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Proioxis — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

It had been quite late into the night, yet the dark male's hock have still ached him a little bit. Being a painful reminder of the coyotes that had been driven off earlier that day... Or yesterday already? Well, it didn't mattered much anymore did it? What mattered was the fact that nobody was hurt in the event. After all even a scuffle between some of the yesterday's participants and the scoundrels that dared to attack - could lead to a tragedy. Fortunately nothing like that have come to be at any point of the day, yet Blackmoore felt obliged to get acquainted with the Willow Ridge's borders as soon as possible - to have a general idea of the land.

It was only right now that the man had made his way back to the center of the Ridge, in the middle of the night. There was no sun glow to be seen at the eastern horizon yet, but the man have suspected it had to be quite late into the night already as the temperature had managed to drop enough to be called quite chilly. Though if asked, the man would probably smile and call it "refreshing" - after all his blackish fur liked to give him a hell of a time during the hottest days of the summer.

The male had walked slowly as he'd approached the area where the main den of the pack should be. It seemed however that Blackmoore had spent more time learning the borders today, than visiting the places like these before the night have fallen. So the male had found himself quite perplexed when his eyes could see only what had appeared to be a solid wall of rock. It was honestly, quite embarrassing, as the male adjudged to himself in the almost pitch black darkness. "Crap." The male have silently exasperated to himself as he'd stepped away from the rock before yawning loudly. It would appear he'd come from a wrong side, but the dark male was too tired to try come around at this point. So he'd instead directed his paws to the nearest tree, which was only by grace of good fortune - had a dry patch of earth under it, not covered by snow. Soon the male have lied down, hoping for a little bit of rest after the excitements of the day.

It didn't took him long to find himself in the embrace of the all powerful Morpheus.

For @Ravenna, set up between "Currahee" and "Binary Star" for @Sven.
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2018, 09:05 PM by Blackmoore. Edit Reason: New Skin! )
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
The day prior had been exhausting to say the least. After being run down by a group of coyote Ravenna had retired to the pack den is order to rest. Pregnancy had already worn her down but the run and fear of her children inside her being at risk so close to their birth had put the woman out. She had slept easy in the safety of her Pack's territory, however, knowing that any coyote who dared cross the borders of Willow Ridge was a dead coyote.

Now, the sun had long ago fallen, midnight had passed into another day yet still far too early for the sun to have arrived. Having slept early Ravenna had woke early and exit the pack den with a stretch and yawn, arching herself up towards the still hanging moon.

Within the den her pack members still stirred yet not all of them. Some like @Lilith and @Sven she had not seen, likely starting early with hunting and guarding of the borders. Perhaps even together, knowing the risks of traveling alone outside of the borders had heightened. Ravenna was content to take her time with any duties that needed done and so began moving in a slow lope. She didn't get far at all, only a few paces away from the rock formation of their den until she saw Blackmoore at the other side, resting along one of the various willow trees.

Perhaps being so new to the pack he had thought it best to keep a distance as first? Ravenna regarded him curiously as he slumbered a moment though not wishing to bother the man thought it best to leave him be. She shifted in her placement and decided to tidy up the area outside the Pack den entrance where various 'bowls' were kept to collect water.

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

The man haven't slept for long enough to fall into a deep slumber yet. Besides it wasn't probably possible for him at this point, at least yet, after all he'd spent the most of past year as a loner. And being one meant that a deep sound sleep was a luxury. Luxury that he could not afford to have. Having that in mind, it shouldn't probably come as surprise to Ravenna that the man grumbled softly and shifted around under the tree - unconsciously reacting to her presence. It took him a while before the dark male have opened his eyes though. In the wild this would be perhaps a fatal mistake from him, but then in the wild the man wouldn't let himself to get so exhausted in the first place. Gladly for the male, and hopefully for others like Ravenna, Blackmoore have found himself here. In the pack.


The man have soon opened up his eyes, just after an exhausted yawn that have escaped his dark maw have echoed from the nearby rock and trees that surrounded him. His green eyes tried to see, pierce the darkness but they couldn't for a good moment - despite using a paw to rub off whatever was clouding his vision. There was nothing of course, the eyes just need a moment to adapt, realize it's still middle of the night - and that he in fact did not managed to sleep for long at all. The realization have triggered another yawn from the male, as the man rose up from under the tree to shake up his mane and back from whatever have been on the ground and stuck to it.

Only after a while his nose have picked up a fresh scent that haven't been there before, as the male arrived and lied down to sleep. His mind was still hazy, as the male stumbled forward a first few steps before warming up his hurt leg enough to walk without trouble. Following the scent, Blackmoore have circled the rock only to see a familiar silver figure. "Ah, good morning? I think?" The male spoke questioningly as he tried to look around to see the morning luna that haven't been there yet. Despite his exhaustion creeping onto his maw, the man managed to smile softly. Softly but warmly.

He indeed didn't managed to sleep for long it seemed...

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Ravenna had been content to toy with the bowls outside of the pack den, settling them in a manner to which water could easily be collected. Sometimes the wind would tip them over or even a pack mate bit watching their step. The bowls were rocks with indents, carved out pieces of wood and different shapes bone, mostly skulls of those that had been unfortunate prey to the wolves. It did not take long for those who joined the ranks to know these collections along the outside wall of their den were used by the Lead Lady for mixing herbs and making poultices. Over the years since her mother and those healers who had joined their ranks the collection was abundant just as the Infirmary inside the packs den had grown in size over time. Soon the Infirmary would once more become a pup den for her and Leotie once their children were born and reached three weeks of age. There was much more room to raise them together in the Infirmary and it also meant if the pups tried to leave they would have to make it past anyone in the pack den itself, too.

The silver Amazon had not heard Blackmoore stirring awake or his first yawn, but as he lifted off the ground and yawned once more, moving into the direction of the sounds Ravenna was making, her head lifted to meet the tired gaze of her newest member. "You look exhausted." She spoke honestly, a small frown on her features. He had to be worn out after what they had gone through not to mention his time as a lone wolf. It would take some time to adjust. To relax. "If you'd like, we can search you up some fresh yarrow?" It could help him gains a better, deeper sleep if he was restless.

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

"I do?" The brute chuckled in response as he'd heard Ravenna's concern, before continuing. "I had just come here to lie down not long ago, that's why." The male stepped forward to her as he tried to speak with a smile, only to poke at a particularly heavy rock bowl, one of those that were probably on the outskirts of the local collection. A small 'oh' escaped his maw as the male retracted his paw and looked down - only to end up taking a step to the side to avoid any further collisions. "Sorry." He gave her a little embarrassed look for a second before picking up where he'd left: "I have tried to learn the borders as soon as possible, especially with this plague going on. To my surprise it took me well into the night before I have finished." The man spoke, with a brief smile as come closer to Ravenna. Close enough to see her muzzle just fine despite the darkness of the night. "I think that you've failed to mention me how big Willow Ridge actually is last time." A soft chuckle escaped his maw as he spoke. "Nor do I believe you mentioned your position then..." The male questioned, but without malice. On a contrary, the dark male was just simply curious.

The man have blinked in a slight surprise to Ravenna's offer, unsure was she a healer or just someone concerned that knew a little of this stuff. "We can, but I don't need it. I'll adapt soon enough, you'll see." The male refused with a smile, before tilting his head slightly as he added. "However, I'll gladly help if you need to collect anything out there. I may not know much of the herbs myself, but I always had a keen interest in the arts... Just not the time..." Blackmoore finished thoughtfully, while looking slightly to the side for a moment.

Besides it would also meant spending some time with her, if she's a healer indeed.

(This post was last modified: May 24, 2018, 11:13 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
He had only just gotten here by the Pack's den to rest and that was why he still looked so tried, he explained and Ravenna took mental note of it though said nothing at the moment, only giving a smirk when Blackmoore ran into one of the stone bowls and quickly apologized. Not all wolves of the pack slept in the main den and not each night, not even Ravenna. Some slept outside if it was a nice night or some slept during the day mostly and went out at nights. Each wolf had their own way of doing things and their own schedule; their freedom, so long as they took part in the care and protect of their home. It was winter when most wolves decided to huddle together for sleep at night for warmth so Blackmoore having not been at the den when night came had not concerned her. That is, until he mentioned having been up all night because he was learning the border. He had only just gotten here, after all and he would need his rest if he was going to mind the border clearly and affectively.

"Ah, yeah... I didn't, did I?" She spoke with the slightest smirk, her pale eyes turning away from the collection of 'water catchers'as she called them simply outside the Pack den and onto Blackmoore's face. It was words spoken both in reference to the Pack's size and her position within it. "The pack has been around for about six years now. It's had a lot of time to develop, to grow." Right now the dark wolf was joining the ranks at a rather good point in time. The pack was large, strong, and their claim to the Drooping willows expanded because of it and their hunting grounds reached further. With a pack having been around for so long it went without saying that the pack had struggled as well. Even so to a point that for some time there Ravenna (and surely many others) did not think that it could possibly last much longer without its founder in leadership.

She turned to face him fully then, side stepping away from the face of the hollow rock which made their den and she settled down on her haunches. "I took leadership after Enoki, our former leader, had left in search for her missing daughter." She explained. He objected her offer for some herbs then, explaining that he would adjust. He would, surely, but the herbs were just to help him along. Some didn't care for herbs, some just would rather suck it up then deal with the taste. Either way it didn't matter to her but Blackmoore was still interested in helping her gather of she needed it. "OH no, we have plenty of everything we need I'm sure. With the pups due soon, I made sure of it." It had been her top priority to be as prepared as she possibly could be. "My mother was an amazing medic and taught me all she knew she could. I always enjoyed it." She spoke with a smile.

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

The male hummed in a denying manner, as the woman before him smirked in response to his earlier question. He was too tired however to try to analyze it too much, but in any way he'd simply didn't mind that. "Well, that's still pretty young age for a pack to me." The male had smirked back at her as he'd spoke in response - after all, his birthpack was fabled to last for a hundred years by now. Which could very well be true, considering how rigid, restrictive and unbending of a social construct it had become over the years. Yet this didn't meant that willow ridge achieved any less, as oftentimes it is harder to start something new that keep it going. "But no less commendable achievement. It bids well for the future." The smirk have disappeared, replaced by a brief soft smile as his eyes returned to her after a brief look-around. Blackmoore have indeed thought so, bolstering his opinion by a knowledge of a two separate litters coming through this year, which he'd saw pretty much on his first day here.

"Have it happened recently? After our last meeting?" The dark male had mused lightly in response, as Ravenna sailed herself a few paces away, then settled on the ground. The man had took a few steps in her wake before settling himself on the ground too. "That would explain a lot, I guess." He mused again, before looking away for a moment. The man have almost opened his maw again however, as he struggled with what Ravenna had told him about the previous leader's departure. But alas he couldn't break himself to say something banal like 'I hope she'd found her' or something like this. Nevertheless - the man had wished that. In silence.

"Well, I guess that was kinda expected." The male have chuckled silently as he'd turn his maw back to the silvery woman in response to her rushed answer about not needing any help with the herbs right now. His green eyes have sparked in amusement however, as his mind picked up a curious inconsistency. "But if so, then why we'd would have to go looking for some yarrow? Wouldn't it be more exhausting for you than picking some from the storage?" He swung his head to the side a little as his eyes locked onto her with a curious gaze. "After all, interested in the arts or not - I could be tasked later to find some replacement - right?" The man chuckled again, a little louder this time as he'd let his words hang and echoed in the air, before speaking again. "And I wouldn't mind that honestly." A soft grin have come upon his face as he'd said so. "Actually I would very much like to broaden my skill set with some medicine one day." Even more so, if Ravenna would turn to be as much skilled as her mother.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
When Blackmoore first spoke up again he first said that Willow Ridge, in comparison to what he knew of, was still quite young a pack. Instantly it made her think of Torbine. Her mother couldn't tell her how long the pack had been around so far all she knew it had been around for a very long time, outliving those by far which had created it. Torbine was no average pack, however, like that of most places. Torbine's ruling had become so strong and it's ranks so large that it was no longer even called a pack, but an Empire. The stories which her mother, her aunt and uncle, and her sister told her... It was far different then the dynamics here. While Ravenna may have loved to visit the place where the Archers origin began she could not imagine living there in a place so vast. Everyone here was far more close knit, knew one another and we're by far just another body - another number.

"Perhaps." She spoke after a moment and after Blackmoore added that it was no less a commendable achievement. "At least, Willow Ridge has by far lasted longer then any other pack in the Lore and hopefully will last longer still." After all, she couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Couldn't bare it. Ravenna's thoughts fluttered to the condition which the pack was in after the death of her parents and even still after Enoki's disappearance. She and surely the few others in the ranks were not sure the pack could possibly go on. Ravenna would have gone to Torbine then if her home failed but would return to do her best to restore her Mother's legacy. Luckily this had not happened and they, with the few loyal members they had, pulled through.

Now the dark coated man before her asked how long it had been since she had been voted into leadership, to guide what few remained. It had been Sven and Leotie that day who had said they needed her in this position and they had not been wrong. "Right around the end of fall... Right before winter came." A bad time to be loosing one leader and gaining a new. The wrong situation had been rather grim, actually. He made another small comment then about this explaining the situation as he came back towards her, settling down in a sit in front of her in the same manner which she had.

Blackmoore chuckled then, a spark coming to those green eyes of his, swirling in bits of blue. It reminded her of the Lagoon waters and might have of an ocean cove had she ever seen one before. Far different then Blitz own gaze, who's green eyes were bright and light like new sprouts in the spring time. It seemed the woman had a thing for green eyes, perhaps due to the link in herbs which she so enjoyed. That's when Blackmoore spoke up about them now. He questioned her, asking why she would go out looking for yarrow if she already had her stores filled up and that he could have always refilled them back up if he used any. He laughed then again, offering a grin and said he wouldn't have mind either tk be tasked with the job, that he wanted to learn a bit of it if he could.

Ravenna hesitated on a reply a moment, the side of her mouth pulling back as she had been caught off guard by the man questioning her. Perhaps he was honestly just curious as to her motives and so she let it slide, explaining so that he may understand since of course he knew little of the art and had admited as such. "Fresh herbs plucked from the ground are always best for remedies, especially if your symptoms are strong. Herbs stored will wilt after a time, dry up and so are less potent. You can store them in water however, if there is little rain you may be out of luck." She spoke, her silver eyes moving over the man's face to gauge his reaction. "Besides," She let out with the slightest scoff. "Looking for herbs is not exhausting. It just takes time and concentration, patience." Might as well clarify that too.

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

A soft smirk crossed his muzzle before the male had replied to her in a light tone. "Well, my eyes do tell me that it will."  He spoke, without even directing his eyes to her belly, but confident in that the silvery woman would pick up what he meant. The smirk faded, as the male mused about the information he has been being told by her so far. A thoughtful look on his face as he listened, before attempting to smile again as he spoke once more. "I see." A simple comment, as the male didn't had much more to add. Well, not without prying that is...

Their conversation had moved on to herbs soon after, as the male inquired about the reasons behind Ravenna's offer to go out and seek for the herb while there was a fully stocked den nearby. The male chuckled softly after tossing the proverbial ball onto her part of her equally proverbial playing field, and he did it again as his feverishly green eyes saw a signs of short fluster creeping onto Ravenna's maw. It took her a moment to finally come with a reply, but the man had waited for it patiently. His head had tilted slightly as the male have listened to her explanation, before smiling up a little.

"If I really look that bad, perhaps we should go then?" The man casually stated, all the while rising up from his haunches before taking a few steps towards Ravenna. "I'll at least know where to look out for some relief if I'll keep having troubles adjusting to the pack life." The male added with a soft but sincere smile.

Sorry if little short (and/or crappy) - but there's a lot on my head lately. While I want to keep it going :x
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
He said that his eyes told him he was confident, as she was, that the pack would last yet still. Whether it be by the numbers which the pack held, the full caches or the two pregnant women in the ranks, Ravenna was not certain. Likely, it was all of which he had seen combined. Everything which could tell him that the pack was thriving and would not be faltering anytime soon.

Soon after Ravenna had explained her reason for offering to gather him fresh yarrow, Blackmoore questioned, stating that if he looked that bad off then perhaps they should go searching for the fresh plant after all. It was not at all that Ravenna thought he looked horrible, just that he looked tired and so she extended the offering to her newest member who had been up all night scouting the borders. He said he didn't need the help but now changed his mind and Ravenna was left to wonder if her words to him had made the male worry if his own well being. Now, more then anything really, Ravenna wished she would have said nothing at all. The yarrow was, after all, closest in the Foreword Rise and after her encounter the day before was reluctant to go outside her pack territory anytime soon before the pups were born.

She lifted then after a moment as he did, following suit after him and moving just past. She wouldn't deny him then if his request. "Come on then..." She spoke, the pregnant woman moving away from the pack den and south, towards the creek which cut through the lower end of their territory. "The Fireweed Rise is where it is closest. Just south of here. Perhaps we can find some not far from Drooping Willows tree line." She spoke as she moved off.