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Danger noodle — Skyfall Glen 
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn
RE:Jenessa, you disturb a snake who is bathing in the water.

Splish splash splooosh!

With how hot it was, Jenny just couldn't get enough of having a good paddle. The Tarn was good for splashing but she'd done it so many times by now it was old news. This place though, Jenny had found it all by herself! Yes yes, she wasn't supposed to wander off on her own but no one had been around to stop her. She'd rush home before anyone even noticed she was gone, and if they did notice her absence then the little Selwyn had her ways of worming her way out of trouble.

This place was very much like home, a big wide open space, lots of water and surrounded by so many trees. But unlike home, the floor was white and the big rocks in the distance didn't seem so close...

Wading along, Jenny's tail waved behind her, sending droplets of water flying in all directions. She was so distracted and giddy she didn't notice that she had company in the snakey variety. Finally, when she did notice it her mouth popped open in a shocked o-shape. What was that? It was long and thin, cream with browny rings that circled it's body. It was like a stick but not, because she'd never seen a stick move on it's own before! Annnd it had eyes! How weird was that?

Inching closer, she went cross eyed as she leaned in to see the noodly thing better. The sticky thing didn't seem to appreciate her at all though and made a loud hissssss sound, how rude! It was time to teach this hissing stick a lesson, Jenny style!

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

Unaware that he hadn’t been the only one out this way. Jenessa's scent was the last thing Daesamar had expected to catch while out returning from a patrol. His brown scrunched up slightly, he sniffed again, but he didn’t pick up anyone else’s scent lingering on the air with her’s. That had to mean she had come out here alone.  It’d be best to at least keep an eye on her then, with all the coyotes in the area, he didn’t want to risk her getting hurt and there wasn’t any way he could just leave her alone.

With his nose to the ground, he followed the pup’s scent, humming softly to himself as the trail started to become familiar, a grin formed on his lips, he had been out here once or twice before. Breaking through the ferns, the large youth stepped out on the shore of the pool of water. Spotting the black child playing, he opened his maw, about to call out a greeting when he noticed the stick, the soft hissing caught his attention and he perked his ears. Having grown up on the mountains, Daesamar had seen his fair share of snakes in the past.

“Jenny!’ he called out quickly, stepping right to the water’s edge. What was he supposed to do, kids barely listened to their own parents, would she even listen to him? “Please come out.” He said, his voice little more than a nervou squeak, fearful that it could be a poisonous snake.

[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Jenny's ears perked at the sound of someone calling her name. Her brows then scrunched together when she realised who it was, she recognised his face and scent but she couldn't put a name to his face. So when he told her to get out of the water she scoffed. Why should she do that? With a cheeky little smile she looked back to the wriggly stick, it was far more interesting than he was. Why would she want to get out of the water when it was so much more interesting than the shore?

"Nuh-uhhhhhhhhhh." She hollered back, not realising that her voice was just riling the snake up even more. "Dun wanna!" And then for good measure. "Ma said I could!"

That was a lie, Ma had said nothing of the sort, but he didn't know that did he?

(This post was last modified: Jul 29, 2018, 06:22 PM by Jenessa.)
[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Her mother said she could? He didn’t believe it for a second, @Lenae hadn’t seemed like the kind of mother that would let her daughter roam so far without supervision. Besides, there was the issue of the snake, Daesamar didn’t know if it was poisonous or not and he knew he couldn’t live with himself if the pup got bitten on his watch. How could he get her out though? Did she understand the concept of danger and death yet? He could just rush in there, snatch her up and deposit her on solid ground, but that ran the risk of the snake biting her or himself.

He sighed softly, stepping to the edge of the bank “Please come back, your mother wanted me to…” He paused, what could he use? Did she like stories? Games? Trying to kill herself with deadly predators? A smile formed on his lips as he got an idea “She wanted me to teach you all about that hissing stick thing!” he said, grimacing inwardly at the lie. Having been raised, to be honest, he felt horrible resorting to it, maybe he could talk to Lenae later about it. “I’m Daes by the way.” he added, hoping he could draw her attention away from the snake and let it swim away.
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

You couldn't trick the trickster.

Daes could try and lure her back as much as he wanted, his soft words had no effect on Jenny. She rolled her eyes as he claimed that her Ma had sent him, that he'd come here for a reason. If that was the case then why hadn't Ma said so earlier? Ma wasn't one for surprises, she was pretty predictable, so he was lying! And he thought she'd fall for it, shame on him. Instead of calling him out, Jenny's lips pressed into a thin smile.

If he wanted to teach her about it then...

"Reallly?" I gitit for yooou." She sang as she splished closer to the wriggly, hissy stick.

Understandably, the snake was none too pleased and reared up, it's fangs bared. Jenny, being the little shit she was paid no head and reached down to grab a hold of it. Where would be best? It's loooooooooong neck, or the wriggly tail?

(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2018, 04:08 PM by Jenessa.)
[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
She was insane, she had to be. Daesamar realized it when he saw her reaching for the snake, his blood running cold. Was she trying to get herself killed? If it was poisonous there’s no way she’d survive it. He looked around frantically as the snake’s fangs flashed. That was the last straw. The large yearling hurled himself into the water, causing a large splash as he rushed toward the crazy child. “Jenessa no! It could be deadly!” he yelped.

He paused, stumbling on the uneven ground of the water, his eyes wild and frantic, he had to get her away from it, the quickest way he could think was to simple grab her and toss her at the shore. He tried this by reaching for her scruff and growling “Hold still.”
(This post was last modified: Sep 03, 2018, 06:38 AM by Daesamar.)
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Jenny was many things, but she wasn't crazy. How was she supposed to know the risk the wriggly stick posed? No one had ever told her about snakes before, it wasn't her fault it seemed like a toy to her. When he yelled at her, the little pup grit her teeth and shot him a hot glare. How dare he tell her what to do. It wasn't as if she was misbehaving,  and he wasn't even a real adult anyway.

And then, before she could even reach the stick he grabbed a hold of her by the scruff of her neck. The pup wriggled and kicked in an attempt to pry herself loose. In the commotion the snake, having decided it wanted no part in this drama, made a quick get away. Jenny on the other paw was well and truly stuck, no matter how much she struggled he wouldn't let go. How very dare him! She hated him!

"GETOFFGETOFF!" She screeched at the top of her lungs. She would make him regret this, if he didn't already.

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
It was like he was wrestling a rabid squirrel at this point. The pup squirmed, yelled and kicked furiously, but he somehow managed to keep a grasp of the flailing child and somehow he stayed upright inside of the water. At times it seemed to be almost four times her height had its advantages. Giving up on trying to calm her, he turned and focused more on getting back to the shore without her drowning him.

The snake was gone, he realized that once he felt his forepaws touch the upward slope of the water’s edge and the sodden yearling grunted softly before finally setting the girl down on the ground. He turned away for a moment and gave his thick pelt a good long shake to try and dislodge all of the water that had accumulated into his saturated fur. Turning back around he said “Sorry about that, that thing was a snake, if it bit you, you coulda died.” unaware that he was about to face the wrath of an angry cub.
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Jenny was having none of it, she wouldn't listen to reason. How very dare he! Her eyes were as venomous as the snake as she scowled up at him, her hackles raised as she arched her tail high. She wished she could strike out at him, tear him asunder. Who did he think he was? He was a nobody, not like her Ma or Da, not even Pi. Her pretty face scrunched up tight as her ears pinned back against her skull. Oh if her Ma heard the words she was about to say...


(This post was last modified: Sep 07, 2018, 02:14 AM by Jenessa.)
[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar visibly flinched at the amount of emotion that filled Jenny’s words. Even though she was young and overreacting to the words cut deeply. His ears folded back and Daesamar’s posture slumped forward. His tail curled slightly, waiting until she was done, there was an apology on the tip of Daesamar’s tongue. Something changed though, a brief flashback to his own puppyhood. When it had been needed, his mother had been stern with him. If he backed down toa child, then she’d never learn anything.

Rising up to his full hight Daeamar’s silver eyes narrowed before a low growl rumbled deep inside of his chest. He was still young, not even a full adult, but he was NOT a child and he wasn’t going to let one talk to him like this, one from his own pack no less. Leaning in his sodden hackles rose and his lips drew back in a snarl{b} “Get back to the tarn now! or you’ll regret it, I’ll be sure your mother and father hear about this.”
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