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The Ties That Bind — Secret Falls 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

Oksana had left the Ethos after spending sometime there to grieve her mothers death. As sad as she was the crow knew it was time to go on with her life carrying Inna's memory with her. That would be what guided her through the coming days. Now that she was back in the lore she had made the decision to stay and start a life. The journey started by crossing through Kingsfall ans the territory where Heartwood River had been for many years. It had taken some doing but she'd found the den that she'd been born in. That had been a better time. 

After spending a little time there she'd moved on through the forest and around the the lake and again she was flooded with more memories. She didn't pause this time as she continued north into the forest of Secret Falls. She still couldn't get over how different everything looked and how empty it seemed. Like no one had been there in the longest time. She couldn't help but worry that whatever her mother had thought would happen had and something really bad had happened to everyone. 

She thought of the wolves of the Surge and where they might have gone. Were they even still alive. She hoped that they were off somewhere living a good life. As she walked looking this way and that she got lucky and spotted a rabbit not far off. She was confident she could catch it even on her bum leg so she went after it doing her best to keep a low profile until she was close enough. 

Table by Arla
(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2021, 03:20 AM by Oksana.)
Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
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Marian Selwyn-Tainn

Marian was quick to learn that Secret Falls more than lived up to it's reputation. She huffed as she waded through the snow, ducking beneath overhanging branches and using brute force to shoulder her way through the thicker, more stubborn shrubberies. Her muzzle was scratched up, lined with little nicks and cuts, as though the forest itself wanted to leave a mark on her. As though to remind her of her roots, if she believed in such a thing. Hint: she did not. The going was tedious as all hell and despite her best efforts she wasn't getting anywhere fast, not that she could even really tell. It didn't help much either that she didn't have a destination in mind, at first she'd simply set off with the intention of walking straight till she found something of interest but look how well that had turned out. She'd found nothing, zilp, zitch nada. Nothing but trees, trees and oh, some more trees.

Or at least that was until she saw a flutter of movement ahead. Her ears flipped forward and she noticed the gentle pitter patter of paw steps, followed faintly by a second and far larger set. Hmmmm. Before she could even debate on what to do the rabbit caught wind of her, it's nostrils flaring in alarm as it turned on it's heel and dashed away. Flashing it's white tail as it went. She would have felt guilty for ruining whoever's hunt but it wasn't as though she'd done it on purpose, it had simply been a turn of bad luck and if they tried to lay the blame at her innocent paws they'd have another thing coming. Whoever they were.

But at the very least Marian had the mind to say:

"Oh. Whoops?"

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

She'd made her decision to stay on the lore despite it feeling strange to be back. Places that she remembered visiting when she was younger all looked different now. The scents of those she once knew were gone but those weren't the only ones. She had yet to find any signs of other wolves. That was even weirder and evidence that she'd made the right decision in going with her mother. Though she couldn't help but wonder what had happened to everyone. 

Now that she'd decided to stay she needed to figure out what to do. She had some ideas but those seemed further in the future. For now she would reacquaint herself with her homeland and see who else might be in the lore.

She wasn't really hungry when she caught sight of the rabbit. The chase kept her mind of the fact that she would have to go on with her life without her mother in it. She knew it was only temporary but even the smallest moment was a nice reprive from the sadness. 

She'd started the chase strong but the overgrowth made it more difficult to keep up. Suddenly the rabbit had turned sharply, too sharply for Oksana to follow with her bad leg. It was gone before she could do anything to stop it. Just a she was coming to a stop in the snow she heard a voice. Oksana moved toward where it had come from to find another wolf, a woman by the smell of it. "You're the first wolf I've come across since returning, have you seen anyone else?" she askedas she moved closer so she wouldn't have to yell.

Table by Arla
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marian Selwyn-Tainn

The feisty part of her kinda wanted the stranger to get a little pissy over their lost meal, just so she could flex her snarky muscles but from what Marian could tell they didn't seem all that fussed. If anything they seemed a little surprised to have come across her, making Marian wonder just how disserted this place was. In her eyes it really wasn't a problem, she wasn't chomping at the bit for company just yet, but she supposed she'd never learn anything if she didn't ask the locals a question or two. Speaking of, the local in question was up somewhere ahead and rather than continuing to talk through the bushes, Marian bit the bullet and forged her way ahead till the stranger was in sight.

The stranger was about the same height as her dad, maybe a little shorter, with a dark coat that would have fit her in well amongst all of the Selwyns back home. Except one glaring and obvious fault: her eyes were orange. Not that it mattered to Marian, eyes were good for seeing and it didn't matter to her what colour they were but some old timers did love to desperately cling onto traditions. Boring old pricks.

"Nah." Marian said with a shrug, not bothering to mention her sister for now."Nothin' of interest in these parts, heard stories though. That this place used to be thriving with packs, do you know why they left?"  

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Perhaps later she would feel more like eating but the last few days her appetite had been non existent. So when the rabbit was gone she just figured she'd find something later. The thing that held her attention more than the rabbit was the one who'd scared it away. It had been a quiet walk through the overgrowth and she would mind some temporary company. Oksana wasn't really used to being on her own since it had been her and Inna for so long. 

Thankfully the one who scared her rabbit didn't run off. She appeared through the bushes only moments later. The Crows tail swayed slowly behind her as she moved to sit back on her haunches. After the run she needed to rest her bad leg for a bit. 

Unfortunately the woman hadn't seen any others, "Thats disappointing," she stated before turning her attention to what was asked of her. Nothing of interest in these parts? It seemed Oksana would have to travel further to find out more. As for the question she shook her head. "There used to be a lot of packs here but I don't know why everyone left. My mother took me from my pack and the lore before it all happen. I do know that before I left the numbers of Coyotes had increased. Maybe that could've had something to do with it." 

Oksana remembered that well, it had been a scary time. 

Table by Arla
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marian Selwyn-Tainn

It was disappointing huh? Well that's what happened when you set your expectations too high, what had she expected venturing out into a ghost town like this? From the way she was speaking it sounded as though the stranger was hoping to come across some familiar faces, as though she had some sort of connection to this place. A stronger one than Marian had at least. Her suspicions were soon proved correct as the lady went onto explain that she had been a local once, that this place had been thriving but she had no idea what had caused the mass exodus. Everything she said was pretty much in line with what her dad had said, leading Marian to believe she probably wasn't talking out of her arse. Even better though she then mentioned the sudden influx of coyotes that had plagued the land which...hmm that didn't sound right. Coyotes could be a pain in the arse for sure but enough to drive everyone out of here? Nah, Marian wasn't convinced.

"Maybe." With her paw she flicked at a branch and watched it vibrate like a tuning fork. When she spoke again she sounded a disinterested, it was old news after all. It had been interesting but not for long. "My old man used to run a pack in these parts, once said something about having some beef with a pack up north but... Yeah, I don't think either of those things would be enough to chase him off. "

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Oksana didn't remember her mother ever telling her about the signs she'd seen that had led to their leaving. She'd been young and she trusted her mom. By that point Inna had changed. Become more protective and had gained her trust back. Oksana hadn't had any reason to doubt her mother. All of that still didn't tell her what had driven everyone away. It had been two years and any indication of what had happened was now gone. Washed away with the snow and rain or covered over by the overgrowth lof the forest. She and woman she'd met were only left to guess at what had happened. 

The crow was able to offer something at least. She didn't know for sure if it was the coyotes. They could have returned after seeming to have left or they might not have left at all. She'd only been a yearling then and much of that year she remembered she'd been confined to pack lands cause her leg. 

Oksana narrowed her eyes slightly at the woman's response to what she'd explained. The crow wondered if the woman knew something she wasn't saying. Her features became neutral again after shebqas informed that the woman's father lead a pack in this forest. That struck a nerve with the young woman. "The only pack I know of in these parts was Shallows edge. Who's your father." As far as conflict between packs she knew Shallows Edge hadn't had conflict with the Surge. "Perhaps I knew him before I left the lore."

Table by Arla
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marian Selwyn-Tainn

Now wasn't that interesting. Marian stopped poking the stick and instead centred her whole focus on the stranger. She knew about Shallows Edge? From what she'd managed to piece together the pack hadn't been around for all that long, maybe a few seasons at most, so the fact that someone remembered it made her wonder what her dad had gotten up to. Maybe he wasn't as much of a stick in the mud back then, though she sorta hoped not since it was part of his charm. If you could even call it that.

"Askan." She told her, without fanfare or preamble.

The Selwyn was many things, both good and bad, but having him as a father didn't exactly give her any bragging rights. Nor did she really want it to, daddy issues and all. But if nothing she supposed it might make him feel a little better that he'd left a mark on the Lore, that beyond the Selwyn mountains some folks still remembered his name and deeds. Then again knowing him maybe it would just piss him off, who was she to guess how he'd react? As his daughter she knew him but did she really know him? Maybe not.

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

It was clear that this woman held no information regarding what had happened. Perhaps she would find someone later that could tell her more. Not knowing didn't change anything for her but knowing wouldn't either. The only thing it would do is give her peace in knowing that those she cared about were okay, if that was the case. There hadn't been a day that she hadn't thought about the wolves of the Surge especially Lachesis. Like her mother he'd been something of a father figure she wouldn't forget that. He was there when her father wasn't and he'd helped her through some difficult times. 

Oksana was ready to give up the conversation until the woman spoke some interesting things. The most intriguing was about her father. A wide amused smile crossed her face when the name Askan was spoken. The idea of that man having children was almost laughable to the crow.

"I know him. Only met him once or twice," she couldn't remember the exact number. "Its my mother who knew him better." However, Oksana felt she knew plenty about the man. "Tell me, has he ever mentioned a man named Lachesis?"

Perhaps this would be her chance to learn something of what had happened to her surrogate father. 

Table by Arla
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marian Selwyn-Tainn

Ahh yeah that made sense. There had been a spark of recognition in the stranger's eyes but it wasn't all that bright, as though she knew the name only in passing. From her tone though it sounded as though her mother hadn't been all to fond of Askan and for reasons that were probably quite reasonable, knowing him. But her old man's problems weren't hers, she wasn't here to bear the burden of his words or mistakes, she was her own woman thank you very much.

Marian's eyes widened a touch, now that was a name she hadn't heard in quite some time.

"Oh yeah. Him and my dad got along real well, their packs were allies." He'd once affectionately referred to Lachesis as a bro, as though calling him a mere friend just wasn't enough. Men. "I've never met him though. Why? You got no clue where he went?"

That sounded about right with everyone scarpering in all directions it came as no surprise that friends and families got separated. But was it in one big rush, like the image she'd formed in her mind? Or was it slower and not quite as dramatic? So far she had no idea, either one could work.

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]