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let the river flow — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn

Though Indru had only been home a few hours the difference in Relic Lore was clear, he hadn't noticed how lack luster and dire the forest had looked before he had left, with the fresh water now flowing freely foliage had come alive once again. It had been great on his return to see Ruiko, Kinis and Borlla, the later two he now felt beyond fraternal feelings for as he had taken on a parental role when their own were no longer able. When the other Tainn's returned — who were now slowly on their way — it would truly feel like home again, especially with the youngest Tainn's reuinted.

It was a relief to see everything had returned to normal in Relic Lore as even a small absence had been difficult, it had felt wrong not being in his birth forest, and even worst not being with the rest of his family. His absence had given Indru the first taste of what his other siblings had experienced — exploring beyond the forest he knew as home and even though he had his family with him unlike his many departed siblings he had felt the yearn of homesickness like an extra heartbeat. Yes, it was a relief, and Indru walked through the new water gleefully, paws kicking it up so that it fell all around him, quickly soaking him and leaving him dripping.

(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2011, 03:46 PM by Indru.)
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
So the water was back. That was obvious enough to see as it ran through the creek, bubbling, and jumping, and doing everything that streams supposedly did, despite the fact that it was just water. Maybe it was happy to be back too though. Borlla had come back to her home not long before the water returned, so it hadn't really had that much time to bother her, or drain her of any kind of physical or mental power. And now that it had returned, she spent much of her time silently wondering when Indru and the rest of her family would come back. She hoped Indru would come first. He'd have to make sure everything was okay first, right?

She trailed a paw lazily through the water, making it a little hard to walk, and she stared down at her paws. Every so often, she tripped over a protruding root, or a rock. It was cold...The water. Probably because it was winter time still. When she noticed that she was losing the feeling in her paw, she took it out, though still kept to the side of the stream. She spotted the ripples in the water first, followed by the sound of splashing a few hundred yards away, out of her sight.

Borlla's honey-toned eyes widened as she broke into a hobbling run towards the sound, completely and utterly alert. It was quite the change from when she'd first set paw here, utterly terrified to face Ruiko and his wrath for running away, though he hadn't really been angry. And now she was running towards another wolf, if it was him, that could even be angry at her too. Enough time had passed though, she hoped it wouldn't be the case. She was close enough now that she could see him, and a smile crept up her muzzle. She felt so funny, smiling like that. She hadn't really smiled in ages. But even through all the times she'd wished she could have just run away and disassociate herself with all of them, altogether, she knew she never could, because seeing her family made her smile. Well, almost all of them. <b style="color:#32527a">"Indru!" She yelped, afraid to move from her spot, her tail not just wagging, but actually spinning it seemed. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Amused as he was with the water Indru paid no mind to the scents that whispered through the gentle midday wind; it was uninteresting to him after all, trying to catch the water as it fell back to the creek was much more fun. The Tainn felt light and carefree, something which he had not experienced in a long time; from the abrupt events that led to him leading a pack and his broken family, to the disappearance of Feather and then, finally, the drought that caused most of his family to free the only place he knew as home. It was a change, and a very welcome one, and even the icy temperatures of the winter months on his wet fur could not shake the smile from his maw.

Though even Indru's playful distraction could not miss the crashing of his sister and he spun in surprise at the noise only to see her bounce towards him calling his name. Borlla! He cheered back, his muzzle flicking upwards in a bark as he flung himself down in the water into a play bow, sending water flying and more than likely covering her. It had been a worrisome time when she had run from though and even though he knew her intention and where she was heading he was concerned for her safety. Your are so big! Another bark of laughter erupted from him at the pleasure of his grown sister now looking much more mature and evened out. Are you any quicker? With a quick, sharp thrust Indru struck his paw forward intending to bat her gently on her shoulder with an impressive speed, after all, the best way to test her growth was to play.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
She noticed he was playing in the water like a puppy, and she doubted herself just for a moment. Maybe it wasn't Indru. It couldn't be! Why would he be acting so silly? Despite her false doubts, she giggled as a wave of water cascaded over her, dampening her pelt. At least he was happy to see her. Just like Ruiko had, just...Well, Indru certainly seemed happier. But she wasn't going to complain. At least it wasn't stupid Kinis greeting her again. Hardly a greeting, if she had to judge it. She moved closer to the water, now certain and happy that it was truly him.

She grimaced at his comment about her size. <b style="color:#32527a">"I've always been big! Always!" The grimace trickled away into a smile again, as she couldn't hold it for long. She gasped suddenly though, the life draining from her face as he struck out at her, and she crouched and rolled in one fluid motion. Popping up, she stared at him for a moment, before a throughly embarrassed look slid across her muzzle. It dropped then, still a smile, but a slightly sinister one, and she crouched, jumping at him in the water. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Joy at seeing his sister had overcome any annoyance he had felt towards her (for now) for leaving early when she had been told not too, he was just relieved she had arrived and in one piece. Besides, though he would never admit this, the childish, rebellious side of his nature he had quelled since he was an adult (especially since looking after pups) was giving her a nod for a deed well performed, it was just like something he and Ruiko would of done. You were! But now... now you are huge! A deep, loud laugh bellowed from his muzzle as his tail continued to wave behind him as his front paws splayed resting on the ground to his elbows — it was a comical sight, a wolf so big acting like such a puppy, but the relief he felt from being home and seeing everyone was huge.

She was quicker than before, that was definitely clear, and as she crouched and leapt towards him he noticed the newly gained grace in her moments. Yet, although her improvement was clear, she still lacked the fluidity of an adult and had the inexperience of a pup that meant Indru could easily had slid out of the way and ran behind her before she recovered. However, this time, he let her crash into him and instead of bracing himself he allowed them to fall backwards into the water, his larger body taking most of her weight as well as his own, as the water gushed up and over them like a tidal wave. He paused for a moment, his body shaking with laughter, before he grinned again and leaned forward to try and aim an affectionate nip on her muzzle and brush his head against hers. It is great to see you again. I missed you. For Indru at least he felt further bonded that just a sibling to the pups, especially as he thought back to the many nights he spent with them in his den, comforting them as they dreamt of their parents and the flames that had destroyed their home.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
They collided, and Borlla laughed, then gasped as the water lapped over it. It was just as cold as it had been when she'd had her paw in it, except now it was everywhere, freezing her to the bone. The girl let out a squeal, and rolled off of her brother, flopping on her back in the slow moving current. Her teeth chattered for a moment, but she found her brother's affections rather warming, and it settled. <b style="color:#32527a">"I-I...I'm sorry, I ran away", She looked forward at her paws that were curled over her belly. <b style="color:#32527a">"I guess." She ended, looking up at him sideways, a funny look on her face. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As his sister squealed he laughed in a teasingly brotherly way but still glanced at her out of the corner of his eye to check she was genuinely hurt. They were soaked, and it was cold, but Indru didn't mind and he knew they would both dry soon, never the less he scooted closer to her hoping to share his body warmth. Borlla approached the topic before he did — a fact that pleased him greatly — and he let her speak, pausing for a moment after she had to check that she was finished. It was a very stupid and puppyish thing to do, he scolded her lightly, yet his tone was not as strict as it once was and too soften the blow he leaned forward to lick her muzzle. He was sure Borlla knew that this time she had done something wrong (this was the first time she had openly apologised first) and he didn't want to be too harsh on her, certain Ruiko would of told her off and his relief at seeing her making it hard.

You just worried me, a lot, Borlla. Indru's voice was quieter now and he looked at her intently to express how much, she was more than just his sister now. He knew both Ruiko and him would feel personal responsible if anything happened to her, and not only that, these were the last remaining descendants of their parents and were so important to the pack. I just want you safe. A grin broke his muzzle to show her lesson was over and Indru rose to his feet, shaking his body rapidly to lose the dripping water and hopefully covering Borlla again. Glancing at her out of the corner of his eye he tried to hold back a laugh, now that you don't smell anyway! With a burst of energy he pelted forward over Heartleaf Creek pausing quickly to look back at her in challenge. How quick can you run? His eyes taunted.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
She braced himself for whatever he would say in response to her apology. Honestly, it was silly of her to bring it up in the first place. Way to just call herself out. But Borlla had just felt like it was necessary. It was only one thing out of millions of things she could have apologized for, and possibly the most important. They always seemed to worry about her getting eaten by monsters, namely older wolves or bears or anything else that lived in the forest that ate puppies, and then she'd decided to just run off. At least he'd kind of known where she was going, though, of course, she could have changed her mind. Not to mention the fact that she wasn't puppy-sized anymore. She wasn't Indru-sized, but she certainly wasn't puppy-sized. Her eyes widened at his lackluster scolding, and she looked unimpressed as he licked her muzzle. <b style="color:#32527a">"I should apologize more often."

The girl laughed, legs kicking in the air, but her enjoyment was cut short when he spoke up again, and her light brows furrowed. This was starting to feel a bit more natural, minus the angry yelling and the barking. This time, she didn't say anything, and when he moved to shake off, she rolled onto her side, head tilted up awkwardly to give him a nervous, yet interested, look. Her orange eyes shed off such nervousness, and she jumped to her paws shortly after he did and just as he started to speak. She didn't bother to shake off though. She'd hardly had time to react to his movements, but found her legs ready and willing when he paused (foolishly, in her opinion) not far away on dry land.

She growled, a grin spreading on her muzzle, and she leaped up and started after him. If there was one thing she could be good at, it was dodging things, but unfortunately, she still wasn't quite able to keep up with Indru. His legs were longer, and if anything, he should have been the last wolf to be given a head start, but she kept on the best that she could. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

At her words Indru couldn't help but laugh, nodding his head in agreement. You should. It helps, it makes others feel better, as he had got older Indru had realised the importance of apologising, it helped repair friendships and improve moods, as long as it was meant. As a puppy though, much like Borlla, he had not seen the purpose, why apologise for something that he had done? Though as wisdom was gained as he aged he realised that just because something was in the past it didn't meant it still didn't hurt. Especially if you have done wrong, and even more so if you know it.

It didn't take long for her to follow as he thought she would — Borlla never backed down to a challenge — and he turned away from her, strong, powerful limbs allowing him to reach great speed very quickly as they carried him across the land with ease. Indru saw many similarities between himself and Borlla as a pup, they both had the competitive drive to be better (or, in Borlla's case, the best) and the mischievous streak wasn't foreign either. Keep up if you can! A shout over his shoulder, soon carried away by the wind, was the only sign he gave Borlla as the pair of them continued their race home following the Creek.

As they ran Indru continued to scent the air, his orange eyes searching the snow covered land around them and he saw in the distance a flash of movement. Slowing down he peered into the distance, his nose titled to the air as he inhaled in quick bursts. With a grin he dropped down into a hunting crouch, giving Borlla a sharp look to do the same, and edged forward until the small, white body of the Arctic fox could be seen. See that? His voice was low so that it wouldn't disturb the fox who was already darting glances their way from their scent, d'you know what it is? He knew now of the changing coats of the fox from winter to summer months and as this was Borlla's first winter he wasn't sure if she would recognise their small brethren. Watch how it hunts, as clearly deciding they were no threat the fox had started to trail its nose along the ground before it stopped abruptly, rearing up on it's hind legs before crashing back down to the snow with it's front paws.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
She was already beginning to feel a little winded, but tried to focus more on Indru ahead of her, rather than the fact that she'd have to get a breather soon. A little growl rumbled in her throat when he called out to her, and it made her want to run faster. She tried to stretch her limbs further and further apart from each other, but it was getting a little hard, eventually she'd end up on her belly in the snow. She had such a cacoethes to catch up with him, it was beginning to get a little painful.

After a few more moments, she discovered that she was beginning to gain on him. Great! Well, it was until she found out that he had just slowed down. She did the same before she ended up losing her footing and was face down in the snow. Her shoulders shuffled together as she wobbled over to him, then dropped at his silent command. She peered past him, spotting a white creature in the snow. It had nearly perfect camouflage. <b style="color:#32527a">"It looks like a really fluffy fox...But it's white, too." Her head tilted curiously, and she scooted forward, closer to Indru. As it leaped into the air, Borlla suppressed laughter. <b style="color:#32527a">"That's so awesome! I wish we could hunt like that." Her legs itched to mimic the fluffy creature. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention