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A Place to Hang our Hats — Vigils Keep 
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Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
@Judas  Set directly after this thread

The pair walked in silence, leaving behind them the expectant parents and the rest of their official pack mates. There was little reason for chatter. They were on a mission after all. One of top priority, in the Vuesain's eyes. @Nineva was welcoming new life into their lakeside home at this very moment. And, having experienced the stresses of labor once herself, Neha new that any vulnerable tiny infants needed warm, dry shelter. The thought of how exposed her silvery leader was by the lake brought up an old memory. This time last year, she had welcomed Sachiel into the world. He had almost been born in a flooded river, which she had been forced to cross while contraction after contraction wracked her body. It seemed that the two mothers shared their luck in that they had the support of a pack backing them up, both in the past and now, in the present.

The idea of motherhood ever again was frankly, a topic that never once, crossed Neha's mind. She was too scarred, too drowned in a potentially toxic mixture of her self loathing and failures. She had failed herself, her son, and perhaps even her heritage. She hadn't the faintest idea of where Sachiel might be, and if he would even want to see her. Until or if she made amends and faced her past, she was no wolf fit for parenting again. But at least she could make sure Nineva, her children and the pack had a safe den.

Instincts guided her deep into the forest, towards the heart of the territory. Down through shallow ravines and over rocky ledges, she traversed with the dark male behind her. Every nook or hollow that caught her eye, she scanned, evaluating it for it's suitably. "...We should select a communal den site first, then worry about the infirmary." She commented while removing her snout from a shallow opening in the ground. As she moved on, the great trunk of a mature redwood tree slipped into her vision. Down her eyes trailed, along the sprawling roots which entwined and gave way to rock. The dark mouth of the cave was overgrown with moss, tangled vines and leaves, but it was there nonetheless. Brows pinching, she sent Judas a curious look before approaching for a closer inspection.

(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2018, 03:18 AM by Neha.)
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer
visual referenceThink eldergleam sanctuary in skyrim. This is what came to mind for me as I wrote this.

i'll be watching

from the center of the hollow moon

A silence struck and for this Judas was fine with. The yearling was never the type of wolf to hold his tongue in the least bit, harboring a drive to speak his mind and without holding anything back even if it meant curbing his words out of respect or two avoid reprimanding. This did not mean however that he ran his mouth just for the hell of it. He didn't need the mindless chatter especially now when they had work to do. Odd for Judas, given the fact that he had never been known by his family as a hard worker. No, leave that up to @Samael and @Macha. Still he was able to work on this task of only because it meant wondering aimlessly, exploring, and getting into things. It was the perfect mission and he was quite pleased with himself he had thought of it.

He trailed behind her ever willingly, looking over places she did, looking at others to see if something was missed. Even a small hole in the group could do Nineva some good even if it meant finding something for the rest of them later. "Okay, sounds good." He spoke, not objecting. It was in his nature to follow the command of a woman, something which he found hard to shed. A youth like himself or someone very obviously weaker might be different but Neha showed no signs of this.

It was only a moment or two when Neha paused, turning her attention to Judas in curious question of what she had come across. Judas approached, his body easing along the side of Neha, throwing personal space to the wind. With four other siblings and three mothers he had never had any himself. He figured he would bravely and perhaps, arrogantly go in first. It had nothing to do with his size compared to hers, really, but the fact that it was his place to fight and take the blunt of any damage.

Moving past the mosses and hanging vines which nearly made the shallow opening invisble, Judas slipped into the cave opening. Slinking nearly on his stomach into the entrance, he lifts up back to his full height within the cavern. It was a large open area, both rocky in places with little slabs and platforms and then mossy in others. Grass even grew in here with a few bits of wildflower which all lingered around a lake redwood which stood out in the middle if the cavern. Above the tree the caverns roofing gave way for a small sunroof which shined down to light up and tree and leave the rest of the cave in a dim glow.

"Holy crap...." The words slipped past his lips as he took a few steps closer, looking over the area. It was freaking amazing. Unlike any other cave he had ever seen. Once more this part of the Lore seemed to fascinate him still. "Looks like you found the secret back door." He spoke out to Neha though his eyes never left the scenery before him as he jut his black muzzle across the cave to where another, larger opening lie.

(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2018, 01:47 AM by Judas.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Several coyote abandoned a half-eaten deer. But before you can take a bite they reappear.
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

She paused while he went on ahead, paying no mind to the breach of her personal space. Normally she would have objected, but she was too focused on securing a den site. Time was a factor. Nineva, Elias and their newborn cubs were waiting. She took note of how he was nearly forced to crawl upon entry, for a male of his size. From her perspective, this was not at all a bad thing. A tight fit like that meant that any larger predators or rivals would have quite the tough time of it squeezing in. Just what a fledgling pack and their vulnerable cubs needed. Built in, natural defense. Satisfied with this, Neha followed suit, albeit with less difficulty thanks to her smaller, thinner frame.

Once inside and after her eyes adjusted, she took it all in. Her brown eyes widened, dark lips parting slightly as she gazed from floor to ceiling. Inside it was large...cavernous. Littered with ledges and platforms on which to rest, the ground dotted with moss, grass and even flowers. It was almost like a miniature forest. But most amazingly of all, was the lone, grand redwood tree which took center stage. Above it was the icing on the cake, the small opening which filtered in rays of sun, bathing the cave in a gentle light. For a long moment, she was speechless. "Hot damn..." She uttered, still breathless. "This is amazing...unlike anything I've ever seen. And I've been around..." In an unexpected display of rare enthusiasm, she bounded forward with an almost foreign spring in her step. While Judas headed towards the larger opening ahead, she was on patrol, checking the immediate area and any hidden nooks, just to make sure that their find was un-inhabited.

Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer

i'll be watching

from the center of the hollow moon

Judas listened in on the older, smaller wolf's words, stating that she had never seen anything like this before in all the traveling she had done. Already Judas even as he just approached his first year of life, had traveled quite a bit to. He had left his home in the Devilsbite Dell and traveled to the Lore with his brother and now they both had joined this group to travel to the far reaches of the north with them. Quite a feat for a youngster, he felt, though he did not leave any of this to luck, chance or fate. Judas, as he looked up at the opening above the large tree, knew all this came down to the will of Moon Mother. After all, he could not imagine that it had been just luck that he had found a den where he could be seen by Moon Mother both out in the opening and underground. Surely she wanted to keep a constant eye on her children.

As Neha began checking all the nooks and cranny of the area, Judas set to work by walking along the length of the wall line, scenting for any large predators that may have called this place home recently. He caught the smell of hares, mouse and some other small rodents, making him believe that this place had been a sanctuary to some or perhaps just a place to hide from the predators outdoors. Though he smelt nothing of concern as of yet.

As he approached the larger opening of the den he looked out the opening, noting the lush forestry outside. This part of their territory was filled with dense vegetation - mosses, tall grass, ferns and the like. He saw no one. Poking back into rounded cavern, he make way back along the wall towards where they had found the small hidden entrance. It was here he came to two more openings, slightly larger then the first they had entered. The two openings were just next to one another, leading to another possible corridor. "Hey, over here." He spoke as he tossed his muzzle over his shoulder and then looked down into one of the openings, his nose at work. Now where would this take the pair?

(This post was last modified: Jun 23, 2018, 07:48 PM by Judas.)
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

She took her sweet time in her search. Analyzing the suitability of a potential den was something that could not be rushed. Bearing in mind that there would be children to look after, it was absolutely critical that this site would be a haven, rather than treacherous pit. She smelled nothing, save for the stale scent of rodents, hares, damp earth and moss. Her eyes flicked up occasionally to the form of Judas, who by now had reached the far side of the cave, peering out through the front entrance. She trusted the young male enough in his judgement.

As he rounded back, flanking along the same wall that she had been inspecting, his call got her attention. She had just been about to deposit her scent there, effectively claiming it as her own, and thus,the packs as well. Yet this wondrous miniature little world had one more surprise in store for them. "What is it?" She pressed, hurrying over to his side. Before her eyes gaped two openings in the rock. "Hmm...this is worth a closer look. It could be just the place for the infirmary." She went ahead of him and squeezed into the opening on the left. Her body was smaller, narrower, enabling her to more thoroughly investigate the space. From within her voice came after a moment. "Looks good...nothing in here but some debris that'll need cleaning away."

(This post was last modified: Jul 20, 2018, 01:02 AM by Neha.)
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer

i'll be watching

from the center of the hollow moon

Neha questioned and then quickly made her way over to his side to which his nose reached forward, sniffing into the smaller opening. If they went in one at a time they could fit though he found himself holding back as the older female moved forward into the opening. He waited impatiently on the other side, his throat tightening as he held back a whine as silence befall for a few moments. Was there danger? Was there a drop off in there? His dark grey eyes darted around the large opening he was in, looking for any ill signs. Only a few moments more and she answered, saying it looked okay in there but that the area would need cleaning up if they were going to make any use of it. He let out a breath and nodded instinctively although she could not see it. Poking his head in the tunnel he spoke. "Got it. Ya know I've been wondering about the opening we got here over the tree, like when it rains... Looks like the water might flow down into the back opening we came through. I figure it's got to have a good flow out or else it would be mucky and flooded in here..."

As he spoke out loud he found himself trailing off, his thoughts mostly just something to bounce off the other woman in case she had any concern or wonders about it too. As he trailed off he found his attention pulling to the other hole in the rock face directly next to the one Neha went into. He slipped in, crouching just slightly. The corridor wasn't long at all and at its ending was a rounded off room, fitting with an opening to the outside world. "Think we found us a nursery too." He spoke as he stepped towards the mouth of the densite and out into the greenery of their territory. It was perfect. Perfect in a manner he could have never imagined. Far different from a pack den in the ground under the roots of a tree and far different then a wet cavern behind a waterfall. Perfect. It had to be Moon Mother.

Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
Wrap this up with our next posts?

From within the depths of the tunnel she was investigating, she heard his comments pertaining to the opening around the tree. Her ears flickered in thought, while she considered him. If it was true that the cave did not flood when it rained, then the pack would be lucky to have such good drainage here. After completing her inspection, she slowly backpedaled out, minding the rough walls on either side. With her head free, she gave a good shake of her coat. "If nothing else it'll make for a fine view at night."

Just as she had emerged, he had slipped in the entrance next to the one ideal for an infirmary. Sitting patiently just outside, she lowered her head down just enough to see in. Watching and listening, just in case he would need any assistance. When his voice came, it was with more good news. The tunnel would be ideal for a natal den, for the pups Nineva was having at this very moment. "Well then...I think it's safe to say we really lucked out with this find." She paused, in case he would retrace his steps or remain outside in the forestry. Either way, Neha was ready to start laying claim to the den by marking it with her scent...that this place now belonged to Vigils Keep.

Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer
Sounds good.

i'll be watching

from the center of the hollow moon

The partner he had been paired with and tasked to find a place to rest shifted through the cavern, speaking out to him about having been lucky to find this place. Her scoffed to himself, a smirk spreading over his features as he thought of Moon Mother and how he believed it was she which graced them with this place to be the heart of their home, the communal den which they would spend much of their time together as a newly formed pack.

Moving along the brush outside he made round to the large opening to the main den carved into the side of many towering rocky labyrinth walls in this forestry. Judas brushed his dark coated body along the rock walls as he moved into Neha's direction once more. Dark grey eyes looked her over a moment before up to their 'sky light'. "Guess we should mark up the place and then find the others." Judas knew with Nineva in labor and Elias at her side and the rest marking the boards of their home it would be up to him and Neha here to hold down the fort for awhile.


Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

With their find approved and decision unanimous, now it was time to finish up. With @Nineva laboring at this very moment, time was critical. She and her pups would need a safe haven. One heavily marked, stating that it was claimed by the wolves of Vigils Keep. "Right. Let's get to it, then we'll get the word out." She stated, all business now that they were under the pressure of time.

Slipping outside the same large opening as he, she skirted round to the opposite side. Using her body, paws and chemical deposits, she spread her scent generously around the brush, craggy rocks and most importantly, the dual openings of the new pack den. With as spacious as it was, it would take some time to get the job done, inside and out. They would be here a while, but Neha was dedicated to the task.


Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.