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Warm Greetings — The Wildwood 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(For @Dread @Nia and most importantly @Cecelia set for early morning on the 7th )

The sun filtered into the warmth of the den, the mother tucked snuggly around her littlest  daughter with her head resting upon her eldest. Nia lay directly beside them, curled carefully around the small black tuff of fur. 

Dani sighed, lifting her head slowly as to not wake either of the girls. Her gaze flickered over them and to the outside world. A warm lick offered to each in turn. Perhaps today was the day they would venture out, all of them, together. 

They had came here in hopes of keeping away from any more coyotes, but did not reside too horribly close to the pack. It was perhaps safer this way though and the white beast rested easily knowing the child's father was nearby. She waited a few more moments, enjoying the slow rise and fall of their breathing. Their safe sleeping bodies a peaceful and serene sight.

"Girls....girls rise n' shine."

Her voice a calm and soft coo but firm all the same. Danica lightly tugged on Nia's ear and nudged Cel's shoulder 
(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2018, 03:25 AM by Danica.)
Played by becca who has 60 posts.
Inactive Pup

Her short life has consisted of a lot of moving this far. She was not fond of it and rather quick to give any protest when she had to move. So it should have come as no surprise when she kicked out her stubby legs and gave a disinterested grunt at her mother's nudge. Her mother's beckoning had been soft but that hadn't changed the girl's mind too much.

Denim blue eyes peeled open to give a squinty look at the familiar form. Somewhere in the den was another familiar form, almost like Mother but not. The mother imposter didn't feed her and perhaps that was enough to raise the pudgy child from her spot. When she finally found her footing she opened her jaws.

"MaaaAAA!" She called out as if her mother wasn't right there.

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Played by WildFlower who has 97 posts.
No Rank
Nia Hervok
Nia's eyes cracked open as Danica licked her but quickly shut. The Hervok girl wasn't ready to wake up yet, and if she could play her cards right...owww. Nia inwardly complained, but didn't physically protest. Her lips were sealed and her eyes shut. She wasn't getting up. No way. 5 more mintues.

Finally the yearling let out a loud, exterated (sp?), groan at her sister's squeal. She rolled over onto her paws and stood up half crouched. She proceeded to nudge her mother and sister before exiting the den.


Her voice was sleepy and grumpy, the girl practically dragging her paws as she made her way out.
[Image: Nia.png]