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The kids are all wrong the story's all off — Clearwater Tarn 
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn
RE: Winter makes a comeback! A cold snap drops a dusting of snow across Relic Lore, killing early spring flowers.

Bring the noise

There was cold white stuff on the floor. Not just a little, but a whole lot! As though the fluffy whites in the sky had fallen. It hadn't been like this the night before so what had happened? Jenny had to find out! Cautiously- or at least as much as a stumbly pup could manage- she tip-toed along as she sniffed and snuffed at the cold white.  By the mouth of the den the white wasn't very deep, but as she shuffled along, out of the shelter of the trees, it got deeper and deeper till it reached her knees. That didn't bother her in the least, in her mind it was all one big game, surrounded by all this white what wasn't their to like?

She stuck out her tongue and- oh! It made her mouth hurt. It was the exact opposite of the warm yum, it was unpleasant and not tasty at all. And yet, Jenessa was unperturbed, her curiosity got the better of her as she trundled along till she came across a slight incline. A big could have easily stepped down but the task was far more daunting for the little cub. The drop was twice as tall as her, how was she supposed to get down? With a big grin, Jenny (as best as she could anyway, considering she was half buried in snow) dipped down into a play bow and wriggled her butt. She was the best jumper all around, if anyone could make it, it was her!

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

His mustard-yellow eyes blinked, slowly, at the sudden appearance of snow. A deep, troubled frown had cut across his dark features as he reclined onto his hindquarters, his chin tipped softly to one side as he examined the strange phenomenon that surrounded him. Snow… in June? It didn’t make any sense. Maybe it had something to do with the appearance of coyotes… maybe the Lore was fighting back. An exasperated huff escaped him as he rolled onto the balls of his feet, his expression grim as he glanced around the strange scene before him.

He found himself walking toward his former teacher’s den, his over-sized paws dragging through the snow. He had stopped by one of the pack’s caches first, a limp mouse hanging from his jaws; a gift for either Lenae or her daughter. Whoever greeted him first.

It appeared, though, that the latter had already escaped the dark depths of her mother’s den. His eyes rolled dramatically as he watched her pounce determinedly through the snow, her plump body struggling to cut through the abundant white powder. A sigh escaped him as he padded toward the small Selwyn, his brows furrowed as he plopped down into the snow. Dropping the mouse between his forepaws he watched her for a moment, his head canted slightly to one side. Y’gonna jump or what? He didn’t know if she understood—or cared, really. He couldn’t remember how much he could comprehend at her age. But he figured it was good to spend time with her. Especially when her mother was so important to him.

Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Little Jenny's nose twitched as an interesting new smell reached her nostrils. She'd been so focused on preparing to jump that she didn't realise she had company. Whilst her Ma would have flinched in alarm, all worried and nervous, Jenny merely offered them a big puppy smile in the hopes she'd get one in return. A little brown thing thumped to the floor as they opened their mouth to make sound. Jenessa was a clever girl, she was starting to get a hang of this mouth sound business. Soon enough she'd be a master of the art of conversation, but for now she simply made noises of her own that sort of made sense.

"Wassat!?" She yelled, shoving forward through the snow so she could get a better look-and sniff- of the brown thing he had dropped.

Gently, she prodded at it with her snoot. She half expected it to recoil at her touch, but no, it remained completely still as though it was taking a really good nap. Well, Jenessa couldn't have that, now could she? She wanted to play, to chase the little brown thing through the white till her heart was content. Grabbing a hold of the brown's wiggly pink limb, she thrust her head back and swung it around and around till she got dizzy. She stumbled, lost her footing then fell into her side, the white stuff acting as nice cushion to land on. She laid there for a moment and relinquished her grip on brown, only to raise her head to send a big, beaming smile the dark big's way. Maybe she hadn't woken the brown up but she didn't care, she was having the time of her life. Why didn't he join in?

Rolling over onto her back, Jenny kicked her legs wildly as she wriggled and squirmed. Though she'd never seen one, her impression of an upturned turtle was a true masterpiece- Cyril was lucky to witness such an impressive display.

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

The mouse had not been for her but Cyril realized, as soon as the limp creature hit the snow covered ground, that there was no getting the mouse back. He would have to collect another one for the girl’s mother once the inky blob was tuckered out. Mouse, he retorted in response to the girl’s shrill questioned, his expression soft as he studied the miniature two-eyed Odin bounce around. She prodded the limp creature with her nose, her navy blue eyes wide with curiosity before she plucked it from the ground with her teeth and began spinning it around. He blinked, dumbfounded, and collapsed onto his hindquarters to observe her. He didn’t move forward, even when she flashed a thousand-watt smile in his direction, but his lips did curl into a soft smile.

Cubs were… interesting… and he couldn’t help but wonder if he had been the same as a child. It was difficult for him to remember pieces of his childhood, mostly because he repressed a lot of memories of his father. Not because he did not want to remember Wraith, but because it was often too painful to recall on the times when his father had been alive. Even as he grew, the yearling still blamed himself for his father’s death. He did not know if he would ever get over Wraith’s death—or stop blaming himself.

Can I see? He asked, motioning for the girl to bring the mouse forward.

Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

"Mmmmm." Jenny hummed as she tossed back and forth, rolling this way and that in the snow. "Mmmmm-owse."

She'd been content to roll around, happy as could be, but she flopped to a stop as some more sounds reached her ears. He wanted her to bring him the mouse? Well... Jenny clambered to her oversized puppy-paws and toddled over to where she'd thrown her plaything. She carefully picked it up by the tail and returned to the big-black, her tail-as always- swishing behind her. Ha, she was so clever he'd never see this coming!

Jenny bent down as though she was going to gently place the mouse in front his paws once more- only to jerk her neck away as she pranced back, her eyes alight with glee and mischief. If he wanted the mouse he'd have to get it himself, Jenny wasn't going to hand over her prize without a fight!

"No see no see!" She chanted as she hopped up and down on the spot, unable to stop herself from giggling. This was too much fun! Why hadn't she played with this big before?!

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

The mouse had not been for her but Cyril realized, as soon as the limp creature hit the snow covered ground, that there was no getting it back. He would have to find something else for his mother once little Jenessa grew bored of him. The ebony yearling was actually surprised by the girl’s attempt at the word—had he caught on as quickly as her when he had been her age? It was something he’d have to ask his mother later, as he was curious about how he had been as a cub. It was hard for him, to think about his earlier memories, as he did not like thinking about his father. He missed Wraith—every day—but it was still hard. He knew, eventually, that he would have to return to the north. Face his father’s absence head-on. But he did not know if he was ready, or if he wanted to do it alone.

His yellow gaze narrowed as the girl plucked the mouse from the ground and pranced toward him. It couldn’t be that easy, could it? He remained where he was, watching her shuffle toward him with her tail sweeping behind him, waiting to see what she would do… and just as she was about to drop the limp creature at his paws she turned away with a very un-Lenae smugness radiating off her tiny body. Huh. This girl was going to be heaps of trouble, Cyril could already tell.

No see no see!

His lips curled into a soft smile but he did not move from his position. Cyril wasn’t about to give into her that easily. Jenessa can keep, he offered as his maw canted to the side, his expression still narrowed despite the softness surrounding his voice.

(This post was last modified: Jul 10, 2018, 01:00 AM by Sachiel.)
Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Jenny had hoped he would try to reach for the mouse, but he didn't take the bait. Either he had seen through her ruse or he wasn't very interested in playing. Well, that just wouldn't do! So she swung it around once more, whipping it in circles in the hopes that the movement would grab his attention and spur him into moving. Around and around the mouse span, like the wings of a windmill, but still he remained, watching her with a smile on his lips.

Jenny huffed as she ceased her spinning- maybe she was a little dizzy, again- and allowed the mouse to dangle like a pendulum, back and forth as she tried to decide what to do next. If he couldn't figure it out then maybe she had to tell him, had to make the right sounds so he could see what she wanted. She parted her lips and allowed the mouse to drop to the snowy ground then bounced over to stand in front of the black big, her little tail wagging a mile a minute. If she truly wanted him to play then she'd have to pull out all the stops.

"Sssss." She'd heard the bigs utter his name before but couldn't quite get it out, it was hard. With a frown she squinted in concentration, she could do this! "See see! Play play!" She dipped down into a play bow and grinned so wide all of her pearly whites were on show.

If asking nicely didn't work then...maybe if he made her sad he'd change his mind.

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

As expected the little Selwyn wasn’t pleased with his indifference. She continued to swing the limp mouse around in an attempt to lure him forward, but the yearling wasn’t buying it. He remained where he was, yellow pools narrowing into slits as a soft smile rolled onto his dark features. He wasn’t ready to succumb to her childish games—not yet. The ebony cub needed to learn that she couldn’t always get what she wanted, and Cyril was the right wolf to teach her that.

But the girl was determined. She dropped the mouse onto the snow and pranced toward him, her tail wagging frantically behind him. He almost laughed at her attempt at his name, but he did not want to discourage her so he kept his lips drawn tight. See see. That would do for now.

He waited until she dipped into her play bow before launching forward and pouncing on the abandoned mouse, a deep lopsided grin perched effortlessly across his dark features. He sent a small wave of powder in her direction as he covered the mouse with his paws, his pointed maw turning to look back at her to see her reaction...

(This post was last modified: Jul 10, 2018, 01:21 AM by Cyril.)
Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Jenny wasn't disappointed. One moment Cyril had been still, seemingly unphased by her attempts to entice him into playing, then in the next he rushed forward and smothered the mouse out of sight with his massive paws. Jenny's mouth dropped open in a shocked gawp, only for her to snap it shut as she frolicked forward herself. She didn't mind that he was hiding the mouse from her, he was playing! That was the most important thing in her eyes.

"Seeee!" She cheered, absolutely delighted her friend was playing along.

Skidding to a stop in front of Cyril, she batted and swatted at his paws, attempting to shove them away so she could claim the mouse as hers once more. But his paws were big and heavy, no matter how hard she pushed they didn't budge, not even a little. Maybe she ought to use her head instead? Bowing down, she pressed the crown of her head against his ankle and puuuushed so hard she left kick marks in the snow.

Well, that didn't work either. Jenny pulled back with a big huff. Her lips downturned at the corners as the cogs in her mind cranked and turned, she would get him to release that mouse! She just had to figure out how, which was far easier said than done but Jenny was a crafty little pup so if anyone could figure this out it was her.

She circled the yearling, hers flicked back, her shoulders hunched and her tail flicking in concentration like a prowling cat. Which would be the best angle for attack? His back!

The pup sprung into action and launched herself at him! This was the most fun she'd had in...forever!

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Of course the little girl was ecstatic about Cyril joining her little game. He shouldn’t have expected any other reaction. She rushed forward, her little paws scurrying over the snow as she planted herself in front of him and began pushing at his paws. Fortunately, for Cyril, he had size on his side. No matter how hard the little girl shoved his paws did not pudge, and a triumphant smile remained on his dark lips. Next she tried using her head, which did as much good as her paws. His own over-sized paws remained suctioned to the little mouse, his lanky body huddled over the limp rodent. It was going to take a lot more than a few gentle shoves to get him to move.

The girl pulled back, defeat reflecting across her dark features for a moment before she circled around the Kael-Santoro. His yellow gaze followed her along with his pointed snout, his dark brows furrowing into a line across his forehead. It did not take long for the girl to redirect her attack; her little paws propelling her off the ground and onto his back. A soft oof! escaped him as he was pushed forehead by her weight (despite there not being much weight to her), but his smile did not waver. His paws remained glued to the mouse as he flopped to the side in hopes of sending her down with him…