thought. He didn't blame her for that either since he’d felt that he'd made himself pretty clear at the meeting so why would she of she didn't have any intentions of going behind his back.

When she spoke it wasn't with an answer but with a concern. “I don't think Moonshadow will feel threatened but I can speak to her if that would make you feel better. As for the others of they have a problem they can take it up with me. I will deal with it,” he said letting a stern note enter his tone. After all it was his choice who he wanted to be the mother of his children and not theirs and if he chose Birtie then that was what they needed to accept.

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2018, 02:20 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
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Birtie Parlow-Tallis

She listened to his words and the sternness that came through them was undeniable. It seemed he was rather serious about this. You are free to discuss it with her but you two seem close...I trust your word. The closeness between the alphas was clear. Especially sense Kajika was appointed as the godfather to Moonshadow's son.

Birtie would need to set her own terms through all of this though.

If....if there were to be sons I would name them. The Parlow softly informed him. Sons. Rightfully hers and named in the fashion of her bloodline. If anything that was what she wanted the most. I'll still seek to challenge for the second spot. Perhaps even more. For if she had children she'd want nothing more than to secure their safety and solidify her own higher standing amongst the others.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He understood her concern about the other females in the pack being threatened so he would do what was necessary to set her mind at ease. As for Moonshadow Birtie trusted his word, “We are very close,” he admitted, “Which I why I will still speak with her so that she knows what going on.” It was only fair that he do so since she was his co-lead and friend.

He was still anxiously waiting for an answer from the cream coated woman. When she spoke again it was to set some terms.

The alpha listened as she spoke of naming the sons if they had any and also informing him that she would still seek the second position. He gave her words a few moments thought. “I will name any girls that we might have,” he said by way of accepting her first term. “I wouldn't expect you not to and you know how I feel about it.” This was something they'd already discussed but he could see the need for her to want the second rank even more of she had his pups. “Would you be challenging Bastet sooner?”

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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

His question caused a soft hum to leave her. I don't know. She admitted softly. We'll just see how things go. Her head settled back down on the earth, yellow eyes staring out into the darkening world.

In that moment, her mind was empty. She was at a loss of what to think or what to say. This wasn't a conversation she had been expecting to have for another few years. What all would be expected of her? The idea of possible sons was thrilling (daughters too although not as much...) but there was so much more than just that.

She leaned into him only the slightest bit. Her eyes closing as if that might make everything else disappear.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

As always he didn't know what the future would hold for him or the pack. He had his worries about Birtie challenging Bastet, that being challenged a second time would cause the dark female to leave. It was the last thing he wanted and could only hope that things would turn out. “Fair enough,” he said matching her tone when she answered his question.

They'd ended up having a conversation that he hadn't been prepared for but was glad to have had it with Birtie. At least now she knew where he stood on the matter. It was up to her and if she thought she was ready. He would give her the time she needed as it wasn't something that he would wanted her to regret making a hasty decision.

When she leaned into him he smiled and brushed his muzzle over her crown before laying his head in his paws. Sleep would come soon enough and bring with it a new day.


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