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Down the rabbit hole — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest
Judging from what his senses managed to pick up about her anxious behavior and willingness to leave confined spaces of the caverns, Blackmoore have rightly predicted the females answer. Besides, they weren't here to play a blind date to begin with. For now though, the male could only wonder about the true causes for the female's anxiety she'd show so far, as her statement seemed too generic for him as of now. Though he'd always could be wrong after all... "If that's your wish, follow me." He'd spoken in response after a brief moment, raising to turn around the way he'd came from. "A warning however, there's a pretty dark and slippery corridor we've got to cross." He'd turned his head above his shoulder so the woman behind him could hear him loud and clear. "If you feel urge to hold onto something - please first give me a warning before grabbing onto anything like my tail. Alright?" Blackmoore have almost chuckled on that, but the male was deadly serious and resolved to just flashing a brief grin that would most likely vanish in the overbearing darkness of the corridor they've stepped into.

With that, he'd moved on.

Though male didn't felt particularly pressed to try to be stealthy, Blackmoore have still weighted his steps with care to not rustle the debris too much that have littered the floors. The rocks, twigs and dry grasses that have loosely littered the corridors at places. The reason was quite simple, as the dark male had been listening in to the sounds coming from the tunnel that lied ahead of them. He'd bet that it would become quite clear in a short while as they reached another embranchment, separating the tunnel into two opposite direactions. The male didn't stopped, and took left without hesitation, actually allowing himself to step a little more freely from there.

Some say that places like these could mess with one's head, and yet though the male didn't particularly believe it - he'd begun feeling a little weird. As he'd was under impression that a lot more time have passed than it should since their last point of interest that gave him an idea whe they've are in the caverns at the moment. Gladly, before that impression evolved into anything particular - they've reached it. The part that the male have spoken of before. A pitch black corridor that bend more than the rest, with some moisture covering it's floor. "Careful now." He'd said over his shoulder, knowing the female was just right behind him. He'd waited briefly after that, before moving on.

This particular part of the caverns, as he'd felt, was perhaps the most unpleasant to navigate. He could easily feel his paws getting damp while stepping on floor, but even that wasn't the worst. It was uncertainty on what he'd may step onto, however after brief moment he'd would see the light coming from the other side, as the corridor was leading into a small cavern that opened to the outer world... "I'd wonder who lived here before..." - The dark male would murmur lowly, after poking one of the bones away from his path towards the exit. If Ravenna would look around, she'd would quickly notice quite a lot of moss that someone had clearly brought in here for their comfort in the past.
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2018, 06:29 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
He was easy to accept the idea of playing the lead and guiding her through the darkness of the Whisper Caverns. He warned her about the slippery corridor ahead and she nodded, a gesture that was likely not caught by him both due to the darkness and due to the fact that he was turning away now to make way down the cavern halls. She smirked then to his words about giving him a warning before holding onto him if she needed to and she smirks, a small huff escaping her lips before she offered an, "No problem", to the dark coated stranger. She felt uncomfortable here in the cave system, confined and lost. She didn't like not feeling the breeze in her coat, the green under her feet and the brilliant sky overhead. Knowing that the other wolf knew the way out eased her emotions, calming her though she was still eager to get out of here now as quickly as possible.

As he began moving slowly down the corridor she began too, following closely behind him as she kept her silver eyes on his dark coated backside. Most of her attention was directed to him to keep herself from both running into him and to make sure that she didn't loose him. Who knew what would happen if he made a turn and she didn't know which way he had gone to. It seemed like forever before they reached the stretch of cave system that was flooded over with water. Ravenna, much as he did, stepped ever more delicately here. In the dark it was hard to tell where you were stepping and the last thing she wanted to do was twist get ankle, cut her paw on a sharp rock or to slip and fall flat on her face.

She was lucky. There would be no room for dramatics today because now she could see the light of the afternoon pouring into the opening of the cavern, bouncing off the walls and shining her silvery grey coat. By now with the light pouring in around the corner she could see that the man she had been following was definitely a large wolf, more so then herself and he was black. If not this then a far deeper grey then herself. "A pack of wolves did." She then spoke lowly, answering Blackmoore's question. "They called this place Whisper Caverns." An obvious name, she guessed. "They were allies to the pack I live in for a very long time I was told up until it disband."

(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2018, 06:20 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest
Somehow the pair have managed to snail through the tunnels to one of the numerous entrances littering the landscape. "A pack of wolves did. They called this place Whisper Caverns." The male have heard from the woman he'd led to the surface. Speaking of that, Blackmoore have turned around to take a look onto her, using the light that was coming from the nearby entrance. His green eyes, much to his surprise have found the view more than agreeable, if one could say so. The male wasn't going to gawk however, as that would be pretty rude from him - so he'd quickly found her eyes as he'd spoke back. "I've seen caves being utilized as shelter before, but none of these had tunnels like these." He hummed thoughtfully, as he stepped towards one of the mossy pallets placed under one of the walls. "Shame that they're gone, who knows what interesting places they've could have show us thanks to these tunnels." Blackmoore unintentionally have almost spoke that entirely to himself as inspected the paillasse with his paw. Only to end up sneezing because of the dust that have arisen after that. "Crap." He'd exasperated after coughing to clear his nostrils.

"They were allies to the pack I live in for a very long time I was told up until it disband." He'd heard after getting himself in order, turning back to her in response, offering a brief smile in apology for potentially making her cough as well. What she'd said had however perked his interest, but as the male was about to ask in return - a bat have interrupted him. Dropping from the ceiling with a characteristic squeak, the creature flapped towards the entrance - clearly disturbed by the dust that haven't settled yet in the space of the cavern. "May I propose leaving this place to catch some fresh air?" His baritone echoed as it have been interrupted by another cough caused by the dust. "After you, please. I promise not to try to catch on your tail nor anything like that. It ain't dark here." He'd said before huffing silently just like she did back there in the tunnels.

"I'm terribly sorry about that. I shouldn't have touched it." He'll offer, after taking a deep breath of fresh air once they've found their way into the open. 

Feel free to set the weather & time that's "outside". c:
(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2018, 12:55 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
When the dark coated stranger turned to look at her lighting from the cavern opening hit his gaze, shining his green eyes into her direction. She didn't catch that he had been staring, perhaps because he had caught himself in enough time or perhaps because Ravenna, too, had been studying his appearance. He wasn't just a dark colored wolf but had pale legs as though they had been dipped into light sands which somehow stuck to him like mud. It was unique and it reminded her of how unique Enoki was with her piebald pattern. Ravenna was merely grayscale, pale silvery tones and darker grays thoughout a cost of wiry, courser furs. Though her pale coating may have been more rare for her bloodline she had never really considered herself 'pretty' or even further, 'beautiful'. She opened her mouth as though to speak in response to his words about the Whisper wolves when a 'crap' was mouthed and a cough. Suddenly, with her mouth having been open too, Ravenna coughed and then, a bat, it's squeak causing her to jerk as it darted out of the cages opening. She sneezed, shaking her head and narrowing her eyes on the other wolf in mock anger, a smirk toying at his expression. "Yes, lets. Before you go and touch something else." She had meant to laugh but it was cut short with another cough by having breathed in too much of the dust filled air. She bounded, finding herself doing a side-step around him with a bit of a pep in her step with an eagerness to make way out of here.

"I suppose we all have to learn sooner or later about keeping our paws to ourselves." She spoke in response to his last comment as they finally exit because she couldn't help but tease. She breathed deep then, taking in the scent of the fresh mid-afternoon air. Surely no more then an hour or so could have past since she was in that cave but it had felt like forever almost.

Outside after a look around she realized that she had exit the same place she had entered not long ago yet somehow in those twisting tunnels had went down different corridors to get to the opening. The waterfall from the Whisper Caverns main entry was before them, filling a small pool as it moved down the rocks. It was beautiful outside here. She could imagine why the wolves picked it though knew if she had lived here she would have spent more time outside then in those caves. "Guess I'm not much of a cave dweller. It's far more wonderful out here." She spoke as she turned to him, finally able to see him fully. The dark slate grey of his coating, his creamy legs and bits on his ears, his amazing eyes of swirling green and blue, reminding her of the Lagoon. For a moment, she said nothing, only smiled.

(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2018, 07:34 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest
The woman's words have made him chuckle silently, as the duo was squeezing themselves through the entrance towards the light of the day. Her words about keeping paws to himself made him smile, especially with the view he'd got before him as the male followed her out of the cave. "Well, that depends on the situation I'd say. Sometimes it might be better to be grabby." The male said, flashing a soft smile towards the woman as he stopped next to her. It have quickly faded though, as his eyes wandered away from the silver amazonian, to look around at the location they have found themselves in. If she was looking, she'd surely would be able to spot a flash of confusion crossing his muzzle as his eyes looked up, up and up - following the waterfall - before swinging his head around, realizing the obvious. "Uhhh... That's not the same place... Interesting..." Blackmoore mused, with an obvious confusion underlining his words, before returning his gaze to the silvery woman beside him. "I do like it better however." A hint of a smile crossed his face as his eyes wandered back to the waterfall, as the male kept musing thoughtfully. "I guess so did the wolves that lived here. Makes sense."

The male kept looking up the cascading waters for a moment, at least until his ears perked in response to Ravenna's words. It seemed that the woman beside him was sort of distasteful of the tunnels they just left, she'd however thoroughly seemed to enjoy the view before them. Blackmoore did however suspect that her words were more universal, just expressing dislike of cramped, potentially damp and dark spaces like the ones behind them. Well, he couldn't blame her for that, nor held it in any way against her. Truth to be told, he wouldn't like to spent a lot of time in a place like this either. He was however coping with it if he had to use one, for example during a storm. "Me neither, though I don't mind them too much. They're good shelter in case of a storm but it's usually far better outside..." Blackmoore begun to muse in response, totally oblivious to what the woman beside him was doing. Well, at least for a time, as the male have turned his head back to Ravenna after a while. There was no hiding in that she had been staring at him, not with this smile that's for sure.

Blackmoore usually didn't liked somebody staring at him for extended periods of time, but this... this was different. It felt nice to learn that someone found him handsome, especially if the person doing the staring was just as agreeable to his eyes as he was to hers. The male however felt unsure about prolonging the silence much further, even though he'd found it nice and interesting - afer all, he might be liking it but he didn't want to come out as a creep for doing the same. "... and Pretty." He'd spoke, in a manner finishing the previous sentence. He'd however made no effort to hide the fact he gave a double meaning to these words as he'd smiled back at her.

"May I dare to ask a woman like you about her name?"
(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2018, 04:47 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
He teased, if only for a moment as he spoke that perhaps sometimes it was okay to be grabby. A harmless flirtation which Ravenna met with a smirk though otherwise said nothing. Out of the breeding season such demanding desires were beyond her and she was able to keep her cool even in front of the cuties, including him. Next breeding season, she imagined, would be a much harder experience on her if she still could not breed herself in favor of Enoki.

Though puppy season was not exactly in her mind at the time but the confused expression which Blackmoore took. Obviously Ravenna was no longer the only one that had gotten turned around in the caverns although Blackmoore had held a way of keeping his cool throughout the whole thing. "Back home out pack den is a little cave of sorts made by a rock formation. I don't mind it at all. But the opening is large, you know your way out. In there? So dark and thin long corridors twisting around... Not my style. You could get lost and never find your way out..." She went on in response to what Blackmoore had said about not minding finding a cave to settle in during a storm. A cave, like the one in Willow Ridge was quite comforting and relaxing out of the elements. She guessed it was something about not being able to see outside and feeling trapped in the unknown which Ravenna had not liked about the Whisper Caverns.

She was caught. Even as she spoke about the cave in her home compared to these behind them she was watching him curiously. The movement of his ears as he listened with creamy bits to them like his legs. Even his tail was dipped in pale color. When he asked for her name, saying a 'woman like you' it didn't take much to put together the double meaning when he said 'pretty'. That she, was pretty. She couldn't remember anyone telling her that before, besides her doting family of course. If silvery pale fur had not been covering her cheeks a blush could have been seen. She didn't say anything to his suggested comment though it was obvious she had caught on to his meaning. "Ravenna Archer-Lyall." She then answered, an obvious pride welling in her tone as she spoke her name. A name both of herself and both her parents that no longer were around to tell it. "And may I dare ask yours?"

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest
"It's more like hidden passages to me I guess. Imagine the advantages for those who learn how to navigate them..." The male have spoken calmly in response, as he'd begun analyzing the implications of the information that Ravenna was giving him about this place. "Ability to move hidden from unwanted eyes, escape or relocate warriors to strike from unexpected directions..." His head moved away from waterfall back to her as the male kept talking. Finally setting his eyes back on her, he'd flustered however. "Uh, sorry. I... sometimes like to theorize... But I agree, those tunnels are definitively not for everyone. Believe me or not, but I'd would feel uneasy myself if I stayed in there for longer." He meant it. Both the fact he'd would eventually feel uncomfortable in the underground passages, as well as that he'd liked to theorize. Blackmoore was no simple brute, but a thinker in fact. Tactician if you will.

It soon became pretty clear to him what was behind Ravenna's stare, as the two kept talking. Catching her red handed, the male have decided to be a gentleman and ask her about the name, instead of going for a very cliche 'Do you like what you see?'  Being all peacock'y like wasn't Blackmoore's style to be honest. Though he'd would admit that Ravenna's gaze felt... pretty nice. "A pleasure to meet you Ravenna." The male responded with a gentlemanly nod after a moment in response to Ravenna's inquiry. "I'm Blackmoore Northcrest. But don't let my family name fool you, as for months I'm in travel heading northerly everyday." He'd spoke flashing a brief smile as the male jested about his family name being a bit misleading perhaps. "Yes, I'm a wayfarer, a traveler." He added casually after a moment of pause.
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2018, 02:51 AM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
He began to go on then, explain how the wolves that had lived here must have learned the caves very well. Especially the ones that were born here, free up navigating the caverns, Ravenna thought but it was also a risk because the pups could get lost and did of starvation, get crushed or even drown it some of the tunnels were flooded. It was a risk Ravenna couldn't imagine taking for her family even if it meant having the upper paw when it came to intruders. They might have been safe from others in there but in danger from the cave itself. None the less Ravenna silently listened to Blackmoore's words, her slate ears turned to him, pondering her own thoughts as he spoke his aloud.

"Oh I understand..." She spoke then after he apologized from wondering off a bit. "It's good to know your home well, prepare for anything." It became clear as she stood here with him near the falls that he was a thinker, tactical, perhaps a Guardian in his former home? "A nice name." She then added. Blackmoore Northcrest. It sounded strong, important, noble even... "I like it." She confirmed then with a nod and a small smile.

She then would find herself moving, taking a few steps towards the waterfall until she was at the water's edge and she sat down, finally pulling her eyes away from her company and onto the scenery. "I imagine life would be very hard for a traveler, all on your own... And set wonderful too, seeing all the different landscapes. I traveled far north of this Lore once, visiting family. I enjoyed it and yet couldn't imagine being home for much longer then two weeks." She turned back to him then, curious as to what he may say.

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest
Oh, Blackmoore didn't even dared to assume that she'd would not understand his gibberish. It just... didn't felt like a good topic to entertain a woman like her. A beautiful woman that is. Call him out for being a typical male right there, but that how it was. Blackmoore however felt better after hearing the words that followed the first statement. "I don't think anyone can ever prepare for anything, but it is certainly better to at least try." The man gave a courteous nod and smile to go along with it as he continued thoughtfully. "It gives more chances when a 'push comes to shove' as they say."

All what he could do next really, was to smile to her response she'd liked his name. After all there wasn't really anything else to do with it, and trying to answer it seemed boorish. Even a simple 'I like yours too' seemed out of place really, after all he'd already said it was a pleasure to meet her. So in his mind Blackmoore thought it would be best to just keep it shut, at least for a while. After all, it wouldn't befit him to try dominate any conversation honestly. Sure, he was a bit of a talker inside - but so he was a listener.

He wa a few steps behind, once Ravenna pulled up to the shoreline of the little pond that formed under the waterfall. His eyes falling in suit with hers as he'd stood next to her, listening in. "Well, maybe..." He mused thoughtfully once she have left the ball rolling on his side of the playfield. "The views are definitely a plus and all... but... I don't know. I don't see myself living like this for long."

For now he was still searching...
(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2018, 08:30 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
She listened to him comment a bit more of preparation for danger, to protect the pack... She mused to herself though did not say anything more on the subject though her dark ears turned into his direction suggested she had heard it all. As she had settled down at the water's edge Blackmoore had decided to keep pace, moving so that he was standing next to her once more. Perhaps he enjoyed being at her side or perhaps he was just being more of a gentlemen that he had already led on by not only helping her out on the cavern, but by dipping his head in greeting when they introduced and by not staring for too long at her when it seemed obvious he thought her pretty, as he had said.

Either way her mouth curved up in the slightest of smiles, or perhaps it was more of a smirk. Her dark gray ears all the while twitching atop her head as she listened to his words about being a loner. Ravenna had never been a loner before. She thought she had no reason to experience it, either. She loved her home, loved her pack mates and the pack, Willow Ridge it's very self. "I always imagined if wanted to see more of the Lore I would do it as a scouting mission of sorts, likely bring a pack mate with me... Travel for a few weeks, maybe a month and return. Just to see the different forests, fields, waters. Before this, I'd never seen falling water off the rocks like this." As far as her experience went when it came to pack life, it was not meant to hold one down, to trap them into one place. It was meant so you could have some place you could relax, let you guard down... Call home.

Her pale silver eyes moved from the falls then and back to the man standing at her side. "If anything, maybe it would be good for you to find a place to settle down before winter? No one should be alone for that." And, as far as wolves went, it was just simply unnatural. The wolves strived on pack survival, hunting together, protecting one another and keeping one another warm at nights. To do so alone was not only hard but stubborn and stupid in her eyes.