Now that she'd done all she could for the packs in the South, it was high time they made their visit to their next-closest neighbor, the Fields, before any other messes cropped up and delayed her any further. Ensuring to give the Surge their distance, Nineva and @Neha stayed North of the Fjord, hugging the treeline of the lowlands as they made their way West. From the information garnered from Aytigin, the Keep queen dared to hope these wolves would be far more relaxed and friendly than their greedier counterparts south of the lake.
Of course if they ended up having a problem with them too, it would be the last straw that broke the camel's back and caused Nineva to simply never contact other packs, as they were so far proving to be far more a headache than they were worth.
When they reached the Fields it was midday, the sky a deep blue and the sun strong. She and her watchmen had both caught a small morsel the last day of the trip as an offering of goodwill. Nineva set her own catch, a big chunker of a whistlepig, and then tilted back her head to call out for the leaders of the pack.