The rain that she'd fallen asleep to was gone by the time dawn's earliest light cascaded faintly across the forest. Lyanna began to stir, her eyes slowly fluttering open to take in the sight of the shine of wet grass. She'd slept so soundly that the storm that rumbled on throughout the night hadn't woke her even once. Perhaps the reason for this had been that she'd been absolutely exhausted - so much so that she remembered dozing off in the midst of her conversation with Daesamar.
Ahh yes, Desamar. The boy who'd been friendly enough for her to make an acquaintance of; the boy whose still-damp fur her face was comfortably nestled into. Unwilling to wake him, she laid as still as ice, taking in a deep breath as her sight shifted from her view of the forest to the blackness of his fur and back. With this new day, would she come to call him friend? She wasn't certain. But one thing she was certain of was how thankful she was to have had his companionship in the night, to have had the comfort of not sleeping alone in the first time in what was beginning to feel like a long time. Thankful to have heard the sound of another's voice. Thankful for the feeling of safety he'd given her. Maybe, she thought, she could find some way to thank him, for these things she wasn't sure she would be comfortable verbalizing to someone with whom she'd had such a short-lived relationship.
Perhaps he'd be up soon. If not, Lyanna was content to stay there until he did, to soak up the notion of kindness they'd shared just a bit longer until the sun warmed the earth and the rain was dried from their fur. After all, who knew how long it would be until she would come across another as amiable and not acrimonious as he was. Shutting her eyes and adjusting her head just so, she listened to the distant songs of birds starting their day.