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Hunting for answers — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Vami who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ragnar Stormborn
For @Adeltra

The golden child was now nine weeks old though still the concept of age was something he did not understand yet. However, he realized as he grew he began to understand more and more... He knew the concept of time now, of mornings, midday and night. He knew what the sun was and the moon and had vaguely learned that they were 'Gods' as mother said, whatever that meant. He knew that both Scully and Avella were related to him, that Leotie and Sven were their birth parents though they were still, as far as Ragnar was concerned, a brother and sister to him and Freyja was his 'twin sister', something different in entirely due to the fact that they had lived in mother's stomach together. His interest today however, was the young female known as Adeltra.

She, like Leotie, Sven and Blitz, had been predominant wolves in his life underneath his mother of course. They had been around him far longer then any of the other wolves. He knew their voices better, their scents... He followed her scent now, trailing away from the pack den into what he hoped was her direction. He knew he was aloud out of the pack den now without anyone watching him. That he and his siblings were free to play outside and, so long as an adult was with them, could travel for over a mile away from the den site. Of course, he was not with an adult now but he would be if he could catch up with her. He wouldn't run away, wouldn't get in trouble, he didn't think. Why wonder off when this was all he ever knew and when he was so happy with it? Ragnar just hoped that 'his older sister' would be willing to have him tag along with him today.

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer

Adeltra was out checking caches. With as many members as they had, it was rare anymore that she had to throw out any old prey. I fact, it was more or less taking inventory so that she knew where prey was needed the most when she went out to hunt later. She was moving at a leisurely pace because, really, there wasn’t anywhere important she needed to be. Everyone was out doing their duties. The borders were well marked and guarded well by Sven, Blackmoore, and Blitz, they had Emmaline and Lilith watching the herds and larger game, Enia and Leotie were likely out doing some scouting of their own, Ravenna was probably checking on the herbs, and her mother was either with the pups, napping, or doing her own thing. Life around the Willows was almost too easy.

The pitter patter of small paws caught her attention and she grinned, moving to hide behind a willow tree. The pups were getting so big, and so smart! She watched her younger brother Ragnar come into view, quite clearly trying to sniff her out. She’d been all over this area, however, and for a pup the different tracks were likely confusing. So, once he got close enough she leapt from her hiding place and bowed into a playful position. “What’re you doin’, Nar-nar?” she said with a twinkle in her honeyed-amber gaze, tail waving behind her frame.

[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ragnar Stormborn

He knew she could not be far. Knew it. Her scent was strong everywhere, but where was she? He had hoped to find her, sought her out because she, unlike the rest of the adults, was more like he and his siblings. She just, well, she seemed to just get them was all. He grew frustrated, huffing and falling down to a sit on his rump as his pale eyes scanned the land, seeming a bit lighter even in the light of day then they had just a week ago.

Suddenly then, the dark colored female left from behind one of the willow trees and her upper half fell, displaying a playful manner. Her sudden arrival caused the little pup to jump back up on growing lips, a high bark echoing from his mug from being startled. His little hairs on his spine standing on end though after a moment his tail waved excitedly behind him. "Nar-Nar?" He huffed, his nose wrinkling at the nickname his older sister teasingly gave him. "Dat's dumb..." Tossing his muzzle to the side in disapproval he corrected her. "Rahhgnarr." Gosh, didn't she know her own little brother's name?

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer

It seemed she had succeeded in scaring him, trying not to laugh as his golden puppy down fluffed up and a high pitched bark escaped his jaws. She watched, proudly, as he recovered quickly. He was so brave, just like his father and Sven. He seemed displeased by the nickname she’d given him, but there was no escaping it now. Once a wolf was given a nickname by Adeltra Archer, that was their name to her for life.

“Rahhgnarr,” she mimicked, head tilting in thought. The girl moved closer, looking him all over. “Hmmm, looks like a Nar-nar,” she leaned forward and gave him a few sniffs, “Smells like a Nar-nar too! Gotta be a Nar-nar,” she teased, bumping him affectionately on the cheek. Boy, could he get any cuter?

[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ragnar Stormborn

He straightened himself as she said his name, nodding sharply to it. Though she moved closer, examining him, sniffing him. Looks and smells like a Nar-Nar hu? He grumbled under his lips, huffing then as she bumped him on the cheek. "Dats dumb." He responded again, shaking his head back and forth so sharply that his whole body seemed to shake with it. No one could ever take him seriously with a name like that. How could he become a big and strong Nar-Nar one day? "Rahhgnarr Stermbern Meh-oonoo Arkher." He told her, hoping that she would get it. Of course, he could even tell he had butchered his own name because it sounded nothing like what his mother and father had told him. As far as he felt, his name was far too long, with not only two last names after both his parents, but a middle name as well. And now a nickname as well? Oh lord...

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer

The girl held back a laugh as he struggled to pronounce his name. Given, she had given Ravenna a bit of an odd look when she’d suggested not just two names, but three to end the boy’s name. Adding the stormborn seemed a bit...extra to her, but who was she to decide. She sat down, tail waving happily behind her frame. “How’s about this, nobody else besides me gets to call you Nar-nar. I won’t call you it around the adults,” she suggested. Then, she leaned forward and ushered him toward her. “It’ll be our little secret, something only we know. You can even pick a special name for me! It’ll be like a game,” she offered. Yeah, that was a good reason. Good job Adeltra.

[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ragnar Stormborn

She was stubborn, he decided. Or well, if he would have been able to know what 'stubborn' meant. All he knew is that she still wanted to call him 'Nar-Nar' and had said that she wouldn't tell anyone else, that no other wolf would be calling him this name, which he still thought was dumb, except for her. As she used her nose to urge him against her side, he grumbled, sighing deeply at her suggestion though otherwise defeated. "Fine." He spoke with a huff. He would be tamed and would allow her to call him such a thing if it meant he could give her a nickname too. And oh, would it be a good one! "I hafta think bout it. It gotta be good." He spoke as he pulled away from her and bounded forward in a prideful little stride. "So whatcha doin?"

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer

Her adoptive sibling conceded, causing her to thump her tail excitedly on the ground. He shot back a witty remark and her chest swelled with pride. Ah, that sass! She’d taught him everything he knew. Instinctually, she also knew that whatever nickname he came up with she would adore. Witty or not, as long as it came from him it would be fine. She would look forward to it.

The girl watched as he bounded forward, asking her about what she’d been doing. “Me? Hmmm, I’m doin’ boring adult stuff. Makin’ sure we have enough food to feed you and your siblings, since you eat so darn much,” she replied, giving a pointed look at his rounded tummy. And what an adorable tummy it was. “You wanna help?” she asked.

[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ragnar Stormborn
Wanna wrap this up since I let her get old af?

He laughs a bit, whipping back around to face his 'eldest sister' as she mentions how much he and his other age-mate siblings ate and then pointed her into the direction of his rounded puppy belly. "Can't help it." He spoke as he then shrugged up his title shoulders. "Foods good." And now that she was saying the adult stuff she was doing was looking for more food for him, well, that didn't sound very boring to him at all! "Uhhh yeeahhh, 'course! Let's get food." He spoke eagerly, darting at her and tugging at her fur along her lower shoulder to try and get her going faster.

(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2018, 01:50 AM by Ragnar.)
Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer

He brushed off her comment like a champ, shrugging his little blonde shoulders and commenting on how food was good. The Archer yearling gave a bob of her head in agreement, “That it is, NarNar, that it is,” she agreed with an amused grin. For a moment, her thoughts went to the winter. She wanted her sibling to keep that little round tummy, but at that point they’d be all grown out of it. Hell, with their parents they’d probably be bigger than her by the time winter came around. Either way, she wanted to make sure they never felt the hunger she had.

Suddenly, he was pulling at her shoulder and she looked down in surprise. But, she was quick to recover and she bent her head to give him a bump. “C’mon, I’ll race ya to the next cache!” she challenged, then took off at a canter. Whether she’d let him win or not was to be decided. After all, all pups could use a little humility right? Well...maybe it was also a bit of her pride too.


(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2018, 05:15 AM by Adeltra.)
[Image: sW4OLm.png]