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Where do I belong? — Altar of Fire 
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Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Zev sat on a small rock stock still and looked up at the clear starry sky. He was usually silent, not uttering any kind of chant or prayer. His teeth were pressed together as if to stop himself from doing so and he eyes sought answers in the stars.

His last sacrifice was to the moon god so he was hoping to answers, however he was not getting anywhere, did his gods forsake him? No that could not be, perhaps he should find a worthy sacrifice to the sun. For that god was strongest and that god alone had the strength to make the changes necessary. Wasn’t it the sun gods fault he had left on the hunt of the bear? Annoying creature that it was for dieing before a proper offering could be made.

But then perhaps it was time he had paid more attention to the other gods, for they worked in more mysterious ways and they were far less demanding. Zev narrowed his eyes and peered into the shy then his tense jaw dropped open and he gasped aloud as stars or as humans knew them as, meteors sped across the sky.

He was on the right track, of this he was sure he needed to spread his time between all the deities. He lowered his muzzle and closed his eyes.  I belong to the gods, I live to serve the gods, the gods need honoring. He spoke these words over and over trying not to think of his lost @Rosalin His Bascha I belong to the gods, I live to serve the gods, the gods need honoring. He may have slept sitting still while chanting incessantly, or perhaps he reached a restful meditative state, he continued his chanting reverently until dawn broke

As the sky lit up in it’s purple an blue hues the brute stood stiffly and hopped off the rock. It was time to stock up his herbs and quit sulking. The first herbs he would seek would be the common Yarrow and Comfrey. These help fix most aliments, but he mostly wanted cayenne peppers. And he needed to find the rest of his transplanted Ayahuasca vine.
(This post was last modified: Oct 08, 2018, 04:31 PM by Zev. Edit Reason: added tags )
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
I feel numb, born with a weak heart

The yearling watched the large brute of a wolf hop off the rock with a skeptical glare. He hated big wolves. They were dumb logs of people, empty shells covered in weight. There was something about relic lore that spawned them like blades of grass. Every wolf he met was a giant, all brawn and no brain. He searched the air for a scent, expecting him to be pack- but nothing. Interesting. If there was anything he hated more than big wolves, it was big wolves in packs. This male didn’t smell like pack though, earning a few brownie points from the small scrappy yearling. His curiosity grew, his eyes following the man. He considered leaving it, but curiosity got the better of him. “Aye,” he shouted. He made his way over, his small form weaving through the area until he was comfortably close to the mystery man. “I don’t recognize you.”

It wasn’t completely accusatory, but nosey nevertheless. Vaken travelled a lot. He had met quite a few loners in the area, but he couldn’t remember seeing one quite this big. “I’m Vaken. “

I guess I must be having fun
(This post was last modified: Oct 28, 2018, 01:27 AM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Zev froze the moment he hopped of the rock, a rabbit stirred and ran by startled by his sudden movement and with one quick pounce Zev's impressive bulk landed on the creature and his teeth snapped it's neck. But he was not done Zev lay the rabbit down and pulled at the flesh of it's neck and loosed the blood, then he grabbed the still twitching hind end and held the rabbit inside down allowing the blood to drain upon his paws, he waited patiently until his felt the blood seep between his toes then the shook his head and send blood spattering like rain upon the ground and the rock he had sat upon, he cast the rabbit's body aside and placed his bloody paws upon the rock and swiped his paws to the left twice as if he were trying the dig though the rock but the stopped and placed his pressed his head upon the bloody smears speaking reverently he whispers **Cua nitlaitacatl tlamanalli teotlahtolli  tehuatl  tetotopixqui teoyohtica quintlazohcamachilia

Covered in blood he turned his attention to the rabbit and ate it voraciously in just a few bites, swallowing fur, bones and flesh leaving nothing behind, not even quivering as the texture of fur fell down his throat, he was about to move off when he halted in his place, he heard another voice, Aye.. it said, someone was up early, hunting perhaps? He stopped and stared as the other had to audacity to question him as if the other owned this area, I don’t recognize you said the other as it came to a halt close by. A drop of blood fell from the top of Zev’s head to the ground. The rest blended in with the dark matted fur.

Zev grinned wondering if the wolf saw what had just happened or what the other thought of his blood stained appearance; blood would have run down his chest before pooling at his paws, the equivalent of a kid making a huge mess with a single smartie.

The other wolf gave its name apparently it wanted to exchange pleasantries. Zev drew a deep breath drawing in as much information as he could. It was not a pack wolf, it did not spend a lot of time in this area, it was a male, and it was not alpha or otherwise dominant by nature. Zev stared at the other wolf with light blue eyes concerned for it’s sanity, no strange wolf usually liked to interact with him.  

Zev… He offered in return then he lay down in the blood on the ground rolled over twice and stood to give his hefty frame a good shake sending unkempt fur everywhere. Showing the other wolf he was unconcerned about it attacking him since rolling exposed his understand briefly but nor was his actions anywhere near submissive either just accepting of the other wolfs proximity

Have you seen any arnica plants? Zev questioned as if deciding to try to prolong the other’s company

**Roughly translated both ways as** I Eat this food offering prayer your priest thanks the gods for it
(This post was last modified: Oct 28, 2018, 05:53 PM by Zev. Edit Reason: forgot to colour his native language )
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
when I'm bad I'm better

Vaken understood having a messy appearance. He rarely groomed himself, even after hunting- but this? He starred at the wolf as he rolled, his eyes narrowed in hesitant disbelief. It felt wrong. This wolf, Zev, he was covered in blood, clearly from a fresh hunt. Rolling in mud would only harden it, stick it to the fur. It didn’t add up in the boy’s mind, but he quickly shook it off. It wasn’t his body to worry about, and he wasn’t in the market for offering hygienic advice. Even now, the yearling knew his own fur was matted and scruffy, sticking out all over the place. His winter coat bulked him up a little, but only made the mane around his neck even more prominent.

His gaze travelled down to the pool of blood, disinterest clouding his expression. He had seen wolves eat in a variety of aways, none more gruesome than any other. Meat eating was always a messy endeavour. He didn’t care much about politeness or empathy- a meal was a meal. It seemed cave-man like, aggressively uncivil, but it didn’t bother the small wolf at all either way. He had no qualms about playing with your food. “Zev.” He repeated dryly. It was a short and simple name, not bad, easy to remember- good. There was no nice to meet you or nice name, only an emotionless head nod.

He watched the man shake out his fur, dust and debris dancing into the air. He politely stood back, attempting to avoid being hit with a patch of fur. It was apparent at this point that there was something off about Zev, but it was easily ignored. The boy assumed it was low IQ, some sort of big-wolf syndrome that made large male wolves as interesting and intelligent as a wall of rocks. “Couldn’t tell ya,” he grunted, lifting his front paw to wipe a little fleck of dirt off his nose. “I’m not a medic. I don’t pay any attention to plants I cross.” There was no reason to. He didn’t belong to a pack where gathering herbs was necessary. If Vaken fell ill, he toughened it out himself. Scurrying around the forest with a mouthful of foliage sounded just as appealing as being thrown off a cliff.

His reply was quick and dismissive, clearly uninterested in amica plants. He didn’t even question what they looked like, what use they were. It didn’t benefit him to know. “Joining a pack around here?”

currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Zev already liked this wolf, it seemed non-phased by his actions or bothered by his appearance, not many wolves accepted him for who he was at face value. Most hated him by first glance, odd that this wolf was not like most of the others around RoW.

Zev’s ears flicked back as if Vaken’s words were distasteful but then he relaxed just as fast. The brute decided on honesty I need a place to host my den. A place that will be protected, I need my medicinals to dry regularly. He rolled his shoulders in a shrug like gesture but may have been just stretching A packs land seems like a good place to build a den; they can benefit from my services and I for a safe denning site. He knew how to harm wolves just as much as heal them with plants and the like, But he’d not tell a pack willing to allow his use of their land that. At least not right away.

In answer to your question, Eventually… He grinned and looked Vaken over appreciating the wolf’s mussy fur and lithe form and his company enough to continue small talk Do you have reasons to join a pack?

Zev thought for a moment What skills do you have? he could not imagine a life without a purpose and he could not imagine a purpose without serving the gods by any means necessary. Finding plants and preparing them gave him something to do, something to fill the hours with.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
You smell the remains of an elk nearby. Enjoy your feast! +10 Health
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
when I'm bad I'm better

His reasoning made sense. A pack would offer him security and a permanent location for his plants- something a wandering life of a loner wouldn’t make available. It was a good enough reason as any, but the scruffy yearling grimaced at the idea. He hated packs. It was always a give and take, a constant struggle for what can you contribute? The leaders were entitled and pompous, the subordinates spineless and dumb. It took everything in his body not to dry heave in response. “Packs around here are a little passé.” He quirked his eyebrow and offered a genuine smirk. “Met most of them in the area. My aunt runs one by the mountain. I wouldn’t join any of them if you paid me.” The words were harsh, but his voice had a humorous lilt to it.

He wasn’t so against the packs that he was looking to destroy them. He didn’t care too much for them either way. They minded their business, he minded his. The draw had been helpful to him during the summer, allowing him safety by their borders- but even then. He grunted, considering that larger man’s words briefly. “A few,” he purred casually. He wasn’t the modest type, but the question was a loaded one. He was confident in all of his abilities, he  had a lot to offer. “I’ve been a loner my entire life- been here since the summer. I know the area like the back of my paw.” His tone wasn’t incredibly dry and serious, neither was it bragging. He spoke quickly. “I like to fight too.” He had fought the coyotes in the summer nearly every day, taught himself to defend himself. Now he had Garmir to train him. He was small, but clever and strategic. He was a good scrapper, and he knew it. He lifted his tail to his side and let it flutter down, as if to say etcetera etcetera.

“I’ve been thinking of claiming some territory myself, starting a new pack. Things around here could use some change.” He grinned for a moment, than wiped it away with a uncertain click of his tongue. He knew he was young still, and part of him didn’t want the responsibility. He knew he was capable of it- but was it worth the effort? He tilted his head in a laissez-faire maybe. He had never been part of a pack, but having the numbers would make life easier. A bunch of rogues and loners, who wanted to wander and still have a place to call home. The idea was tempting. Ferreiran had already agreed. He sighed softly, then returned his attention back to Zev. “Alphas around here are a bit," He searched for the right word in his head, tossing things around before breaking the silence “Self entitled? Arrogant? Exasperating? Compensating for something surely-" he chuckled for a second, clearly amused. The focus of his features softened, wrapping up his rant with a soft laugh. “They want you to kiss their paws and truthfully, they don't deserve it."

currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
The winds shifted and Zev found himself lifting his head scenting the air, he smelling the rotting meat of the elk and he licked his lips glancing casually in the direction of the scent looking for the source.

Zev yawned when Vaken spoke of fighting, I can hold my own if the need calls for it, but I avoid fighting if I can He snuffed out air thinking about his own single dogeded determinedness when ‘fighting’ He more or less went on the attack without thought or care to his own survival, most wolves didn’t expect someone to be, what’s the term… suicidal when fighting. But his body was also coated with moderate scars below his haggard pelt to prove his fighting style.

He nodded when Vaken spoke claiming territory for himself the problem with that was defending it. Though his mind was on food, he almost choked on … what? Air when Vaken continued his tyrade upon alphas. Zev eyes sharpened and fell upon Vaken giving him another assessing look, Then he gave a deep throated and full belly laugh. He lifted a paw up and smacked the ground, the elk completely forgotten.

You are so, so very right tears would have been forming in his eyes if they could. As it was Zev lifted his front paw as if to wipe a tear off his nose, subconsciously repeating an action Vaken himself had made earlier.

I’d help you claim that territory put these high born alphas back in the place they deserve, which is no place at all. He sobered then Respect is earned not given and these alphas around here want you to grovel and submit for no reason other then it pleases them. Offer them everything but give you nothing in return.

Zev grinned toothily using his name and not some silly nickname like that he made up for every other wolf he’d ever met here, finding the name odd on his tongue Vaken, you are the first smart wolf I’ve met on this side of the world

If you were to claim a territory for your own where would it be? You must be scouting the land out, are there any hot springs around here?
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
when I'm bad I'm better

Finally! It felt good to rant with someone of equal values. He had met so many lone wolves along his journey, but had never share so intently his views outside of Ferreiran and Garmir- especially not with a stranger . The other man’s words were satisfying, exactly what Vaken wanted to hear. “I could use the help,” he admitted. “I have others who will join me, but not yet. Winter is going to be harsh.” He could feel it in the air. The cold breeze was sharp and getting colder each day, recruiting wolves and establishing territory would be even worse in the winter. Travelling through the lore during snowfall would take too much time, too much energy. He would have to wait. It would give him time to grow stronger, faster, older and wiser. He would be able to protect his borders when the time came.

Zev was the type of wolf Vaken would want on his side. He was a larger male, a healer- useful. He was not dumb like Vaken had originally suspected either, not by a long shot: good. Vaken didn’t want dumb wolves in the pack, large or not. There was no room for stupidity in the yearling’s life, especially not in his family. He nodded his head slowly, a breeze rustling through his thick fur. “There is a hot springs by the mountain, right beside my aunt’s pack.” He had stepped in it during the heat of the summer, nearly burned his fur off. He smiled at the memory, his eyes on the ground before returning his concentration to the man’s question. “I like the woods east of the mountain, foggy, dense. It is secretive there, easy to be secluded and private, but there are other packs.” He grimaced, his nose crinkling up in disgust. He didn’t want neighbours. If he had a plot of land he liked, he’d chase them off- he’d need the numbers first though. “To the far west there is nothing but land, also dense forest. I’ve considered both.” He ran his tongue over his lips thoughtfully, the scent of meat close by. He was not hungry, but he looked around for it regardless.

“You’re smarter than I expected,” He sharply stated, his eyes narrowed confidently. “Big wolves around here are normally brain dead.” It was a fair enough statement, spoken harshly and with emphasis. Vaken shrugged, as if to say what can you do? Then he stretched out his front paws, arching his back while speaking. “If you stick around the lore this winter, join a pack like you said, we should stay in touch.” He liked this wolf. It wasn’t too often that he found a wolf he liked, not like this. “If you change your mind and don’t want to help me anymore- I won’t hold you to it.” He wasn’t so desperate for numbers that he’d demand anything. It wasn’t like him. “But I could use a guy like you on my side, in the ranks.”

currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Zev nodded solemnly, “Find me when the time is right,” His voice held the air, heavy with promise, he’d hold to his words, his word though skewed was something he’d adhere to unto death and then beyond if he had too. “Until then…” He grinned and loped toward the elk remains “Why waste good food” As he got closer to the remain a crow cawed angrily at him. Zev stopped suddenly as if cowed by the crow and hunched down, keeping his feet below him in what seemed an uncomfortable position, until the crow watching him cautiously for a long time returned to feeding from the Elk he himself wanted.

An easy grin slipped across Zev’s maw his muscles tired from holding a near jumping position for so long, sprang and snapped his teeth at the same time his teeth clunked together resoundingly or they would have if the crows head wasn’t in the way. Zev stood and stretched his front legs way out in front of him as if he was waking up from a long sleep and he carried his still twitching prize away forgetting yet again about the elk remains