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But I'll be stumbling away, slowly learning that life is okay — Vigils Keep 
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Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn
RE: A double rainbow stretches through the sky.
im reposting this here in VK, sorry for the double tags kristen

Ellery was rather active these days. For the first few weeks of her life she'd stayed with her mother within the safe confines of the den. Aside from eating, sleeping and making really cute noises the pale little bean hadn't done that much. But boy, had she grown fast! Elias almost couldn't believe it, day by day she seemed to get bigger, less willing to remain hidden in the dark. It was her time to shine, she was ready for the big wide world.

Limping close to the dens entrance, Elias stood there for a moment as he breathed out a sigh. He longed to spend more time with his little one, that was quite hard to do in the den, but on the other paw...Maybe it was all happening a little too fast. It felt as though she was born only yesterday. His gaze wandered to the sky, to the streaks of colour that arched over the horizon. It was pretty- perhaps it was a sign that it was time, that there was so much for Ellery's puppy blue eyes to take in.

"Pudding?" He called to her softly as he poked his snout into the darkness. He hoped she wasn't sleeping, he'd feel awful if he had to rouse her from a peaceful nap-Nin would probably squint at him too, she was rather protective of her only daughter after all.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Kristen who has 47 posts.
Inactive Pup peroni
Ellery Prudence Hervok
@Elias I apologize for being trash

Ellery, in the beginning, had been very curious about the outside world. She’d tried to make her way out of the den, but every time she’d tried she’d been stopped by either her parents or someone else in the pack. It had been quite frustrating at first, but eventually she’d come to understand that it wasn’t something she was supposed to do. Even if it was in her basic nature to do so. So, she’d obeyed her parents wishes and kept herself confined to the den with some bones to chew on and Mother and Papa to play with.

The familiar voice of her father came to her semi-raised, velvety ears and she paused from her gnawing on a rabbit bone. While she didn’t understand the words, she could understand tone. There was a tilt at the end, like he was curious, and it held the same flow that he normally used when he made noises at her. This led her to believe that he was calling for her. The girl obediently rose to her paws, stumbling toward the mouth of the den and raising up to bat at her father’s soft nose. A squeaking bark escaped her jaws and her small tail wagged behind her frame. What did Papa want?
Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn
It's okay, we're all trash here

She was such a good and darling girl. Though it was an awful, dreadful thing to think, he couldn't help but wonder if he and Nin had gotten lucky that the other's hadn't made it. Would they have struggled with raising four rambunctious puppies? Of course, but Elias knew he would have loved every moment of it, would have done anything and everything he could have to ensure his children would grow tall and strong, like their parents. Alas, Ellery had been the lone survivor, and what a survivor she was! Already so clever and capable! Elias truly couldn't ask for more.

He went a little cross eyed as he watched her poke his nose, and of course a massive, earnest smile dawned on his face. There she was, his special girl! His tail swished from side to side and they stood there for a moment, waving to one another as if they had been apart for a while, when in reality he had been snuggled up with her all night, till early morning. His tongue darted out and he licked her nose, unable to stop himself from giving Ellery a peck or two. That wasn't really why he'd bothered her though, so he drew back a little and gave her space to step out into the big wide world.

"Come on. Don't you want to see the outside? It's okay, I think, you're big enough." Probably. Either way he would keep her safe, limp after her like an overgrown shadow.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Kristen who has 47 posts.
Inactive Pup peroni
Ellery Prudence Hervok
He licked at her, his large tongue flicking out to boop her nose. She squeaked falling back, her puppy blue gaze wide against her platinum blonde fur. She looked up at him in confusion for a moment before scrambling to her paws, watching curiously as he moved to the side. Noises came from his mouth, soft and comforting and she began to move forward. Her head was low, gaze flickering from him to the light at the opening of the den to assess if it was some sort of trick. When he didn’t make a move to stop her, she hesitantly placed a paw outside. The light hit her already brightly colored paw, illuminating it further and warming it in its light.

She quickly withdrew it, looking up at her father with wide, inquisitive eyes. Was that supposed to happen? It didn’t hurt, so she put her paw out again. Slowly, another paw followed, then the rest of her. She emerged fully from the den for the first time, the burst of unfamiliar light causing her to sneeze. Ellery blinked a few times, her eyes watering before she looked around. So many new colors assaulted her, most of them blurry but still very clearly visible in their hues. She felt the wind rustle her pelt and she turned with a bark, expecting her father to be behind her teasing her. He was behind her, yes, but he hadn’t been the one to do it. He was too far away. She looked around, another gust jostling her and she barked fiercely. Who was teasing her?
Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

Ellery was so adorable Elias could barely stand it. She was cautious, like her Mother, but she didn't let that stop her from taking her first few steps into the daylight. He nodded along encouragingly, just a few more, she could do it! She was doing so well, even if she looked a little flustered, overwhelmed by all the new stimuli piercing her senses. Torn between wanting to comfort her and letting the cub deal with the sensations on her own he watched and waited, the moment she looked upset he would swoop in and console her, give her  all the kisses and cuddles that she could ever want!

Fortunately it never came down to that. Heck, she was such a brave and strong girl rather than be cowed by the big wilderness she held her ground and barked! So fierce and mighty, clearly cut from the same cloth as her Mother.

"What's wrong?" Elias was quick to hunker down and brush his snout against hers. "This way." He stepped up behind her and gave her butt a gentle, if not guiding nudge. "I want to show you something, then we can come back and play?

At the very least he wanted her to get familiar with the lake, to know what it was before her curiosity got the better of her.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Kristen who has 47 posts.
Inactive Pup peroni
Ellery Prudence Hervok
Suddenly, the platinum girl was given another nudge. This time it was solid, a clear pressure on her bottom and she stumbled forward. The girl whirled, moving a bit too quickly as she wobbled. Once she righted herself she playfully swatted at her Papa, a big grin on her features. But, he seemed focused on something and she looked behind her in the direction she’d been nudged. A confused look came over her, but she moved in that direction anyhow. Her steps were wobbly and uncertain and more than a few times she took a tumble as they were going, but she got up and persevered nonetheless. After all, she was a Hervok and a Selwyn!
Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

Elias grinned back at her, wide and earnest as he allowed the pup to swat his snoot. He imagined the outside world might be a little overwhelming for someone so young, but she was taking it all in her stride! Even if they weren't yet striding anywhere. About time to change that. Dipping down into a play bow, Elias wiggled his butt in encouragement, yes yest, she could do it! He pranced over to the side and slapped at the ground with his front paws, once, twice, before he galloped off and hopped about on the spot. Why did they have to wait to play? Why not start now?

"This way!"

Whenever she drew close he skitter away till they reached the edge of the lake, the vast space that was just as blue as her eyes. Drawing closer, Elias pressed a kiss or two to the top of her head. He was so proud! She'd made it all this way, despite her stumpy little legs. Elias limped to the waters edge and paddled about, splishing and splashing as though the roles were reversed, like he was the cub.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Kristen who has 47 posts.
Inactive Pup peroni
Ellery Prudence Hervok
Papa was always so energetic, so willing to play with her. Sometimes she thought he was just a big version of her. But, like father like daughter right? As they were going he would take big, galloping strides and get waaaay ahead of her. She’d squeak in protest and pick of her pace, refusing to be left behind. This was where most of her tumbles came into place, but she was too stubborn to let it affect her. He’d wait for her, hopping around in place and she swore the ground shook. Silly Papa! This process repeated many times, and by the time they’d reached the lake she was panting. She’d never been out of the den, let alone been this far! But, she wouldn’t let it slow her down.

The girl looked around with slitted eyes as her tongue lolled out of her mouth, little ears that had yet to fully erect themselves twitching in an attempt to take in the slightly muffled sounds around her. And this strange thing that Papa was splashing in? She wandered over, watching as he waded out then came sloshing back. Little droplets flung against her and she shrieked, back peddling with a surprised look on her face. What in the world was that? The shriek had been because she was startled, not because she was scared. No, in fact she looked at him in wonder. What had he done to make that happen?
Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

She was so vocal! Maybe someone else would have found all her shrieking and yelling rather grating, but not Elias, his eyes lit up as his ears flipped forward to listen, to give his daughter every ounce of his attention. She was so impossibly cute he didn't know what to do with himself. Ellery seemed to like all the comotion, seemed enraptured by the spray of droplets he sent flying her way, so he kept it up and sloshed about some more till he was panting, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth in a big goofy grin. He had never been happier, of that he was certain.

"Come on," he urged, gently as he splashed to a stop. If she wanted to keep her paws on dry land that was okay too. "Have a splash?"

Maybe it was a bit daunting for her, Elias couldn't blame her, she likely had no idea where they were, or what water even was. With a gentle, understanding smile gracing his features, he waded his way back onto the shore and stood by her side. To show her how it was done, he flicked at the water with his bird-paw, then glanced over at her daughter to see if she would try to do the same.

"It's water. We're at the lake, it won't hurt you. Just make sure keep your nose above water and you'll be fine." As if to prove his point he gently pooped her nose with his own.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Kristen who has 47 posts.
Inactive Pup peroni
Ellery Prudence Hervok
Papa was splashing around and making a bunch of noise. Her grin was wide, little puppy tail wagging behind her fluffy frame. She barked at him as if to egg him on, pacing along the edge of the shore. When the waves would recede she’d go forward, but as it came whooshing back she’d backpedal quickly. He started moving toward her, sounds coming from his mouth that she’d yet to make sense of. Her brows pulled together, head tilting to the side in wonder at what he wanted.

He came out and stood next to her, his frame towering over hers but she didn’t mind. The size just came with the territory of him being her papa.

She watched as he stuck out his paw, paying no mind to the strangeness of it. Again, it was just part of her world. She lived with giants. Mother was silver and strong, Papa was silly and walked funny. That was just the way it worked. He seemed to want her to mimic him, his attention turning to her and waiting after each showing. She hesitantly reached out a paw, tapping at the surface. The first time she recoiled with a start, but after a few times she was slapping wildly. Eventually, she even managed to wade in all on her own. She splashed around with excited yips, tongue hanging out of her little pink mouth as she laughed high-pitched puppy laughs. Wow, this was fun!