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Slight of hand — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
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Adeltra Archer
scouting dem 2/3

The male seemed to leer at them, sizing them up and she was quick to stare right back. The girl would not back down unless directly attacked. She was confident but not stupid, the male was larger and obviously more experienced than her. She didn’t like it when he seemed to be lingering the longest on her cousin and her tail gave a small flick behind her frame. Adeltra was a friendly girl, a perfect liaison, but she was also protective of her family.

Suddenly, a small nod was given from the male before he was off charging gallantly at the largest coyote. She scoffed, auds flickering toward Tilly as she spoke. A grin stretched across her maw, a mischievous glint to her honeyed-amber gaze. You’re on, she said then took off. As a scout Adeltra was quick, but the girl was quicker and quickly pulled away from her. This didn’t wound her pride too much as her attention shifted, a more serious look crossing her features as she went after the neared coyote with a snarl.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2018, 01:28 AM by Adeltra.)
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

The moment Ravenna had adressed the large man, his attention snapped to her. His firey stare was piercing, bright, attentive. Her sharp and ever pale silvered gaze remained on him, lingering there a moment. She could find no recognition in that stare that suggested he was the first born son of Elettra Archer for his eyes burned the fire of Kiche. Still in that moment of capture she was interested, curious. It only further expanded with his silent nod and I'm an instant he was off. He needed to further reason and even as a loner had decided to join the Archers against the coyote when he did not have to. Unknowingly, he was an Archer, fighting with the generations of kin that had been created in the years after his absence.

In seconds after he had taken off, the two yearlings followed, Tilly's laughter filling the air, Adeltra hot on her tail. Ravenna did not doubt the youth's could take on the smaller canines and if not Ravenna and Asriel were here to back them up.

Moments after Asriel collided with the largest of the group another coyote went into the defense - a female, likely protecting her mate. The coyote rounded Asriel as though to attack his backside and in that instant Ravenna in her run lifted in a surge forth, turning slightly and slamming her shoulder into the ribs of the coyote hard enough to slam her into the ground and roll. Ravenna slid forward, nearly falling into the coyote as she was all jaws, biting and tearing at anything and everything she could.

the biggest fire they've ever seen
(This post was last modified: Jun 02, 2018, 02:46 AM by Ravenna.)

Played by Jess who has 86 posts.
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Asriel Archer
Asriel's onslaught was savage. The weight of his body plus his momentum knocked the coyote backwards, teeth gnashing as it protested and begged with high-pitched cries. Its teeth slipped through the fur of his shoulder, and managed to snap a couple times at the skin there, but Asriel's shoulder muscles were dense, and his skin tough; the coyote's teeth did little more than possibly bruise him and inflict minor puncture wounds where the blood began to bead, dark crimson droplets hanging off the ebony tufts of hair. It did little to deter him- and it didn't take Asriel long to bully the coyote into a position in which he was able to grab its throat, and shake his head with a resounding growl. Despite the rapid motion, his grip did not lesson, and after several thrashes of his head, he paused, and the coyote's mouth lolled open. It tried to work its jaw and lifted one forepaw, pressing it feebly against Asriel's chest as though to beg for mercy, but by that point, the most merciful thing that could happen to the coyote was bestowed upon it. He thrashed his head once more, and almost instantly heard the snap he'd been listening for. 

Deftly, he let the coyote's throat go, and it slumped to the ground, eyes still wide with the fear it had felt just a moment before it had died. One paw gave a small twitch, but apart from that, it was still. He hastily spat the few strands of beige fur out, ran his tongue over his bloodstained teeth before he turned his head to regard the others. The closest to him was the silver female, who, he'd noted, had charged the coyote which had taken a lunge for him- likely a close friend of the one he'd felled. He hadn't reacted to its charge as it wouldn't have mattered much to him. Even if it had gotten a hold of him, he would still have dispatched its friend before he inflicted his wrath upon it. That task, however, fell to Ravenna, who had rammed into the smaller canine and sent it rolling, diving in after it and snapping viciously with keen teeth. The two younger females had targeted the other coyotes who did not seem to possess the fighting spirit that Ravenna's coyote did, so rather than intervene, he watched, glancing from one fight to the next; judging his family members on their ability to handle a fight with a coyote but still ready to step in lest one of them lose the upper hand. 
Avatars by Allie <3
Played by becuffin who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Matilda Archer
Her whole world in that moment was in her mouth. A snarl was offered around the mouth of skin that she had grabbed as teeth collided with her cheek, stretching for her neck, grabbing a shoulder. Frantic yelps filled the air and the coppery tang of blood was on her tongue and everywhere. There was a bodily tug-o-war between two sets of jaws, and one of them would have to relinquish sooner or later in hopes of a better hold. The young Archer wasn't foolish, she knew the coyote had the upper paw for now so she released.

It obviously hadn't been expecting the sudden release of pressure, just as she hadn't expected the same. Thinking perhaps now that it had been goaded into a fight it would stay, she was taken by surprise when skittering paws slipped across the dusty ground and into the surrounding willows. She would have pursued, probably should have, but there were other wolves here, and while Ravenna and Asriel seemed more than capable of managing for themselves, she couldn't bring herself to let Adeltra have all the fun, despite the ache in her shoulder and stinging of her face. She noticed the large male was done, a half smile tugging at her lips as she pranced closer to the other yearling, wondering how the coyote would take her presence now the tables had well and truly turned.
Hammering the nails
[Image: lFdPYfu.png]
Into a sacred coffin
Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Sorry about the hold up! Scouting dem 3/3

The sound of fighting was surrounding them, yelps and snarls bing emitted from both sides. It wasn’t long before bodies began hitting the ground, and thankfully none of them were from the wolves. Adeltra was in a circling match with hers, each walking carefully around the other before making a sudden move in in an attempt to scrap teeth across skin or find purchase on an ear or some other vulnerable part. Addy had a few nips that bled small droplets from her face and neck, but each wound was matched in full on her opponent. She would not allow herself to be bested by a lesser canine.

The eyes of the canine traveled from her to a distraction behind her and she took the chance to lunge forward, teeth sinking into the animal’s shoulder and shoving her full weight into it. It yelped, stumbling and she gave another shove until her weight and momentum bested it. Once it was on the ground, it was all over from there. It’s teeth cut at her ears and cheeks but she steeled herself against the pain of it. Then, her head jumped up to snatch the coyote’s throat. A hoarse cry came from it’s jaws as it thrashed, but to no avail. Her jaws were in place and going nowhere. Eventually, the body went limp.

The girl dropped it and stepped back, giving herself a shake and a snort in the direction of the now dead animal. Her attention went to those around her, finding all but Ravenna finished with their fights. The male was watching from the sidelines while Tilly also watched and the girl felt confident that they would step in it needed. She wouldn’t let her alpha out of her sight, but she needed to do a little investigating. Heading toward where the group of coyotes had initially shown up, she sniffed at the spot they had marked. Just as she had suspected, it hadn’t just been their scents on it. There was a multitude of scents, layered and layered upon each other like it was a battle. She scowled and squated, exuding her own scent over that of the mongrels who had no business marking there. The girl gave another sniff around, marking other spots nearby that had been marked by coyotes. She grew more and more concerned with how close they got to the borders, her tail lashing. She turned around and headed back to the group, needing to speak to Ravenna once she had finished her fight.
(This post was last modified: Oct 01, 2018, 04:06 AM by Adeltra.)
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

It was a truly unfair match to the coyote, for not only was Ravenna bigger because she was a wolf, she was also large for a wolf as well. Had the coyote been able to catch Ravenna before she came near it may have felled better for it was more limber, faster. It could have danced around Ravenna, inflicting small and effective wounds. But not only was it caught off guard at it tried attacking Asriel, it did not prove a seasoned fighter either. Ravenna was able to pin the coyote down on its side and whilst it's legs flailed the silver Amazon still managed to grab around the side of its neck, breaking into the sensitive jugular vein. The coyote was left unable to fight then, unable to move and Ravenna lifted up and left the creature to its own devices and it bled out.

By now as she took a look around, Tilly was trotting towards Adeltra and she was marking the territory where the coyote had tried taking over. Giving her coat a shake, Ravenna made way over to them once more, taking note of the sounds to Tilly's cheek and shoulder, then Adeltra as she came back around, her own cheek and side of her neck. Ravenna could not help the concerned frown but she knew the yearlings would be okay. Maybe a bit of scarring under the fun mostly but as long as the wounds did not get infected they would be in the clear.

After a moment of looking them over and dipping her head in a silent 'job well done', Ravenna's attention turns to the dark coated stranger with the copper backside. "Mind if I get the name of the man that helped my family and I out?" She tilts her head slightly and I'm another breath adds for good measure... "I'm Ravenna Archer-Lyall. I rule a portion of the willows nearby."

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by becuffin who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Matilda Archer
moving this along so we can wrap it up.
It seemed the man wasn't willing to answer Ravenna's question, so Tilly spoke up to fill the gap. "Ah, yer probably already guessed, but I'm Tilly, which make yer my Aunt Ravenna." She emphasized the relationship, not noting the way the dark man seemed to take a slow fade into the willows. "I was jus' passin' through, promise I didn' mean ter cause yer this much trouble!" Her head dipped and tail tucked apologetically, though it mantained a slight wave in the bend. "I was actually on my way ter check in with ma... kinda... didn' warn her before wanderin' off again, but what can yer do?" After all, she was an Archer and a Lyall, itchy paws were in her blood.
Hammering the nails
[Image: lFdPYfu.png]
Into a sacred coffin
Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
@Ravenna your fade c:

Much to her surprise, and aggravation, the man seemed to completely ignore Ravenna’s question. Instead, he made a quick retreat. Luckily, the retreat was away from the pack territory or Addy would have given chase. At the moment, however, they had more on their plate. With the events that had just transpired, it was better for them to get back into the territory. Let the man get mauled if he wanted to.

Her attention turned back to her silver cousin, moving to bump against her side. “We should probably get back to the Willows, yeah? I don’t think even these mongrels will cross the borders. Maybe Tilly can come with us, and we can send her back to Morganna with Blitz and Sven?” she suggested. She didn’t want her to go alone, and Sven and Blitz would be more than enough backup.

(This post was last modified: Oct 04, 2018, 04:14 AM by Adeltra.)
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

The silver woman did not get a response but only a silent look, a nonspoken farewell as he slipped away quickly. Perhaps overwhelmed by what had happened, perhaps unwilling to let others know who he was for one reason or another. Either way, Ravenna's attention tilted down to the yearlings who spoke - Tilly first, introducing herself formally and stating she had not meant to cause so much havoc with the coming of the coyote and stating she was on her way to catch back up with her mother after having wondered off.

Eyes shifted to Adeltra, suggesting not only they return home but bring Tilly along with them for the ride. Always the wise little girl for her age, Ravenna nods in agreement. "Yes, why don't you come with us and rest up for the night and I put something on those wounds to make sure they don't get infected? Then we can have one of our guardians help you over to my sister's homeland?" She spoke with a wave of her tail, urging the girl on with her forehead and making way back to the safety of the Willows.


the biggest fire they've ever seen
(This post was last modified: Oct 08, 2018, 01:18 AM by Ravenna.)