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time after time — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica lifted her head higher, her friendly expression fading. Instead a more forced smile came to her features. Her ear flicked in irritation and she bit her tongue. The woman thought for a moment before answering, "Which is why we must recruit." Despite her attempts the aging wolf couldn't bite back the bitter hint to her voice. This wolf was lecturing her on something she'd already mauled over on her own time. "Also why I haven't alerted my heir to your presence." This time, though, there was a lingering threat. One she didn't try to keep on the downlow either. Stifly she rose up onto all four, "Do not underestimate an old timer." Her once wagging tail curled over her back. The scent of food wafting into dark nostrils. She licked her lips as a beastly look came to her eyes.

Tension was building. The older wolf approached as one the males back peddled towards the carcass. She flashed her yellowed teeth, "You're on my land. That comes with a price, so, what've you got in return?" Her brows creased, eyes narrowing.

Suddenly there was a second growl, all to familar to Danica. She didn't move her gaze to Nia as her daughter spoke. A sickening half smile half snarl controuted the Dani's face. It appeared they were thinking similary on this subject.
Played by Sarah who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maugrim Aethelred
Suddenly Maugrim realized what this lady was really trying to get at, here. She was perfectly willing to be friendly to them if they were recruits, but if they were anything else then her daughter was going to show up like some guardian to kick their asses. Maugrim sniffed in annoyance. This whole situation was starting to feel a lot like a hostage situation. Maybe they had underestimated her. The boy wasn't sure that he was really going to be intimidated by this offspring of hers, but just the fact that the old lady was trying to orchestrate this was startling enough. He didn't want one more second of this.

On her land? This had to be some kind of sick joke. One wolf couldn't just claim a whole forest. Maugrim didn't even want anything to do with this spikey place, but it was the principle of the matter. And on top of it all she was asking them to pay some sort of troll toll. "You have got to be kidding me lay—"

And there she was. The daughter.

Maugrim had to hand it to the old lady, the daughter was definitely bigger than he was expecting. Usually that was daunting enough. Growling with a mouth full of teeth, if this whole thing hadn't been so frustrating and silly Maugrim might have found the time to feel nervous. Instead, he responded with only exasperation, "Trespassing? You women are something else."

"And what, you just deserve this free meal because you peed in a lot of places? Puh-lease. I didn't see you kill this elk."In another world the boys might have shared. Maugrim certainly didn't need all this meat. But these ladies thought he was just some sort of freeloader when he hadn't asked them for a damn thing. Why, they just got here.
Played by Marina who has 20 posts.
No Rank
Hrun Aethelred
Hrun still stood protectively over the meal. His head was low, face wrinkling as another approached. The daughter. As she spoke, his lips pulled back to reveal a few teeth, a grow bubbling in his throat. The mother spoke, claiming her land. Her words turned from friendly to threatening and the fur on his nape raised.

“You are mistaken. This is no-wolf’s land, and to call two wolves a pack is… childish,” he glanced back at Maugrim, who seemed to make a decision for the duo. They were not sharing. It was fine with him, if only because Hrun didn’t particularly like to share with… deranged wolves. “You say your Secret Woodlands was your proud pack. It is no longer a pack, and from my point of view, before me stands an old fool that clings to ghosts and… her daughter,” who seemed to be dumbly falling for the false story that they could just pee wherever they want and claim a land with two wolves. It would have been laughable if it had not been so sad.

“I propose something that will be in our favor: leave us to eat.” He was glaring at Nia again, another warning growl rumbling in his throat. “If you approach, I will defend my meal,” he warned, “As I am uninterested in continuing to play your idiotic pretend games.”
Played by WildFlower who has 90 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nia Hervok
Nia was done talking. She wanted this meal and for the disrespectful males to eat their own words. "Shut up." The Winter Dame ordered, snapping her teeth together. Her hackles bristled, ears pinning back as her tail lashed angrily behind her. She kept it aligned with her back so that it wouldn't be an easier target.

With her eyes locked onto nearest wolf's scruff she pushed off her powerful hind legs. The woman sprung forward with force behind her step. Her mouth outstretched to grab Hrun's nape. Teeth closing in on fur and flesh as she clamped down, using her body weight to push into him. Between clenched teeth and snarls she bellowed, "Yeild!"
(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2021, 08:34 PM by Nia.)
[Image: Nia.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica snarled at the insult, "Its our land, and we're reforming a pack." She corrected him sternly. They did own this, but no they were not a pack yet. They would be though and this boy sure as hell wasn't stopping Dani from reclaiming what was rightfully the Hervoks. They would reign once more.

"WE WILL RISE AGAIN." The woman spat, suddenly unhinged and uninterested in his proposal. She rushed the nearest wolf with an ungodly growl. Ambushing as best as she could with a bum leg slowing her down. It seemed fate was on her side and the woman wrapped her mouth across the Maugrim's muzzle. Her ears were pinned back, tail arched proudly over her back. She snarled, getting spit onto the other wolf. 

Nia had went for the other male, screaming for him to yeild. Danica showed no mercy. She was relentless with her hold. Tightening her grip instead. The Maniacal Matriarch's old body ached with the effort but she refused to back down to the challenge.
(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2021, 08:36 PM by Danica.)
Played by Sarah who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maugrim Aethelred
Maugrim attacks Danica and lands a hit for -1HP. Danica is now at 1HP.
Hrun much more eloquently rephrased what Maugrim had rudely blurted out. The boy found himself nodding along as his brother spoke. It was childish! Loners didn't own land. If they thought they did they could just as easily be pushed off of it. They had no reason to respect the claim of a forgotten, extinct pack. Packs failed for a reason, and if this old lady was anything to say for what might have happened, Secret Woodlands had probably disbanded after she went full senile-tyrant on everyone. Maugrim grinned in a "so there" sort of way, punctuating his brothers final words.

Before he could even open his own mouth and actually say "so there," the big white daughter had moved past all pretense and just thrown herself at his brother. His mouth hung open, shocked that someone had actually violated their stand off that quickly. The daughter was big, but the mother was old. Maugrim and Hrun by comparison where healthy, muscular wolves in their prime. He wanted to say something else but the moment he moved the old wolf began to snarl.

"It's NOT your lan—" her aged jaws clamped down upon his own. Maugrim snarled back, the retracted skin on his muzzle tearing against her teeth painfully. Her breath was hot and wet, and her saliva began to run down his snout and into his own mouth.

Thinking quickly, Maugrim's mind grasped immediately at the image of the old pale wolf's scarred back leg. Luckily he happened to be on her left side. Grinning once more, only deepening the cuts in his face, he kicked is hind leg out at her bum leg, hoping this would push her to the ground and get her away from him.
Played by Marina who has 20 posts.
No Rank
Hrun Aethelred
The young girl was on him, and the old woman on Maugrim. Before he could dodge to the side, he felt a pressure around his neck. He locked his legs in place, pushing against her as she tried to push him down. "I will not yield," he muttered under his breath, more to himself than the younger girl. As he struggled against Nia's weight, he saw the old woman go after Maugrim. This... this was an opening. If the old woman was in charge here, all they needed to do was take her down. Before that, though, he had to get an annoyance off of his neck.

Hrun then lowered himself, then kicked roughly up against the ground and away from Nia. He could feel a white, hot sting on his neck where she had pierced the skin, but at least he was free from her powerful grip. He then rushed over to the old woman, jaws open and ready to bite on nothing. When she was close, he closed them, his teeth loudly clicking together as he missed his mark.
Played by WildFlower who has 90 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nia Hervok
YEILD! YEILD! Her mind screamed with burning hot anger. Teeth holding tight to her purchase on his body. Using force the male broke free of her grasp, spilling blood in the process. She licked the metallic liquid from her lips with a smirk. Even though he'd successfully eluded her it was not without cost.

"I will make you wish you had." The woman spat out at Hrun. She chased after the male, aiming to pounce on him from behind. Her teeth snapped wildly. He was aiming for her mother, rather unfair, considering this was her fight with him. Plus the whole two on one situation simply wasn't going to fly.

Despite her attempt Nia's paws met the ground instead of his pelt. Her teeth found no flesh and she was left to scowl and growl. The white wolf squared up for another blow, ears pinned with teeth on full display. Her tongue slipping through the front in agitation.
[Image: Nia.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A deep rumbly laughter left the bellicose woman as she silenced Maugrim. How pathetic. She stared at him from the awkward angle. Enjoying the sense of power she got from this whole ordeal. 

He was smarter than she expected though, kicking out at her bad leg. Her mouth parted with a gasp, the wolf stumbling backwards. She aimed to grasp anything on him, but failed, and so she fell. The old wolf toppled over and was slow to her paws, shaking her pelt free of snow. Dani snarled once more and posed herself defensively. Her leg throbbed with hot pain but she wasn't ready to back down just yet. 

Danica stood squared up, tail arching over her spine. Her ears were pinned smoothly down. She waited for impact, bracing herself, and taunting him at the same time. "Let's see it then."
(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2021, 09:45 PM by Danica.)
Played by Sarah who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maugrim Aethelred
@Hrun your turn. Maugrim attacks Danica and lands a hit for -1HP. Danica is now at 0HP. He's not gunna do anything to Dani its just posturin'
Hrun was smart and already knew that managing just one opponent would be easier than two at once. As soon as his brother could he ripped himself out of the daughter's grasp and tried to go after the senile matriarch. Yes, he did miss, but it was the thought that counted.

The daughter was already hot on Hrun's heels but she missed. Maugrim was almost so distracted keeping track of what they were doing that he nearly missed the old lady trying to bring him down with her. Quickly he wrenched his leg away to keep them out of her snapping jaws.

If he had pushed her down once he could push her down again. Maugrim went barreling into the old lady and landed right on top of her, fangs curled around her throat. "It's over," his hot breath and words tangled up in her fur, a bit hard to hear. Maugrim was trying to call off the daughter. "You yield."