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won't take anyone down if i crawl tonight — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Discussing names and rules @Viorel
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

It was all starting to come together. He hated to admit it, but Viorel had a point. It would be easier for them to establish themselves here, and suddenly the Estuary almost seemed less appealing than establishing new roots… he loved the sea. He missed the saltwater tang the fish there had, but his ambitions were much stronger than any singular piece of prey ever could be. It had been a turning point in the young Valle’s life… and he was ready for it. He had been exploring the territory that Viorel had found, scoping it out in order to learn the land, learn the borders they might establish.

He’d been looking at possible den locations, pup locations because he recognized that as leaders, it was likely that one or both of them would need to find ladies to bear children… a terrifying thought. He’d leave that to Vi this year. He was younger, and to be quite frank, he was not ready to be a father thank you very much, no matter how silver of a tongue he could have when he wanted to. He hummed as he settled down, a rabbit hanging in his jaws he had caught on the way. He set it down and let out a call for his cousin.

They had a lot to discuss, and Vayko was very much in business mode. He started to tear into the rabbit, only eating half which was easily a mouthful or two with how the winter months affected the prey as well as the predator. He would offer the rest to his cousin when he arrived.

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

They don't like what we're doing

Ever since Viorel had mentioned co-leadership to Vayko things seemed to be moving at a breakneck speed. Not that he was complaining, this had been all his idea after all. Their new place by the creek already seemed like home to the teen. He hadn’t forgotten his sea, he never would, but the temptation of being able to create and lead something great was just so delicious it was like he had been born for this. He kind of had, he was a Valle after all, leading was in his blood, it was in every lesson he had learned as a child. And who better to lead beside than Vayko? Sure he was a little hot headed, but he wasn’t stupid.

Speak of the devil, as soon as that thought had crossed his mind the familiar voice lit up the trees around him. It took only a few minutes for Viorel to happen upon Vayko, and he could tell by his expression that he meant business, not that the dark Valle had expected any less. Glancing at the rabbit at the tawny wolf’s feet Viorel felt his mouth moistion, but he waited for an offer, his mother would be so proud of his manners. The thought caused a slight frown to turn down the corners of his mouth, but the expression was short lived. She would show up, eventually. Or, maybe she was safe back home, that might be an even better option. Smirking playfully at Vayko he put on a goofy drawl, ”You rang your majesty?”

We don't have no time to waste

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

As anticipated, it did not take Vi long to reach his stoop, his eyes never leaving him as he lightly nudged the rabbit towards him in a silent offer, seeing the way his eyes had drifted to it upon his arrival before the words rang in the air, a goofy grin on his features with a light roll of the eyes. “Oh, shove it.” The words fell teasingly from his maw. He was one for titles, but only where they were befitting, and now did not seem the place. “We have some things to discuss.” He was certain his cousin had gleamed as much, but he felt it best to clarify and make sure that they were in the same page.

He gave his paws a few swift licks, cleaning the blood that had stained from the rabbit as he gave his cousin time to settle in for the conversation they were about to have. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right and that means, above all else, we need a kickass name.” He felt that was the most important, though it certainly wasn’t the only thing. “And a strong pack needs a set of rules. We don’t have a council or anything already established, we have free reign and we can do whatever we want with it.” He had to admit, he was quite excited at the prospect. "But eat first... it isn't much, but it's better than a completely empty belly."

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

They don't like what we're doing

Thankfully Vayko nudged the rabbit towards him, so Viorel didn’t have to wonder very long whether or not he was going to share. Still, he couldn’t eat until he was done chuckling, it was so easy to get under his cousin’s skin. He was going to ask him whether he was going to start going by King KoKo from now on but the worlds fell short as dark ears pricked forward. It was no surprise that the tawny Valle was right down to business, there was no time for goofing around when there was so much work to do.

But, there was time to eat first. Grinning appreciatively, he was getting hungry, Viorel tucked into what was left of the rabbit and it was gone in a flash. Humming slightly at the words to show that he was listening even as he preened his paws the yellow eyes glanced around. There had to be some kind of inspiration as to what these lands were to be called. The only thing that really stuck out to him was the fallen tree that had blocked off the portion of the creek, but they weren’t going to just call their pack “Fall Tree River” that would be stupid. Furrowing his dark brow in concentration, ”Dead Tree Backwater?” That wasn’t right, but he felt like he was on to something.

Glancing towards Vayko he tried to gauge his reaction to the proposed name, and no council, now that was an idea.

We don't have no time to waste

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko was fond of a tease, even if they were often at his expense it seemed, but there was simply no time. If they were going to do this, there were logistics. His Aunt Modesto had taught him a thing or two about managing things, even if he hadn’t realized it at the time. It had taken quite a bit of looking back at it to realize the lessons she had given him. Besides, it was already bound to be chaotic, between him and his cousin. Still, he watched his cousin devour what was left, a grin as he nodded. He hummed at the suggestion before shaking his head. “No, that sounds weird.” He hummed as he considered it, looking at the tree that actually blocked the river.

He actually happened to know the kind of tree, a soft smile on his features. “Dead Empress Backwater?” He asked, hinting at a potential double meaning over the lost mind of their grandmother, a small tip of the hat to the former Empress who had run the Estuary. He had to assume the entire pack had been scooped up, which meant the lands would be barren of Valles… after all, why take the younger generation without displacing the older generations as well?

It just seemed to fit, but it wasn’t just his call to make. He could handle working with a partner as long as they were on equal footing, but that meant Vayko himself could not make any decisions for the lot of them either.

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

They don't like what we're doing

Viorel wasn’t offended that his attempt at a name was rejected, he had agreed before he even said it that the name didn’t sound quite right. There was something about it though, like it was just on the tip of his tongue, a small tweak that could make it perfect. Thankfully, Vayko seemed to have the exact answer for that. Leaping to his paws with a grin Viorel looked about their small clearing with gusto, ”Dead Empress Backwater! That’s perfect!” A little spooky, a little mysterious, a nod to their old lives, pays tribute to the tree they were building this around. Dead Empress Backwater. It had a nice ring to it.

The teen was too excited to settle back down on his paws, even though a more professional wolf may have. Gesturing with his muzzle Viorel began to slowly walk through the trees he one day dreamed of ruling over. ”Okay, that’s a name. Onto the rest of business, we agree no council, we can each have an advisor if we want one, but we don’t need a bunch of old geezers telling us what to do.” Some wolves may have said that there was wisdom in the elderly, but after seeing his grandmother slowly lose her mind Viorel wasn’t so sure. After all, Katna started losing it and then they had all got kidnapped, seemed too suspicious to be a coincidence.

We don't have no time to waste

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko hated to admit it, mainly because he hated to admit that he was anything less than perfect, but Viorel worked well with him and made up for his faults and even the few insecurities he did have. This could actually work. Admittedly, after their first conversation, he had been a little skeptical, but then Viorel had found this patch of land, and the more Vayko paced and explored, the more he came to the stunning realization that he liked the idea of calling this patch of land home. Why wouldn’t he? He agreed to the name with a leap to his paws, and Vayko couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Calm down, a little decorum, Vi.” That was ironic, coming from him who leapt into action almost every change he got… almost.

He listened as he started to detail many thoughts that Vayko had echoed at one point or another in his mind. “Definitely no council. I think we both ought to have an advisor, but I don’t know who mine would be, at least not right now.” He considered that perhaps his sister might do the job, or maybe Andrey. He trusted family. He wished his Aunt Modesto was there. Sure, she had been on the council, but she had given him some real wisdom over the years. “I reckon when it comes to breeding you might have to go out and find some floozy to knock up, Vi…” He trailed off as well. “Pups have always been a symbol of strength… at least for this year, I think it ought to be just you and whoever you have pups with, and maybe in later years we allow other litters, but with the pack being so young, one litter better be enough.: Vayko certainly wasn’t having pups, even if he were old enough. He wasn’t exactly father material as it stood.

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

They don't like what we're doing

The tease was met only with a sly grin, there was no need for decorum here with just the two of them about. If someone else had been here Viorel may have been more reserved, but it was hard to hold in the excitement as it felt like everything was falling into place. He had been cursing the two legs this whole time, but now it felt like they had almost given them a gift. Not that he would have ever said that out loud, he wasn’t stupid enough to rock the boat that much. He would miss the Estuary, there was no doubt, but a little bit of homesickness seemed like a small price to pay to start their own legacy.

As they strolled through the trees, in that moment everything seemed right. Viorel was basking in it, nodding along to what Vayko was saying, the gears in his mind already turning about one thing or another, the logistics. Humming deep in thought he nodded in agreement, ”We will definitely need advisors, perhaps @”Andrey” would be interested. I’ll have to ask him when he gets back.” Which reminded him, if his twin wasn’t home soon they would need to start thinking about a search expedition. The thought wasn’t pleasant, they weren’t sure how far he had travelled and none of them knew anything about the lands around them. Maybe @’Clover” might have some idea? They still had a few ideas before this became a pressing matter thankfully.

The wandering paws came to a halt and the yellow eyes blinked hard. Oh, shit. ”I mean, I’m not opposed to getting some strange, but it would have to be the right woman. The last thing we would want is someone who has the pups and then disappears leaving us to figure it all out.” Viorel thought he could figure out being a dad probably, maybe. He himself didn’t have a father but had turned out fine so it couldn’t be that important could it? Probably not. So as long as they had the right mom it should be chill.

Swallowing hard the teen moved past the shock of it and nodded, ”Until we have more members one litter will be more than enough, maybe next year if we have more female someone will want to be like your mom and look after them and we can talk about letting other’s have some.” Oh god, who the hell was he going to have kids with?

We don't have no time to waste

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko admittedly had little tact to his name. He said it as it was, the way he saw it, and it was as simple as that. Did he have a tendency to pepper in a few lies from time to time? Sure, but honestly he saw no harm in that, even if it could, indeed, be very harmful depending on just what he peppered in. He would miss the sand and the salt-water, but when it came down to it the appeal of making his own future, creating a pack in his own image of what a pack should be… well, his and Viorel’s image… that was what he wanted to do.

He hummed and nodded at the mention of Andrey. “He’s a good choice.” Vayko had the tendency to only trust family, because blood was bound to you no matter how you spun it, and the idea of having his cousin as an advisor suited him well. “Perhaps Shar… or Xules if we ever find her.” Really, each of their siblings had something to bring to the table. He didn’t really know anyone else either, except Clover but he didn’t know her well enough to trust her or consider that she might be advisor material.

He watched his cousin freeze with a flicker of amusement and a soft snort, nodding. “Yeah, clearly it’s gotta be someone who won’t bolt.” He stated with a light flick of his tail. The idea of his cousin having pups was admittedly weird, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to be Vayko giving the pack a litter. “I agree. One litter for now, and then we can just evaluate it with time, with what the pack can handle. It’ll be a yearling conversation.” He found it best to keep a plan working in flux.

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

They don't like what we're doing

Viorel was at least pleased that making decisions with Vayko so far had been smooth sailing. He knew that this probably wouldn’t always be the case, they were both Valles after all, and they were stubborn by nature. Each having their own advisor would probably go a long way in smoothing out any future disagreements, having other opinions rather than just their own, preventing blind impasse from a sense of pride. Andrey would be a good choice he knew, Sharlee as well, and then all the Valles would have a place within the pack, a place where all their voices could be heard.

A frown tugged at the corners of his mouth, Xules…. He had no idea if his sister was nearby, or how they would even find out. He half hoped she was back home safe at the coast, but the other half of him wanted her to see and be a part of what they were doing. Still, it was hard to linger too long on that thought when Vayko had just put pups on the table, and shoved the whole responsibility right over onto Viorel’s plate. Dark tail flicked behind him nervously, but the teen nodded, ”Well, I guess that settles that. Dead Empress Backwater will have one litter this spring.” Now Viorel just had to figure out with who. But, that was a conversation for another day, the cousins would have lots of things to discuss before things became official.

We don't have no time to waste

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]